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Example 1 with SequencedAssemblySubCategory

use of com.simibubi.create.compat.jei.category.sequencedAssembly.SequencedAssemblySubCategory in project Create by Creators-of-Create.

the class SequencedAssemblyCategory method getTooltipStrings.

public List<Component> getTooltipStrings(SequencedAssemblyRecipe recipe, double mouseX, double mouseY) {
    List<Component> tooltip = new ArrayList<Component>();
    TranslatableComponent junk = Lang.translate("recipe.assembly.junk");
    boolean singleOutput = recipe.getOutputChance() == 1;
    boolean willRepeat = recipe.getLoops() > 1;
    int xOffset = -7;
    int minX = 150 + xOffset;
    int maxX = minX + 18;
    int minY = 90;
    int maxY = minY + 18;
    if (!singleOutput && mouseX >= minX && mouseX < maxX && mouseY >= minY && mouseY < maxY) {
        float chance = recipe.getOutputChance();
        tooltip.add(Lang.translate("recipe.processing.chance", chance < 0.01 ? "<1" : 100 - (int) (chance * 100)).withStyle(ChatFormatting.GOLD));
        return tooltip;
    minX = 55 + xOffset;
    maxX = minX + 65;
    minY = 92;
    maxY = minY + 24;
    if (willRepeat && mouseX >= minX && mouseX < maxX && mouseY >= minY && mouseY < maxY) {
        tooltip.add(Lang.translate("recipe.assembly.repeat", recipe.getLoops()));
        return tooltip;
    if (mouseY > 5 && mouseY < 84) {
        int width = 0;
        int margin = 3;
        for (SequencedRecipe<?> sequencedRecipe : recipe.getSequence()) width += getSubCategory(sequencedRecipe).getWidth() + margin;
        width -= margin;
        xOffset = width / 2 + getBackground().getWidth() / -2;
        double relativeX = mouseX + xOffset;
        List<SequencedRecipe<?>> sequence = recipe.getSequence();
        for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++) {
            SequencedRecipe<?> sequencedRecipe = sequence.get(i);
            SequencedAssemblySubCategory subCategory = getSubCategory(sequencedRecipe);
            if (relativeX >= 0 && relativeX < subCategory.getWidth()) {
                tooltip.add(Lang.translate("recipe.assembly.step", i + 1));
                return tooltip;
            relativeX -= subCategory.getWidth() + margin;
    return tooltip;
Also used : SequencedAssemblySubCategory(com.simibubi.create.compat.jei.category.sequencedAssembly.SequencedAssemblySubCategory) TranslatableComponent( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SequencedRecipe(com.simibubi.create.content.contraptions.itemAssembly.SequencedRecipe) TranslatableComponent( Component( TextComponent(

Example 2 with SequencedAssemblySubCategory

use of com.simibubi.create.compat.jei.category.sequencedAssembly.SequencedAssemblySubCategory in project Create by Creators-of-Create.

the class SequencedAssemblyCategory method setRecipe.

public void setRecipe(IRecipeLayout recipeLayout, SequencedAssemblyRecipe recipe, IIngredients ingredients) {
    IGuiItemStackGroup itemStacks = recipeLayout.getItemStacks();
    IGuiFluidStackGroup fluidStacks = recipeLayout.getFluidStacks();
    int xOffset = recipe.getOutputChance() == 1 ? 0 : -7;
    itemStacks.init(0, true, 26 + xOffset, 90);
    itemStacks.set(0, Arrays.asList(recipe.getIngredient().getItems()));
    ItemStack result = recipe.getResultItem();
    itemStacks.init(1, false, 131 + xOffset, 90);
    itemStacks.set(1, result);
    int width = 0;
    int margin = 3;
    for (SequencedRecipe<?> sequencedRecipe : recipe.getSequence()) width += getSubCategory(sequencedRecipe).getWidth() + margin;
    width -= margin;
    int x = width / -2 + getBackground().getWidth() / 2;
    int index = 2;
    int fluidIndex = 0;
    for (SequencedRecipe<?> sequencedRecipe : recipe.getSequence()) {
        SequencedAssemblySubCategory subCategory = getSubCategory(sequencedRecipe);
        index += subCategory.addItemIngredients(sequencedRecipe, itemStacks, x, index);
        fluidIndex += subCategory.addFluidIngredients(sequencedRecipe, fluidStacks, x, fluidIndex);
        x += subCategory.getWidth() + margin;
    // In case machines should be displayed as ingredients
    // List<List<ItemStack>> inputs = ingredients.getInputs(VanillaTypes.ITEM);
    // int catalystX = -2;
    // int catalystY = 14;
    // for (; index < inputs.size(); index++) {
    // itemStacks.init(index, true, catalystX, catalystY);
    // itemStacks.set(index, inputs.get(index));
    // catalystY += 19;
    // }
    itemStacks.addTooltipCallback((slotIndex, input, ingredient, tooltip) -> {
        if (slotIndex != 1)
        float chance = recipe.getOutputChance();
        if (chance != 1)
            tooltip.add(1, Lang.translate("recipe.processing.chance", chance < 0.01 ? "<1" : (int) (chance * 100)).withStyle(ChatFormatting.GOLD));
Also used : SequencedAssemblySubCategory(com.simibubi.create.compat.jei.category.sequencedAssembly.SequencedAssemblySubCategory) IGuiFluidStackGroup(mezz.jei.api.gui.ingredient.IGuiFluidStackGroup) IGuiItemStackGroup(mezz.jei.api.gui.ingredient.IGuiItemStackGroup) ItemStack(

