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Example 1 with IStyleSheet

use of com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class TemplateGenerator method createFieldHTML.

private static void createFieldHTML(Field field, Form form, StringBuffer html, TextualCSS css, int startY, int endY, boolean enableAnchoring, IServiceProvider sp) {
    boolean addWrapperDiv = enableAnchoring && WebAnchoringHelper.needsWrapperDivForAnchoring(field);
    TextualStyle styleObj = css.addStyle('#' + ComponentFactory.getWebID(form, field));
    boolean[] userCssClassAdded = new boolean[] { false };
    Properties minSizeStyle = styleObj;
    if (addWrapperDiv) {
        // Anchoring fields (<input>s, <textarea>s) with { left: 0px; right: 0px; } pair
        // or { top: 0px; bottom: 0px; } does not work. Thus we add a dummy wrapper <div>
        // which accepts this kind of anchoring, and we place the field inside the <div>
        // with { width: 100%; height: 100%; }, which works fine.
        String wrapperId = ComponentFactory.getWebID(form, field) + WRAPPER_SUFFIX;
        TextualStyle wrapperStyle = css.addStyle('#' + wrapperId);
        wrapperStyle.setProperty("overflow", "visible");
        minSizeStyle = wrapperStyle;
        html.append("<div ");
        html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field, "", WRAPPER_SUFFIX));
        html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(form, field, "", WRAPPER_SUFFIX));
        if (field.getDisplayType() == Field.COMBOBOX) {
            html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, COMBOBOX_CLASS));
        html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, ""));
    Insets padding = (Insets) DEFAULT_FIELD_PADDING.clone();
    Insets border = (Insets) DEFAULT_FIELD_BORDER_SIZE.clone();
    if (field.getDisplayType() == Field.COMBOBOX || field.getDisplayType() == Field.LIST_BOX || field.getDisplayType() == Field.MULTISELECT_LISTBOX) {
        padding = DEFAULT_LABEL_PADDING;
    BorderAndPadding ins = applyBaseComponentProperties(field, form, styleObj, padding, border, sp);
    Pair<IStyleSheet, IStyleRule> pairStyle = ComponentFactory.getCSSPairStyleForForm(sp, form);
    IStyleSheet ss = pairStyle != null ? pairStyle.getLeft() : null;
    // By default no css class applied.
    String cssClass = "";
    switch(field.getDisplayType()) {
        case Field.PASSWORD:
                if (ins == null) {
                    ins = new BorderAndPadding(DEFAULT_FIELD_BORDER_SIZE, DEFAULT_FIELD_PADDING);
                html.append("<input ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, "field"));
                html.append("type='password' ");
                if (field.getSelectOnEnter()) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
        case Field.RTF_AREA:
                applyScrolling(styleObj, field);
                html.append("<div ");
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, "field"));
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(">RTF field not supported in webclient</div>");
        case Field.HTML_AREA:
            if (!field.getEditable()) {
                applyScrolling(styleObj, field);
                html.append("<div ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, "field"));
                html.append(">non editable HTML field</div>");
                boolean hasFontFamily = styleObj.containsKey("font-family");
                boolean hasFontSize = styleObj.containsKey("font-size");
                if (hasFontFamily || hasFontSize) {
                    for (String dfe : DEFAULT_FONT_ELEMENTS) {
                        TextualStyle htmlAreaFont = css.addStyle('#' + ComponentFactory.getWebID(form, field) + " " + dfe);
                        if (hasFontFamily)
                            htmlAreaFont.setProperty("font-family", styleObj.getProperty("font-family"));
                        if (hasFontSize)
                            htmlAreaFont.setProperty("font-size", styleObj.getProperty("font-size"));
            } else {
                String editorId = "editor_" + ComponentFactory.getWebID(form, field);
                html.append("<div ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                html.append("><textarea id='");
                html.append("' name='");
                html.append("' ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field, "editor_", ""));
                html.append(" rows=\"20\" cols=\"75\"></textarea></div>");
                styleObj.setProperty("padding", "0px");
