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Example 1 with EnableScrollPanel

use of com.servoy.j2db.util.EnableScrollPanel in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class DataRendererFactory method addSpringsBetweenComponents.

public static void addSpringsBetweenComponents(IApplication application, DataRenderer panel) {
    Map componentsListToBeHandeldOnX = new HashMap();
    Map componentsListToBeHandeldOnY = new HashMap();
    Map componentsListToBeHandeldOnWidth = new HashMap();
    Map componentsListToBeHandeldOnHeigth = new HashMap();
    FixedSpringLayout sl = (FixedSpringLayout) panel.getLayout();
    FixedSpringLayout.Constraints pcons = sl.getConstraints(panel);
    Component[] allc = panel.getComponents();
    for (Component comp : allc) {
        if (comp instanceof EnableScrollPanel) {
            ((EnableScrollPanel) comp).setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
            ((EnableScrollPanel) comp).setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
        int slide = ISupportPrintSliding.NO_SLIDING;
        Map componentsListToBeHandeld = panel.getComponentsUsingSliding();
        if (componentsListToBeHandeld != null && componentsListToBeHandeld.containsKey(comp)) {
            slide = ((Integer) componentsListToBeHandeld.get(comp)).intValue();
            for (Component ccomp : allc) {
                if (slide != ISupportPrintSliding.NO_SLIDING && ccomp != comp && ccomp.getBounds().intersects(comp.getBounds())) {
                    application.reportJSError(application.getI18NMessage("servoy.sliding.error.overlap"), // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    application.getI18NMessage("servoy.sliding.error.overlap.components", new Object[] { comp, ccomp }));
        Spring sx = Spring.constant(comp.getX());
        Spring sy = Spring.constant(comp.getY());
        Spring sw = Spring.constant(comp.getWidth());
        Spring sh = Spring.constant(comp.getHeight());
        if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_MIN_X) == ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_MIN_X) || ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_PLUS_X) == ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_PLUS_X)) {
            componentsListToBeHandeldOnX.put(comp, new Integer(slide));
        if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_MIN_Y) == ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_MIN_Y) || ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_PLUS_Y) == ISupportPrintSliding.ALLOW_MOVE_PLUS_Y)) {
            componentsListToBeHandeldOnY.put(comp, new Integer(slide));
        if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_WIDTH) == ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_WIDTH) || ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_WIDTH) == ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_WIDTH)) {
            // if (comp instanceof EnableScrollPanel)
            // {
            // ((EnableScrollPanel)comp).setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
            // ((EnableScrollPanel)comp).setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
            // }
            componentsListToBeHandeldOnWidth.put(comp, new Integer(slide));
            int max = Short.MAX_VALUE;
            int min = 0;
            if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_WIDTH) != ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_WIDTH) && ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_WIDTH) == ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_WIDTH)) {
                min = 0;
                max = comp.getWidth();
            if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_WIDTH) == ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_WIDTH) && ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_WIDTH) != ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_WIDTH)) {
                min = comp.getWidth();
                max = Short.MAX_VALUE;
            sw = new AbsWidthSpring(comp, min, max);
        if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_HEIGHT) == ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_HEIGHT) || ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_HEIGHT) == ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_HEIGHT)) {
            componentsListToBeHandeldOnHeigth.put(comp, new Integer(slide));
            int max = Short.MAX_VALUE;
            int min = 0;
            if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_HEIGHT) != ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_HEIGHT) && ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_HEIGHT) == ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_HEIGHT)) {
                min = 0;
                max = comp.getHeight();
            if (((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_HEIGHT) == ISupportPrintSliding.GROW_HEIGHT) && ((slide & ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_HEIGHT) != ISupportPrintSliding.SHRINK_HEIGHT)) {
                min = comp.getHeight();
                max = Short.MAX_VALUE;
            sh = new AbsHeightSpring(comp, min, max);
        // new FixedSpringLayout.Constraints(sx,sy,sw,sh);
        FixedSpringLayout.Constraints constr = sl.getConstraints(comp);
    Component[] allSortedXy = new Component[allc.length];
    System.arraycopy(allc, 0, allSortedXy, 0, allc.length);
    Arrays.sort(allSortedXy, PositionComparator.XY_COMPONENT_COMPARATOR);
    Component[] allSortedYx = new Component[allc.length];
    System.arraycopy(allc, 0, allSortedYx, 0, allc.length);
    Arrays.sort(allSortedYx, PositionComparator.YX_COMPONENT_COMPARATOR);
    // add west component spring for sliding components that can move horizontally, to set component location
    Iterator it1 = componentsListToBeHandeldOnX.keySet().iterator();
    while (it1.hasNext()) {
        Component element1 = (Component);
        BarSpring bs = null;
        // X space left to the element1's WEST border from
        int minXSpaceOnLeft = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // components on X exactly on the left of element1
        // sliding X components that are exactly on the left of element1
        ArrayList slidingComponentsOnLeft = new ArrayList();
