use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSSSOAndFedHandler method createAuthnResponse.
protected FSAuthnResponse createAuthnResponse(Object ssoToken, String inResponseTo, NameIdentifier userHandle, NameIdentifier idpHandle) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.createAuthnResponse: Called");
FSAuthnResponse authnResponse = null;
try {
String requestID = authnRequest.getRequestID();
FSAssertionManager am = FSAssertionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
FSAssertion assertion = null;
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
assertion = am.createFSAssertion(sessionProvider.getSessionID(ssoToken), null, realm, spEntityId, userHandle, idpHandle, inResponseTo, authnRequest.getMinorVersion());
StatusCode statusCode = new StatusCode(IFSConstants.STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS);
Status status = new Status(statusCode);
List contents = new ArrayList();
authnResponse = new FSAuthnResponse(null, requestID, status, contents, relayState);
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.createAuthnResponse: " + "CHECK1: " + hostedEntityId);
} catch (FSException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.createAuthnResponse: FSException: ", se);
return null;
} catch (SAMLException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.createAuthnResponse: " + "SAMLException: ", se);
return null;
} catch (SessionException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.createAuthnResponse: " + "SessionException: ", se);
return null;
// sign AuthnResponse
return authnResponse;
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler method createFaultSAMLArtifact.
* Generates a valid SAML artifact, in response
* to a single sign on request for a non federated user.
private List createFaultSAMLArtifact() {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler. In createFaultSAMLArtifacts");
// create assertion id and artifact
String handle = SAMLUtils.generateAssertionHandle();
if (handle == null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "create FaultSAMLArtifacts: couldn't generate assertion " + "handle.");
return null;
try {
String sourceSuccinctID = FSUtils.generateSourceID(hostedEntityId);
AssertionArtifact art = new FSAssertionArtifact(SAMLUtils.stringToByteArray(sourceSuccinctID), handle.getBytes(IFSConstants.SOURCEID_ENCODING));
List artis = new ArrayList();
FSAssertionManager am = FSAssertionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
am.setErrStatus(art, noFedStatus);
return artis;
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSBrowserArtifactProfileHandler.createFaultSAMLArtifacts: ", e);
return null;
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler method createSAMLResponse.
private FSResponse createSAMLResponse(FSSAMLRequest samlRequest) throws FSException {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler.createSAMLResponse: Called");
FSResponse retResponse = null;
String respID = FSUtils.generateID();
String inResponseTo = samlRequest.getRequestID();
List contents = new ArrayList();
String message = null;
int length;
Status status;
String remoteAddr = ClientUtils.getClientIPAddress(request);
String respPrefix = FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseLogMessage") + " " + remoteAddr;
int reqType = samlRequest.getContentType();
if (reqType == Request.NOT_SUPPORTED) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "Found element in the request which are not supported");
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("unsupportedElement");
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Responder"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
} catch (SAMLException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "Fatal error, cannot create status or response: ", se);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
FSAssertionManager am = null;
try {
am = FSAssertionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
} catch (FSException se) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Cannot instantiate " + "FSAssertionManager");
message = se.getMessage();
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Responder"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
} catch (SAMLException sse) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "Fatal error, cannot create status or response: ", sse);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
List artifacts = null;
List assertions = new ArrayList();
if (reqType == Request.ASSERTION_ARTIFACT) {
artifacts = samlRequest.getAssertionArtifact();
length = artifacts.size();
// ensure that all the artifacts have the same sourceID
String sourceID = null;
String providerID = null;
AssertionArtifact art = null;
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
art = (AssertionArtifact) artifacts.get(j);
if (sourceID != null) {
if (!sourceID.equals(art.getSourceID())) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Artifacts not from " + "the same source");
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("mismatchSourceID");
try {
* Need a second level status for the federation
* does not exist.
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester", new StatusCode(IFSConstants.FEDERATION_NOT_EXISTS_STATUS, null)), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
} catch (SAMLException ex) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", ex);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
} else {
//sourceids are equal
} else {
// sourceID == null
sourceID = art.getSourceID();
// while loop to go through artifacts to check for sourceID
if (art != null) {
try {
providerID = am.getDestIdForArtifact(art);
} catch (FSException ex) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: FSException Occured while " + "retrieving sp's providerID for the artifact: ", ex);
providerID = null;
if (providerID == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "artifact received does not correspond to any SP");
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("invalidSource");
try {
* Need a second level status for the federation
* does not exist.
