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Example 6 with IntensionalSet

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class IntersectionIntensionalSetsSimplifier method standardizeApartIntensionalSets.

public static IntensionalSet standardizeApartIntensionalSets(IntensionalSet intensionalSet, IntensionalSet fromOtherIntensionalSet, Context context) {
    IntensionalSet result = intensionalSet;
    IndexExpressionsSet intensionalSetIndexes = intensionalSet.getIndexExpressions();
    IndexExpressionsSet fromOtherIntensionalSetIn = fromOtherIntensionalSet.getIndexExpressions();
    List<Expression> overlappingIndexNames = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Expression intensionalSetIndex : IndexExpressions.getIndices(intensionalSetIndexes)) {
        if (IndexExpressions.indexExpressionsContainIndex(fromOtherIntensionalSetIn, intensionalSetIndex)) {
    if (overlappingIndexNames.size() > 0) {
        Expression combinedExpression = And.make(intensionalSet, fromOtherIntensionalSet);
        List<Expression> newIndexNames = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Expression overlappingIndex : overlappingIndexNames) {
            Expression newIndexName = Expressions.makeUniqueVariable(overlappingIndex.toString(), combinedExpression, context);
        SyntaxTree resultSyntaxTree = result.getSyntaxTree();
        for (int i = 0; i < newIndexNames.size(); i++) {
            Expression replaced = overlappingIndexNames.get(i);
            Expression replacement = newIndexNames.get(i);
            resultSyntaxTree = resultSyntaxTree.replaceSubTreesAllOccurrences(replaced.getSyntaxTree(), replacement.getSyntaxTree());
        result = (IntensionalSet) Expressions.makeFromSyntaxTree(resultSyntaxTree);
    return result;
Also used : IntensionalSet( SyntaxTree( Expression( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IndexExpressionsSet(

Example 7 with IntensionalSet

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class InversionSimplifier method isFunctionOnIntensionalSetWithSingleIndex.

private static boolean isFunctionOnIntensionalSetWithSingleIndex(Object functor, Expression expression) {
    boolean result = false;
    if (((functor == null && Expressions.isFunctionApplicationWithArguments(expression)) || expression.hasFunctor(functor)) && expression.numberOfArguments() == 1) {
        Expression expressionArg1 = expression.get(0);
        if (Sets.isIntensionalSet(expressionArg1)) {
            IntensionalSet intensionalSet = (IntensionalSet) expressionArg1;
            IndexExpressionsSet indexExpressionsSet = intensionalSet.getIndexExpressions();
            List<Expression> indices = IndexExpressions.getIndices(indexExpressionsSet);
            if (indices.size() == 1) {
                result = true;
    return result;
Also used : IntensionalSet( Expression( ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet( IndexExpressionsSet(

