use of com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.FakeBugTracker in project seleniumRobot by bhecquet.
the class TestBugTracker method testCreateIssueBean.
* Create a new issue bean
* @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "ut" })
public void testCreateIssueBean() throws Exception {
// copy resources so that we can be sure something has been copied to zip file
new SeleniumTestsReporter2().copyResources();
FakeBugTracker fbt = spy(new FakeBugTracker());
BugTracker bugtracker = BugTracker.getInstance("fake", "http://foo/bar", "selenium", "user", "password", new HashMap<>());
IssueBean issueBean = bugtracker.createIssueBean("[Selenium][selenium][DEV][ngName] test myTest KO", "testCreateIssueBean", "some description", Arrays.asList(step1, step2, stepEnd), issueOptions);
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getAssignee(), "me");
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getDescription(), "Test: testCreateIssueBean\n" + "Description: some description\n" + "Error step 1 (step 2): java.lang.NullPointerException: Error clicking\n" + "\n" + "Steps in error\n" + "Step 1: step 2\n" + "------------------------------------\n" + "Step step 2\n" + " - action1\n" + " - action2\n" + "\n" + "Last logs\n" + "Step Test end\n" + "\n" + "For more details, see attached .zip file");
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getSummary(), "[Selenium][selenium][DEV][ngName] test myTest KO");
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getReporter(), "you");
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getTestName(), "testCreateIssueBean");
// screenshots from the last step
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getScreenShots(), Arrays.asList(screenshot, screenshot));
// we take the last failing step (not Test end)
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getTestStep(), step2);
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getDetailedResult().getName(), "");
Assert.assertTrue(issueBean.getDetailedResult().length() > 900000);
// not initialized by default
use of com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.FakeBugTracker in project seleniumRobot by bhecquet.
the class TestBugTracker method testCreateIssueBeanWithStepDisabled.
* Test that if the failed step disables bugtracker, but an other keeps it enabled, the issue bean is created
* @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "ut" })
public void testCreateIssueBeanWithStepDisabled() throws Exception {
FakeBugTracker fbt = spy(new FakeBugTracker());
BugTracker bugtracker = BugTracker.getInstance("fake", "http://foo/bar", "selenium", "user", "password", new HashMap<>());
IssueBean issueBean = bugtracker.createIssueBean("[Selenium][selenium][DEV][ngName] test myTest KO", "testCreateIssueBeanWithStepDisabled", "some description", Arrays.asList(step1, step2, stepFailedWithDisabledBugtracker, stepEnd), issueOptions);
// check description only points step2 as the failed step
Assert.assertEquals(issueBean.getDescription(), "Test: testCreateIssueBeanWithStepDisabled\n" + "Description: some description\n" + "Error step 1 (step 2): java.lang.NullPointerException: Error clicking\n" + "\n" + "Steps in error\n" + "Step 1: step 2\n" + "------------------------------------\n" + "Step step 2\n" + " - action1\n" + " - action2\n" + "\n" + "Last logs\n" + "Step Test end\n" + "\n" + "For more details, see attached .zip file");
use of com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.FakeBugTracker in project seleniumRobot by bhecquet.
the class TestBugTracker method testCreateIssue.
* Create a new issue when there is a failed step
* @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "ut" })
public void testCreateIssue() throws Exception {
FakeBugTracker fbt = spy(new FakeBugTracker());
BugTracker bugtracker = BugTracker.getInstance("fake", "http://foo/bar", "selenium", "user", "password", new HashMap<>());
bugtracker.createIssue("selenium", "DEV", "ngName", "testCreateIssue", "some description", Arrays.asList(step2, stepEnd), issueOptions);
// check that we check if the issue already exists
// check that issue is created
use of com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.FakeBugTracker in project seleniumRobot by bhecquet.
the class TestBugTracker method testUpdateIssue.
* Update an existing issue as we fail on an other step
* @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "ut" })
public void testUpdateIssue() throws Exception {
FakeBugTracker fbt = spy(new FakeBugTracker());
when(fbt.issueAlreadyExists(any(IssueBean.class))).thenReturn(new IssueBean("ISSUE-1", "[Selenium][app][env][ng] test Test1 KO", "Test KO"));
BugTracker bugtracker = BugTracker.getInstance("fake", "http://foo/bar", "selenium", "user", "password", new HashMap<>());
bugtracker.createIssue("selenium", "DEV", "ngName", "testUpdateIssue", "some description", Arrays.asList(step1, step2, stepEnd), issueOptions);
// check that we check if the issue already exists
// check that issue is not created
verify(fbt, never()).createIssue(any(IssueBean.class));
verify(fbt).updateIssue(eq("ISSUE-1"), anyString(), anyList(), eq(step2));
use of com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.FakeBugTracker in project seleniumRobot by bhecquet.
the class TestBugTracker method testCreateIssueBeanNoStep.
* If no steps are available, do not create IssueBean
* @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "ut" })
public void testCreateIssueBeanNoStep() throws Exception {
FakeBugTracker fbt = spy(new FakeBugTracker());
BugTracker bugtracker = BugTracker.getInstance("fake", "http://foo/bar", "selenium", "user", "password", new HashMap<>());
IssueBean issueBean = bugtracker.createIssueBean("[Selenium][selenium][DEV][ngName] test myTest KO", "myTest", "some description", new ArrayList<>(), issueOptions);