use of com.samskivert.mustache.MustacheException in project Anki-Android by Ramblurr.
the class Collection method _renderQA.
public HashMap<String, String> _renderQA(Object[] data, List<String> args) {
// data is [cid, nid, mid, did, ord, tags, flds]
// unpack fields and create dict
String[] flist = Utils.splitFields((String) data[6]);
Map<String, String> fields = new HashMap<String, String>();
long modelId = (Long) data[2];
JSONObject model = mModels.get(modelId);
Map<String, Pair<Integer, JSONObject>> fmap = mModels.fieldMap(model);
for (String fname : fmap.keySet()) {
fields.put(fname, flist[fmap.get(fname).first]);
fields.put("Tags", ((String) data[5]).trim());
try {
fields.put("Type", (String) model.get("name"));
fields.put("Deck", data[3]));
JSONObject template;
if (model.getInt("type") == Sched.MODEL_STD) {
template = model.getJSONArray("tmpls").getJSONObject((Integer) data[4]);
} else {
template = model.getJSONArray("tmpls").getJSONObject(0);
fields.put("Card", template.getString("name"));
fields.put("c" + (((Integer) data[4]) + 1), "1");
// render q & a
HashMap<String, String> d = new HashMap<String, String>();
try {
d.put("id", Long.toString((Long) data[0]));
String qfmt = template.getString("qfmt");
String afmt = template.getString("afmt");
String html;
String format;
// runFilter mungeFields for type "q"
Models.fieldParser fparser = new Models.fieldParser(fields);
Matcher m = fClozePattern.matcher(qfmt);
format = m.replaceFirst(String.format(Locale.US, "{{cq:%d:", ((Integer) data[4]) + 1));
m = fAltClozePattern.matcher(format);
format = m.replaceFirst(String.format(Locale.US, "<%%cq:%d:", ((Integer) data[4]) + 1));
html = mModels.getCmpldTemplate(format).execute(fparser);
html = (String) AnkiDroidApp.getHooks().runFilter("mungeQA", html, "q", fields, model, data, this);
d.put("q", html);
// empty cloze?
if (model.getInt("type") == Sched.MODEL_CLOZE) {
if (getModels()._availClozeOrds(model, (String) data[6], false).size() == 0) {
d.put("q", "Please edit this note and add some cloze deletions.");
fields.put("FrontSide", d.get("q"));
// runFilter mungeFields for type "a"
fparser = new Models.fieldParser(fields);
m = fClozePattern.matcher(afmt);
format = m.replaceFirst(String.format(Locale.US, "{{ca:%d:", ((Integer) data[4]) + 1));
m = fAltClozePattern.matcher(format);
format = m.replaceFirst(String.format(Locale.US, "<%%ca:%d:", ((Integer) data[4]) + 1));
html = mModels.getCmpldTemplate(format).execute(fparser);
html = (String) AnkiDroidApp.getHooks().runFilter("mungeQA", html, "a", fields, model, data, this);
d.put("a", html);
// empty cloze?
if (model.getInt("type") == Sched.MODEL_CLOZE) {
if (getModels()._availClozeOrds(model, (String) data[6], false).size() == 0) {
d.put("q", AnkiDroidApp.getAppResources().getString(com.ichi2.anki.R.string.empty_cloze_warning, "<a href=" + HELP_SITE + "#cloze>" + AnkiDroidApp.getAppResources().getString(com.ichi2.anki.R.string.help_cloze) + "</a>"));
} catch (MustacheException e) {
Resources res = AnkiDroidApp.getAppResources();
String templateError = String.format(TEMPLATE_ERROR, res.getString(R.string.template_error), res.getString(R.string.template_error_detail), e.getMessage(), res.getString(R.string.note_type), model.getString("name"), res.getString(R.string.card_type), template.getString("name"), res.getString(R.string.template_error_fix));
d.put("q", templateError);
d.put("a", templateError);
return d;
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of com.samskivert.mustache.MustacheException in project killbill by killbill.
the class OverdueStateApplicator method sendEmailIfRequired.
private void sendEmailIfRequired(final UUID accountId, final BillingState billingState, final OverdueState nextOverdueState, final InternalTenantContext context) throws AccountApiException {
// If sending is not configured, skip
if (nextOverdueState.getEmailNotification() == null) {
final Account account = accountApi.getAccountById(accountId, context);
if (Strings.emptyToNull(account.getEmail()) == null) {
log.warn("Unable to send overdue notification email for account {} and overdueable {}: no email specified", account.getId(), account.getId());
final List<String> to = ImmutableList.<String>of(account.getEmail());
// TODO - should we look at the account CC: list?
final List<String> cc = ImmutableList.<String>of();
final String subject = nextOverdueState.getEmailNotification().getSubject();
try {
// Generate and send the email
final String emailBody = overdueEmailGenerator.generateEmail(account, billingState, account, nextOverdueState);
if (nextOverdueState.getEmailNotification().isHTML()) {
emailSender.sendHTMLEmail(to, cc, subject, emailBody);
} else {
emailSender.sendPlainTextEmail(to, cc, subject, emailBody);
} catch (final IOException e) {
log.warn("Unable to generate or send overdue notification email for accountId='{}'", account.getId(), e);
} catch (final EmailApiException e) {
log.warn("Unable to send overdue notification email for accountId='{}'", account.getId(), e);
} catch (final MustacheException e) {
log.warn("Unable to generate overdue notification email for accountId='{}'", account.getId(), e);