                styleObj.setProperty("overflow", "hidden");
        case Field.TEXT_AREA:
                if (ins == null) {
                    ins = new BorderAndPadding(DEFAULT_FIELD_BORDER_SIZE, DEFAULT_FIELD_PADDING);
                applyScrolling(styleObj, field);
                html.append("<textarea ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, "field"));
        case Field.CHECKS:
        case Field.RADIOS:
            boolean isRadio = (field.getDisplayType() == Field.RADIOS);
            String selector = (isRadio ? "radio" : "check");
            cssClass = (isRadio ? "radio" : "check");
            IValueList val = null;
            ValueList valuelist = null;
            if (field.getValuelistID() > 0 && sp != null) {
                valuelist = sp.getFlattenedSolution().getValueList(field.getValuelistID());
            boolean addSingle = ComponentFactory.isSingleValue(valuelist);
            // If we have multiple checkboxes, then the default is "field".
            if (field.getValuelistID() > 0 && !addSingle && !isRadio)
                cssClass = "radioCheckField";
            // If we have a style for the form, apply "check" class if present, default to "field" if "check" class is not present.
            if (ss != null) {
                cssClass = "radioCheckField";
                String lookUpValue = selector;
                IStyleRule s = ss.getCSSRule(lookUpValue);
                if (s.getAttributeCount() == 0) {
                    if ((field.getStyleClass() != null) && (field.getStyleClass().trim().length() > 0)) {
                        lookUpValue += '.' + field.getStyleClass().trim();
                        s = ss.getCSSRule(lookUpValue);
                        if (s.getAttributeCount() > 0)
                            cssClass = selector;
                } else {
                    cssClass = selector;
            if ((field.getValuelistID() > 0 || isRadio) && !addSingle) {
                applyScrolling(styleObj, field);
                html.append("<div ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, cssClass));
                html.append(">Multi checkboxes</div>");
            } else {
                html.append("<div ");
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, cssClass));
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                html.append(" tabIndex=\"-1\" ");
                html.append("<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr><td id='check_td' style='vertical-align: middle;'><input onmousedown='radioCheckInputMouseDown=true' onmouseup='radioCheckInputMousedDown=false' onmouseout='radioCheckInputMouseDown=false' class='radioCheckInput' style='border-width: 0px; padding: " + (isRadio ? "0px" : "3px") + // 
                "; margin: 0px; vertical-align: middle;' ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field, "check_", ""));
                if (isRadio) {
                    html.append("type='radio' ");
                } else {
                    html.append("type='checkbox' ");
                html.append("<label style='border-width: 0px; padding-top: " + (isRadio ? "0px" : "2px") + "; padding-left: 3px; margin: 0px; vertical-align: middle;");
                html.append("' ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field, "text_", ""));
        case Field.COMBOBOX:
                ins = null;
                // if (ins == null)
                // {
                // ins = new BorderAndPadding(DEFAULT_FIELD_BORDER_SIZE,DEFAULT_FIELD_PADDING);
                // }
                html.append("<select ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, "field"));
        case Field.MULTISELECT_LISTBOX:
        case Field.LIST_BOX:
                ins = null;
                html.append("<select ");
                if (field.getDisplayType() == Field.MULTISELECT_LISTBOX) {
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, "listbox"));
        case Field.CALENDAR:
        case Field.SPINNER:
            createCompositeFieldHTML(html, form, field, styleObj, userCssClassAdded);
        case Field.IMAGE_MEDIA:
                applyScrolling(styleObj, field);
                // in tableview position is not set
                styleObj.setProperty("position", "relative");
                html.append("<div ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, "field"));
                TextualStyle inline2 = new TextualStyle();
                // inline2.setProperty("top", "1px");
                // inline2.setProperty("left", "1px");
