use of com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.
the class SpectraObjectListService method list.
protected AttributedList<Path> list(final Path directory, final ListProgressListener listener, final int chunksize) throws BackgroundException {
try {
final String prefix = this.createPrefix(directory);
final AttributedList<Path> objects = new AttributedList<>();
final Ds3Client client = new SpectraClientBuilder().wrap(session.getClient(), session.getHost());
final Path bucket = containerService.getContainer(directory);
long revision = 0L;
String marker = null;
String lastKey = null;
boolean truncated;
boolean hasDirectoryPlaceholder = containerService.isContainer(directory);
do {
final GetBucketResponse response = client.getBucket(new GetBucketRequest(bucket.getName()).withVersions(true).withDelimiter(String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER)).withMarker(marker).withPrefix(StringUtils.isBlank(prefix) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : prefix).withMaxKeys(chunksize));
for (final Contents object : response.getListBucketResult().getObjects()) {
final String key = PathNormalizer.normalize(object.getKey());
if (String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER).equals(key)) {
log.warn(String.format("Skipping prefix %s", key));
if (new SimplePathPredicate(new Path(bucket, key, EnumSet.of( {
hasDirectoryPlaceholder = true;
// Placeholder object, skip
objects.add(new Path(directory,, object.getKey().endsWith(String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER)) ? EnumSet.of( : EnumSet.of(Path.Type.file), this.toAttributes(object)));
for (final Contents object : response.getListBucketResult().getVersionedObjects()) {
final String key = PathNormalizer.normalize(object.getKey());
if (String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER).equals(key)) {
log.warn(String.format("Skipping prefix %s", key));
if (new SimplePathPredicate(new Path(bucket, key, EnumSet.of( {
hasDirectoryPlaceholder = true;
// Placeholder object, skip
if (!StringUtils.equals(lastKey, key)) {
// Reset revision for next file
revision = 0L;
final PathAttributes attributes = this.toAttributes(object);
if (attributes.isDuplicate()) {
if (attributes.getRevision() == 1) {
// Allow to undelete if latest version is delete marker
final Map<String, String> custom = new HashMap<>(attributes.getCustom());
custom.put(SpectraVersioningFeature.KEY_REVERTABLE, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
objects.add(new Path(directory,, object.getKey().endsWith(String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER)) ? EnumSet.of( : EnumSet.of(Path.Type.file), attributes));
lastKey = key;
for (CommonPrefixes common : response.getListBucketResult().getCommonPrefixes()) {
if (String.valueOf(Path.DELIMITER).equals(common.getPrefix())) {
log.warn(String.format("Skipping prefix %s", common.getPrefix()));
final String key = PathNormalizer.normalize(common.getPrefix());
if (new Path(bucket, key, EnumSet.of( {
objects.add(new Path(directory,, EnumSet.of(, Path.Type.placeholder), new PathAttributes()));
marker = response.getListBucketResult().getNextMarker();
listener.chunk(directory, objects);
truncated = response.getListBucketResult().getTruncated();
} while (truncated);
if (!hasDirectoryPlaceholder && objects.isEmpty()) {
throw new NotfoundException(directory.getAbsolute());
return objects;
} catch (FailedRequestException e) {
throw new SpectraExceptionMappingService().map("Listing directory {0} failed", e, directory);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DefaultIOExceptionMappingService().map("Listing directory {0} failed", e, directory);
use of com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.
the class SpectraVersioningFeature method revert.
public void revert(final Path file) throws BackgroundException {
final Ds3Client client = new SpectraClientBuilder().wrap(session.getClient(), session.getHost());
final Path container = containerService.getContainer(file);
try {
client.undeleteObjectSpectraS3(new UndeleteObjectSpectraS3Request(container.getName(), containerService.getKey(file)));
} catch (FailedRequestException e) {
throw new SpectraExceptionMappingService().map("Cannot revert file", e, file);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DefaultIOExceptionMappingService().map("Cannot revert file", e, file);
use of com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.
the class SpectraVersioningFeature method setConfiguration.
