use of in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class ReportChartCreator method createContent.
* Uses the given parameters to create the data for the fields of this class. Once the content has been created the
* getters for the fields can be used to retrieve.
* @param host - Mango's hostname
* @param port - Mango's port
* @param reportInstance
* @param reportDao
* @param inlinePrefix
* if this is non-null, it implies that the content should be inline.
* @param createExportFile
public void createContent(String host, int port, ReportInstance reportInstance, ReportDao reportDao, String inlinePrefix, boolean createExportFile) {
this.inlinePrefix = inlinePrefix;
// Use a stream handler to get the report data from the database.
StreamHandler handler = new StreamHandler(host, port, reportInstance.getXidMap(), reportInstance.getReportStartTime(), reportInstance.getReportEndTime(), IMAGE_WIDTH, createExportFile, translations);
// Process the report content with the handler.
if (Common.databaseProxy.getNoSQLProxy() == null)
reportDao.reportInstanceDataSQL(reportInstance.getId(), handler);
reportDao.reportInstanceDataNoSQL(reportInstance.getId(), handler);
pointStatistics = handler.getPointStatistics();
devices = handler.getDevices();
pointMap = handler.getStatisticsMap();
UsedImagesDirective inlineImages = new UsedImagesDirective();
SubjectDirective subjectDirective = new SubjectDirective(translations);
// Prepare the model for the content rendering.
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("fmt", new MessageFormatDirective(translations));
model.put("subject", subjectDirective);
model.put("img", inlineImages);
model.put("instance", reportInstance);
model.put("timezone", timeZone.getID());
model.put("points", pointStatistics);
model.put("inline", inlinePrefix == null ? "" : "cid:");
model.put("devices", devices);
model.put("mapped", pointMap);
model.put("BINARY", DataTypes.BINARY);
model.put("MULTISTATE", DataTypes.MULTISTATE);
model.put("NUMERIC", DataTypes.NUMERIC);
model.put("IMAGE", DataTypes.IMAGE);
// Create the individual point charts
for (PointStatistics pointStat : pointStatistics) {
PointTimeSeriesCollection ptsc = new PointTimeSeriesCollection(timeZone);
if (pointStat.getNumericTimeSeries() != null)
else if (pointStat.getDiscreteTimeSeries() != null)
if (ptsc.hasData()) {
if (inlinePrefix != null)
model.put("chartName", inlinePrefix + pointStat.getChartName());
pointStat.setImageData(ImageChartUtils.getChartData(ptsc, POINT_IMAGE_WIDTH, POINT_IMAGE_HEIGHT, reportInstance.getReportStartTime(), reportInstance.getReportEndTime()));
// in the report I'll add it here while we are already iterating over the points that are included in the report
if (pointStat.getDataType() == DataTypes.IMAGE) {
ValueChangeCounter pointStatisticsGenerator = (ValueChangeCounter) pointStat.getStats();
ImageValue img = (ImageValue) (pointStatisticsGenerator.getLastValue());
if (img != null) {
try {
if (inlinePrefix != null)
model.put("chartName", inlinePrefix + pointStat.getChartName());
else {
// serve up the image using the reportImageChart servlet instead of the imageValueServlet that is used on flipbook page
// The path comes from the servlet path definition in web.xml.
model.put("chartName", IMAGE_SERVLET + pointStat.getChartName());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("failed to retrieve image data", e);
// consolidated chart
PointTimeSeriesCollection ptsc = handler.getPointTimeSeriesCollection();
if (ptsc.hasData()) {
if (inlinePrefix != null)
model.put("chartName", inlinePrefix + IMAGE_CONTENT_ID);
else {
chartName = "r" + reportInstance.getId() + ".png";
// The path comes from the servlet path definition in web.xml.
model.put("chartName", IMAGE_SERVLET + chartName);
imageData = ImageChartUtils.getChartData(ptsc, true, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, reportInstance.getReportStartTime(), reportInstance.getReportEndTime());
List<EventInstance> events = null;
if (reportInstance.getIncludeEvents() != ReportVO.EVENTS_NONE) {
events = reportDao.getReportInstanceEvents(reportInstance.getId());
model.put("includeEvents", true);
model.put("events", events);
} else
model.put("includeEvents", false);
List<ReportUserComment> comments = null;
if (reportInstance.isIncludeUserComments()) {
comments = reportDao.getReportInstanceUserComments(reportInstance.getId());
// Only provide the list of point comments to the report. The event comments have already be correlated
// into the events list.
List<ReportUserComment> pointComments = new ArrayList<ReportUserComment>();
for (ReportUserComment c : comments) {
if (c.getCommentType() == UserCommentVO.TYPE_POINT)
model.put("includeUserComments", true);
model.put("userComments", pointComments);
} else
model.put("includeUserComments", false);
// Create the template.