                // inline2.setProperty("position", "absolute");
                // inline2.setProperty("cursor", "pointer");
                // inline2.setProperty("background-color", "gray");
                inline2.setProperty("z-index", "1");
                html.append("<img ");
                html.append(" border=0 servoy:id='save_icon' src='#' class='image-media-save' alt='Save' />");
                html.append("<img ");
                // inline2.setProperty("left", "17px");
                html.append(" border=0 servoy:id='upload_icon' src='#' class='image-media-upload' alt='Upload' />");
                html.append("<img ");
                // inline2.setProperty("left", "33px");
                html.append(" border=0 servoy:id='remove_icon' src='#' class='image-media-remove' alt='Remove' />");
                // html.append("<a ");
                // html.append(inline2.toString());
                // html.append(" servoy:id='upload' href='#' border=0><img servoy:id='upload_icon' src='#' alt='' /></a>");
                // html.append("<a ");
                // inline2.setProperty("left","16px");
                // html.append(inline2.toString());
                // html.append(" servoy:id='save' href='#' border=0><img servoy:id='save_icon' src='#' alt='' /></a>");
                TextualStyle inline = new TextualStyle();
                inline.setProperty("top", "0px");
                inline.setProperty("left", "0px");
                inline.setProperty("position", "absolute");
                if (field.getOnActionMethodID() < 1) {
                    inline.setProperty("cursor", "default");
                html.append("<input ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(form, field));
                if (field.getName() != null)
                html.append("' ");
                html.append("type='image' ");
                html.append(" src='#' alt='' ");
                html.append(" onclick='return false;' ");
                // html.append("<img ");
                // html.append(inline.toString());
                // html.append(" src='#' alt='' ");
                // html.append(getWicketIDParameter(field));
                // html.append(" />");
        case Field.TYPE_AHEAD:
        case Field.TEXT_FIELD:
                if (ins == null) {
                    ins = new BorderAndPadding(DEFAULT_FIELD_BORDER_SIZE, DEFAULT_FIELD_PADDING);
                html.append("<input ");
                html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, field));
                // html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(field));
                html.append(getCssClassForElement(field, userCssClassAdded, field.getValuelistID() > 0 ? "field typeahead" : "field"));
                html.append("type='text' ");
                if (field.getSelectOnEnter()) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
    if (field.getHorizontalAlignment() != -1) {
        if (// all who's actual implementation is based on WebDataCompositeTextField
        isCompositeTextField(field.getDisplayType())) {
            TextualStyle childTextCSS = css.addStyle('#' + ComponentFactory.getWebID(form, field) + WebDataCompositeTextField.AUGMENTED_FIELD_ID);
            applyTextProperties(field, childTextCSS);
        } else {
            applyTextProperties(field, styleObj);
    Insets borderAndPadding = ins == null ? new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0) : ins.getSum();
    WebAnchoringHelper.addMinSize(field.getAnchors(), sp, minSizeStyle, new Dimension(field.getSize().width - borderAndPadding.left - borderAndPadding.right, field.getSize().height - - borderAndPadding.bottom), field);
    if (addWrapperDiv) {
        styleObj.setProperty("width", "100%");
        styleObj.setProperty("height", "100%");
        styleObj.setProperty("position", "absolute");
    } else {
        applyLocationAndSize(field, styleObj, ins, startY, endY, form.getSize().width, enableAnchoring, isListViewBodyElement(form, field.getLocation()) ? new Point(-3, 0) : null);
Also used : Insets(java.awt.Insets) IStyleSheet(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet) ValueList(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.ValueList) IValueList(com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.IValueList) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) Point(java.awt.Point) Properties(java.util.Properties) IStyleRule(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleRule) IValueList(com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.IValueList)

