use of com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Piranha in project shattered-pixel-dungeon-gdx by 00-Evan.
the class PoolRoom method paint.
public void paint(Level level) {
Painter.fill(level, this, Terrain.WALL);
Painter.fill(level, this, 1, Terrain.WATER);
Door door = entrance();
int x = -1;
int y = -1;
if (door.x == left) {
x = right - 1;
y = top + height() / 2;
Painter.fill(level, left + 1, top + 1, 1, height() - 2, Terrain.EMPTY_SP);
} else if (door.x == right) {
x = left + 1;
y = top + height() / 2;
Painter.fill(level, right - 1, top + 1, 1, height() - 2, Terrain.EMPTY_SP);
} else if (door.y == top) {
x = left + width() / 2;
y = bottom - 1;
Painter.fill(level, left + 1, top + 1, width() - 2, 1, Terrain.EMPTY_SP);
} else if (door.y == bottom) {
x = left + width() / 2;
y = top + 1;
Painter.fill(level, left + 1, bottom - 1, width() - 2, 1, Terrain.EMPTY_SP);
int pos = x + y * level.width();
level.drop(prize(level), pos).type = Random.Int(3) == 0 ? Heap.Type.CHEST : Heap.Type.HEAP;
Painter.set(level, pos, Terrain.PEDESTAL);
level.addItemToSpawn(new PotionOfInvisibility());
for (int i = 0; i < NPIRANHAS; i++) {
Piranha piranha = new Piranha();
do {
piranha.pos = level.pointToCell(random());
} while ([piranha.pos] != Terrain.WATER || level.findMob(piranha.pos) != null);
use of com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Piranha in project shattered-pixel-dungeon-gdx by 00-Evan.
the class AquariumRoom method paint.
public void paint(Level level) {
Painter.fill(level, this, Terrain.WALL);
Painter.fill(level, this, 1, Terrain.EMPTY);
Painter.fill(level, this, 2, Terrain.EMPTY_SP);
Painter.fill(level, this, 3, Terrain.WATER);
int minDim = Math.min(width(), height());
// 1-3 fish, depending on room size
int numFish = (minDim - 4) / 3;
for (int i = 0; i < numFish; i++) {
Piranha piranha = new Piranha();
do {
piranha.pos = level.pointToCell(random(3));
} while ([piranha.pos] != Terrain.WATER || level.findMob(piranha.pos) != null);
for (Door door : connected.values()) {
use of com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Piranha in project shattered-pixel-dungeon-gdx by 00-Evan.
the class WandOfCorruption method onZap.
protected void onZap(Ballistica bolt) {
Char ch = Actor.findChar(bolt.collisionPos);
if (ch != null) {
if (!(ch instanceof Mob)) {
Mob enemy = (Mob) ch;
float corruptingPower = 2 + level();
// base enemy resistance is usually based on their exp, but in special cases it is based on other criteria
float enemyResist = 1 + enemy.EXP;
if (ch instanceof Mimic || ch instanceof Statue) {
enemyResist = 1 + Dungeon.depth;
} else if (ch instanceof Piranha || ch instanceof Bee) {
enemyResist = 1 + Dungeon.depth / 2f;
} else if (ch instanceof Wraith) {
// this is so low because wraiths are always at max hp
enemyResist = 0.5f + Dungeon.depth / 8f;
} else if (ch instanceof Yog.BurningFist || ch instanceof Yog.RottingFist) {
enemyResist = 1 + 30;
} else if (ch instanceof Yog.Larva || ch instanceof King.Undead) {
enemyResist = 1 + 5;
} else if (ch instanceof Swarm) {
// child swarms don't give exp, so we force this here.
enemyResist = 1 + 3;
// 100% health: 3x resist 75%: 2.1x resist 50%: 1.5x resist 25%: 1.1x resist
enemyResist *= 1 + 2 * Math.pow(enemy.HP / (float) enemy.HT, 2);
// debuffs placed on the enemy reduce their resistance
for (Buff buff : enemy.buffs()) {
if (MAJOR_DEBUFFS.containsKey(buff.getClass()))
else if (MINOR_DEBUFFS.containsKey(buff.getClass()))
else if (buff.type == Buff.buffType.NEGATIVE)
// cannot re-corrupt or doom an enemy, so give them a major debuff instead
if (enemy.buff(Corruption.class) != null || enemy.buff(Doom.class) != null) {
enemyResist = corruptingPower * .99f;
if (corruptingPower > enemyResist) {
} else {
float debuffChance = corruptingPower / enemyResist;
if (Random.Float() < debuffChance) {
debuffEnemy(enemy, MAJOR_DEBUFFS);
} else {
debuffEnemy(enemy, MINOR_DEBUFFS);
processSoulMark(ch, chargesPerCast());
} else {, null, true);