use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.MultistateValue in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class ReportDao method reportInstanceDataSQL.
public void reportInstanceDataSQL(int instanceId, final ExportDataStreamHandler handler) {
// Retrieve point information.
List<ExportPointInfo> pointInfos = query(REPORT_INSTANCE_POINT_SELECT + "where reportInstanceId=?", new Object[] { instanceId }, new RowMapper<ExportPointInfo>() {
public ExportPointInfo mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
int i = 0;
ExportPointInfo rp = new ExportPointInfo();
String startValue = rs.getString(++i);
if (startValue != null)
rp.setStartValue(DataValue.stringToValue(startValue, rp.getDataType()));
rp.setTextRenderer((TextRenderer) SerializationHelper.readObjectInContext(rs.getBlob(++i).getBinaryStream()));
return rp;
final ExportDataValue edv = new ExportDataValue();
for (final ExportPointInfo point : pointInfos) {
if (point.getDataType() == DataTypes.IMAGE) {
DataPointVO vo = DataPointDao.instance.getByXid(point.getXid());
if (vo != null)
final int dataType = point.getDataType();
ejt.query(REPORT_INSTANCE_DATA_SELECT + "where rd.reportInstancePointId=? order by rd.ts", new Object[] { point.getReportPointId() }, new RowCallbackHandler() {
public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
switch(dataType) {
case (DataTypes.NUMERIC):
edv.setValue(new NumericValue(rs.getDouble(1)));
case (DataTypes.BINARY):
edv.setValue(new BinaryValue(rs.getDouble(1) == 1));
case (DataTypes.MULTISTATE):
edv.setValue(new MultistateValue(rs.getInt(1)));
case (DataTypes.ALPHANUMERIC):
edv.setValue(new AlphanumericValue(rs.getString(2)));
if (rs.wasNull())
edv.setValue(new AlphanumericValue(rs.getString(3)));
case (DataTypes.IMAGE):
edv.setValue(new ImageValue(Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(2)), rs.getInt(1)));
edv.setAnnotation(BaseDao.readTranslatableMessage(rs, 5));
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.MultistateValue in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueImportResult method saveValue.
public void saveValue(XidPointValueTimeModel model) {
if (valid) {
// Validate the model against our point
long timestamp = model.getTimestamp();
if (timestamp == 0)
timestamp = Common.timer.currentTimeMillis();
int dataTypeId = DataTypeEnum.convertFrom(model.getType());
if (dataTypeId != vo.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId()) {
result.addContextualMessage("dataType", "event.ds.dataType");
DataValue value;
switch(model.getType()) {
value = new AlphanumericValue((String) model.getValue());
case BINARY:
value = new BinaryValue((Boolean) model.getValue());
if (model.getValue() instanceof String) {
try {
value = vo.getTextRenderer().parseText((String) model.getValue(), dataTypeId);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Lots can go wrong here so let the user know
result.addContextualMessage("value", "event.valueParse.textParse", e.getMessage());
} else {
value = new MultistateValue(((Number) model.getValue()).intValue());
value = new NumericValue(((Number) model.getValue()).doubleValue());
case IMAGE:
result.addContextualMessage("dataType", "common.default", model.getType() + " data type not supported yet");
PointValueTime pvt;
if (model.getAnnotation() == null) {
pvt = new PointValueTime(value, timestamp);
} else {
pvt = new AnnotatedPointValueTime(value, timestamp, new TranslatableMessage("common.default", model.getAnnotation()));
if (rt == null) {
dao.savePointValueAsync(vo.getId(), pvt, null);
} else {
rt.savePointValueDirectToCache(pvt, null, true, true);
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.MultistateValue in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizerTest method testNoStartValueManyValuesPerPeriod.