Example 8 with IntensionalSet

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class ExpressoAPIExamples method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Symbols are expressions representing Java values, such as a string,
    // a number, a boolean, and even any other objects (Expressions themselves will throw an error, though, to prevent common mistakes)
    Expression a = DefaultSymbol.createSymbol("a");
    Expression ten = DefaultSymbol.createSymbol(10);
    Expression trueValue = DefaultSymbol.createSymbol(true);
    Expression object = DefaultSymbol.createSymbol(;
    // Below, we use Util.println to avoid having to write System.out.println.
    // Util has lots and lots and lots of very useful methods that eliminate boring Java chores.
    // We definitely recommend studying it carefully!
    // To easily write just "println" and have it work, write "println" and use Ctrl-1 to be offered the option
    // of statically importing Util.println.
    // You can statically import an identifier in Eclipse by placing the cursor on it and pressing Shift-Ctrl-M in Windows.
    println("a        : " + a);
    println("ten      : " + ten);
    println("trueValue: " + trueValue);
    println("object   : " + object);
    // It is easier to remember to make symbols using Expressions.makeSymbol:
    // 'Expressions' is a class with lots of useful static methods for working with expressions.
    // This of it as the counterpart of 'Util', but for expressions.
    // Having many useful expression classes in a single place makes it easier to remember them and access them through code completion.
    // As with 'Util', we often import its methods statically.
    a = makeSymbol("a");
    ten = makeSymbol(10);
    trueValue = makeSymbol(true);
    object = makeSymbol(;
    println("a        : " + a);
    println("ten      : " + ten);
    println("trueValue: " + trueValue);
    println("object   : " + object);
    // The second most important type of expressions are function applications.
    // They consist of a functor (an expression representing a function, typically a symbol) applied to zero or more arguments:
    Expression f = makeSymbol("f");
    Expression g = makeSymbol("g");
    Expression fATen = new DefaultFunctionApplication(f, list(a, ten));
    Expression gOnNothing = new DefaultFunctionApplication(g, list());
    println("function f applied to a and ten: " + fATen);
    println("function g applied to nothing: " + gOnNothing);
    // It is much easier to use Expressions.apply:
    fATen = apply(f, a, ten);
    gOnNothing = apply(g);
    println("function f applied to a and ten: " + fATen);
    println("function g applied to nothing: " + gOnNothing);
    // Naturally, function applications can be applied to any expression, including other function applications:
    Expression gFATen = apply(g, apply(f, a, ten));
    println("function g applied to function f applied to a and ten: " + gFATen);
    // If we do not create symbols for Java values, apply does it automatically for us:
    gFATen = apply("g", apply("f", "a", 10));
    println("function g applied to function f applied to a and ten: " + gFATen);
    // Some operators are output in special infix notation for readability:
    // again not creating symbols first
    Expression twoPlusTwoPlusThree = apply("+", 2, 2, 3);
    println("two plus two plus three: " + twoPlusTwoPlusThree);
    Expression arithmetic1 = apply("*", 2, apply("+", 2, 3));
    Expression arithmetic2 = apply("+", 2, apply("*", 2, 3));
    println("Arithmetic gets printed while respecting usual precedence rules by using parentheses: " + arithmetic1);
    println("Arithmetic gets printed while respecting usual precedence rules by using parentheses: " + arithmetic2);
    // Same for logic:
    Expression logic1 = apply("and", "p", apply("or", "q", "r"));
    Expression logic2 = apply("or", "p", apply("and", "q", "r"));
    println("Same for logic: " + logic1);
    println("Same for logic: " + logic2);
    // It is not good practice to use separate strings for referring to the same operators.
    // In the future, we may decide to change the string associated to an operator
    // and have that string used in many places would make that hard to effect.
    // FunctorConstants is a class with lots of static fields for operator strings:
    arithmetic1 = apply(FunctorConstants.TIMES, 2, apply(FunctorConstants.PLUS, 2, 3));
    logic1 = apply(FunctorConstants.AND, "p", apply(FunctorConstants.OR, "q", "r"));
    // Functor constants can also be statically imported:
    arithmetic1 = apply(TIMES, 2, apply(PLUS, 2, 3));
    logic1 = apply(AND, "p", apply(OR, "q", "r"));
    // We can access the functor and arguments of a function application:
    println("The functor of " + gFATen + " is " + gFATen.getFunctor());
    println("The second argument of " + fATen + " is " + fATen.get(1));
    // returns a List<Expression>
    println("All arguments of " + fATen + " are " + fATen.getArguments());
    // We can also set new functors or arguments.
    // IMPORTANT: expressions are IMMUTABLE, so this creates a new expression,
