use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.context.ComponentContext in project Payara by payara.
the class AbstractAttributeHandler method processAnnotation.
* Process a particular annotation which type is the same as the
* one returned by @see getAnnotationType(). All information
* pertinent to the annotation and its context is encapsulated
* in the passed AnnotationInfo instance.
* This is a method in interface AnnotationHandler.
* @param ainfo the annotation information
public HandlerProcessingResult processAnnotation(AnnotationInfo ainfo) throws AnnotationProcessorException {
AnnotatedElement ae = ainfo.getAnnotatedElement();
Annotation annotation = ainfo.getAnnotation();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.finer("@process annotation " + annotation + " in " + ae);
AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler();
if (aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext) {
EjbBundleContext ejbBundleContext = (EjbBundleContext) aeHandler;
AnnotatedElementHandler aeh = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjb();
if (aeh != null) {
aeHandler = aeh;
} else {
if (isDelegatee()) {
aeHandler = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjbInterceptor();
if (aeHandler == null) {
return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(null, ainfo);
if (!supportTypeInheritance() && ElementType.TYPE.equals(ainfo.getElementType()) && aeHandler instanceof ComponentContext) {
ComponentContext context = (ComponentContext) aeHandler;
Class clazz = (Class) ainfo.getAnnotatedElement();
if (!clazz.getName().equals(context.getComponentClassName())) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
log(Level.WARNING, ainfo, localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.typeinhernotsupp", "The annotation symbol inheritance is not supported."));
return getDefaultProcessedResult();
EjbContext[] ejbContexts = null;
EjbInterceptorContext ejbInterceptorContext = null;
if (aeHandler instanceof EjbContext) {
EjbContext ejbContext = (EjbContext) aeHandler;
ejbContexts = new EjbContext[] { ejbContext };
} else if (aeHandler instanceof EjbsContext) {
ejbContexts = ((EjbsContext) aeHandler).getEjbContexts();
} else if (isDelegatee() && aeHandler instanceof EjbInterceptorContext) {
ejbInterceptorContext = (EjbInterceptorContext) aeHandler;
} else {
return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(aeHandler, ainfo);
HandlerProcessingResult procResult = null;
if (ejbInterceptorContext != null) {
procResult = processAnnotation(ainfo, ejbInterceptorContext);
} else {
procResult = processAnnotation(ainfo, ejbContexts);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.finer("New annotation for " + annotation);
return procResult;