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Example 6 with SingleVariableConstraint

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class SGDPLLT method encodeConditionAsLastIndexConstraintIfPossibleOrInBodyOtherwise.

	 * If condition is an instance of {@link SingleVariableConstraint} or is representable as one
	 * (that is, it is a conjunctive clause),
	 * then make it the constraint to be used for last index, and use original given body.
	 * Otherwise, encode the condition as part of the body,
	 * in the form <code>if condition then body else identityElement</code>.
	 * This is particularly useful when the condition is already a constraint of {@link SingleVariableConstraint},
	 * since it re-used to work put on building it in the first place.
	 * @param group
	 * @param indexExpressions
	 * @param quantifierFreeIndicesCondition
	 * @param quantifierFreeBody
	 * @param context
	 * @return
private static Pair<Expression, SingleVariableConstraint> encodeConditionAsLastIndexConstraintIfPossibleOrInBodyOtherwise(AssociativeCommutativeGroup group, List<Expression> indices, Expression quantifierFreeIndicesCondition, Expression quantifierFreeBody, Theory theory, Context context) {
    Expression body;
    SingleVariableConstraint lastIndexConstraint = null;
    Expression lastIndex = getLast(indices);
    try {
        body = quantifierFreeBody;
        lastIndexConstraint = SingleVariableConstraint.make(theory, lastIndex, quantifierFreeIndicesCondition, context);
        return Pair.make(body, lastIndexConstraint);
    } catch (Error e) {
    /* proceed to default case below */
    // did not work out because condition is not SingleVariableConstraint on last index
    body = IfThenElse.make(quantifierFreeIndicesCondition, quantifierFreeBody, group.additiveIdentityElement());
    lastIndexConstraint = theory.makeSingleVariableConstraint(lastIndex, theory, context);
    Pair<Expression, SingleVariableConstraint> bodyAndLastIndexConstraint = Pair.make(body, lastIndexConstraint);
    return bodyAndLastIndexConstraint;
Also used : SingleVariableConstraint( Expression(

Example 7 with SingleVariableConstraint

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class SGDPLLT method solve.

	 * @param group
	 * @param indices
	 * @param indicesCondition
	 * @param body
	 * @param context
	 * @return
public Expression solve(AssociativeCommutativeGroup group, List<Expression> indices, Expression indicesCondition, Expression body, Context context) {
    Theory theory = context.getTheory();
    Expression currentBody = body;
    int numberOfIndices = indices.size();
    if (numberOfIndices != 0) {
        // Re-use {@link SingleVariableConstraint} if condition is one.
        // TODO: eventually we want the algorithm to work so that it splitters may be entire constraints,
        // if they are found. Then this encoding would become superfluous,
        // and the condition could always be safely encoded in the body, since it would then be picked and re-used.
        // This would also re-use body if it happens to be a constraint.
        Pair<Expression, SingleVariableConstraint> bodyAndLastIndexConstraint = SGDPLLT.encodeConditionAsLastIndexConstraintIfPossibleOrInBodyOtherwise(group, indices, indicesCondition, body, theory, context);
        currentBody = bodyAndLastIndexConstraint.first;
        SingleVariableConstraint lastIndexConstraint = bodyAndLastIndexConstraint.second;
        if (lastIndexConstraint.isContradiction()) {
            return group.additiveIdentityElement();
        for (int i = numberOfIndices - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // evaluate from inside out; this may change in the future
            Expression index = indices.get(i);
            SingleVariableConstraint constraintForThisIndex = i == numberOfIndices - 1 ? lastIndexConstraint : theory.makeSingleVariableConstraint(index, theory, context);
            ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver quantifierEliminatorStepSolver = theory.getSingleVariableConstraintQuantifierEliminatorStepSolver(group, constraintForThisIndex, currentBody, context);
            if (quantifierEliminatorStepSolver != null) {
                currentBody = quantifierEliminatorStepSolver.solve(context);
            } else {
                // cannot eliminate this level, so reconstruct original expression up to this index
                throw new Error("Reconstruction of quantifier not yet eliminable not yet implemented.");
            // once implemented, must return  
    } else {
        currentBody = IfThenElse.make(indicesCondition, currentBody, group.additiveIdentityElement());
    // Normalize final result.
    ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver evaluator = theory.makeEvaluatorStepSolver(currentBody);
    currentBody = evaluator.solve(context);
    return currentBody;
Also used : SingleVariableConstraint( Theory( Expression( ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver( SingleVariableConstraint(

Example 8 with SingleVariableConstraint

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class DefaultMultiVariableConstraint method conjoinWithLiteral.

public DefaultMultiVariableConstraint conjoinWithLiteral(Expression literal, Context context) {
    DefaultMultiVariableConstraint result;
    Expression variable = getSomeVariableFor(literal, context);
    if (variable == null) {
        // the literal has no variables.
        Expression literalEvaluation = getTheory().simplify(literal, context);
        if (literalEvaluation.equals(TRUE)) {
            result = this;
        } else {
            result = makeContradiction();
    } else {
        SingleVariableConstraint singleVariableConstraint = getConstraintFor(variable, context);
        SingleVariableConstraint newSingleVariableConstraint = singleVariableConstraint.conjoin(literal, context);
        if (newSingleVariableConstraint.isContradiction()) {
            result = makeContradiction();
        } else if (newSingleVariableConstraint == singleVariableConstraint) {
            result = this;
        } else {
            Map<Expression, SingleVariableConstraint> newFromVariableToItsConstraint = new LinkedHashMap<>(fromVariableToItsConstraint);
            newFromVariableToItsConstraint.put(variable, newSingleVariableConstraint);
            result = makeWithNewFromVariableToItsConstraint(newFromVariableToItsConstraint);
    return result;
Also used : SingleVariableConstraint( Expression( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 9 with SingleVariableConstraint