Example 2 with IStyleSheet

use of com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class TemplateGenerator method createGraphicalComponentHTML.

private static void createGraphicalComponentHTML(GraphicalComponent label, Form form, StringBuffer html, TextualCSS css, int startY, int endY, boolean enableAnchoring, IServiceProvider sp) {
    String styleName = "#";
    Insets border = null;
    if (ComponentFactory.isButton(label) && !hasHTMLText(label.getText())) {
        // styleName = "input.";
    TextualStyle styleObj = css.addStyle(styleName + ComponentFactory.getWebID(form, label));
    BorderAndPadding ins = applyBaseComponentProperties(label, form, styleObj, (Insets) DEFAULT_LABEL_PADDING.clone(), border, sp);
    // fix the background img, see ComponentFactory.createGraphicalComponent
    // background image through css will only be used when repeat or position are set (or linear gradient is used).
    // if both are not specified then it is used as the MEDIA of the label/button, so bck_img is removed from the css.
    boolean keepBgImageStyle = false;
    for (String attribute : ServoyStyleSheet.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_CSS) {
        if (attribute.equals(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE.toString())) {
            if (styleObj.getProperty(attribute) == null) {
                keepBgImageStyle = false;
            } else if (!styleObj.getProperty(attribute).contains(MediaURLStreamHandler.MEDIA_URL_DEF)) {
                keepBgImageStyle = true;
        } else if (styleObj.getProperty(attribute) != null) {
            keepBgImageStyle = true;
    if (!keepBgImageStyle) {
    applyTextProperties(label, styleObj);
    Field labelForField = null;
    String labelFor = label.getLabelFor();
    if (labelFor != null) {
        Iterator<IPersist> fields = form.getObjects(IRepository.FIELDS);
        while (fields.hasNext()) {
            Field fld = (Field);
            if (labelFor.equals(fld.getName())) {
                labelForField = fld;
    int labelHAlign = label.getHorizontalAlignment();
    int labelVAlign = label.getVerticalAlignment();
    Pair<IStyleSheet, IStyleRule> styleInfo = ComponentFactory.getStyleForBasicComponent(sp, label, form);
    if (styleInfo != null) {
        IStyleSheet ss = styleInfo.getLeft();
        IStyleRule s = styleInfo.getRight();
        if (labelHAlign == -1)
            labelHAlign = ss.getHAlign(s);
        if (labelVAlign == -1)
            labelVAlign = ss.getVAlign(s);
    // Defaults are mapped to CENTER (or MIDDLE for vertical) to keep behavior from Smart client.
    if (labelHAlign == -1)
        labelHAlign = ISupportTextSetup.CENTER;
    if (labelVAlign == -1)
        labelVAlign = ISupportTextSetup.CENTER;
    boolean isButton = ComponentFactory.isButton(label);
    boolean[] userCssClassAdded = new boolean[] { false };
    TextualStyle wrapperStyle = null;
    Properties minSizeStyle = styleObj;
    if (isButton && enableAnchoring) {
        // Anchoring <button> with { left: 0px; right: 0px; } pair
        // or { top: 0px; bottom: 0px; } does not work. Thus we add a dummy wrapper <div>
        // which accepts this kind of anchoring, and we place the button inside the <div>
        // with { width: 100%; height: 100%; }, which works fine.
        String wrapperId = ComponentFactory.getWebID(form, label) + WRAPPER_SUFFIX;
        wrapperStyle = css.addStyle(styleName + wrapperId);
        minSizeStyle = wrapperStyle;
        html.append("<div ");
        html.append(getCssClassForElement(label, userCssClassAdded, ""));
        html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, label, "", WRAPPER_SUFFIX));
        html.append(getJavaScriptIDParameter(form, label, "", WRAPPER_SUFFIX));
    Insets buttonBorder = null;
    if (isButton) {
        html.append("<button type='submit' ");
        html.append(" style=\"white-space: nowrap;\" ");
        html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, label));
        html.append(getCssClassForElement(label, userCssClassAdded, "button"));
        // buttons are border-box by default!!
        buttonBorder = ins.getBorder();
        ins = null;
    } else {
        if (labelForField != null) {
            html.append("<label ");
            // Needed for FF to accept a <div> inside a <label>.
            styleObj.setProperty("display", "block");
        } else {
            html.append("<div ");
        // we want to wrap only if there is no html content in the label text
        if (label.getText() != null && !HtmlUtils.hasUsefulHtmlContent(label.getText())) {
            html.append(" style=\"white-space: nowrap;\"");
        html.append(getWicketIDParameter(form, label));
        html.append(getCssClassForElement(label, userCssClassAdded, "label"));
        boolean hasHtml = hasHTMLText(label.getText());
        if (hasHtml && (label.getOnActionMethodID() != 0)) {
        if (hasHtml && (label.getOnActionMethodID() != 0)) {
        if (labelForField != null) {
        } else {
        if (label.getOnActionMethodID() > 0)
            styleObj.setProperty("cursor", "pointer");
    Insets borderAndPadding = ins == null ? new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0) : ins.getSum();
    WebAnchoringHelper.addMinSize(label.getAnchors(), sp, minSizeStyle, new Dimension(label.getSize().width - borderAndPadding.left - borderAndPadding.right, label.getSize().height - - borderAndPadding.bottom), label);
    if (isButton && enableAnchoring) {
        styleObj.setProperty("width", "100%");
        styleObj.setProperty("height", "100%");
        styleObj.setProperty("position", "absolute");
        applyLocationAndSize(label, wrapperStyle, ins, startY, endY, form.getSize().width, enableAnchoring, isListViewBodyElement(form, label.getLocation()) ? new Point(-3, 0) : null);
    } else {
        applyLocationAndSize(label, styleObj, ins, startY, endY, form.getSize().width, enableAnchoring, isListViewBodyElement(form, label.getLocation()) ? new Point(-3, 0) : null);
    if (label.getRolloverCursor() == Cursor.HAND_CURSOR) {
        styleObj.setProperty("cursor", "pointer");
    int height = label.getSize().height;
    // See:
    if (isButton) {
        int bottomPadding = 0;
        if (labelVAlign != ISupportTextSetup.CENTER) {
            bottomPadding = height;
            if (buttonBorder != null)
                bottomPadding -= + buttonBorder.bottom;
        styleObj.setProperty("padding-bottom", bottomPadding + "px");
Also used : Insets(java.awt.Insets) IStyleSheet(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) Point(java.awt.Point) Properties(java.util.Properties) Point(java.awt.Point) Field(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Field) IPersist(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.IPersist) IStyleRule(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleRule)