Template ftl;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
FileReader reader = null;
try {
File templateFile = ReportCommon.instance.getTemplateFile(reportInstance.getTemplateFile());
reader = new FileReader(templateFile);
ftl = new Template(reportInstance.getName(), reader, Common.freemarkerConfiguration);
ftl.process(model, writer);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to find report template file: " + reportInstance.getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
// Couldn't load the template?
throw new ShouldNeverHappenException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Error processing the FTL?
throw new ShouldNeverHappenException(e);
} finally {
if (reader != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error closing template file reader: " + e.getMessage(), e);
// Save the content
html = writer.toString();
subject = subjectDirective.getSubject();
inlineImageList = inlineImages.getImageList();
// Save the export file (if any)
exportFile = handler.exportFile;
if (createExportFile && events != null) {
try {
eventFile = File.createTempFile("tempEventCSV", ".csv");
new EventCsvStreamer(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(eventFile)), events, translations);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to create temp event file", e);
if (createExportFile && comments != null) {
try {
commentFile = File.createTempFile("tempCommentCSV", ".csv");
new UserCommentCsvStreamer(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(commentFile)), comments, translations);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to create temp comment file", e);
use of in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class EmailHandlerRT method sendEmail.
private static void sendEmail(EventInstance evt, NotificationType notificationType, Set<String> addresses, String alias, boolean includeSystemInfo, int pointValueCount, boolean includeLogs, String handlerXid, String customTemplate, List<IntStringPair> additionalContext, String script, SetCallback setCallback, ScriptPermissions permissions) {
if (evt.getEventType().isSystemMessage()) {
if (((SystemEventType) evt.getEventType()).getSystemEventType().equals(SystemEventType.TYPE_EMAIL_SEND_FAILURE)) {
// Don't send email notifications about email send failures."Not sending email for event raised due to email failure");
Translations translations = Common.getTranslations();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(alias)) {
// Just set the subject to the message
alias = evt.getMessage().translate(translations);
// Strip out the HTML and the  
alias = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(alias);
// Since we have <br/> in the code and that isn't proper HTML we need to remove it by hand
alias = alias.replace("<br/>", "\n");
// end if alias was blank
// Determine the subject to use.
TranslatableMessage subjectMsg;
TranslatableMessage notifTypeMsg = new TranslatableMessage(notificationType.getKey());
if (StringUtils.isBlank(alias)) {
// Make these more descriptive
if (evt.getId() == Common.NEW_ID)
subjectMsg = new TranslatableMessage("ftl.subject.default", notifTypeMsg);
subjectMsg = new TranslatableMessage("", notifTypeMsg, evt.getId());
} else {
if (evt.getId() == Common.NEW_ID)
subjectMsg = new TranslatableMessage("ftl.subject.alias", alias, notifTypeMsg);
subjectMsg = new TranslatableMessage("", alias, notifTypeMsg, evt.getId());
String alarmLevel = AlarmLevels.getAlarmLevelMessage(evt.getAlarmLevel()).translate(translations);
String subject = alarmLevel + " - " + subjectMsg.translate(translations);
// Trim the subject if its too long
if (subject.length() > 200)
subject = subject.substring(0, 200);
try {
String[] toAddrs = addresses.toArray(new String[0]);
UsedImagesDirective inlineImages = new UsedImagesDirective();
// Send the email.
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("evt", evt);
if (evt.getContext() != null)
model.put("img", inlineImages);
model.put("instanceDescription", SystemSettingsDao.getValue(SystemSettingsDao.INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION));
if (includeSystemInfo) {
// Get the Work Items
List<WorkItemModel> highPriorityWorkItems = Common.backgroundProcessing.getHighPriorityServiceItems();
model.put("highPriorityWorkItems", highPriorityWorkItems);
List<WorkItemModel> mediumPriorityWorkItems = Common.backgroundProcessing.getMediumPriorityServiceQueueItems();
model.put("mediumPriorityWorkItems", mediumPriorityWorkItems);
List<WorkItemModel> lowPriorityWorkItems = Common.backgroundProcessing.getLowPriorityServiceQueueItems();
model.put("lowPriorityWorkItems", lowPriorityWorkItems);
model.put("threadList", getThreadsList());
int type = SystemSettingsDao.getIntValue(SystemSettingsDao.EMAIL_CONTENT_TYPE);
// If we are a point event then add the value
if (evt.getEventType() instanceof DataPointEventType) {
DataPointVO dp = (DataPointVO) evt.getContext().get("point");
if (dp != null) {
DataPointRT rt = Common.runtimeManager.getDataPoint(dp.getId());
if (rt != null) {
List<PointValueTime> pointValues = null;
if (pointValueCount > 0)
pointValues = rt.getLatestPointValues(pointValueCount);
if ((pointValues != null) && (pointValues.size() > 0)) {
if (type == MangoEmailContent.CONTENT_TYPE_HTML || type == MangoEmailContent.CONTENT_TYPE_BOTH) {
