use of com.samourai.sentinel.segwit.SegwitAddress in project sentinel-android by Samourai-Wallet.
the class SweepUtil method sweep.
public void sweep(final PrivKeyReader privKeyReader, final String strReceiveAddress, final int type) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
if (privKeyReader == null || privKeyReader.getKey() == null || !privKeyReader.getKey().hasPrivKey()) {
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.cannot_recognize_privkey, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
String address = null;
UTXO utxo = null;
if (type == TYPE_P2SH_P2WPKH) {
utxo = utxoP2SH_P2WPKH;
address = addressP2SH_P2WPKH;
} else if (type == TYPE_P2WPKH) {
utxo = utxoP2WPKH;
address = addressP2WPKH;
} else {
addressP2PKH = privKeyReader.getKey().toAddress(MainNetParams.get()).toString();
Log.d("SweepUtil", "address derived P2PKH:" + addressP2PKH);
addressP2SH_P2WPKH = new P2SH_P2WPKH(privKeyReader.getKey(), MainNetParams.get()).getAddressAsString();
Log.d("SweepUtil", "address derived P2SH_P2WPKH:" + addressP2SH_P2WPKH);
addressP2WPKH = new SegwitAddress(privKeyReader.getKey(), MainNetParams.get()).getBech32AsString();
Log.d("SweepUtil", "address derived P2WPKH:" + addressP2WPKH);
utxoP2PKH = APIFactory.getInstance(context).getUnspentOutputsForSweep(addressP2PKH);
utxoP2SH_P2WPKH = APIFactory.getInstance(context).getUnspentOutputsForSweep(addressP2SH_P2WPKH);
utxoP2WPKH = APIFactory.getInstance(context).getUnspentOutputsForSweep(addressP2WPKH);
utxo = utxoP2PKH;
address = addressP2PKH;
if (utxo != null && utxo.getOutpoints().size() > 0) {
long total_value = 0L;
final List<MyTransactionOutPoint> outpoints = utxo.getOutpoints();
for (MyTransactionOutPoint outpoint : outpoints) {
total_value += outpoint.getValue().longValue();
final BigInteger fee;
if (type == TYPE_P2SH_P2WPKH) {
fee = FeeUtil.getInstance().estimatedFeeSegwit(0, outpoints.size(), 1);
} else if (type == TYPE_P2PKH) {
fee = FeeUtil.getInstance().estimatedFeeSegwit(0, 0, outpoints.size(), 1);
} else {
fee = FeeUtil.getInstance().estimatedFee(outpoints.size(), 1);
final long amount = total_value - fee.longValue();
Log.d("SweepUtil", "Total value:" + total_value);
Log.d("SweepUtil", "Amount:" + amount);
Log.d("SweepUtil", "Fee:" + fee.toString());
Log.d("SweepUtil", "Receive address:" + strReceiveAddress);
String message = "Sweep " + Coin.valueOf(amount).toPlainString() + " from " + address + " (fee:" + Coin.valueOf(fee.longValue()).toPlainString() + ")?";
new AlertDialog.Builder(context).setTitle(R.string.app_name).setMessage(message).setCancelable(false).setPositiveButton(R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
Log.d("SweepUtil", "start sweep");
final HashMap<String, BigInteger> receivers = new HashMap<String, BigInteger>();
receivers.put(strReceiveAddress, BigInteger.valueOf(amount));
Transaction tx = SendFactory.getInstance(context).makeTransaction(0, outpoints, receivers);
Log.d("SweepUtil", "tx is " + ((tx == null) ? "null" : "not null"));
tx = SendFactory.getInstance(context).signTransactionForSweep(tx, privKeyReader);
final String hexTx = new String(Hex.encode(tx.bitcoinSerialize()));
Log.d("SweepUtil", hexTx);
String response = null;
try {
response = PushTx.getInstance(context).samourai(hexTx);
if (response != null) {
JSONObject jsonObject = new org.json.JSONObject(response);
if (jsonObject.has("status")) {
if (jsonObject.getString("status").equals("ok")) {
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.tx_ok, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.pushtx_returns_null, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (JSONException je) {
Toast.makeText(context, "pushTx:" + je.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}).setNegativeButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
} else if (type == TYPE_P2SH_P2WPKH) {
sweep(privKeyReader, strReceiveAddress, TYPE_P2WPKH);
} else if (type == TYPE_P2PKH) {
sweep(privKeyReader, strReceiveAddress, TYPE_P2SH_P2WPKH);
} else if (type == TYPE_P2WPKH) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("SweepUtil", e.getMessage());
Toast.makeText(context, context.getText(R.string.cannot_sweep_privkey) + ", " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();