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Example 1 with FoundsetLinkedConfig

use of in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class TitleStringPropertyType method toSabloComponentDefaultValue.

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	 * specification.PropertyDescription, com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.INGFormElement, com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.WebFormComponent,
	 * com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.DataAdapterList)
public BasicTagStringTypeSabloValue toSabloComponentDefaultValue(PropertyDescription pd, INGFormElement formElement, WebFormComponent component, DataAdapterList dataAdapterList) {
    TitleStringConfig titleStringConfig = (TitleStringConfig) pd.getConfig();
    String forDataprovider = titleStringConfig.getForDataprovider();
    if (forDataprovider != null) {
        PropertyDescription forProperty = formElement.getPropertyDescription(forDataprovider);
        if (forProperty != null) {
            IPropertyType<?> type = forProperty.getType();
            if (type instanceof FoundsetLinkedPropertyType) {
                Object config = forProperty.getConfig();
                if (config instanceof FoundsetLinkedConfig && ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) config).getForFoundsetName() != null) {
                    String forFoundset = ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) config).getForFoundsetName();
                    String dataproviderID = (String) formElement.getPropertyValue(forDataprovider);
                    JSONObject foundsetValue = (JSONObject) formElement.getPropertyValue(forFoundset);
                    if (foundsetValue != null) {
                        String foundsetID = foundsetValue.optString(FoundsetPropertyType.FOUNDSET_SELECTOR);
                        INGApplication application = ((WebFormComponent) component.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getDataConverterContext().getApplication();
                        Form form = ((IContextProvider) component.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getDataConverterContext().getForm().getForm();
                        ITable table = FoundsetTypeSabloValue.getTableBasedOfFoundsetPropertyFromFoundsetIdentifier(foundsetID, application, form);
                        if (table != null) {
                            Column dataproviderColumn = table.getColumn(dataproviderID);
                            if (dataproviderColumn != null) {
                                return toSabloComponentValue(dataproviderColumn.getTitle(), pd, formElement, component, dataAdapterList);
    return null;
Also used : Form(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Form) FoundsetLinkedConfig( PropertyDescription(org.sablo.specification.PropertyDescription) INGApplication(com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.INGApplication) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) IContextProvider(com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.IContextProvider) Column(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Column) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) ITable(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.ITable) FoundsetLinkedPropertyType(

Example 2 with FoundsetLinkedConfig

use of in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class ValueListPropertyType method getDependenciesToOtherProperties.

protected ValuelistPropertyDependencies getDependenciesToOtherProperties(PropertyDescription pd, IPropertyDescriptionProvider propertyDescriptionProvider) {
    ValueListConfig config = (ValueListConfig) pd.getConfig();
    String dataproviderPropertyName = config.getFor();
    String foundsetPropertyName = null;
    // this is really only used I think when you have a custom valuelist with date values (without separate display values) - to convert the String defined dates in the custom valuelist into actual Date values
    String formatPropertyName = null;
    boolean dataproviderResolveValuelist = false;
    if (dataproviderPropertyName != null) {
        PropertyDescription dpPropertyDef = propertyDescriptionProvider.getPropertyDescription(dataproviderPropertyName);
        Object dpConfig = null;
        if (dpPropertyDef != null) {
            dpConfig = dpPropertyDef.getConfig();
        if (dpPropertyDef != null && (dpPropertyDef.getType() instanceof FoundsetLinkedPropertyType)) {
            foundsetPropertyName = ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) dpPropertyDef.getConfig()).getForFoundsetName();
            dpConfig = ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) dpPropertyDef.getConfig()).getWrappedPropertyDescription().getConfig();
        if (dpConfig instanceof DataproviderConfig && ((DataproviderConfig) dpConfig).shouldResolveValuelist()) {
            dataproviderResolveValuelist = true;
    Collection<PropertyDescription> properties = propertyDescriptionProvider.getProperties(FormatPropertyType.INSTANCE);
    for (PropertyDescription formatPd : properties) {
        // compare whether format and valueList property are for same property (dataprovider) or if format is used for valuelist property itself
        if (formatPd.getConfig() instanceof String[] && ((String[]) formatPd.getConfig()).length > 0) {
            for (String formatForClauseEntry : ((String[]) formatPd.getConfig())) {
                if (dataproviderPropertyName.equals(formatForClauseEntry) || pd.getName().equals(formatForClauseEntry)) {
                    formatPropertyName = formatPd.getName();
            // there can/should be only one format property for a specific valuelist; we found it
            if (formatPropertyName != null)
    return new ValuelistPropertyDependencies(dataproviderPropertyName, foundsetPropertyName, formatPropertyName, dataproviderResolveValuelist);
Also used : PropertyDescription(org.sablo.specification.PropertyDescription) FoundsetLinkedConfig( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) DataproviderConfig( FoundsetLinkedPropertyType( ValueListConfig(