Example 3 with IStyleSheet

use of com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class ScrollResponseHeaderContainer method getStyleAttributeString.

 * Returns for styleAttribute:
 * <p>
 *   <b>BGCOLOR</b>: an inline style string with background color to be applied to a component <br/>
 *   Needed because transparent colors are not supported in all browsers and a fallback color is also applied (if supplied)
 *            (ex: "background-color: #AAA;background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7)" )<br/>
 *            (<b>doesn't need further processing to be applyed on a component</b>)
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   <b>FGCOLOR</b>: an inline style string to be applied to a component (same logic as GBcolor)
 *   (doesn't need further processing)
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   <b>FONT</b>: string containing font font css rule values (needs further processing ,ex passed in ChangesRecorder.setFont())
 * </p>
 *   <b>BORDER</b>: string containing font border css rule values (needs further processing ,ex passed inChangesRecorder.setBorder())
 * @param style
 * @param styleAttribute
 * @return
private String getStyleAttributeString(IStyleRule style, ISupportRowStyling.ATTRIBUTE styleAttribute) {
    IStyleSheet ss = getRowStyleSheet();
    if (ss != null && style != null) {
        switch(styleAttribute) {
            case BGIMAGE:
                String[] bgImageMediaUrls = style.getValues(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE.toString());
                if (bgImageMediaUrls != null) {
                    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
                    for (String val : bgImageMediaUrls) {
                        TextualStyle headerStyle = new TemplateGenerator.TextualStyle();
                        if (val.contains(MediaURLStreamHandler.MEDIA_URL_DEF)) {
                            // extract media://name from url("media:///name")
                            String urlContentVal = val.replaceAll(".*url\\([\"']?(.*?)[\"']?\\)", "$1");
                            String httpUrl = MediaURLStreamHandler.getTranslatedMediaURL(application.getFlattenedSolution(), urlContentVal);
                            headerStyle.setProperty(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE.toString(), "url(" + httpUrl + ")");
                        } else {
                            headerStyle.setProperty(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE.toString(), val);
                        // the returned string is style='...' , we nedd to get the ... part
                        String inlineStyle = headerStyle.toString();
                        if (inlineStyle != null)
                            ret.append(inlineStyle.substring(inlineStyle.indexOf('\'') + 1, inlineStyle.length() - 2));
                    // .replaceAll("(background-image:)(.*?)(;)(background-image:)", "$1");
                    return ret.toString();
                } else {
                    return null;
            case BGCOLOR:
                if (style.getValues(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR.toString()) != null) {
                    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
                    for (Color c : ss.getBackgrounds(style)) {
                    return (ret.length() != 0) ? ret.toString() : null;
                } else {
                    return null;
            case FGCOLOR:
                if (style.getValues(CSS.Attribute.COLOR.toString()) != null) {
                    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
                    for (Color c : ss.getForegrounds(style)) {
                    return (ret.length() != 0) ? ret.toString() : null;
                } else {
                    return null;
            case FONT:
                return ss.hasFont(style) ? PersistHelper.createFontString(ss.getFont(style)) : null;
            case BORDER:
                return ss.hasBorder(style) ? ComponentFactoryHelper.createBorderString(ss.getBorder(style)) : null;
            case MARGIN:
                // !WARNING! : Margin is applied as padding
                if (ss.hasMargin(style)) {
                    TextualStyle marginStyle = new TemplateGenerator.TextualStyle();
                    String marginTop = style.getValue(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP.toString());
                    if (marginTop != null)
                        marginStyle.setProperty(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP.toString(), marginTop);
                    String marginBottom = style.getValue(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM.toString());
                    if (marginBottom != null)
                        marginStyle.setProperty(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM.toString(), marginBottom);
                    String marginLeft = style.getValue(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT.toString());
                    if (marginLeft != null)
                        marginStyle.setProperty(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT.toString(), marginLeft);
                    String marginRight = style.getValue(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_RIGHT.toString());
                    if (marginRight != null)
                        marginStyle.setProperty(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT.toString(), marginRight);
                    StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
                    // the returned string is style='...' , we nedd to get the ... part
                    String inlineStyle = marginStyle.toString();
                    if (inlineStyle != null)
                        ret.append(inlineStyle.substring(inlineStyle.indexOf('\'') + 1, inlineStyle.length() - 2));
                    return ret.toString();
    return null;
Also used : AppendingStringBuffer(org.apache.wicket.util.string.AppendingStringBuffer) IStyleSheet(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet) TextualStyle(com.servoy.j2db.server.headlessclient.dataui.TemplateGenerator.TextualStyle) Color(java.awt.Color)

