use of com.sk89q.worldedit.command.factory.ItemUseFactory in project FastAsyncWorldEdit by IntellectualSites.
the class PaintBrushCommands method item.
@Command(name = "item", desc = "Use an item")
public void item(CommandParameters parameters, Player player, LocalSession localSession, @Arg(desc = "The type of item to use") BaseItem item, @Arg(desc = "The direction in which the item will be applied", def = "up") @Direction(includeDiagonals = true) com.sk89q.worldedit.util.Direction direction) throws WorldEditException {
player.print(TextComponent.builder().append("WARNING: ").append(Caption.of("worldedit.brush.paint.item.warning")).build());
setPaintBrush(parameters, player, localSession, new ItemUseFactory(item, direction));
use of com.sk89q.worldedit.command.factory.ItemUseFactory in project FastAsyncWorldEdit by IntellectualSites.
the class ApplyBrushCommands method item.
@Command(name = "item", desc = "Use an item")
public void item(CommandParameters parameters, Player player, LocalSession localSession, @Arg(desc = "The type of item to use") BaseItem item, @Arg(desc = "The direction in which the item will be applied", def = "up") @Direction(includeDiagonals = true) com.sk89q.worldedit.util.Direction direction) throws WorldEditException {
player.print(TextComponent.builder().append("WARNING: ").append(Caption.of("worldedit.brush.apply.item.warning")).build());
setApplyBrush(parameters, player, localSession, new ItemUseFactory(item, direction));