Example 3 with FoundsetLinkedConfig

use of in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class FormatPropertyType method getPropertyDependencies.

private FormatPropertyDependencies getPropertyDependencies(PropertyDescription pd, IPropertyDescriptionProvider pdProvider) {
    String forDataproviderPropertyName = null;
    String forFoundsetPropertyName = null;
    String forValuelistPropertyName = null;
    if (pd.getConfig() instanceof String[]) {
        for (String dependency : (String[]) pd.getConfig()) {
            // IMPORTANT: here we iterate over the for: configs to identify any dataprovider or valuelist properties that this format is meant for
            // if you have for: [valuelist, dataprovider] then 2 things can happen:
            // - valuelist if it has both real and display values - forces the type; it is either TEXT (custom vl., global method vl.) or the 'display' column type in case it's a DB valuelist
            // - valuelist if not real/display but only one kind of values: here it is required in docs in the spec file that the valuelist property also defines "for": dataprovider if format
            // defines both "for" valuelist and "for" dataprovider => valuelist doesn't force the type and then the dataprovider will decide the type
            // if you have just for: dataprovider the the dataprovider property determines the type
            // if you have just for: valuelist (TODO) - this is currently not properly supported - as here we should get the type always from the VL (for both display and real values) - as we don't have a dataprovider to fall back on
            PropertyDescription forProperty = pdProvider.getPropertyDescription(dependency);
            if (forProperty != null) {
                IPropertyType<?> type = forProperty.getType();
                if (type instanceof IYieldingType<?, ?>) {
                    type = ((IYieldingType) type).getPossibleYieldType();
                if (type instanceof DataproviderPropertyType) {
                    if (forDataproviderPropertyName == null) {
                        forDataproviderPropertyName = dependency;
                        // see if it's foundset linked
                        Object config = forProperty.getConfig();
                        if (config instanceof FoundsetLinkedConfig && ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) config).getForFoundsetName() != null) {
                            forFoundsetPropertyName = ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) config).getForFoundsetName();
                    } else
                        Debug.warn("Format property '" + pd + " declares in .spec file to be for more then one dataprovider property; this is incorrect. (" + forDataproviderPropertyName + "," + dependency + ")");
                } else if (type instanceof ValueListPropertyType) {
                    if (forValuelistPropertyName == null)
                        forValuelistPropertyName = dependency;
                        Debug.warn("Format property '" + pd + " declares in .spec file to be for more then one valuelist property; this is incorrect. (" + forDataproviderPropertyName + "," + dependency + ")");
    return new FormatPropertyDependencies(forDataproviderPropertyName, forFoundsetPropertyName, forValuelistPropertyName);
Also used : PropertyDescription(org.sablo.specification.PropertyDescription) FoundsetLinkedConfig( IYieldingType(org.sablo.specification.IYieldingType) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) BaseWebObject(org.sablo.BaseWebObject)

