use of com.stripe.exception.StripeException in project cryptonomica by Cryptonomica.
the class StripeTestServlet method doPost.
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
/* --- request*/
String requestDataStr = ServletUtils.getAllRequestData(request);
String responseStr = "{\"paymentData\":" + requestDataStr + ",";
// Get the credit card details submitted by the form
String token = request.getParameter("stripeToken");
@SuppressWarnings("unused") String cardHolderName = request.getParameter("cardHolderName");
/* -- see example on: */
RequestOptions requestOptions = (new RequestOptions.RequestOptionsBuilder()).setApiKey(STRIPE_SECRET_KEY).build();
// -- Card options:
// ------------ // Map<String, Object> cardMap = new HashMap<>();
// cardMap.put("name", cardHolderName);// - "Received both card and source parameters. Please pass in only one."
cardMap.put("number", "4242424242424242");
cardMap.put("exp_month", 12);
cardMap.put("exp_year", 2020);
// -- Charge options:
Map<String, Object> chargeMap = new HashMap<>();
// -- this is ONE dollar
chargeMap.put("amount", 100);
chargeMap.put("currency", "usd");
// see: (Java)
// chargeParams.put("source", token);
// chargeParams.put("description", "Example charge");
chargeMap.put("source", token);
chargeMap.put("description", "Example charge: " + token);
// ------------ // chargeMap.put("card", cardMap);
// -- make charge:
responseStr += "\"charge\":";
try {
Charge charge = Charge.create(chargeMap, requestOptions);
// System.out.println(charge);
responseStr += GSON.toJson(charge);
ExternalAccount source = charge.getSource();
LOG.warning("source: " + GSON.toJson(source));
// -- "succeeded"
// - boolean: true or false
// String customerStr = source.getCustomer();
// LOG.warning("customerStr: " + customerStr); //
// responseStr += "," + "\"customerStr\":" + GSON.toJson(charge); // - same as source
} catch (StripeException e) {
String errorMessage = e.getMessage();
responseStr += "\"";
responseStr += errorMessage;
responseStr += "\"";
responseStr += "}";
ServletUtils.sendJsonResponse(response, responseStr);
use of com.stripe.exception.StripeException in project stripe-java by stripe.
the class ChargeTest method testPerCallAPIUsage.
public void testPerCallAPIUsage() throws StripeException {
Charge createdCharge = Charge.create(defaultChargeParams, Stripe.apiKey);
try {
Charge.create(defaultChargeParams, "INVALID_KEY_HERE");
} catch (Exception e) {
// An exception is expected, so do nothing.
// (This test is pretty bad, but it's going away Soon™.)