use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.DataValue in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueEmporter method importRow.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.serotonin.m2m2.vo.emport.AbstractSheetEmporter#importRow(
protected void importRow(Row rowData) throws SpreadsheetException {
int cellNum = 0;
// Data Point XID
Cell xidCell = rowData.getCell(cellNum++);
if (xidCell == null)
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "emport.error.xidRequired");
if ((xidCell.getStringCellValue() == null) || (xidCell.getStringCellValue().isEmpty()))
throw new SpreadsheetException("emport.error.xidRequired");
// First Check to see if we already have a point
String xid = xidCell.getStringCellValue();
DataPointVO dp = voMap.get(xid);
DataPointRT dpRt = rtMap.get(xid);
// We will always have the vo in the map but the RT may be null if the point isn't running
if (dp == null) {
dp = dataPointDao.getDataPoint(xid);
if (dp == null)
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "emport.error.missingPoint", xid);
dpRt = Common.runtimeManager.getDataPoint(dp.getId());
rtMap.put(xid, dpRt);
voMap.put(xid, dp);
PointValueTime pvt;
// Cell Device name (Not using Here)
// Cell Point name (Not using Here)
// Cell Time
Date time = rowData.getCell(cellNum++).getDateCellValue();
// delete/add column
Cell modifyCell = rowData.getCell(7);
boolean add = false;
boolean delete = false;
if (modifyCell != null) {
String modification = (String) modifyCell.getStringCellValue();
if (modification.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) {
delete = true;
} else if (modification.equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
add = true;
} else {
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "emport.spreadsheet.modifyCellUnknown");
// What do we do with the row
if (delete) {
if (time == null) {
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "emport.error.deleteNew", "no timestamp, unable to delete");
} else {
try {
this.rowsDeleted += Common.runtimeManager.purgeDataPointValue(dp.getId(), time.getTime());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof DataIntegrityViolationException)
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "emport.error.unableToDeleteDueToConstraints");
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "emport.error.unableToDelete", e.getMessage());
// Done now
} else if (add) {
// Cell Value
Cell cell;
cell = rowData.getCell(cellNum++);
// Create a data value
DataValue dataValue;
switch(dp.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId()) {
case DataTypes.ALPHANUMERIC:
dataValue = new AlphanumericValue(cell.getStringCellValue());
case DataTypes.BINARY:
switch(cell.getCellType()) {
dataValue = new BinaryValue(new Boolean(cell.getBooleanCellValue()));
if (cell.getNumericCellValue() == 0)
dataValue = new BinaryValue(new Boolean(false));
dataValue = new BinaryValue(new Boolean(true));
if (cell.getStringCellValue().equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
dataValue = new BinaryValue(new Boolean(false));
dataValue = new BinaryValue(new Boolean(true));
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "common.default", "Invalid cell type for extracting boolean");
case DataTypes.MULTISTATE:
dataValue = new MultistateValue((int) cell.getNumericCellValue());
case DataTypes.NUMERIC:
dataValue = new NumericValue(cell.getNumericCellValue());
throw new SpreadsheetException(rowData.getRowNum(), "emport.spreadsheet.unsupportedDataType", dp.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId());
// Cell Rendered Value (Not using yet)
// Cell Annotation
Cell annotationRow = rowData.getCell(cellNum++);
if (annotationRow != null) {
String annotation = annotationRow.getStringCellValue();
// TODO These methods here do not allow updating the Annotation. We need to be a set point source for that to work
TranslatableMessage sourceMessage = new TranslatableMessage("common.default", annotation);
pvt = new AnnotatedPointValueTime(dataValue, time.getTime(), sourceMessage);
} else {
pvt = new PointValueTime(dataValue, time.getTime());
// Save to cache if running
if (dpRt != null)
dpRt.savePointValueDirectToCache(pvt, null, true, true);
else {
if (pointValueDao instanceof EnhancedPointValueDao) {
DataSourceVO<?> ds = getDataSource(dp.getDataSourceId());
((EnhancedPointValueDao) pointValueDao).savePointValueAsync(dp, ds, pvt, null);
} else {
pointValueDao.savePointValueAsync(dp.getId(), pvt, null);
// Increment our counter
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.DataValue in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueRestController method setPointValue.
* Helper method for setting a point value
* @param xid
* @param data
* @param unitConversion
* @return
private RestProcessResult<PointValueTimeModel> setPointValue(User user, String xid, PointValueTimeModel model, boolean unitConversion, UriComponentsBuilder builder) {
RestProcessResult<PointValueTimeModel> result = new RestProcessResult<PointValueTimeModel>(HttpStatus.OK);
DataPointVO existingDp = DataPointDao.instance.getByXid(xid);
if (existingDp == null) {
return result;
try {
if (Permissions.hasDataPointSetPermission(user, existingDp)) {
// Set the time to now if it is not present
if (model.getTimestamp() == 0) {
// Validate the model's data type for compatibility
if (DataTypeEnum.convertFrom(model.getType()) != existingDp.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId()) {
result.addRestMessage(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, new TranslatableMessage("event.ds.dataType"));
return result;
// Validate the timestamp for future dated
if (model.getTimestamp() > Common.timer.currentTimeMillis() + SystemSettingsDao.getFutureDateLimit()) {
result.addRestMessage(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, new TranslatableMessage("common.default", "Future dated points not acceptable."));
return result;
// Are we converting from the rendered Unit?