Example 4 with FoundsetLinkedConfig

use of in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class FormatTypeSabloValue method getSabloValue.

protected ComponentFormat getSabloValue(String formatValue, String dataproviderId, Object valuelistId, String foundsetId, IWebObjectContext webObjectCntxt) {
    INGApplication application = ((WebFormComponent) webObjectCntxt.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getDataConverterContext().getApplication();
    IDataProviderLookup dataProviderLookup = null;
    // IMPORTANT: here we use the for: configs in .spec file
    // if you have for: [valuelist, dataprovider] then 2 things can happen:
    // - valuelist if it has both real and display values - forces the type; it is either TEXT (custom vl., global method vl.) or the 'display' column type in case it's a DB valuelist
    // - valuelist if not real/display but only one kind of values: here it is required in docs in the spec file that the valuelist property also defines "for": dataprovider if format
    // defines both "for" valuelist and dataprovider => valuelist doesn't force the type and then the dataprovider will decide the type
    // if you have just for: dataprovider the the dataprovider property determines the type
    // if you have just for: valuelist (TODO) - this is currently not properly supported - as here we should get the type always from the VL (for both display and real values) - as we don't have a dataprovider to fall back on
    isValuelistFormatSet = false;
    if (valuelistId != null) {
        // if we have a "for" valuelist, see if this valuelist forces the format type due to display values (when they are separate from real values)
        // otherwise it will do nothing and loop/fallback to the other if clause below which checks the "for" dataprovider
        ValueList valuelistPersist = ValueListTypeSabloValue.getValuelistPersist(valuelistId, application);
        if (valuelistPersist != null) {
            IDataProvider dataProvider = null;
            ITable table;
            try {
                if (valuelistPersist.getRelationName() != null) {
                    Relation[] relations = application.getFlattenedSolution().getRelationSequence(valuelistPersist.getRelationName());
                    table = application.getFlattenedSolution().getTable(relations[relations.length - 1].getForeignDataSource());
                } else {
                    table = application.getFlattenedSolution().getTable(valuelistPersist.getDataSource());
                if (table != null) {
                    // if the format is for a table valuelist - the type to be used is the one of the dp chosen as 'display' in the valuelist
                    String dp = null;
                    // if show == real then we can use show anyway cause there is only one value for both real and display; if show != real we care about show
                    int showDataProviders = valuelistPersist.getShowDataProviders();
                    if ((showDataProviders & 1) != 0) {
                        dp = valuelistPersist.getDataProviderID1();
                    if ((showDataProviders & 2) != 0) {
                        // display value is a concat of multiple columns, so a string; not even sure if format property makes sense, but it is for a String then
                        if (dp != null)
                            return ComponentFormat.getComponentFormat(formatValue, IColumnTypes.TEXT, application);
                        dp = valuelistPersist.getDataProviderID2();
                    if ((showDataProviders & 4) != 0) {
                        // display value is a concat of multiple columns, so a string; not even sure if format property makes sense, but it is for a String then
                        if (dp != null)
                            return ComponentFormat.getComponentFormat(formatValue, IColumnTypes.TEXT, application);
                        dp = valuelistPersist.getDataProviderID3();
                    if (dp != null) {
                        dataProvider = application.getFlattenedSolution().getDataProviderForTable(table, dp);
                    isValuelistFormatSet = true;