    // although it does re-use the unchanged parts.
    Expression newArgument = gFATen.set(0, a);
    println("Changed first argument of " + gFATen + " to " + a + " and obtained " + newArgument);
    println("Original expression continues the same, since they are immutable: " + gFATen);
    // getFunctor returns a symbol, so to check if it is, for example, "f", we need
    // to write expression.getFunctor().equals(makeSymbol("f"))
    // which is too long.
    // Instead, we can use 'hasFunctor'
    println(fATen + " has functor \"f\": " + fATen.hasFunctor("f"));
    // Finally, we can parse expressions for strings.
    // BUT we should never use that to construct expressions if we have the sub-expressions already represented as Java objects.
    // For example, don't do this: parse("f(" + a + ", " + b + ")");
    // Instead, use apply("f", a, b);
    ten = parse("10");
    trueValue = parse("true");
    fATen = parse("f(a,10)");
    arithmetic1 = parse("2*(2 + 3)");
    arithmetic2 = parse("2+(2 * 3)");
    // Another important type of expression is sets.
    // There are two dimensions for sets: they can be uni- or multi-sets, and they can be extensionally or intensionally defined.
    // A uni-set has at most one instance of each element in it. This is the typical mathematical set.
    // A multi-set may have multiple instances of the same element in it.
    // For example, the multi-set {1,2,2,3} is distinct from multi-set {1,2,2,2,3}.
    // In Expresso, we use double-brackets for denoting multi-sets:  {{ 1, 2, 2, 3 }}.
    // {{ }} denotes the empty multi-set.
    // The singleton uni-set with an empty set in it is denoted { {} }.
    // You need a space between the brackets to avoid them being parsed as a double bracket.
    // An extensionally defined set is an explicit enumeration of its elements: {1, 2, 3}, {{1, 2, 2, 3}}, {}, {{ }}.
    // An intensionally defined set is defined by a condition: { (on I in Integer)  I^2 : I > 3 and I <= 100 }, for example,
    // which is equal to { 16, 25, 36, ..., 10000 }.
    // The general form of an intensionally defined set (or, less precisely but more succinctly, an intensional set) is
    // { (on Index1 in Index1Domain, Index2 in Index2Domain, ..., Index_n in Index_nDomain)   Head   :  Condition }
    // We can also have intensionally defined multi-sets using double brackets.
    // Here are some ways of constructing sets:
    a = makeSymbol("a");
    Expression b = makeSymbol("b");
    Expression c = makeSymbol("c");
    Expression d = makeSymbol("d");
    Expression extensionalUniSet = ExtensionalSets.makeUniSet(a, b, c, d);
    Expression extensionalMultiSet = ExtensionalSets.makeMultiSet(a, b, c, d);
    // Creating an intensionally defined set programmatically (as opposed to parsing a string description of it)
    // is a bit of work (this will be shown below).
    // Here's an example of parsing one:
    Expression intensionalUniSet = parse("{ ( on P in People, F in Foods ) eats(P, F) : not (P = Rodrigo and F = shrimp) }");
    // Here's how to do it from scratch, but see next the way we typically actually do it.
    Expression p = makeSymbol("P");
    Expression people = makeSymbol("People");
    f = makeSymbol("F");
    Expression foods = makeSymbol("Foods");
    IndexExpressionsSet indices = new ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet(apply(IN, p, people), apply(IN, f, foods));
    // The "extensional" in ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet means that the list/set of indices is extensionally defined,
    // even though they will be the indices of an intensionally defined set.
    intensionalUniSet = // IntensionalSet.intensionalUniSet, or simply intensionalUniSet, also works
    IntensionalSet.makeUniSet(indices, apply("eats", p, f), apply(NOT, apply(AND, Equality.make(p, "Rodrigo"), Equality.make(f, "shrimp"))));
    // Note that Equality.make(p, "Rodrigo") is the same as apply(FunctorConstants.EQUAL, p, "Rodrigo").
    // We often have 'make' methods for many operators: And.make, Or.make and so on.
    // packages in have many such operator-specific classes.
    // When writing code on sets, we typically are modifying an existing set expression, so we can re-use its parts,
    // by using special part-replacement methods.
    // This requires the variable to implement the IntensionalSet interface, though.
    // IMPORTANT: expressions are IMMUTABLE, so setCondition and other part-replacement methods return a NEW expression,
    // although the parts not replaced are re-used.
    IntensionalSet intensionalSetCast = (IntensionalSet) intensionalUniSet;
    Expression noCondition = intensionalSetCast.setCondition(makeSymbol(true));
    println("Set with no condition: " + noCondition);
    Expression headSaysLoveInsteadOfEats = intensionalSetCast.setHead(apply("loves", p, f));
    println("Set with new head: " + headSaysLoveInsteadOfEats);
    Expression withNewIndices = intensionalSetCast.setIndexExpressions(new ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet(apply(IN, p, people), apply(IN, f, foods), apply(IN, "D", "Days")));
