use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class InputTranslation method translate.
* <ol>
* <li> Get the <code>TableFunctionResolver</code> for this Function from the FunctionRegistry.
* <li> Create the TableFuncDef object.
* <li> Get the InputInfo for the input to this function.
* <li> Translate the Arguments to this Function in the Context of the InputInfo.
* <li> ask the TableFunctionResolver to create a TableFunctionEvaluator based on the Args passed in.
* <li> ask the TableFunctionEvaluator to setup the Map-side ObjectInspector. Gives a chance to functions that
* reshape the Input before it is partitioned to define the Shape after raw data is transformed.
* <li> Setup the Window Definition for this Function. The Window Definition is resolved wrt to the InputDef's
* Shape or the MapOI, for Functions that reshape the raw input.
* <li> ask the TableFunctionEvaluator to setup the Output ObjectInspector for this Function.
* <li> setup a Serde for the Output partition based on the OutputOI.
* </ol>
private static TableFuncDef translate(QueryDef qDef, TableFuncSpec tSpec, QueryInputDef inputDef) throws WindowingException {
QueryTranslationInfo tInfo = qDef.getTranslationInfo();
TableFunctionResolver tFn = FunctionRegistry.getTableFunctionResolver(tSpec.getName());
if (tFn == null) {
throw new WindowingException(sprintf("Unknown Table Function %s", tSpec.getName()));
TableFuncDef tDef = new TableFuncDef();
InputInfo iInfo = tInfo.getInputInfo(inputDef);
* translate args
ArrayList<ASTNode> args = tSpec.getArgs();
if (args != null) {
for (ASTNode expr : args) {
ArgDef argDef = translateTableFunctionArg(qDef, tDef, iInfo, expr);
tFn.initialize(qDef, tDef);
TableFunctionEvaluator tEval = tFn.getEvaluator();
tDef.setWindow(WindowSpecTranslation.translateWindow(qDef, tDef));
TranslateUtils.setupSerdeAndOI(tDef, inputDef, tInfo, tEval);
return tDef;
use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class InputTranslation method translate.
public static void translate(QueryDef qDef) throws WindowingException {
QuerySpec spec = qDef.getSpec();
* validate that input chain ends in a Hive Query or TAble.
if (!spec.getInput().sourcedFromHive()) {
throw new WindowingException("Translation not supported for HdfsLocation based queries");
use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class OutputTranslation method translateSelectExpr.
public static ColumnDef translateSelectExpr(QueryDef qDef, InputInfo iInfo, int colIdx, String alias, ASTNode expr) throws WindowingException {
ColumnDef cDef = new ColumnDef((ColumnSpec) null);
ExprNodeDesc exprNode = TranslateUtils.buildExprNode(expr, iInfo.getTypeCheckCtx());
ExprNodeEvaluator exprEval = WindowingExprNodeEvaluatorFactory.get(qDef.getTranslationInfo(), exprNode);
ObjectInspector oi = TranslateUtils.initExprNodeEvaluator(qDef, exprNode, exprEval, iInfo);
cDef.setAlias(getAlias(alias, expr, colIdx));
return cDef;
use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class LocalExecutorTests method testWindowClause.
public void testWindowClause() throws WindowingException {
QueryDef qDef = wshell.translate("select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, " + "sum(p_size) over w1 as s, " + " denserank() as dr " + " from part_demo " + " partition by p_mfgr" + " window w1 as rows between 2 preceding and 2 following" + " into path='/tmp/wout2'" + " serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'" + " with serdeproperties('field.delim'=',')" + " format 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat'");
RangeBoundaryDef rBdef = (RangeBoundaryDef) qDef.getSelectList().getWindowFuncs().get(0).getWindow().getWindow().getStart();
assert rBdef.getAmt() == 2;
rBdef = (RangeBoundaryDef) qDef.getSelectList().getWindowFuncs().get(0).getWindow().getWindow().getEnd();
assert rBdef.getAmt() == 2;
use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.
the class LocalExecutorTests method testAddInOrder.
public void testAddInOrder() throws WindowingException {
QueryDef qDef = wshell.translate("select p_mfgr,p_name, p_size, " + "sum(p_size) over w1 as s, " + " denserank() as dr " + " from part_demo " + " partition by p_mfgr" + " window w1 as rows between 2 preceding and 2 following" + " into path='/tmp/wout2'" + " serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'" + " with serdeproperties('field.delim'=',')" + " format 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat'");
OrderDef oDef = qDef.getInput().getWindow().getOrderDef();
assert oDef != null;
assert oDef.getSpec().getColumns().get(0).getColumnName() == "p_mfgr";