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Example 1 with WindowDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class WindowSpecTranslation method translateWindow.

	 * compute the Description to use for the Input.
	 * get the inputInfo for the input: if the function has a MapPhase use the Map Inputfo. 
	 * invoke translateWindowSpecOnInput on WdwSpec of TblFunc
	 * If TableFunc is the FunctionRegistry.WINDOWING_TABLE_FUNCTION:
	 * - 
static WindowDef translateWindow(QueryDef qDef, TableFuncDef tFnDef) throws WindowingException {
    QueryTranslationInfo tInfo = qDef.getTranslationInfo();
    TableFuncSpec tFnSpec = tFnDef.getTableFuncSpec();
		 * for now the Language only allows explicit specification of Partition & Order clauses.
		 * Easy to allow references to a Global Window Spec.
    WindowSpec wSpec = new WindowSpec();
    QueryInputDef iDef = tFnDef.getInput();
    if (wSpec.getPartition() == null) {
        return null;
    String desc = getInputDescription(qDef, tFnDef);
    TableFunctionEvaluator tFn = tFnDef.getFunction();
    InputInfo iInfo = null;
    if (tFn.isTransformsRawInput()) {
        iInfo = tInfo.getMapInputInfo(tFnDef);
    } else {
        iInfo = tInfo.getInputInfo(iDef);
    return translateWindowSpecOnInput(qDef, wSpec, iInfo, desc);
Also used : TableFunctionEvaluator( InputInfo( QueryInputDef( TableFuncSpec( WindowSpec(

Example 2 with WindowDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class WindowSpecTranslation method translateWindowSpecOnInput.

	 * <ol>
	 * <li> If wSpec points to a source WindowSpec. Validate that it is valid. If it hasn't been already translated then translate it.
	 * <li> Start with an empty WdwDef or a cloned WdwDef from the source WdwDef.
	 * <li> translate the PartitionSpec if it exists. Replace the existing PDef with this; also remove the OrderDef.
	 * <li> translate the OrderSpec if it exists. Replace existing OrderDef with this.
	 * <li> add in Partition Columns if not in OrderDef already.
	 * <li> translate the WindowSpec if it exists. Replace existing WdwDef with it.
	 * <li> If name is non-null add this def to TranslationInfo::nameToWdwDef map.
	 * </ol>
static WindowDef translateWindowSpecOnInput(QueryDef qDef, WindowSpec wSpec, InputInfo iInfo, String inputDesc) throws WindowingException {
    QuerySpec qSpec = qDef.getSpec();
    WindowDef wDef;
    fillInWindowSpec(qSpec, wSpec.getSourceId(), wSpec);
    wDef = new WindowDef(wSpec);
    PartitionSpec pSpec = wSpec.getPartition();
    OrderSpec oSpec = wSpec.getOrder();
    WindowFrameSpec wFrameSpec = wSpec.getWindow();
    PartitionDef pDef = translatePartition(qDef, iInfo, pSpec);
    OrderDef oDef = translateOrder(qDef, inputDesc, iInfo, oSpec, pDef);
    WindowFrameDef wdwDef = translateWindowFrame(qDef, wFrameSpec, iInfo);
    return wDef;
Also used : OrderSpec( WindowFrameDef( WindowDef( PartitionDef( QuerySpec( OrderDef( PartitionSpec( WindowFrameSpec(

Example 3 with WindowDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class WindowFunctionTranslation method validateWindowDefForWFn.

public static void validateWindowDefForWFn(TableFuncDef tFnDef, WindowFunctionDef wFnDef) throws WindowingException {
    WindowDef tWindow = tFnDef.getWindow();
    WindowDef fWindow = wFnDef.getWindow();
    PartitionDef tPart = tWindow == null ? null : tWindow.getPartDef();
    PartitionDef fPart = fWindow == null ? null : fWindow.getPartDef();
    if (!TranslateUtils.isCompatible(tPart, fPart)) {
        throw new WindowingException(sprintf("Window Function '%s' has an incompatible partition clause", wFnDef.getSpec()));
    OrderDef tOrder = tWindow == null ? null : tWindow.getOrderDef();
    OrderDef fOrder = fWindow == null ? null : fWindow.getOrderDef();
    if (!TranslateUtils.isCompatible(tOrder, fOrder)) {
        throw new WindowingException(sprintf("Window Function '%s' has an incompatible order clause", wFnDef.getSpec()));
Also used : WindowDef( PartitionDef( WindowingException( OrderDef(

Example 4 with WindowDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class WindowFunctionTranslation method translateWindowSpec.

public static WindowDef translateWindowSpec(QueryDef qDef, InputInfo iInfo, WindowFunctionSpec wFnSpec) throws WindowingException {
    WindowSpec wSpec = wFnSpec.getWindowSpec();
    if (wSpec == null)
        return null;
    WindowFunctionInfo wFnInfo = FunctionRegistry.getWindowFunctionInfo(wFnSpec.getName());
    String desc = wFnSpec.toString();
    if (wSpec != null && !wFnInfo.isSupportsWindow()) {
        throw new WindowingException(sprintf("Function %s doesn't support windowing", desc));
    return WindowSpecTranslation.translateWindowSpecOnInput(qDef, wSpec, iInfo, desc);
Also used : WindowFunctionInfo( WindowingException( WindowSpec(

Example 5 with WindowDef

use of in project SQLWindowing by hbutani.

the class QueryDefWalker method walk.

	 * Visit the partition columns and order columns 
	 * Visit the window frame definitions
	 * @param window
	 * @throws WindowingException
protected void walk(WindowDef window) throws WindowingException {
    if (window == null)
    PartitionDef pDef = window.getPartDef();
    if (pDef != null) {
        ArrayList<ColumnDef> cols = pDef.getColumns();
        for (ColumnDef col : cols) {
    OrderDef oDef = window.getOrderDef();
    if (oDef != null) {
        ArrayList<OrderColumnDef> ocols = oDef.getColumns();
        for (OrderColumnDef ocol : ocols) {
    WindowFrameDef wFrmDef = window.getWindow();
    if (wFrmDef != null) {
Also used : OrderColumnDef( WindowFrameDef( PartitionDef( ColumnDef( OrderColumnDef( OrderDef(


OrderDef ( PartitionDef ( WindowDef ( WindowingException ( WindowFrameDef ( WindowSpec ( InputInfo ( WindowFunctionInfo ( TableFunctionEvaluator ( ArgDef ( ColumnDef ( OrderColumnDef ( QueryInputDef ( WindowFunctionDef ( OrderSpec ( PartitionSpec ( QuerySpec ( TableFuncSpec ( WindowFrameSpec ( ASTNode (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode)1