                    return ComponentFormat.getComponentFormat(formatValue, dataProvider, application, true);
                } else if (valuelistPersist.getValueListType() == IValueListConstants.CUSTOM_VALUES) {
                    IValueList realValuelist = null;
                    ValueListTypeSabloValue valuelistSabloValue = (ValueListTypeSabloValue) FoundsetLinkedTypeSabloValue.unwrapIfNeeded(webObjectContext.getProperty(propertyDependencies.valueListPropertyName));
                    if (valuelistSabloValue != null) {
                        // take it from property, may not be the shared instance in case setvaluelistitems on component was used
                        realValuelist = valuelistSabloValue.getValueList();
                    if (realValuelist == null) {
                        realValuelist = com.servoy.j2db.component.ComponentFactory.getRealValueList(application, valuelistPersist, true, Types.OTHER, ComponentFormat.getComponentFormat(formatValue, dataproviderId, null, application, true).parsedFormat, null, true);
                    if (realValuelist.hasRealValues()) {
                        // if custom vl has both real and display values, the display values are TEXT (format is for those)
                        // of if it has displayValueType set, use that
                        isValuelistFormatSet = true;
                        int realValueDisplayType = realValuelist.getValueList().getDisplayValueType();
                        return ComponentFormat.getComponentFormat(formatValue, realValueDisplayType != 0 ? realValueDisplayType : IColumnTypes.TEXT, application);
                } else if (valuelistPersist.getValueListType() == IValueListConstants.GLOBAL_METHOD_VALUES) {
                    PropertyDescription vlPD = webObjectCntxt.getPropertyDescription(propertyDependencies.valueListPropertyName);
                    Object vlPDConfig = null;
                    if (vlPD != null) {
                        vlPDConfig = vlPD.getConfig();
                        if (vlPDConfig instanceof FoundsetLinkedConfig)
                            vlPDConfig = ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) vlPDConfig).getWrappedConfig();
                    boolean lazyLoad = valuelistPersist.getLazyLoading() && vlPDConfig instanceof ValueListConfig && ((ValueListConfig) vlPDConfig).getLazyLoading();
                    if (!lazyLoad) {
                        IValueList realValuelist = com.servoy.j2db.component.ComponentFactory.getRealValueList(application, valuelistPersist, true, Types.OTHER, null, null, true);
                        if (realValuelist instanceof GlobalMethodValueList) {
                            ((GlobalMethodValueList) realValuelist).fill(null, "", null);
                            if (realValuelist.hasRealValues() || realValuelist.getSize() == 0 || (realValuelist.getSize() == 1 && valuelistPersist.getAddEmptyValue() == IValueListConstants.EMPTY_VALUE_ALWAYS)) {
                                // if global method vl has both real and display values, the display values are TEXT (format is for those)
                                // of if it has displayValueType set, use that
                                isValuelistFormatSet = true;
                                int realValueDisplayType = realValuelist.getValueList().getDisplayValueType();
                                return ComponentFormat.getComponentFormat(formatValue, realValueDisplayType != 0 ? realValueDisplayType : IColumnTypes.TEXT, application);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
    // here - we want to fall back to the dataprovider if available in for: [ ..., dataprovider] if valuelist didn't force a certain display type on the format
    if (dataproviderId != null && foundsetId != null) {
        ITable table = null;
        Form form = ((IContextProvider) webObjectCntxt.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getDataConverterContext().getForm().getForm();
        // always assume now that the the properties has the foundset property name.
        FoundsetTypeSabloValue runtimeValOfFoundset = (FoundsetTypeSabloValue) webObjectCntxt.getUnderlyingWebObject().getProperty(this.propertyDependencies.foundsetPropertyName);