        // the right most non sliding component that is on the left of element1
        Component rightMostNonSlidingLastComponentOnLeft = null;
        int xSpaceForRightmostNonSlidingLastComponentOnLeft = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Component element2 : allSortedYx) {
            boolean isExactlyOnLeftOfElement1 = true;
            if (element2 == element1)
            Rectangle join = createSmallestHorizontalJoin(element2.getBounds(), element1.getBounds());
            if (join == null || join.isEmpty()) {
                isExactlyOnLeftOfElement1 = false;
            } else {
                for (Component element3 : allSortedYx) {
                    if (element3 != element1 && element3 != element2 && join.intersects(element3.getBounds())) {
                        isExactlyOnLeftOfElement1 = false;
                        // too large, contains other eleemnts in between
            if (isExactlyOnLeftOfElement1) {
                int xSpace = element1.getX() - (element2.getX() + element2.getWidth());
                minXSpaceOnLeft = Math.min(minXSpaceOnLeft, xSpace);
                if (componentsListToBeHandeldOnWidth.containsKey(element2) || componentsListToBeHandeldOnX.containsKey(element2)) {
                } else {
                    if (xSpaceForRightmostNonSlidingLastComponentOnLeft > xSpace) {
                        xSpaceForRightmostNonSlidingLastComponentOnLeft = xSpace;
                        rightMostNonSlidingLastComponentOnLeft = element2;
        if (rightMostNonSlidingLastComponentOnLeft != null) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            sl.getConstraints(element1).setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.WEST, bs);
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minXSpaceOnLeft, minXSpaceOnLeft, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.EAST, rightMostNonSlidingLastComponentOnLeft)));
        } else if (slidingComponentsOnLeft.size() > 0) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            sl.getConstraints(element1).setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.WEST, bs);
        for (int i = slidingComponentsOnLeft.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minXSpaceOnLeft, minXSpaceOnLeft, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.EAST, (Component) slidingComponentsOnLeft.get(i))));
    // add north component spring for sliding components that allow vertical move, to set component location
    Iterator it2 = componentsListToBeHandeldOnY.keySet().iterator();
    while (it2.hasNext()) {
        Component element1 = (Component);
        BarSpring bs = null;
        // Y space left to the element1's NORTH border from
        int minYSpaceOnTop = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // components on Y right on top of element1
        // sliding Y components that are right on top of element1
        ArrayList slidingComponentsOnTop = new ArrayList();
        // the lowest non sliding component that is on top of element1
        Component lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnTop = null;
        int ySpaceForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnTop = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Component element2 : allSortedXy) {
            boolean isRightOnTopOfElement1 = true;
            if (element2 == element1)
            Rectangle join = createSmallestVerticalJoin(element2.getBounds(), element1.getBounds());
            if (join == null || join.isEmpty()) {
                isRightOnTopOfElement1 = false;
            } else {
                for (Component element3 : allSortedXy) {
                    if (element3 != element1 && element3 != element2 && join.intersects(element3.getBounds())) {
                        isRightOnTopOfElement1 = false;
                        // too large, contains other elements in between
            if (isRightOnTopOfElement1) {
                int ySpace = element1.getY() - (element2.getY() + element2.getHeight());
                minYSpaceOnTop = Math.min(minYSpaceOnTop, ySpace);
                if (componentsListToBeHandeldOnHeigth.containsKey(element2) || componentsListToBeHandeldOnY.containsKey(element2)) {
                } else {
                    if (ySpaceForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnTop > ySpace) {
                        ySpaceForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnTop = ySpace;
                        lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnTop = element2;
        if (lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnTop != null) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            sl.getConstraints(element1).setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.NORTH, bs);
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minYSpaceOnTop, minYSpaceOnTop, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.SOUTH, lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnTop)));
        } else if (slidingComponentsOnTop.size() > 0) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            sl.getConstraints(element1).setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.NORTH, bs);
        for (int i = slidingComponentsOnTop.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minYSpaceOnTop, minYSpaceOnTop, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.SOUTH, (Component) slidingComponentsOnTop.get(i))));
    // add east panel spring, to set Panel width
    Rectangle pb = panel.getBounds();
    BarSpring bs = null;
    int spaceToRightMargin = 0;
    if (componentsListToBeHandeldOnWidth.size() > 0) {
        // width left to the part's EAST border from the right-most component on Y
        int minWidthLeft = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // sliding X components that are last on X axis
        ArrayList lastSlidingComponentsOnX = new ArrayList();
        // the right most non sliding component that is last on X axis
        Component lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnX = null;
        int widthLeftForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i = allSortedXy.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // are there no other components between it and the part east border?
