Search in sources :

Example 1 with SearchcodeLib

use of in project searchcode-server by boyter.

the class SearchRouteService method codeSearch.

public SearchResult codeSearch(Request request, Response response) {
    CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();
    CodeMatcher cm = new CodeMatcher(Singleton.getData());
    SearchcodeLib scl = Singleton.getSearchcodeLib(Singleton.getData());
    if (request.queryParams().contains("q") && !request.queryParams("q").trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
        String query = request.queryParams("q").trim();
        int page = 0;
        if (request.queryParams().contains("p")) {
            try {
                page = Integer.parseInt(request.queryParams("p"));
                page = page > 19 ? 19 : page;
            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                page = 0;
        String[] repos;
        String[] langs;
        String[] owners;
        String reposFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
        String langsFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
        String ownersFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
        if (request.queryParams().contains("repo")) {
            repos = request.queryParamsValues("repo");
            if (repos.length != 0) {
                List<String> reposList = Arrays.asList(repos).stream().map((s) -> "reponame:" + QueryParser.escape(s.replace(" ", "_"))).collect(Collectors.toList());
                reposFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(reposList, " || ") + ")";
        if (request.queryParams().contains("lan")) {
            langs = request.queryParamsValues("lan");
            if (langs.length != 0) {
                List<String> langsList = Arrays.asList(langs).stream().map((s) -> "languagename:" + QueryParser.escape(s.replace(" ", "_"))).collect(Collectors.toList());
                langsFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(langsList, " || ") + ")";
        if (request.queryParams().contains("own")) {
            owners = request.queryParamsValues("own");
            if (owners.length != 0) {
                List<String> ownersList = Arrays.asList(owners).stream().map((s) -> "codeowner:" + QueryParser.escape(s.replace(" ", "_"))).collect(Collectors.toList());
                ownersFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(ownersList, " || ") + ")";
        // split the query escape it and and it together
        String cleanQueryString = scl.formatQueryString(query);
        SearchResult searchResult = + reposFilter + langsFilter + ownersFilter, page);
        searchResult.setCodeResultList(cm.formatResults(searchResult.getCodeResultList(), query, true));
        for (String altQuery : scl.generateAltQueries(query)) {
        // Null out code as it isnt required and there is no point in bloating our ajax requests
        for (CodeResult codeSearchResult : searchResult.getCodeResultList()) {
        return searchResult;
    return null;
Also used : Arrays(java.util.Arrays) SearchResult( Singleton( StringUtils(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils) Collectors( Values( CodeMatcher( SearchcodeLib( List(java.util.List) CodeResult( CodeSearcher( QueryParser(org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser) Request(spark.Request) Response(spark.Response) SearchcodeLib( CodeResult( CodeMatcher( SearchResult( CodeSearcher(

Example 2 with SearchcodeLib

use of in project searchcode-server by boyter.

the class TimeSearchRouteService method getTimeSearch.

public SearchResult getTimeSearch(Request request, Response response) {
    Data data = Singleton.getData();
    SearchcodeLib scl = Singleton.getSearchcodeLib(data);
    TimeCodeSearcher cs = new TimeCodeSearcher();
    CodeMatcher cm = new CodeMatcher(data);
    response.header("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
    if (request.queryParams().contains("q") == false || Values.EMPTYSTRING.equals(request.queryParams("q").trim())) {
        return null;
    String query = request.queryParams("q").trim();
    int page = this.getPage(request);
    String[] repos;
    String[] langs;
    String[] owners;
    String[] year;
    String[] yearmonth;
    String[] yearmonthday;
    String[] revisions;
    String[] deleted;
    String reposFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    String langsFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    String ownersFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    String yearFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    String yearMonthFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    String yearMonthDayFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    String revisionsFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    String deletedFilter = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
    if (request.queryParams().contains("repo")) {
        repos = request.queryParamsValues("repo");
        reposFilter = getRepos(repos, reposFilter);
    if (request.queryParams().contains("lan")) {
        langs = request.queryParamsValues("lan");
        langsFilter = getLanguages(langs, langsFilter);
    if (request.queryParams().contains("own")) {
        owners = request.queryParamsValues("own");
        ownersFilter = getOwners(owners, ownersFilter);
    if (request.queryParams().contains("year")) {
        year = request.queryParamsValues("year");
        yearFilter = this.getYears(year, yearFilter);
    if (request.queryParams().contains("ym")) {
        yearmonth = request.queryParamsValues("ym");
        yearMonthFilter = this.getYearMonths(yearmonth, yearMonthFilter);
    if (request.queryParams().contains("ymd")) {
        yearmonthday = request.queryParamsValues("ymd");
        yearMonthDayFilter = this.getYearMonthDays(yearmonthday, yearMonthDayFilter);
    if (request.queryParams().contains("rev")) {
        revisions = request.queryParamsValues("rev");
        revisionsFilter = this.getRevisions(revisions, revisionsFilter);
    if (request.queryParams().contains("del")) {
        deleted = request.queryParamsValues("del");
        deletedFilter = this.getDeleted(deleted, deletedFilter);
    // split the query escape it and and it together
    String cleanQueryString = scl.formatQueryString(query);
    SearchResult searchResult = + reposFilter + langsFilter + ownersFilter + yearFilter + yearMonthFilter + yearMonthDayFilter + revisionsFilter + deletedFilter, page);
    searchResult.setCodeResultList(cm.formatResults(searchResult.getCodeResultList(), query, true));
    this.getAltQueries(scl, query, searchResult);
    // Null out code as it isn't required and there is no point in bloating our ajax requests
    for (CodeResult codeSearchResult : searchResult.getCodeResultList()) {
    return searchResult;
Also used : SearchcodeLib( CodeResult( CodeMatcher( Data( TimeCodeSearcher( SearchResult(