        if (runtimeValOfFoundset != null && runtimeValOfFoundset.getFoundset() != null && runtimeValOfFoundset.getFoundset().getDataSource().equals(foundsetId)) {
            table = runtimeValOfFoundset.getFoundset().getTable();
        if (table == null)
            table = FoundsetTypeSabloValue.getTableBasedOfFoundsetPropertyFromFoundsetIdentifier(foundsetId, application, form);
        if (table != null) {
            dataProviderLookup = new FormAndTableDataProviderLookup(application.getFlattenedSolution(), form, table);
    // else it will be searched for in form's context and table as below
    if (dataProviderLookup == null) {
        WebObjectSpecification spec = ((WebFormComponent) webObjectCntxt.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getParent().getSpecification();
        if (spec != null) {
            Collection<PropertyDescription> formComponentProperties = spec.getProperties(FormComponentPropertyType.INSTANCE);
            if (formComponentProperties != null) {
                for (PropertyDescription property : formComponentProperties) {
                    if (property.getConfig() instanceof ComponentTypeConfig && ((ComponentTypeConfig) property.getConfig()).forFoundset != null) {
                        FoundsetTypeSabloValue runtimeValOfFoundset = (FoundsetTypeSabloValue) ((WebFormComponent) webObjectCntxt.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getParent().getProperty(((ComponentTypeConfig) property.getConfig()).forFoundset);
                        ITable table = null;
                        Form form = ((IContextProvider) webObjectCntxt.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getDataConverterContext().getForm().getForm();
                        if (runtimeValOfFoundset.getFoundset() != null)
                            table = runtimeValOfFoundset.getFoundset().getTable();
                        if (table == null)
                            table = FoundsetTypeSabloValue.getTableBasedOfFoundsetPropertyFromFoundsetIdentifier(runtimeValOfFoundset.getFoundsetSelector(), application, form);
                        if (table != null) {
                            dataProviderLookup = new FormAndTableDataProviderLookup(application.getFlattenedSolution(), form, table);
    if (dataProviderLookup == null && application != null)
        dataProviderLookup = application.getFlattenedSolution().getDataproviderLookup(application.getFoundSetManager(), ((IContextProvider) webObjectCntxt.getUnderlyingWebObject()).getDataConverterContext().getForm().getForm());
    ComponentFormat format = ComponentFormat.getComponentFormat(formatValue, dataproviderId, dataProviderLookup, application, true);
    return format;
Also used : WebObjectSpecification(org.sablo.specification.WebObjectSpecification) ValueList(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.ValueList) GlobalMethodValueList(com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.GlobalMethodValueList) IValueList(com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.IValueList) Form(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Form) WebFormComponent(com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.WebFormComponent) FoundsetLinkedConfig( GlobalMethodValueList(com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.GlobalMethodValueList) IDataProvider(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IDataProvider) Relation(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Relation) INGApplication(com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.INGApplication) IContextProvider(com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.IContextProvider) FormAndTableDataProviderLookup(com.servoy.j2db.FormAndTableDataProviderLookup) ITable(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.ITable) ComponentTypeConfig( IValueList(com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.IValueList) ComponentFormat(com.servoy.j2db.component.ComponentFormat) ValueListConfig( PropertyDescription(org.sablo.specification.PropertyDescription) FoundsetTypeSabloValue( IDataProviderLookup(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IDataProviderLookup)

