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Example 1 with RegionAdder

use of com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder in project WorldGuard by EngineHub.

the class RegionCommands method redefine.

 * Re-defines a region with a new selection.
 * @param args the arguments
 * @param sender the sender
 * @throws CommandException any error
@Command(aliases = { "redefine", "update", "move" }, usage = "[-w <world>] <id>", desc = "Re-defines the shape of a region", flags = "gw:", min = 1, max = 1)
public void redefine(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException {
    String id = checkRegionId(args.getString(0), false);
    World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w');
    RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world);
    ProtectedRegion existing = checkExistingRegion(manager, id, false);
    // Check permissions
    if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayRedefine(existing)) {
        throw new CommandPermissionsException();
    ProtectedRegion region;
    if (args.hasFlag('g')) {
        region = new GlobalProtectedRegion(id);
    } else {
        region = checkRegionFromSelection(sender, id);
    RegionAdder task = new RegionAdder(manager, region);
    final String description = String.format("Updating region '%s'", region.getId());
    AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(task, sender).registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), description).sendMessageAfterDelay("(Please wait... " + description + ")").onSuccess((Component) null, t -> {
        sender.print(String.format("Region '%s' has been updated with a new area.", region.getId()));
        warnAboutDimensions(sender, region);
        informNewUser(sender, manager, region);
        checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, region);
    }).onFailure(String.format("Failed to update the region '%s'", region.getId()), worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()).buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService());
Also used : RegionAdder(com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder) GlobalProtectedRegion( CommandPermissionsException(com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissionsException) ProtectedRegion( GlobalProtectedRegion( RegionManager( World( Command(com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command)

Example 2 with RegionAdder

use of com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder in project WorldGuard by EngineHub.

the class RegionCommands method claim.

 * Claiming command for users.
 * <p>This command is a joke and it needs to be rewritten. It was contributed
 * code :(</p>
 * @param args the arguments
 * @param sender the sender
 * @throws CommandException any error
@Command(aliases = { "claim" }, usage = "<id>", desc = "Claim a region", min = 1, max = 1)
public void claim(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException {
    LocalPlayer player = worldGuard.checkPlayer(sender);
    RegionPermissionModel permModel = getPermissionModel(player);
    // Check permissions
    if (!permModel.mayClaim()) {
        throw new CommandPermissionsException();
    String id = checkRegionId(args.getString(0), false);
    RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(player.getWorld());
    checkRegionDoesNotExist(manager, id, false);
    ProtectedRegion region = checkRegionFromSelection(player, id);
    WorldConfiguration wcfg = WorldGuard.getInstance().getPlatform().getGlobalStateManager().get(player.getWorld());
    // Check whether the player has created too many regions
    if (!permModel.mayClaimRegionsUnbounded()) {
        int maxRegionCount = wcfg.getMaxRegionCount(player);
        if (maxRegionCount >= 0 && manager.getRegionCountOfPlayer(player) >= maxRegionCount) {
            throw new CommandException("You own too many regions, delete one first to claim a new one.");
    ProtectedRegion existing = manager.getRegion(id);
    // Check for an existing region
    if (existing != null) {
        if (!existing.getOwners().contains(player)) {
            throw new CommandException("This region already exists and you don't own it.");
    // We have to check whether this region violates the space of any other region
    ApplicableRegionSet regions = manager.getApplicableRegions(region);
    // Check if this region overlaps any other region
    if (regions.size() > 0) {
        if (!regions.isOwnerOfAll(player)) {
            throw new CommandException("This region overlaps with someone else's region.");
    } else {
        if (wcfg.claimOnlyInsideExistingRegions) {
            throw new CommandException("You may only claim regions inside " + "existing regions that you or your group own.");
    if (wcfg.maxClaimVolume >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        throw new CommandException("The maximum claim volume get in the configuration is higher than is supported. " + "Currently, it must be " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " or smaller. Please contact a server administrator.");
    // Check claim volume
    if (!permModel.mayClaimRegionsUnbounded()) {
        if (region instanceof ProtectedPolygonalRegion) {
            throw new CommandException("Polygons are currently not supported for /rg claim.");
        if (region.volume() > wcfg.maxClaimVolume) {
            player.printError("This region is too large to claim.");
            player.printError("Max. volume: " + wcfg.maxClaimVolume + ", your volume: " + region.volume());
    // Inherit from a template region
    if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(wcfg.setParentOnClaim)) {
        ProtectedRegion templateRegion = manager.getRegion(wcfg.setParentOnClaim);
        if (templateRegion != null) {
            try {
            } catch (CircularInheritanceException e) {
                throw new CommandException(e.getMessage());
    RegionAdder task = new RegionAdder(manager, region);
    task.setOwnersInput(new String[] { player.getName() });
    final String description = String.format("Claiming region '%s'", id);
    AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(task, sender).registerWithSupervisor(WorldGuard.getInstance().getSupervisor(), description).sendMessageAfterDelay("(Please wait... " + description + ")").onSuccess(TextComponent.of(String.format("A new region has been claimed named '%s'.", id)), null).onFailure("Failed to claim region", WorldGuard.getInstance().getExceptionConverter()).buildAndExec(WorldGuard.getInstance().getExecutorService());
Also used : CommandPermissionsException(com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissionsException) LocalPlayer(com.sk89q.worldguard.LocalPlayer) CommandException(com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException) CircularInheritanceException( RegionAdder(com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder) WorldConfiguration(com.sk89q.worldguard.config.WorldConfiguration) ProtectedRegion( GlobalProtectedRegion( RegionManager( ProtectedPolygonalRegion( RegionPermissionModel(com.sk89q.worldguard.internal.permission.RegionPermissionModel) ApplicableRegionSet( Command(com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command)