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class MultiVariableContextWithCheckedProperty method conjoinWithLiteral.

public Context conjoinWithLiteral(Expression literal, Context context) {
    Context result;
    if (literal.equals(TRUE)) {
        result = this;
    } else if (literal.equals(FALSE)) {
        result = makeContradiction();
    } else {
        Collection<Expression> variablesInLiteral = getTheory().getVariablesIn(literal, context);
        if (variablesInLiteral.isEmpty()) {
            Expression literalSimplifiedToConstant = getTheory().simplify(literal, context);
            if (literalSimplifiedToConstant == literal) {
                throw new Error("Literal " + literal + " should have been simplified to a boolean constant, but was not. Sometimes this is caused by using a symbol as a variable, but which has not been declared as a variable in the context, or has been declared as a uniquely named constant in the Context (for example by constructing the Context with the default PrologConstantPredicate as a default predicate for recognizing constants, which recognizes all non-capitalized identifiers as such)");
            result = conjoinWithLiteral(literalSimplifiedToConstant, context);
        } else if (head != null) {
            SingleVariableConstraint newHead;
            Context newTail;
            if (variablesInLiteral.contains(head.getVariable())) {
                newHead = head.conjoin(literal, context);
                newTail = tail;
            } else {
                newHead = head;
                newTail = tail.conjoin(literal, context);
            // up the chain so they are integrated and simplified in the corresponding single-variable constraints
            if (!newHead.isContradiction()) {
                for (Expression externalLiteral : newHead.getExternalLiterals()) {
                    if (!newTail.isContradiction()) {
                        newTail = newTail.conjoin(externalLiteral, context);
                newHead = newHead.makeSimplificationWithoutExternalLiterals();
            if (newHead == head && newTail == tail) {
                // in case nothing changed
                result = this;
            } else {
                result = makeAndCheck(getTheory(), newHead, newTail, contextDependentProblemStepSolverMaker, context);
        } else {
            Expression firstVariable = getFirstOrNull(variablesInLiteral);
            SingleVariableConstraint newSingleVariableConstraint = getTheory().makeSingleVariableConstraint(firstVariable, getTheory(), context);
            newSingleVariableConstraint = newSingleVariableConstraint.conjoin(literal, context);
            result = makeAndCheck(getTheory(), newSingleVariableConstraint, this, contextDependentProblemStepSolverMaker, context);
    return result;
Also used : Context( SingleVariableConstraint( Expression( Collection(java.util.Collection)

Example 10 with SingleVariableConstraint

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class SGDPLLTTester method runGroupProblemSolvingTesterForSuccessiveConstraints.

private static void runGroupProblemSolvingTesterForSuccessiveConstraints(String problemName, TestRunner tester, boolean testAgainstBruteForce, AssociativeCommutativeGroup group, TheoryTestingSupport theoryTestingSupport, long numberOfTests, int maxNumberOfLiterals, boolean outputCount) throws Error {
    Context context = theoryTestingSupport.makeContextWithTestingInformation();
    NullaryFunction<Constraint> makeInitialConstraint = () -> theoryTestingSupport.getTheory().makeSingleVariableConstraint(parse(theoryTestingSupport.pickTestingVariableAtRandom()), theoryTestingSupport.getTheory(), context);
    Function<Constraint, Expression> makeRandomLiteral = c -> theoryTestingSupport.makeRandomLiteralOn(((SingleVariableConstraint) c).getVariable().toString(), context);
    runTesterGivenOnSuccessiveConjunctionsOfLiterals(problemName, tester, numberOfTests, maxNumberOfLiterals, testAgainstBruteForce, theoryTestingSupport, makeInitialConstraint, makeRandomLiteral, outputCount, context);
Also used : CompleteMultiVariableContext( Context( BinaryFunction( Util.removeFromSetNonDestructively( SubExpressionsDepthFirstIterator( Expression( Constraint( Function(java.util.function.Function) GrinderUtil( ThereExists( AbstractIterativeMultiIndexQuantifierElimination( Expressions.parse( Map(java.util.Map) CompleteMultiVariableContext( And( DefaultMultiVariableConstraint( ZERO( LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Sets( Type( NullaryFunction( Util.join( SingleVariableConstraint( Simplifier( Collection(java.util.Collection) Util.list( Set(java.util.Set) Expressions.getVariableReferences( Context( QuantifiedExpression( Theory( Beta( IndexExpressions( Expressions.makeSymbol( Util( AssociativeCommutativeGroup( Util.pickKElementsWithoutReplacement( TRUE( BruteForceCommonInterpreter( AssignmentsIterator( SingleVariableConstraint( Constraint( DefaultMultiVariableConstraint( SingleVariableConstraint( Expression( QuantifiedExpression(


SingleVariableConstraint ( Expression ( Context ( Theory ( QuantifiedExpression ( Type ( Constraint ( CompleteMultiVariableContext ( DefaultMultiVariableConstraint ( Collection (java.util.Collection)5 Map (java.util.Map)5 Beta ( TRUE ( ZERO ( Expressions.getVariableReferences ( Expressions.makeSymbol ( Expressions.parse ( SubExpressionsDepthFirstIterator ( AssignmentsIterator ( GrinderUtil (