Example 5 with FoundsetLinkedConfig

use of in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class ComponentFactory method createComponent.

public static WebFormComponent createComponent(IApplication application, IDataAdapterList dataAdapterList, FormElement fe, Container parentToAddTo, Form form) {
    // TODO anything to do here for custom special types?
    WebFormComponent webComponent = new WebFormComponent(fe.getName(), fe, dataAdapterList);
    if (parentToAddTo != null)
    String name = fe.getName();
    IPersist persist = fe.getPersistIfAvailable();
    int elementSecurity = 0;
    if (persist != null) {
        boolean getItDirectlyBasedOnPersistAndForm = true;
        // FormComponent's child security is the security of the FormComponent
        if (fe.isFormComponentChild()) {
            String feName = fe.getName();
            // form component children security access is currently dictated by the root form component component security settings; currently one only has the Security tab in form editors not in form component editors;
            // for example if you have a form that contains a form component component A pointing to form component X that has in it a form component component B that points to form component Y
            // then the children of both X and Y in this case have the same security settings as 'root' form component component which is A;
            // so find the 'root' form component component persist and get it's access rights; this should always be found!
            String formComponentName = feName.substring(0, feName.indexOf('$'));
            for (IPersist p : form.getFlattenedFormElementsAndLayoutContainers()) {
                if (p instanceof IFormElement && formComponentName.equals(((IFormElement) p).getName())) {
                    elementSecurity = application.getFlattenedSolution().getSecurityAccess(p.getUUID(), form.getImplicitSecurityNoRights() ? IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_NO_ACCESS : IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_ACCESS);
                    getItDirectlyBasedOnPersistAndForm = false;
            if (getItDirectlyBasedOnPersistAndForm)
                Debug.warn("'Root' form component including component on form " + form.getName() + " was not found when trying to determine access rights for a child of a form component: " + name);
        } else if (persist.getParent() instanceof Portal) {
            elementSecurity = application.getFlattenedSolution().getSecurityAccess(((Portal) persist.getParent()).getUUID(), form.getImplicitSecurityNoRights() ? IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_NO_ACCESS : IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_ACCESS);
            getItDirectlyBasedOnPersistAndForm = false;
        if (getItDirectlyBasedOnPersistAndForm) {
            elementSecurity = application.getFlattenedSolution().getSecurityAccess(persist.getUUID(), form.getImplicitSecurityNoRights() ? IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_NO_ACCESS : IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_ACCESS);
        if (!((elementSecurity & IRepository.VIEWABLE) != 0)) {
    WebObjectSpecification componentSpec = fe.getWebComponentSpec(false);
    // first convert formElement-to-Sablo and store them in the webComponent
    for (String propName : fe.getRawPropertyValues().keySet()) {
        // TODO this if should not be necessary. currently in the case of "printable" hidden property
        if (componentSpec.getProperty(propName) == null)
        Object value = fe.getPropertyValueConvertedForWebComponent(propName, webComponent, (DataAdapterList) dataAdapterList);
        fillProperty(value, fe.getPropertyValue(propName), componentSpec.getProperty(propName), webComponent);
    // then after all of them are converted above attach them to the webComponent (so that when attach is called on any ISmartPropertyValue at least all the other properties are converted
    // this could help initialize smart properties that depend on each other faster then if we would convert and then attach right away each value)
    // overwrite accessible
    if (persist != null) {
        if (// element not accessible
        !((elementSecurity & IRepository.ACCESSIBLE) != 0)) {
            webComponent.setProperty(WebFormUI.ENABLED, false);
            Object enableValue = webComponent.getRawPropertyValue(WebFormUI.ENABLED);
            if (enableValue instanceof NGEnabledSabloValue) {
                ((NGEnabledSabloValue) enableValue).setAccessible(false);
        } else {
            int formSecurity = application.getFlattenedSolution().getSecurityAccess(form.getUUID(), form.getImplicitSecurityNoRights() ? IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_NO_ACCESS : IRepository.IMPLICIT_FORM_ACCESS);
            if (// form not accessible
            !((formSecurity & IRepository.ACCESSIBLE) != 0)) {
                webComponent.setProperty(WebFormUI.ENABLED, false);
                Object enableValue = webComponent.getRawPropertyValue(WebFormUI.ENABLED);
                if (enableValue instanceof NGEnabledSabloValue) {