Example 3 with RegionAdder

use of com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder in project WorldGuard by EngineHub.

the class RegionCommands method define.

 * Defines a new region.
 * @param args the arguments
 * @param sender the sender
 * @throws CommandException any error
@Command(aliases = { "define", "def", "d", "create" }, usage = "[-w <world>] <id> [<owner1> [<owner2> [<owners...>]]]", flags = "ngw:", desc = "Defines a region", min = 1)
public void define(CommandContext args, Actor sender) throws CommandException {
    // Check permissions
    if (!getPermissionModel(sender).mayDefine()) {
        throw new CommandPermissionsException();
    String id = checkRegionId(args.getString(0), false);
    World world = checkWorld(args, sender, 'w');
    RegionManager manager = checkRegionManager(world);
    checkRegionDoesNotExist(manager, id, true);
    ProtectedRegion region;
    if (args.hasFlag('g')) {
        region = new GlobalProtectedRegion(id);
    } else {
        region = checkRegionFromSelection(sender, id);
    RegionAdder task = new RegionAdder(manager, region);
    task.addOwnersFromCommand(args, 2);
    final String description = String.format("Adding region '%s'", region.getId());
    AsyncCommandBuilder.wrap(task, sender).registerWithSupervisor(worldGuard.getSupervisor(), description).onSuccess((Component) null, t -> {
        sender.print(String.format("A new region has been made named '%s'.", region.getId()));
        warnAboutDimensions(sender, region);
        informNewUser(sender, manager, region);
        checkSpawnOverlap(sender, world, region);
    }).onFailure(String.format("Failed to add the region '%s'", region.getId()), worldGuard.getExceptionConverter()).buildAndExec(worldGuard.getExecutorService());
Also used : RegionAdder(com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder) GlobalProtectedRegion( CommandPermissionsException(com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissionsException) ProtectedRegion( GlobalProtectedRegion( RegionManager( World( Command(com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command)


Command (com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command)3 CommandPermissionsException (com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissionsException)3 RegionAdder (com.sk89q.worldguard.commands.task.RegionAdder)3 RegionManager ( GlobalProtectedRegion ( ProtectedRegion ( World ( CommandException (com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException)1 LocalPlayer (com.sk89q.worldguard.LocalPlayer)1 WorldConfiguration (com.sk89q.worldguard.config.WorldConfiguration)1 RegionPermissionModel (com.sk89q.worldguard.internal.permission.RegionPermissionModel)1 ApplicableRegionSet ( ProtectedPolygonalRegion ( CircularInheritanceException (