            boolean isALastComponentOnX = true;
            Component element = allSortedXy[i];
            Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(element.getBounds());
            int widthLeft = pb.width - (rect1.x + rect1.width);
            rect1.width += widthLeft;
            for (Component element2 : allSortedXy) {
                if (element2 != element && element.getBounds().intersects(element2.getBounds())) {
                    // overlapping elements
                if (element2 != element && rect1.intersects(element2.getBounds())) {
                    isALastComponentOnX = false;
                    // too large, contains other elements in between
            if (isALastComponentOnX) {
                minWidthLeft = Math.min(minWidthLeft, widthLeft);
                if (componentsListToBeHandeldOnWidth.containsKey(element) || componentsListToBeHandeldOnX.containsKey(element)) {
                } else {
                    if (widthLeftForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnX > widthLeft) {
                        widthLeftForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnX = widthLeft;
                        lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnX = element;
        // add springs needed to determine the width of the part
        if (lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnX != null) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            pcons.setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.EAST, bs);
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minWidthLeft, minWidthLeft, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.EAST, lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnX)));
            spaceToRightMargin = minWidthLeft;
        } else if (lastSlidingComponentsOnX.size() > 0) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            pcons.setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.EAST, bs);
            spaceToRightMargin = minWidthLeft;
        for (int i = lastSlidingComponentsOnX.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minWidthLeft, minWidthLeft, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.EAST, (Component) lastSlidingComponentsOnX.get(i))));
    if (// add fixed spring for panel size
    bs == null) {
        pcons.setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.EAST, Spring.constant(panel.getWidth()));
    // add south panel spring, to set Panel height
    bs = null;
    if (componentsListToBeHandeldOnHeigth.size() > 0) {
        // height left to the part's SOUTH border from the lowest component on Y
        int minHeightLeft = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // sliding Y components that are last on Y axis
        ArrayList lastSlidingComponentsOnY = new ArrayList();
        // the lowest non sliding component that is last on Y axis
        Component lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnY = null;
        int heightLeftForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i = allSortedYx.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // are there no other components between it and the part south border?
            boolean isALastComponentOnY = true;
            Component element = allSortedYx[i];
            Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(element.getBounds());
            int heightLeft = pb.height - (rect1.y + rect1.height);
            rect1.height += heightLeft;
            for (Component element2 : allSortedYx) {
                if (element2 != element && element.getBounds().intersects(element2.getBounds())) {
                    // overlapping elements
                if (element2 != element && rect1.intersects(element2.getBounds())) {
                    isALastComponentOnY = false;
                    // too large, contains other elements in between
            if (isALastComponentOnY) {
                minHeightLeft = Math.min(minHeightLeft, heightLeft);
                if (componentsListToBeHandeldOnHeigth.containsKey(element) || componentsListToBeHandeldOnY.containsKey(element)) {
                } else {
                    if (heightLeftForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnY > heightLeft) {
                        heightLeftForLowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnY = heightLeft;
                        lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnY = element;
        // add springs needed to determine the height of the part
        if (lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnY != null) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            pcons.setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.SOUTH, bs);
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minHeightLeft, minHeightLeft, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.SOUTH, lowestNonSlidingLastComponentOnY)));
        } else if (lastSlidingComponentsOnY.size() > 0) {
            bs = new BarSpring();
            pcons.setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.SOUTH, bs);
        for (int i = lastSlidingComponentsOnY.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            bs.add(Spring.sum(Spring.constant(minHeightLeft, minHeightLeft, Short.MAX_VALUE), sl.getConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.SOUTH, (Component) lastSlidingComponentsOnY.get(i))));
    if (// add fixed spring for panel size
    bs == null) {
        pcons.setConstraint(FixedSpringLayout.SOUTH, Spring.constant(panel.getHeight()));
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Spring(com.servoy.j2db.util.gui.Spring) Point(java.awt.Point) EnableScrollPanel(com.servoy.j2db.util.EnableScrollPanel) FixedSpringLayout(com.servoy.j2db.util.gui.FixedSpringLayout) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) GraphicalComponent(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.GraphicalComponent) IFieldComponent(com.servoy.j2db.ui.IFieldComponent) Component(java.awt.Component) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)


GraphicalComponent (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.GraphicalComponent)1 IFieldComponent (com.servoy.j2db.ui.IFieldComponent)1 EnableScrollPanel (com.servoy.j2db.util.EnableScrollPanel)1 FixedSpringLayout (com.servoy.j2db.util.gui.FixedSpringLayout)1 Spring (com.servoy.j2db.util.gui.Spring)1 Component (java.awt.Component)1 Point (java.awt.Point)1 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 JComponent (javax.swing.JComponent)1