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Example 1 with FastStringWriter

use of in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Util method checkIdUniqueness.

 * Utility method to validate ID uniqueness for the tree represented by <code>component</code>.
public static void checkIdUniqueness(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Set<String> componentIds) {
    boolean uniquenessCheckDisabled = false;
    if (context.isProjectStage(ProjectStage.Production)) {
        WebConfiguration config = WebConfiguration.getInstance(context.getExternalContext());
        uniquenessCheckDisabled = config.isOptionEnabled(WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter.DisableIdUniquenessCheck);
    if (!uniquenessCheckDisabled) {
        // deal with children/facets that are marked transient.
        for (Iterator<UIComponent> kids = component.getFacetsAndChildren(); kids.hasNext(); ) {
            UIComponent kid =;
            // check for id uniqueness
            String id = kid.getClientId(context);
            if (componentIds.add(id)) {
                checkIdUniqueness(context, kid, componentIds);
            } else {
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "faces.duplicate_component_id_error", id);
                    FastStringWriter writer = new FastStringWriter(128);
                    DebugUtil.simplePrintTree(context.getViewRoot(), id, writer);
                String message = MessageUtils.getExceptionMessageString(MessageUtils.DUPLICATE_COMPONENT_ID_ERROR_ID, id);
                throw new IllegalStateException(message);
Also used : FastStringWriter( UIComponent(jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent) MessageUtils.getExceptionMessageString(com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils.getExceptionMessageString) WebConfiguration(com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration)

Example 2 with FastStringWriter

use of in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class WriteBehindStateWriter method getState.

 * Get the state.
 * <p>
 * In Faces it is required by the specification that the view state hidden input in each h:form has a unique id. So we
 * have to call this method multiple times as each h:form needs to generate the element id for itself.
 * </p>
 * @param stateManager the state manager.
 * @param origWriter the original response writer.
 * @return the state.
 * @throws IOException when an I/O error occurs.
private StringBuilder getState(StateManager stateManager, ResponseWriter origWriter) throws IOException {
    FastStringWriter stateWriter = new FastStringWriter(stateManager.isSavingStateInClient(context) ? bufSize : 128);
    if (state == null) {
        String viewId = context.getViewRoot().getViewId();
        ViewDeclarationLanguage vdl = context.getApplication().getViewHandler().getViewDeclarationLanguage(context, viewId);
        if (vdl != null) {
            Map<Object, Object> contextAttributes = context.getAttributes();
            try {
                contextAttributes.put(IS_SAVING_STATE, TRUE);
                state = vdl.getStateManagementStrategy(context, viewId).saveView(context);
            } finally {
    stateManager.writeState(context, state);
    return stateWriter.getBuffer();
Also used : FastStringWriter( ViewDeclarationLanguage(jakarta.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage)

Example 3 with FastStringWriter

use of in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class MenuRenderer method renderSelect.

// Render the "select" portion..
protected void renderSelect(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException {
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    if (logger.isLoggable(FINER)) {
        logger.log(FINER, "Rendering 'select'");
    writer.startElement("select", component);
    writeIdAttributeIfNecessary(context, writer, component);
    writer.writeAttribute("name", component.getClientId(context), "clientId");
    // Render styleClass attribute if present.
    String styleClass;
    if ((styleClass = (String) component.getAttributes().get("styleClass")) != null) {
        writer.writeAttribute("class", styleClass, "styleClass");
    if (!getMultipleText(component).equals("")) {
        writer.writeAttribute("multiple", true, "multiple");
    // Determine how many option(s) we need to render, and update
    // the component's "size" attribute accordingly; The "size"
    // attribute will be rendered as one of the "pass thru" attributes
    SelectItemsIterator<SelectItem> items = getSelectItems(context, component);
    // Render the options to a buffer now so that we can determine
    // the size
    FastStringWriter bufferedWriter = new FastStringWriter(128);
    int count = renderOptions(context, component, items);
    // If "size" is *not* set explicitly, we have to default it correctly
    Integer size = (Integer) component.getAttributes().get("size");
    if (size == null || size == MIN_VALUE) {
        size = count;
    writeDefaultSize(writer, size);
    renderPassThruAttributes(context, writer, component, ATTRIBUTES, getNonOnChangeBehaviors(component));
    renderXHTMLStyleBooleanAttributes(writer, component);
    renderOnchange(context, component, false);
    // Now, write the buffered option content
Also used : ResponseWriter(jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter) SelectItem(jakarta.faces.model.SelectItem) FastStringWriter(

Example 4 with FastStringWriter

use of in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class HtmlResponseWriter method endDocument.

