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Example 1 with HiveTableDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class WindowingShell method execute.

protected void execute(QueryDef q, QueryOutputPrinter outP) throws WindowingException {
    QuerySpec qSpec = q.getSpec();
    try {
        executor.execute(q, this);
    } finally {
        HiveTableDef hiveTable = q.getHiveTableDef();
        if (hiveTable instanceof HiveQueryDef) {
            String tableName = hiveTable.getHiveTableSpec().getTableName();
    if (qSpec.getOutput().getHiveTable() != null) {
    if (outP != null) {
        outP.printQueryOutput(q, cfg);
Also used : HiveQueryDef( QuerySpec( HiveTableDef(

Example 2 with HiveTableDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class InputTranslation method translate.

private static HiveQueryDef translate(QueryDef qDef, HiveQuerySpec spec) throws WindowingException {
    HiveQueryDef def = new HiveQueryDef();
    HiveQueryExecutor hiveQryExec = qDef.getTranslationInfo().getHiveQueryExecutor();
    Hive hive = qDef.getTranslationInfo().getHive();
    String tableName = hiveQryExec.createTableAsQuery(spec.getHiveQuery());
    HiveTableSpec tSpec = new HiveTableSpec();
    def = (HiveQueryDef) InputTranslation.translate(qDef, tSpec, (HiveTableDef) def);
    return def;
Also used : HiveQueryExecutor( Hive(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive) HiveQueryDef( HiveTableSpec(

Example 3 with HiveTableDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class InputTranslation method getTableAlias.

private static String getTableAlias(QueryDef qDef, int inputNum, QueryInputDef inputDef) throws WindowingException {
    if (inputDef instanceof HiveTableDef) {
        HiveTableDef hTbldef = (HiveTableDef) inputDef;
        String db = ((HiveTableSpec) hTbldef.getSpec()).getDbName();
        String tableName = ((HiveTableSpec) hTbldef.getSpec()).getTableName();
        return db + "." + tableName;
    } else if (inputDef instanceof TableFuncDef) {
        return "ptf_" + inputNum;
    throw new WindowingException(sprintf("Internal Error: attempt to translate %s", inputDef.getSpec()));
Also used : WindowingException( HiveTableSpec( HiveTableDef( TableFuncDef(

Example 4 with HiveTableDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class MRUtils method initialize.

 * Construct the data structures containing ExprNodeDesc for partition
 * columns and order columns. Use the input definition to construct the list
 * of output columns for the ReduceSinkOperator
 * @throws WindowingException
public void initialize() throws WindowingException {
    TableFuncDef tabDef = RuntimeUtils.getFirstTableFunction(qdef);
    hiveTableDef = tabDef.getHiveTableDef();
    InputInfo inputInfo;
    ArrayList<ColumnDef> partColList = tabDef.getWindow().getPartDef().getColumns();
    TableFunctionEvaluator tEval = tabDef.getFunction();
		 * If the query has a map phase, the inputInfo is retrieved from the map
		 * output info of the table function definition. This is constructed
		 * using the map output oi of the table function definition. If the
		 * query does not have a map phase, the inputInfo is retrieved from the
		 * QueryInputDef (either HiveTableDef or HiveQueryDef) of the query.
    if (tEval.isTransformsRawInput()) {
        inputInfo = qdef.getTranslationInfo().getMapInputInfo(tabDef);
    } else {
        inputInfo = qdef.getTranslationInfo().getInputInfo(hiveTableDef);
    for (ColumnDef colDef : partColList) {
    ArrayList<OrderColumnDef> orderColList = tabDef.getWindow().getOrderDef().getColumns();
    for (OrderColumnDef colDef : orderColList) {
        Order order = colDef.getOrder();
        if ("ASC")) {
        } else {
    RowResolver rr = inputInfo.getRowResolver();
    ArrayList<ColumnInfo> colInfoList = rr.getColumnInfos();
    for (ColumnInfo colInfo : colInfoList) {
        String internalName = colInfo.getInternalName();
        TypeInfo type = colInfo.getType();
        valueCols.add(TranslateUtils.getExprDesc(internalName, type));
Also used : Order( OrderColumnDef( ColumnDef( OrderColumnDef( ColumnInfo(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ColumnInfo) RowResolver(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.RowResolver) TypeInfo(org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfo) TableFuncDef( InputInfo( TableFunctionEvaluator(

Example 5 with HiveTableDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class InputTranslation method translate.

private static HiveTableDef translate(QueryDef qDef, HiveTableSpec spec, HiveTableDef def) throws WindowingException {
    def = def == null ? new HiveTableDef() : def;
    HiveMetaStoreClient hiveMSC = qDef.getTranslationInfo().getHiveMSClient();
    Hive hive = qDef.getTranslationInfo().getHive();
    if (spec.getDbName() == null) {
    try {
        Table t = hiveMSC.getTable(spec.getDbName(), spec.getTableName());
        qDef.getTranslationInfo().setTbl(TranslateUtils.getHiveMetaTable(hive, t.getDbName(), def.getHiveTableSpec().getTableName()));
        StorageDescriptor sd = t.getSd();
        def.setTableSerdeProps(setupSerdeProps(qDef, sd));
        Deserializer serde = HiveUtils.getDeserializer(qDef.getTranslationInfo().getHiveCfg(), t);
        def.setOI((StructObjectInspector) serde.getObjectInspector());
        def.setSerde((SerDe) serde);
    } catch (WindowingException we) {
        throw we;
    } catch (Exception he) {
        throw new WindowingException(he);
    return def;
Also used : Hive(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive) HiveMetaStoreClient(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient) Table(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table) Deserializer(org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.Deserializer) StorageDescriptor(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor) WindowingException( WindowingException( HiveTableDef(


HiveTableDef ( WindowingException ( HiveQueryDef ( TableFuncDef ( HiveTableSpec ( Hive (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive)2 Order ( TableFunctionEvaluator ( ColumnDef ( OrderColumnDef ( QuerySpec ( InputInfo ( HiveQueryExecutor ( HiveMetaStoreClient (org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient)1 StorageDescriptor (org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor)1 Table (org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table)1 ColumnInfo (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ColumnInfo)1 RowResolver (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.RowResolver)1 Deserializer (org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.Deserializer)1 TypeInfo (org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfo)1