Example 3 with SequencedAssemblySubCategory

use of com.simibubi.create.compat.jei.category.sequencedAssembly.SequencedAssemblySubCategory in project Create by Creators-of-Create.

the class SequencedAssemblyCategory method draw.

public void draw(SequencedAssemblyRecipe recipe, PoseStack matrixStack, double mouseX, double mouseY) {
    Font font = Minecraft.getInstance().font;
    matrixStack.translate(0, 15, 0);
    boolean singleOutput = recipe.getOutputChance() == 1;
    int xOffset = singleOutput ? 0 : -7;
    AllGuiTextures.JEI_SLOT.render(matrixStack, 26 + xOffset, 75);
    (singleOutput ? AllGuiTextures.JEI_SLOT : AllGuiTextures.JEI_CHANCE_SLOT).render(matrixStack, 131 + xOffset, 75);
    AllGuiTextures.JEI_LONG_ARROW.render(matrixStack, 52 + xOffset, 79);
    if (!singleOutput) {
        AllGuiTextures.JEI_CHANCE_SLOT.render(matrixStack, 150 + xOffset, 75);
        Component component = new TextComponent("?").withStyle(ChatFormatting.BOLD);
        font.drawShadow(matrixStack, component, font.width(component) / -2 + 8 + 150 + xOffset, 2 + 78, 0xefefef);
    if (recipe.getLoops() > 1) {
        matrixStack.translate(15, 9, 0);
        AllIcons.I_SEQ_REPEAT.render(matrixStack, 50 + xOffset, 75);
        Component repeat = new TextComponent("x" + recipe.getLoops());
        font.draw(matrixStack, repeat, 66 + xOffset, 80, 0x888888);
    int width = 0;
    int margin = 3;
    for (SequencedRecipe<?> sequencedRecipe : recipe.getSequence()) width += getSubCategory(sequencedRecipe).getWidth() + margin;
    width -= margin;
    matrixStack.translate(width / -2 + getBackground().getWidth() / 2, 0, 0);
    List<SequencedRecipe<?>> sequence = recipe.getSequence();
    for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++) {
        SequencedRecipe<?> sequencedRecipe = sequence.get(i);
        SequencedAssemblySubCategory subCategory = getSubCategory(sequencedRecipe);
        int subWidth = subCategory.getWidth();
        TextComponent component = new TextComponent("" + romans[Math.min(i, 6)]);
        font.draw(matrixStack, component, font.width(component) / -2 + subWidth / 2, 2, 0x888888);
        subCategory.draw(sequencedRecipe, matrixStack, mouseX, mouseY, i);
        matrixStack.translate(subWidth + margin, 0, 0);
Also used : TextComponent( SequencedAssemblySubCategory(com.simibubi.create.compat.jei.category.sequencedAssembly.SequencedAssemblySubCategory) SequencedRecipe(com.simibubi.create.content.contraptions.itemAssembly.SequencedRecipe) TranslatableComponent( Component( TextComponent( Font(net.minecraft.client.gui.Font)


SequencedAssemblySubCategory (com.simibubi.create.compat.jei.category.sequencedAssembly.SequencedAssemblySubCategory)3 SequencedRecipe (com.simibubi.create.content.contraptions.itemAssembly.SequencedRecipe)2 Component ( TextComponent ( TranslatableComponent ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 IGuiFluidStackGroup (mezz.jei.api.gui.ingredient.IGuiFluidStackGroup)1 IGuiItemStackGroup (mezz.jei.api.gui.ingredient.IGuiItemStackGroup)1 Font (net.minecraft.client.gui.Font)1 ItemStack (