public void testNoStartValueManyValuesPerPeriod() throws IOException {
// Generate data at 12 noon for every day in the period
NextTimePeriodAdjuster adjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
NextTimePeriodAdjuster hourlyAdjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.HOURS, 1);
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 12, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
List<IdPointValueTime> data = new ArrayList<>();
while (time.toInstant().isBefore(to.toInstant())) {
// Insert 10 values per day
int value = 1;
ZonedDateTime daily = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(time.toInstant(), zoneId);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
data.add(new IdPointValueTime(1, new MultistateValue(value), daily.toInstant().toEpochMilli()));
daily = (ZonedDateTime) hourlyAdjuster.adjustInto(daily);
value = value + 1;
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
// Reset time to track periods
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0);
BucketCalculator bc = new TimePeriodBucketCalculator(from, to, TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizer quantizer = new StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizer(bc, new StatisticsGeneratorQuantizerCallback<StartsAndRuntimeList>() {
public void quantizedStatistics(StartsAndRuntimeList statisticsGenerator) throws IOException {
StartsAndRuntimeList stats = (StartsAndRuntimeList) statisticsGenerator;
// Test periodStart
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodStartTime());
// Test periiodEnd
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusDays(1).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodEndTime());
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getFirstValue().getIntegerValue());
Assert.assertEquals((long) time.plusHours(12).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getLastValue().getIntegerValue());
Assert.assertEquals((long) time.plusHours(12).plusHours(9).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getLastTime());
// Test start (the first start value will be null
if (counter.getValue() == 1)
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getStartValue());
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getStartValue().getIntegerValue());
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getCount());
// Ensure data
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
// 1 to 10, was 10 for last 3 hrs of day
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getStartsAndRuntime().size());
for (StartsAndRuntime value : stats.getData()) {
switch((Integer) value.getValue()) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (1d / 12d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(1d / 12d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
case 10:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (3d / 12d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(3d / 12d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
} else {
// Start in state 10 for 12 hrs more
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getStartsAndRuntime().size());
for (StartsAndRuntime value : stats.getData()) {
switch((Integer) value.getValue()) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (1d / 24d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(1d / 24d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
case 10:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (15d / 24d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(15d / 24d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(15 * 60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
// Move to next period time
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
quantizer.firstValue(null, 0, true);
for (int count = 0; count < data.size(); count++) quantizer.row(data.get(count), count + 1);
quantizer.lastValue(data.get(data.size() - 1), data.size() + 1, true);
Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(31), counter.getValue());
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.MultistateValue in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizerTest method testStartValueManyValuesPerPeriod.
public void testStartValueManyValuesPerPeriod() throws IOException {
// Generate data at 12 noon for every day in the period
NextTimePeriodAdjuster adjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
NextTimePeriodAdjuster hourlyAdjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.HOURS, 1);
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 12, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
List<IdPointValueTime> data = new ArrayList<>();
while (time.toInstant().isBefore(to.toInstant())) {
// Insert 10 values per day
int value = 1;
ZonedDateTime daily = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(time.toInstant(), zoneId);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
data.add(new IdPointValueTime(1, new MultistateValue(value), daily.toInstant().toEpochMilli()));
daily = (ZonedDateTime) hourlyAdjuster.adjustInto(daily);
value = value + 1;
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
// Reset time to track periods
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0);
BucketCalculator bc = new TimePeriodBucketCalculator(from, to, TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizer quantizer = new StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizer(bc, new StatisticsGeneratorQuantizerCallback<StartsAndRuntimeList>() {
public void quantizedStatistics(StartsAndRuntimeList statisticsGenerator) throws IOException {
StartsAndRuntimeList stats = (StartsAndRuntimeList) statisticsGenerator;
// Test periodStart
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodStartTime());
// Test periiodEnd
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusDays(1).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodEndTime());
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getFirstValue().getIntegerValue());