if (unitConversion) {
if ((model.getType() == DataTypeEnum.NUMERIC) && (model.getValue() instanceof Number)) {
double value;
if (model.getValue() instanceof Integer) {
value = (double) ((Integer) model.getValue());
} else {
value = (double) ((Double) model.getValue());
} else {
result.addRestMessage(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, new TranslatableMessage("common.default", "[" + xid + "]Cannot perform unit conversion on Non Numeric data types."));
return result;
// to convert it
if ((model.getType() == DataTypeEnum.MULTISTATE) && (model.getValue() instanceof String)) {
try {
DataValue value = existingDp.getTextRenderer().parseText((String) model.getValue(), existingDp.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Lots can go wrong here so let the user know
result.addRestMessage(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, new TranslatableMessage("common.default", "[" + xid + "]Unable to convert Multistate String representation to any known value."));
final PointValueTime pvt;
try {
pvt = model.getData();
} catch (Exception e) {
result.addRestMessage(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, new TranslatableMessage("common.default", "[" + xid + "]Invalid Format"));
return result;
// one last check to ensure we are inserting the correct data type
if (DataTypes.getDataType(pvt.getValue()) != existingDp.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId()) {
result.addRestMessage(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, new TranslatableMessage("event.ds.dataType"));
return result;
final int dataSourceId = existingDp.getDataSourceId();
SetPointSource source = null;
if (model.getAnnotation() != null) {
source = new SetPointSource() {
public String getSetPointSourceType() {
return "REST";
public int getSetPointSourceId() {
return dataSourceId;
public TranslatableMessage getSetPointSourceMessage() {
return ((AnnotatedPointValueTime) pvt).getSourceMessage();
public void raiseRecursionFailureEvent() {
LOG.error("Recursive failure while setting point via REST");
try {
Common.runtimeManager.setDataPointValue(existingDp.getId(), pvt, source);
// This URI may not always be accurate if the Data Source doesn't use the
// provided time...
URI location = builder.path("/v1/point-values/{xid}/{time}").buildAndExpand(xid, pvt.getTime()).toUri();
return result;
} catch (RTException e) {
// Ok its probably not enabled or settable
result.addRestMessage(new RestMessage(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, new TranslatableMessage("common.default", "[" + xid + "]" + e.getMessage())));
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return result;
} else {
return result;
} catch (PermissionException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return result;
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.DataValue in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class AbstractPointValueRollupCalculator method createQuantizer.
* Create the proper quantizer for csv generation
* @param vo
* @param startValue
* @param bc
* @param writer
* @return
protected AbstractDataQuantizer createQuantizer(DataPointVO vo, DataValue startValue, BucketCalculator bc, CSVPojoWriter<T> writer, boolean writeXidColumn, boolean writeHeaders) {
if (vo.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId() == DataTypes.NUMERIC) {
return new AnalogStatisticsQuantizer(bc, startValue, new NumericPointValueStatisticsQuantizerCsvCallback(writer.getWriter(), vo, this.useRendered, this.unitConversion, this.rollup, writeXidColumn, writeHeaders, this.limit, this.dateTimeFormat, this.timezone));
} else {
if (!rollup.nonNumericSupport()) {
LOG.warn("Invalid non-numeric rollup type: " + rollup);
// Default to first
rollup = RollupEnum.FIRST;
return new ValueChangeCounterQuantizer(bc, startValue, new NonNumericPointValueStatisticsQuantizerCsvCallback(writer.getWriter(), vo, useRendered, unitConversion, this.rollup, writeXidColumn, writeHeaders, this.limit, this.dateTimeFormat, this.timezone));
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.DataValue in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class AbstractPointValueRollupCalculator method getStartValue.
* Get the value at the start of the period or if there isn't one then return the closest value.
* @param dataPointId
* @return
protected DataValue getStartValue(int dataPointId) {
PointValueTime startPvt = pvd.getPointValueAt(dataPointId, from.getMillis());
if (startPvt == null)
startPvt = pvd.getPointValueBefore(dataPointId, from.getMillis());
DataValue startValue = PointValueTime.getValue(startPvt);
return startValue;
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.DataValue in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class AbstractPointValueRollupCalculator method createQuantizer.
* Create the proper quantizer for json generation
* @param startValue
* @param bc
* @param jgen
* @return
protected AbstractDataQuantizer createQuantizer(DataPointVO vo, DataValue startValue, BucketCalculator bc, JsonGenerator jgen) {
if (vo.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId() == DataTypes.NUMERIC) {
return new AnalogStatisticsQuantizer(bc, startValue, new NumericPointValueStatisticsQuantizerJsonCallback(jgen, vo, this.useRendered, this.unitConversion, this.rollup, this.limit, this.dateTimeFormat, this.timezone));
} else {
if (!rollup.nonNumericSupport()) {
LOG.warn("Invalid non-numeric rollup type: " + rollup);
// Default to first
rollup = RollupEnum.FIRST;
return new ValueChangeCounterQuantizer(bc, startValue, new NonNumericPointValueStatisticsQuantizerJsonCallback(jgen, vo, useRendered, unitConversion, this.rollup, this.limit, this.dateTimeFormat, this.timezone));