public void setConfiguration(final Path file, final PasswordCallback prompt, final VersioningConfiguration configuration) throws BackgroundException {
final Path container = containerService.getContainer(file);
try {
final VersioningConfiguration current = this.getConfiguration(container);
if (configuration.isEnabled()) {
if (current.isEnabled()) {
log.debug(String.format("Versioning already enabled for bucket %s", container));
} else {
log.debug(String.format("Enable bucket versioning for %s", container));
final Ds3Client client = new SpectraClientBuilder().wrap(session.getClient(), session.getHost());
final GetBucketSpectraS3Response bucket = client.getBucketSpectraS3(new GetBucketSpectraS3Request(container.getName()));
final UUID id = bucket.getBucketResult().getDataPolicyId();
client.modifyDataPolicySpectraS3(new ModifyDataPolicySpectraS3Request(id).withVersioning(VersioningLevel.KEEP_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS));
} else {
log.warn(String.format("Disable bucket versioning for %s is not supported", container));
} catch (FailedRequestException e) {
throw new SpectraExceptionMappingService().map("Failure to write attributes of {0}", e, container);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DefaultIOExceptionMappingService().map("Failure to write attributes of {0}", e, container);
use of com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.
the class SpectraAttributesFinderFeature method details.
protected HeadObjectResponse details(final Path file) throws BackgroundException {
try {
final Ds3Client client = new SpectraClientBuilder().wrap(session.getClient(), session.getHost());
final HeadObjectResponse response = client.headObject(new HeadObjectRequest(containerService.getContainer(file).getName(), containerService.getKey(file)));
switch(response.getStatus()) {
throw new NotfoundException(file.getAbsolute());
return response;
} catch (FailedRequestException e) {
throw new SpectraExceptionMappingService().map("Failure to read attributes of {0}", e, file);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DefaultIOExceptionMappingService().map("Failure to read attributes of {0}", e, file);
use of com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client in project cyberduck by iterate-ch.
the class SpectraBulkService method query.
* Get a list of all job chunks for a given job that are ready for client processing.
* <p>
* For PUT jobs, this will allocate a working window of job chunks, if possible, and return the job chunks that the client can upload.
* Any chunk returned is fully allocated, meaning that you do not have to handle HTTP 307 retries on subsequent PUTs for the chunks.
* Retries adversely impact BlackPearl gateway performance and require you to provide the object data stream for every PUT retry.
* <p>
* For GET jobs, this will respond with which job chunks have been loaded into cache and are ready for download.
* @param file File
* @param status Write job id into status parameters
* @throws RetriableAccessDeniedException File is not yet in cache
* @throws ch.cyberduck.core.exception.RedirectException Should be accessed from different node
public List<TransferStatus> query(final Transfer.Type type, final Path file, final TransferStatus status) throws BackgroundException {
// This will respond with which job chunks have been loaded into cache and are ready for download.
try {
if (!status.getParameters().containsKey(REQUEST_PARAMETER_JOBID_IDENTIFIER)) {
throw new NotfoundException(String.format("Missing job id parameter in status for %s", file.getName()));
final String job = status.getParameters().get(REQUEST_PARAMETER_JOBID_IDENTIFIER);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(String.format("Query status for job %s", job));
// Fetch current list from server
final Ds3Client client = new SpectraClientBuilder().wrap(session.getClient(), session.getHost());
// For GET, the client may need to issue multiple GET requests for a single object if it has
// been broken up into multiple pieces due to its large size
// For PUT, This will allocate a working window of job chunks, if possible, and return a list of
// the job chunks that the client can upload. The client should PUT all of the object parts
// from the list of job chunks returned and repeat this process until all chunks are transferred
final GetJobChunksReadyForClientProcessingSpectraS3Response response = client.getJobChunksReadyForClientProcessingSpectraS3(new GetJobChunksReadyForClientProcessingSpectraS3Request(UUID.fromString(job)).withPreferredNumberOfChunks(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Job status %s for job %s", response.getStatus(), job));
switch(response.getStatus()) {
final Duration delay = Duration.ofSeconds(response.getRetryAfterSeconds());
throw new RetriableAccessDeniedException(String.format("Job %s not yet loaded into cache", job), delay);
final MasterObjectList master = response.getMasterObjectListResult();
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Master object list with %d objects for %s", master.getObjects().size(), file));"Master object list status %s for %s", master.getStatus(), file));
final List<TransferStatus> chunks = query(file, status, job, master);
if (chunks.isEmpty()) {"Still missing chunks for file %s for job %s", file.getName(), job));
throw new RetriableAccessDeniedException(String.format("Missing chunks for job %s", job), Duration.ofSeconds(new HostPreferences(session.getHost()).getInteger("spectra.retry.delay")));
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Server returned %d chunks for %s", chunks.size(), file));
return chunks;
} catch (FailedRequestException e) {
throw new SpectraExceptionMappingService().map(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DefaultIOExceptionMappingService().map(e);