    println("Set with new indices: " + withNewIndices);
    // summations and products are just function applications of FunctorConstants.SUM and FunctorConstants.PRODUCT on intensional multi-sets.
    // sum( {{ (on Indices)  Head  : Condition }} ) represents the summation (in Latex notation) sum_{Indices : Condition} Head
    Expression summation = apply(SUM, intensionalSetCast);
    Expression product = apply(PRODUCT, intensionalSetCast);
    // /// Evaluating expressions
    // The above code shows how to deal with the syntax of expressions.
    // Evaluating expressions requires knowing about the semantics, that is, to what functions each operator corresponds to ("+" to addition, etc).
    // This is provided by a theory, which for now it suffices to know is a collection of methods for evaluating expressions
    // according to an interpretation to some symbols.
    Theory theory = new CompoundTheory(new EqualityTheory(false, true), new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, false), new LinearRealArithmeticTheory(false, false), new TupleTheory(), new PropositionalTheory());
    // Because this evaluation is symbolic, evaluated expressions may involve free variables.
    // In this case, the result of the evaluation will be a simplified expression that
    // is equivalent to the original expression for all possible assignments to the free variables.
    // For example, X + 0*Y is evaluate to X because, for any assignment to (X,Y), X + 0*Y = X.
    // true context: all assignments to free variables are of interest
    Context context = new TrueContext(theory);
    // We will later see how we can use contexts that restrict the free variable assignments of interest.
    // Now that we have a theory and a context, we can evaluate expressions:
    println("1 + 0*X + 1  =  " + theory.evaluate(parse("1 + 1"), context));
    evaluate(new String[] { "1 + 1", "2", "X + 1 + 1", "X + 2", "sum({{ (on I in 1..10) I }})", "55", "product({{ (on I in 1..5) 2 : I != 3 and I != 5 }})", "8" // see many more examples in
    }, theory, context);
    // now let us assume we have a free variable J which is an integer
    // Contexts are, like expressions, also IMMUTABLE:
    Context context2 = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("J", "Integer");
    // However, here we just want to use the same variable 'context' all along, so we keep the updated context in it:
    context = context2;
    // Because we store the reference to the modified context in the same variable, we lose the reference to the original one,
    // but, if we wanted, we could keep contexts in a stack, for example,
    // so that we could always easily revert back to a previous context if needed.
    evaluate(new String[] { "X + 1 + 1 + J", "X + 2 + J", "sum({{ (on I in 1..10) I : I != J }})", "if J > 0 then if J <= 10 then -1 * J + 55 else 55 else 55" // see many more examples in
    }, theory, context);
    // now let us assume we have a free variable J which is an integer
    // The context is also a boolean formula (a constraint)
    // Current, its value is "true", but we can conjoin it with a literal J < 0
    context = context.conjoin(parse("J < 0"));
    evaluate(new String[] { "J < 1", "true", // J is irrelevant because it is out of the range of I
    "sum({{ (on I in 1..1000) I : I != J }})", // J is irrelevant because it is out of the range of I
    "500500" // see many more examples in
    }, theory, context);
    // we now add another symbol and constraint
    context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("K", "Integer");
    context = context.conjoin(parse("K > 0"));
    evaluate(new String[] { "J < K", "true" // see many more examples in
    }, theory, context);
    // Obtaining all free variables in an expression.
    // In order to obtain all free variables appearing in an expression
    // (and therefore excluding quantified variables (for all X, there exists X) and set indices ({ (on Z in Real) Z }))
    // we must traverse the expression and select its sub-expressions that are variables.
    // However, we need to know what a variable is.
    // It is not enough to say that any symbol is a variable, because "1" and "true" are symbols, but not variables.
    // It is not enough to say that any symbols that is an identifier (starting with an alphabet letter) is a variable,
    // because we may have uniquely named constants such as "john" and "bob" that are not to be treated as variables
    // (we want "john = bob" to be evaluated to "false", and if they were variable, this would not happen.
    // The way Expresso deals with this question is by letting the user define a predicate in the context that
    // encoded what a uniquely named constant is, and considering any other symbol to be considered a variable.
    // By default, Expresso follows the Prolog convention of capitalized variables: X is a variable, x is not.
    // Note how this takes "Real" to be a variable!
    context = new TrueContext();
    Expression expression = parse("X + f(g(x, Y, 1, true, false, 10, bob, john, there exists Z in Real : 10, { (on W in Real) 1 } ))");