                    ((NGEnabledSabloValue) enableValue).setAccessible(false);
    boolean[] foundOnDataChangeInDPConfigFromSpec = new boolean[] { false };
    componentSpec.getProperties(DataproviderPropertyType.INSTANCE, true).forEach((propertyFromSpec) -> {
        // the property type found here is for a 'dataprovider' property from the spec file of this component
        Object configOfDPOrFoundsetLinkedDP = propertyFromSpec.getConfig();
        DataproviderConfig dpConfig;
        if (configOfDPOrFoundsetLinkedDP instanceof FoundsetLinkedConfig)
            dpConfig = (DataproviderConfig) ((FoundsetLinkedConfig) configOfDPOrFoundsetLinkedDP).getWrappedConfig();
            dpConfig = (DataproviderConfig) configOfDPOrFoundsetLinkedDP;
        if (dpConfig.getOnDataChange() != null && form.getOnElementDataChangeMethodID() > 0) {
            foundOnDataChangeInDPConfigFromSpec[0] = true;
            webComponent.add(dpConfig.getOnDataChange(), form.getOnElementDataChangeMethodID());
    // TODO should this be a part of type conversions for handlers instead?
    for (String eventName : componentSpec.getHandlers().keySet()) {
        Object eventValue = fe.getPropertyValue(eventName);
        if (eventValue instanceof String) {
            IPersist function = application.getFlattenedSolution().getScriptMethod((String) eventValue);
            if (function == null) {
                function = application.getFlattenedSolution().searchPersist((String) eventValue);
                if (function == null) {
                    Debug.warn("Script Method of value '" + eventValue + "' for handler " + eventName + " not found trying just the form " + form);
                    IPersist child = form.getChild(UUID.fromString((String) eventValue));
                    if (child != null) {
                        Debug.warn("Script Method " + child + " on the form " + form + " with uuid " + child.getUUID());
                        function = child;
                    } else {
                        Debug.warn("Still not found on Form " + form + " Script Method of value '" + eventValue + "' for handler " + eventName);
            if (function != null) {
                webComponent.add(eventName, function.getID());
            } else {
                Debug.warn("Event handler for " + eventName + " with value '" + eventValue + "' not found (form " + form + ", form element " + name + ")");
        } else if (eventValue instanceof Number && ((Number) eventValue).intValue() > 0) {
            webComponent.add(eventName, ((Number) eventValue).intValue());
        } else if (Utils.equalObjects(eventName, StaticContentSpecLoader.PROPERTY_ONFOCUSGAINEDMETHODID.getPropertyName()) && (form.getOnElementFocusGainedMethodID() > 0)) {
            webComponent.add(eventName, form.getOnElementFocusGainedMethodID());
        } else if (Utils.equalObjects(eventName, StaticContentSpecLoader.PROPERTY_ONFOCUSLOSTMETHODID.getPropertyName()) && (form.getOnElementFocusLostMethodID() > 0)) {
            webComponent.add(eventName, form.getOnElementFocusLostMethodID());
        } else if (!foundOnDataChangeInDPConfigFromSpec[0] && Utils.equalObjects(eventName, StaticContentSpecLoader.PROPERTY_ONDATACHANGEMETHODID.getPropertyName()) && (form.getOnElementDataChangeMethodID() > 0)) {
            // legacy behavior - based on hard-coded handler name (of component)
            webComponent.add(eventName, form.getOnElementDataChangeMethodID());
    // just created, it should have no changes.
    return webComponent;
Also used : WebObjectSpecification(org.sablo.specification.WebObjectSpecification) FoundsetLinkedConfig( IFormElement(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IFormElement) IPersist(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IPersist) Portal(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Portal) NGEnabledSabloValue( DataproviderConfig(


FoundsetLinkedConfig ( PropertyDescription (org.sablo.specification.PropertyDescription)4 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)3 Form (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Form)2 ITable (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.ITable)2 IContextProvider (com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.IContextProvider)2 INGApplication (com.servoy.j2db.server.ngclient.INGApplication)2 DataproviderConfig ( FoundsetLinkedPropertyType ( ValueListConfig ( WebObjectSpecification (org.sablo.specification.WebObjectSpecification)2 FormAndTableDataProviderLookup (com.servoy.j2db.FormAndTableDataProviderLookup)1 ComponentFormat (com.servoy.j2db.component.ComponentFormat)1 GlobalMethodValueList (com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.GlobalMethodValueList)1 IValueList (com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.IValueList)1 Column (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Column)1 IDataProvider (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IDataProvider)1 IDataProviderLookup (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IDataProviderLookup)1 IFormElement (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IFormElement)1 IPersist (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IPersist)1