List<RenderedPointValueTime> renderedPointValues = new ArrayList<RenderedPointValueTime>();
for (PointValueTime pvt : pointValues) {
RenderedPointValueTime rpvt = new RenderedPointValueTime();
rpvt.setValue(Functions.getHtmlText(rt.getVO(), pvt));
model.put("renderedHtmlPointValues", renderedPointValues);
if (type == MangoEmailContent.CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT || type == MangoEmailContent.CONTENT_TYPE_BOTH) {
List<RenderedPointValueTime> renderedPointValues = new ArrayList<RenderedPointValueTime>();
for (PointValueTime pvt : pointValues) {
RenderedPointValueTime rpvt = new RenderedPointValueTime();
rpvt.setValue(Functions.getRenderedText(rt.getVO(), pvt));
model.put("renderedPointValues", renderedPointValues);
// Build the additional context for the email model
if (additionalContext == null || pointValueCount <= 0)
model.put("additionalContext", new HashMap<>(0));
else {
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> context = new HashMap<>();
for (IntStringPair pair : additionalContext) {
Map<String, Object> point = new HashMap<String, Object>();
DataPointRT rt = Common.runtimeManager.getDataPoint(pair.getKey());
List<PointValueTime> pointValues;
List<RenderedPointValueTime> renderedPointValues;
DataPointVO dpvo;
if (rt != null) {
dpvo = rt.getVO();
pointValues = rt.getLatestPointValues(pointValueCount);
renderedPointValues = new ArrayList<RenderedPointValueTime>();
if (pointValues != null && pointValues.size() > 0)
for (PointValueTime pvt : pointValues) {
RenderedPointValueTime rpvt = new RenderedPointValueTime();
rpvt.setValue(Functions.getRenderedText(rt.getVO(), pvt));
} else {
dpvo = DataPointDao.instance.get(pair.getKey());
if (dpvo == null)
pointValues = Common.databaseProxy.newPointValueDao().getLatestPointValues(pair.getKey(), pointValueCount);
renderedPointValues = new ArrayList<RenderedPointValueTime>();
for (PointValueTime pvt : pointValues) {
RenderedPointValueTime rpvt = new RenderedPointValueTime();
rpvt.setValue(Functions.getRenderedText(dpvo, pvt));
point.put("values", renderedPointValues);
point.put("deviceName", dpvo.getDeviceName());
point.put("name", dpvo.getName());
point.put("contextKey", pair.getValue());
context.put(pair.getValue(), point);
model.put("additionalContext", context);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(script)) {
// Okay, a script is defined, let's pass it the model so that it may add to it
Map<String, Object> modelContext = new HashMap<String, Object>();
modelContext.put("model", model);
Map<String, IDataPointValueSource> context = new HashMap<String, IDataPointValueSource>();
for (IntStringPair pair : additionalContext) {
DataPointRT dprt = Common.runtimeManager.getDataPoint(pair.getKey());
if (dprt == null) {
DataPointVO targetVo = DataPointDao.instance.getDataPoint(pair.getKey(), false);
if (targetVo == null) {
LOG.warn("Additional context point with ID: " + pair.getKey() + " and context name " + pair.getValue() + " could not be found.");
// Not worth aborting the email, just warn it
if (targetVo.getDefaultCacheSize() == 0)
dprt = new DataPointRT(targetVo, targetVo.getPointLocator().createRuntime(), DataSourceDao.instance.getDataSource(targetVo.getDataSourceId()), null);
context.put(pair.getValue(), dprt);
List<JsonImportExclusion> importExclusions = new ArrayList<JsonImportExclusion>(1);
importExclusions.add(new JsonImportExclusion("xid", handlerXid) {
public String getImporterType() {
return ConfigurationExportData.EVENT_HANDLERS;
try {
CompiledScript compiledScript = CompiledScriptExecutor.compile(script);
CompiledScriptExecutor.execute(compiledScript, context, modelContext, Common.timer.currentTimeMillis(), DataTypes.ALPHANUMERIC, evt.isActive() || !evt.isRtnApplicable() ? evt.getActiveTimestamp() : evt.getRtnTimestamp(), permissions, SetPointHandlerRT.NULL_WRITER, new ScriptLog(SetPointHandlerRT.NULL_WRITER, LogLevel.FATAL), setCallback, importExclusions, false);
} catch (ScriptPermissionsException | ScriptException | ResultTypeException e) {
LOG.error("Exception running email handler script: " + e.getMessage(), e);
MangoEmailContent content;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(customTemplate))
content = new MangoEmailContent(notificationType.getFile(), model, translations, subject, Common.UTF8);
content = new MangoEmailContent(handlerXid, customTemplate, model, translations, subject);
PostEmailRunnable[] postEmail = null;
if (includeLogs) {
final File logZip = getZippedLogfile(content, new File(Common.getLogsDir(), "ma.log"));
// Setup To delete the temp files from zip
if (logZip != null) {
// See that the temp file(s) gets deleted after the email is sent.
PostEmailRunnable deleteTempFile = new PostEmailRunnable() {
public void run() {
if (!logZip.delete())
LOG.warn("Temp file " + logZip.getPath() + " not deleted");
// Set our state to email failed if necessary
// TODO Create an Event to notify of Failed Emails...
// if(!this.isSuccess()){}
postEmail = new PostEmailRunnable[] { deleteTempFile };
for (String s : inlineImages.getImageList()) content.addInline(new EmailInline.FileInline(s, Common.getWebPath(s)));
EmailWorkItem.queueEmail(toAddrs, content, postEmail);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("", e);