    Set<Expression> variablesInExpression = Expressions.freeVariables(expression, context);
    // outputs [X, Y]
    println("variables in " + expression + " by Prolog standard: " + variablesInExpression);
    // More recently, we have adopted the practice of not caring about capitalization.
    // This means that we may, for example, defined uniquely named constants to be any symbols that are not in a given set of variables.
    Set<Expression> allVariables = set(parse("x"), parse("X"), parse("Y"), parse("Z"), parse("W"));
    context = context.setIsUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate(new UniquelyNamedConstantAreAllSymbolsNotIn(allVariables));
    variablesInExpression = Expressions.freeVariables(expression, context);
    println("variables in " + expression + " if all variables is " + allVariables + ": " + // outputs [x, X, Y]
    // Sometimes, it is useful to replace subexpressions in a given expression by another subexpression:
    expression = parse("f(f(f(X))) + X");
    Expression valueOfX = parse("10");
    Expression replacementOfFirstOccurrenceOnly = expression.replaceFirstOccurrence(parse("X"), valueOfX, context);
    println("Replacing only the first occurrence of X by its value gives " + replacementOfFirstOccurrenceOnly);
    Expression replacementOfAllOccurrences = expression.replaceAllOccurrences(parse("X"), valueOfX, context);
    println("Replacing all occurrences of X by its value gives " + replacementOfAllOccurrences);
    // There are a LOT of variants of these functions in Expression (not Expressions),
    // including some very flexible ones that allow the user to provide a function for determining the replacement.
    // Here's how to decide if a point is in the convex hull of other two points:
    Context convexityBaseContext = new TrueContext(theory);
    convexityBaseContext = convexityBaseContext.setIsUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate(new UniquelyNamedConstantIncludingBooleansAndNumbersPredicate(set()));
    convexityBaseContext = convexityBaseContext.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("p", "Real", "p1", "Real", "p2", "Real", "X", "Integer");
    Expression pValue;
    Expression p1Value;
    Expression p2Value;
    String[] examples = { "4", "3", "5", "6", "3", "5" // this case is still buggy:
    // "if X = 1 then 2 else 3", "if X = 2 then 1 else 5", "if X = 10 then 0 else 10",
    for (int i = 0; i != examples.length; i += 3) {
        pValue = parse(examples[i]);
        p1Value = parse(examples[i + 1]);
        p2Value = parse(examples[i + 2]);
        Context convexityContext;
        convexityContext = convexityBaseContext.conjoin(parse("p  = " + pValue));
        convexityContext = convexityContext.conjoin(parse("p1 = " + p1Value));
        convexityContext = convexityContext.conjoin(parse("p2 = " + p2Value));
        Expression isInConvexHull = parse("there exists c1 in [0;1] : there exists c2 in [0;1] : c1 + c2 = 1 and p = c1*p1 + c2*p2");
        Expression result = theory.evaluate(isInConvexHull, convexityContext);
        println("p (value " + pValue + ") is in the convex hull of p1 and p2 (" + p1Value + ", " + p2Value + "): " + result);
    // Even coding the values directly still results in a bug.
    // Expression isInConvexHull =
    // parse("there exists c1 in [0;1] : there exists c2 in [0;1] : c1 + c2 = 1 and (if X = 1 then 2 else 3) = c1*(if X = 2 then 1 else 3) + c2*(if X = 10 then 0 else 10)");
    // Expression result = theory.evaluate(isInConvexHull, convexityBaseContext);
    // println("if X = 1 then 2 else 3 is in the convex hull of if X = 2 then 1 else 3 and if X = 10 then 0 else 10: " + result);
    // Obtaining and using types:
    context = new TrueContext();
    context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("I", "3..8", "P", "Boolean");
    Expression typeExpression = context.getTypeExpressionOfRegisteredSymbol(parse("I"));
    Type type = context.getTypeOfRegisteredSymbol(parse("I"));
    Iterator<Expression> iteratorToValuesInType = type.iterator();
    println("All values of the type " + typeExpression + " of I: " + Util.join(iteratorToValuesInType));
    typeExpression = context.getTypeExpressionOfRegisteredSymbol(parse("P"));
    type = context.getTypeOfRegisteredSymbol(parse("P"));
    iteratorToValuesInType = type.iterator();
    println("All values of the type " + typeExpression + " of P: " + Util.join(iteratorToValuesInType));
Also used : TrueContext( Context( EqualityTheory( PropositionalTheory( EqualityTheory( LinearRealArithmeticTheory( Theory( DifferenceArithmeticTheory( CompoundTheory( TupleTheory( DifferenceArithmeticTheory( LinearRealArithmeticTheory( PropositionalTheory( CompoundTheory( TupleTheory( TrueContext( ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet( Type( IntensionalSet( UniquelyNamedConstantAreAllSymbolsNotIn( Expression( DefaultFunctionApplication( ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet( IndexExpressionsSet( UniquelyNamedConstantIncludingBooleansAndNumbersPredicate(