Example 3 with SearchcodeLib

use of in project searchcode-server by boyter.

the class IndexBaseRepoJob method indexDocsByDelta.

     * Indexes all the documents in the repository changed file effectively performing a delta update
     * Should only be called when there is a genuine update IE something was indexed previously and
     * has has a new commit.
public void indexDocsByDelta(Path path, String repoName, String repoLocations, String repoRemoteLocation, RepositoryChanged repositoryChanged) {
    // Should have data object by this point
    SearchcodeLib scl = Singleton.getSearchCodeLib();
    Queue<CodeIndexDocument> codeIndexDocumentQueue = Singleton.getCodeIndexQueue();
    String fileRepoLocations = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(repoLocations);
    // Used to hold the reports of what was indexed
    List<String[]> reportList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String changedFile : repositoryChanged.getChangedFiles()) {
        if (this.shouldJobPauseOrTerminate()) {
        if (Singleton.getDataService().getPersistentDelete().contains(repoName)) {
        String[] split = changedFile.split("/");
        String fileName = split[split.length - 1];
        changedFile = fileRepoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/" + changedFile;
        changedFile = changedFile.replace("//", "/");
        CodeLinesReturn codeLinesReturn = this.getCodeLines(changedFile, reportList);
        if (codeLinesReturn.isError()) {
        IsMinifiedReturn isMinified = this.getIsMinified(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), fileName, reportList);
        if (isMinified.isMinified()) {
        if (this.checkIfEmpty(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), changedFile, reportList)) {
        if (this.determineBinary(changedFile, fileName, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), reportList)) {
        String md5Hash = this.getFileMd5(changedFile);
        String languageName = Singleton.getFileClassifier().languageGuesser(changedFile, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines());
        String fileLocation = this.getRelativeToProjectPath(path.toString(), changedFile);
        String fileLocationFilename = changedFile.replace(fileRepoLocations, Values.EMPTYSTRING);
        String repoLocationRepoNameLocationFilename = changedFile;
        String newString = this.getBlameFilePath(fileLocationFilename);
        String codeOwner = this.getCodeOwner(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), newString, repoName, fileRepoLocations, scl);
        if (this.LOWMEMORY) {
            try {
                Singleton.getCodeIndexer().indexDocument(new CodeIndexDocument(repoLocationRepoNameLocationFilename, repoName, fileName, fileLocation, fileLocationFilename, md5Hash, languageName, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines().size(), StringUtils.join(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), " "), repoRemoteLocation, codeOwner));
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage());
        } else {
            codeIndexDocumentQueue.add(new CodeIndexDocument(repoLocationRepoNameLocationFilename, repoName, fileName, fileLocation, fileLocationFilename, md5Hash, languageName, codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines().size(), StringUtils.join(codeLinesReturn.getCodeLines(), " "), repoRemoteLocation, codeOwner));
        if (this.LOGINDEXED) {
            reportList.add(new String[] { changedFile, "included", "" });
    if (this.LOGINDEXED && reportList.isEmpty() == false) {
        this.logIndexed(repoName + "_delta", reportList);
    for (String deletedFile : repositoryChanged.getDeletedFiles()) {
        deletedFile = fileRepoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/" + deletedFile;
        deletedFile = deletedFile.replace("//", "/");
        Singleton.getLogger().info("Missing from disk, removing from index " + deletedFile);
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass() + " indexDocsByDelta deleteByFileLocationFilename for " + repoName + " " + deletedFile + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage());
Also used : SearchcodeLib( CodeIndexDocument( IOException(


SearchcodeLib ( CodeResult ( SearchResult ( CodeMatcher ( Values ( Data ( CodeIndexDocument ( CodeSearcher ( Singleton ( TimeCodeSearcher ( IOException ( Arrays (java.util.Arrays)1 List (java.util.List)1 Collectors ( StringUtils (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils)1 QueryParser (org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser)1 Request (spark.Request)1 Response (spark.Response)1