Assert.assertEquals((long) time.plusHours(12).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getLastValue().getIntegerValue());
Assert.assertEquals((long) time.plusHours(12).plusHours(9).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getLastTime());
// Test start (the first start value will be null
if (counter.getValue() == 1)
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getStartValue().getIntegerValue());
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getStartValue().getIntegerValue());
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getCount());
// Ensure data
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
// 1 to 10, was 10 for last 3 hrs of day
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getStartsAndRuntime().size());
for (StartsAndRuntime value : stats.getData()) {
switch((Integer) value.getValue()) {
case 1:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (13d / 24d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(13d / 24d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(13 * 60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (1d / 24d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(1d / 24d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
case 10:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (3d / 24d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(3d / 24d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
} else {
// Start in state 10 for 12 hrs more
Assert.assertEquals(10, stats.getStartsAndRuntime().size());
for (StartsAndRuntime value : stats.getData()) {
switch((Integer) value.getValue()) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (1d / 24d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(1d / 24d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
case 10:
Assert.assertEquals(1, value.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100d * (15d / 24d), value.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(15d / 24d, value.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(15 * 60 * 60 * 1000, value.getRuntime());
// Move to next period time
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
quantizer.firstValue(new IdPointValueTime(1, new MultistateValue(1), time.minusHours(3).toInstant().toEpochMilli()), 0, true);
for (int count = 0; count < data.size(); count++) quantizer.row(data.get(count), count + 1);
quantizer.lastValue(data.get(data.size() - 1), data.size() + 1, true);
Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(31), counter.getValue());
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.types.MultistateValue in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizerTest method testStartValueAtPeriodStartNoPeriodValues.
public void testStartValueAtPeriodStartNoPeriodValues() throws IOException {
// Generate data at 12 noon for every day in the period
NextTimePeriodAdjuster adjuster = new NextTimePeriodAdjuster(TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
// Reset time to track periods
time = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 0, zoneId);
MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0);
BucketCalculator bc = new TimePeriodBucketCalculator(from, to, TimePeriods.DAYS, 1);
StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizer quantizer = new StartsAndRuntimeListQuantizer(bc, new StatisticsGeneratorQuantizerCallback<StartsAndRuntimeList>() {
public void quantizedStatistics(StartsAndRuntimeList statisticsGenerator) throws IOException {
StartsAndRuntimeList stats = (StartsAndRuntimeList) statisticsGenerator;
// Test periodStart
Assert.assertEquals(time.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodStartTime());
// Test periodEnd
Assert.assertEquals(time.plusDays(1).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), stats.getPeriodEndTime());
ZonedDateTime sampleTime = time;
if (counter.getValue() == 1) {
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getFirstValue().getIntegerValue());
Assert.assertEquals((long) sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getLastValue().getIntegerValue());
Assert.assertEquals((long) sampleTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli(), (long) stats.getLastTime());
// Test start
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getStartValue().getIntegerValue());
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getCount());
// Ensure data
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getStartsAndRuntime().size());
StartsAndRuntime one = stats.getStartsAndRuntime().get(1);
Assert.assertEquals(1, one.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100.0d, one.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, one.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, one.getRuntime());
} else {
// No data in other periods
// Test first
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getFirstValue());
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getFirstTime());
// Test last
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getLastValue());
Assert.assertEquals(null, stats.getLastTime());
// Test start
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getStartValue().getIntegerValue());
// Test count
Assert.assertEquals(0, stats.getCount());
// Ensure data
Assert.assertEquals(1, stats.getStartsAndRuntime().size());
StartsAndRuntime one = stats.getStartsAndRuntime().get(1);
Assert.assertEquals(0, one.getStarts());
Assert.assertEquals(100.0d, one.getPercentage(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(1.0d, one.getProportion(), 0.0001);
Assert.assertEquals(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, one.getRuntime());
// Move to next period time
time = (ZonedDateTime) adjuster.adjustInto(time);
quantizer.firstValue(new IdPointValueTime(1, new MultistateValue(1), time.toInstant().toEpochMilli()), 0, false);
Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(31), counter.getValue());