Example 9 with IntensionalSet

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class CountingFormulaEquivalentExpressions method isCountingFormulaEquivalentExpression.

 * Tests if a given expression is equivalent to a counting formula. Three
 * cases exist for this currently:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Instances of the CountingFormula interface.</li>
 * <li>Applications of the cardinality functor to intensional
 * multisets.</li>
 * <li>Applications of the cardinality functor to intensional unisets whose
 * head is a tuple over the indices of the set.</li>
 * </ol>
 * @param expression
 *            the expression to be tested.
 * @return true if the given expression is equivalent semantically to a
 *         counting formula, false otherwise.
public static boolean isCountingFormulaEquivalentExpression(Expression expression) {
    boolean result = false;
    if (expression instanceof CountingFormula) {
        result = true;
    } else if (expression.hasFunctor(FunctorConstants.CARDINALITY)) {
        Expression cardinalityArg = expression.get(0);
        if (Sets.isIntensionalMultiSet(cardinalityArg)) {
            result = true;
        } else if (Sets.isIntensionalUniSet(cardinalityArg)) {
            IntensionalSet intensionalUniSet = (IntensionalSet) cardinalityArg;
            Expression head = intensionalUniSet.getHead();
            if (Tuple.isTuple(head)) {
                // TODO - we should really test if the args of the tuple
                // match the indices but for now we will trust they are the
                // same.
                result = true;
    return result;
Also used : CountingFormula( IntensionalSet( Expression(

Example 10 with IntensionalSet

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class IntensionalSetConditionSimplifier method simplify.

public static Expression simplify(Expression expression, Context context) {
    Expression result = expression;
    if (Sets.isIntensionalSet(expression)) {
        IntensionalSet intensionalSet = (IntensionalSet) expression;
        Expression condition = intensionalSet.getCondition();
        if (!(condition.equals(Expressions.TRUE) || condition.equals(Expressions.FALSE))) {
            IndexExpressionsSet indexExpressionsSet = intensionalSet.getIndexExpressions();
            Context extendedContext = context.extendWith(indexExpressionsSet);
            Expression evaluatedCondition = context.getTheory().evaluate(condition, extendedContext);
            if (!evaluatedCondition.equals(condition)) {
                result = IntensionalSet.make(Sets.isIntensionalMultiSet(expression) ? IntensionalSet.MULTI_SET_LABEL : IntensionalSet.UNI_SET_LABEL, indexExpressionsSet, intensionalSet.getHead(), evaluatedCondition);
    return result;
Also used : Context( IntensionalSet( Expression( IndexExpressionsSet(


Expression ( IntensionalSet ( IndexExpressionsSet ( ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 Type ( Context ( Context ( RealExpressoType ( RealInterval ( Rational ( TrueContext ( List (java.util.List)5 CountingFormula ( FunctionType ( IntegerExpressoType ( IntegerInterval ( TupleType ( TrueContext ( Beta (