 * Output the text for the end of a document.
public void endDocument() throws IOException {
         * If the FastStringWriter is kept because of an error in <script> writing we get it here and write out the result. See
         * issue #3473
    if (writer instanceof FastStringWriter) {
        FastStringWriter fastStringWriter = (FastStringWriter) writer;
        String result = fastStringWriter.getBuffer().toString();
        writer = origWriter;
Also used : FastStringWriter(

Example 5 with FastStringWriter

use of in project mojarra by eclipse-ee4j.

the class HtmlResponseWriter method endElement.

 * <p>
 * Write the end of an element. This method will first close any open element created by a call to
 * <code>startElement()</code>.
 * @param name Name of the element to be ended
 * @throws IOException if an input/output error occurs
 * @throws NullPointerException if <code>name</code> is <code>null</code>
public void endElement(String name) throws IOException {
    if (name == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException(MessageUtils.getExceptionMessageString(MessageUtils.NULL_PARAMETERS_ERROR_MESSAGE_ID, "name"));
    if ("script".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
        withinScript = false;
    if ("style".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
        withinStyle = false;
    // always turn escaping back on once an element ends
    if (!withinScript && !withinStyle) {
        dontEscape = false;
    isXhtml = getContentType().equals(RIConstants.XHTML_CONTENT_TYPE);
    if (isScriptOrStyle(name) && !scriptOrStyleSrc && writer instanceof FastStringWriter) {
        String result = ((FastStringWriter) writer).getBuffer().toString();
        writer = origWriter;
        if (result != null) {
            String trim = result.trim();
            if (isXhtml) {
                if (isScript) {
                    Matcher cdataStartSlashSlash = CDATA_START_SLASH_SLASH.matcher(trim), cdataEndSlashSlash = CDATA_END_SLASH_SLASH.matcher(trim), cdataStartSlashStar = CDATA_START_SLASH_STAR.matcher(trim), cdataEndSlashStar = CDATA_END_SLASH_STAR.matcher(trim);
                    int trimLen = trim.length(), start, end;
                    // case 1 start is // end is //
                    if (cdataStartSlashSlash.find() && cdataEndSlashSlash.find()) {
                        start = cdataStartSlashSlash.end() - cdataStartSlashSlash.start();
                        end = trimLen - (cdataEndSlashSlash.end() - cdataEndSlashSlash.start());
                        writer.write(trim.substring(start, end));
                    } else // case 2 start is // end is /* */
                    if (null != cdataStartSlashSlash.reset() && cdataStartSlashSlash.find() && cdataEndSlashStar.find()) {
                        start = cdataStartSlashSlash.end() - cdataStartSlashSlash.start();
                        end = trimLen - (cdataEndSlashStar.end() - cdataEndSlashStar.start());
                        writer.write(trim.substring(start, end));
                    } else // case 3 start is /* */ end is /* */
                    if (cdataStartSlashStar.find() && null != cdataEndSlashStar.reset() && cdataEndSlashStar.find()) {
                        start = cdataStartSlashStar.end() - cdataStartSlashStar.start();
                        end = trimLen - (cdataEndSlashStar.end() - cdataEndSlashStar.start());
                        writer.write(trim.substring(start, end));
                    } else // case 4 start is /* */ end is //
                    if (null != cdataStartSlashStar.reset() && cdataStartSlashStar.find() && null != cdataEndSlashStar.reset() && cdataEndSlashSlash.find()) {
                        start = cdataStartSlashStar.end() - cdataStartSlashStar.start();
                        end = trimLen - (cdataEndSlashSlash.end() - cdataEndSlashSlash.start());
                        writer.write(trim.substring(start, end));
                    } else // case 5 no commented out cdata present.
                } else {
                    if (trim.startsWith("<![CDATA[") && trim.endsWith("]]>")) {
                        writer.write(trim.substring(9, trim.length() - 3));
                    } else {
            } else {
                if (trim.startsWith("<!--") && trim.endsWith("//-->")) {
                    writer.write(trim.substring(4, trim.length() - 5));
                } else {
        if (isXhtml) {
            if (!writingCdata) {
                if (isScript) {
                } else {
        } else {
            if (isScriptHidingEnabled) {
    if (!withinScript || isScript) {
        isScript = false;
    } else if (!withinStyle || isStyle) {
        isStyle = false;
    if (!withinScript && !withinScript) {
        dontEscape = false;
    if ("cdata".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
    // See if we need to close the start of the last element
    if (closeStart) {
        boolean isEmptyElement = HtmlUtils.isEmptyElement(name);
        // spurious /> characters to appear in the output.
        if (isEmptyElement) {
            writer.write(" />");
            closeStart = false;
        closeStart = false;
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) FastStringWriter(


FastStringWriter ( WebConfiguration (com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration)1 MessageUtils.getExceptionMessageString (com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils.getExceptionMessageString)1 UIComponent (jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent)1 ResponseWriter (jakarta.faces.context.ResponseWriter)1 SelectItem (jakarta.faces.model.SelectItem)1 ViewDeclarationLanguage (jakarta.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage)1 PrintWriter ( StringWriter ( Writer ( Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1