Example 4 with IStyleSheet

use of com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class ComponentFactory method getCSSPairStyleForForm.

public static Pair<IStyleSheet, IStyleRule> getCSSPairStyleForForm(IServiceProvider sp, Form form) {
    IStyleSheet styleSheet = getCSSStyleForForm(sp, form);
    IStyleRule styleRule = getCSSRuleForForm(sp, form);
    if (styleSheet != null && styleRule != null) {
        return new Pair<IStyleSheet, IStyleRule>(styleSheet, styleRule);
    return null;
Also used : IStyleSheet(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet) IStyleRule(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleRule) Pair(com.servoy.j2db.util.Pair)

Example 5 with IStyleSheet

use of com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet in project servoy-client by Servoy.

the class ComponentFactory method flushCachedItems.

public static void flushCachedItems(IServiceProvider provider) {
    parsedStyles = new ConcurrentHashMap<Style, IStyleSheet>();
    if (provider != null) {
        provider.getRuntimeProperties().put(IServiceProvider.RT_VALUELIST_CACHE, null);
        provider.getRuntimeProperties().put(IServiceProvider.RT_OVERRIDESTYLE_CACHE, null);
        provider.getRuntimeProperties().put(PARSED_STYLES, null);
    Iterator<IconHolder> it = lstIcons.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        IconHolder ih =;
        Icon icon = ih.icon.get();
        if (icon instanceof ImageIcon) {
            ImageIcon imageIcon = (ImageIcon) icon;
            if (imageIcon.getImage() != null) {
        } else if (icon instanceof MyImageIcon) {
            ((MyImageIcon) icon).flush();
    lstIcons = new WeakHashMap<Object, IconHolder>();
Also used : MyImageIcon(com.servoy.j2db.util.gui.MyImageIcon) ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) IStyleSheet(com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet) Style(com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Style) ServoyJSONObject(com.servoy.j2db.util.ServoyJSONObject) MyImageIcon(com.servoy.j2db.util.gui.MyImageIcon) ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) Icon(javax.swing.Icon) MyImageIcon(com.servoy.j2db.util.gui.MyImageIcon)


IStyleSheet (com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleSheet)22 IStyleRule (com.servoy.j2db.util.IStyleRule)17 Point (java.awt.Point)8 Border (javax.swing.border.Border)7 Part (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Part)6 Color (java.awt.Color)6 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)6 Insets (java.awt.Insets)6 FormController (com.servoy.j2db.FormController)4 IForm (com.servoy.j2db.IForm)4 IDataRenderer (com.servoy.j2db.ui.IDataRenderer)4 ServoyJSONObject (com.servoy.j2db.util.ServoyJSONObject)4 TitledBorder (javax.swing.border.TitledBorder)4 IFoundSetInternal (com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.IFoundSetInternal)3 IRecordInternal (com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.IRecordInternal)3 PrototypeState (com.servoy.j2db.dataprocessing.PrototypeState)3 AbstractBase (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.AbstractBase)3 RepositoryException (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.RepositoryException)3 Style (com.servoy.j2db.persistence.Style)3 ISupportRowStyling (com.servoy.j2db.ui.ISupportRowStyling)3