use of com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.Transaction in project sparrow by sparrowwallet.
the class BlockTransactionMapper method map.
public Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, BlockTransaction> map(ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
Sha256Hash txid = Sha256Hash.wrap(rs.getBytes("txid"));
byte[] txBytes = rs.getBytes("transaction");
Transaction transaction = null;
if (txBytes != null) {
transaction = new Transaction(txBytes);
Long fee = rs.getLong("fee");
if (rs.wasNull()) {
fee = null;
BlockTransaction blockTransaction = new BlockTransaction(Sha256Hash.wrap(rs.getBytes("hash")), rs.getInt("height"), rs.getTimestamp("date"), fee, transaction, rs.getBytes("blockHash") == null ? null : Sha256Hash.wrap(rs.getBytes("blockHash")), rs.getString("label"));
return new Map.Entry<>() {
public Sha256Hash getKey() {
return txid;
public BlockTransaction getValue() {
return blockTransaction;
public BlockTransaction setValue(BlockTransaction value) {
return null;