* First, let's check we haven't recorded a status
* beforehand (by another call) related to this
* artifact. If so, use it.
Status sorig = am.getErrorStatus(art);
if (sorig != null) {
status = sorig;
} else {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester", new StatusCode(IFSConstants.FEDERATION_NOT_EXISTS_STATUS, null)), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
return retResponse;
} catch (SAMLException sse) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
return null;
//return error response
} else {
try {
if (!metaManager.isTrustedProvider(realm, hostedEntityId, providerID)) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processAuthnRequest: " + "RemoteProvider is not trusted");
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("AuthnRequestProcessingFailed");
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
return retResponse;
spDescriptor = metaManager.getSPDescriptor(realm, providerID);
spEntityId = providerID;
remoteAddr = providerID;
} catch (Exception ae) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "FSAllianceManagementException " + "Occured while getting", ae);
message = ae.getMessage();
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
return retResponse;
} catch (SAMLException sse) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
return null;
//Verify signature
if (FSServiceUtils.isSigningOn()) {
if (!verifySAMLRequestSignature(samlRequestElement, soapMsg)) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "SAMLRequest signature verification failed");
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("signatureVerificationFailed");
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
return retResponse;
} catch (SAMLException sse) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: " + sse.getMessage());
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtProfileHandler.createSAMLResp:" + " SAMLRequest signature verified");
//end signature verification
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: No artifact found in samlRequest");
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("missingArtifact");
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
return retResponse;
} catch (SAMLException sse) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
AssertionArtifact artifact = (AssertionArtifact) artifacts.get(i);
Assertion assertion = null;
try {
assertion = am.getAssertion(artifact, spEntityId);
} catch (FSException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler.createSAML" + "Response:could not find matching assertion:", e);
message = e.getMessage();
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
} catch (SAMLException sse) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
if (assertion != null) {
assertions.add(i, assertion);
int assertionSize = assertions.size();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: found " + assertionSize + "assertions.");
// inside the assertion has the calling host's address in it.
for (int i = 0; i < assertionSize; i++) {
Assertion assn = (Assertion) assertions.get(i);
Conditions conds = assn.getConditions();
Set trcs = conds.getAudienceRestrictionCondition();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: checking to see if assertions" + " are for host:" + remoteAddr);
if (trcs != null && !trcs.isEmpty()) {
Iterator trcsIterator = trcs.iterator();
while (trcsIterator.hasNext()) {
if (!((AudienceRestrictionCondition) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: removing TRC not" + "meant for this host");
assertionSize = assertions.size();
if (assertionSize == 0) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Matching Assertions(s) not " + "created for this host");
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("mismatchDest");
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
} catch (SAMLException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
if (reqType == Request.ASSERTION_ARTIFACT) {
if (assertions.size() == artifacts.size()) {
message = null;
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Matching Assertion found");
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, assertions);
} catch (SAMLException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", e);
return null;
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
} else {
message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("unequalMatch");
try {
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, assertions);
} catch (SAMLException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
} else {
// build response for all the other type of request
try {
message = null;
status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, assertions);
} catch (SAMLException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
} else {
String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
return retResponse;
use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler method createSAMLAssertionArtifact.
* Creates assertion and assertion artifact.
protected List createSAMLAssertionArtifact(Object ssoToken, String inResponseTo, NameIdentifier userHandle, NameIdentifier idpHandle) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLAssertionArtifact: Called");
List artifactList = new ArrayList();
try {
FSAssertionManager am = FSAssertionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
AssertionArtifact artifact = am.createFSAssertionArtifact(SessionManager.getProvider().getSessionID(ssoToken), realm, spEntityId, userHandle, idpHandle, inResponseTo, authnRequest.getMinorVersion());
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("AssertionArtifact id = " + artifact.toString());
String artid = artifact.getAssertionArtifact();
return artifactList;
} catch (FSException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLAssertionArtifact(0): ", se);
return null;
} catch (SAMLException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLAssertionArtifact(1): ", se);
return null;
} catch (SessionException se) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLAssertionArtifact(2): ", se);
return null;