use of com.sun.identity.monitoring.SSOServerRealmFedInfo in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ConfigFedMonitoring method getAllRealms.
private void getAllRealms(String startRealm) {
String classMethod = "ConfigFedMonitoring.getAllRealms: ";
// until IDPs/SPs per realm instrum
boolean skipSAML2Entities = true;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(classMethod);
sb.append("orgnames starting from ").append(startRealm).append(":\n");
sb.append(" ").append(startRealm).append("\n");
List rList = getRealmsList(startRealm);
try {
CircleOfTrustManager cotmgr = new CircleOfTrustManager();
SAML2MetaManager saml2Mgr = new SAML2MetaManager();
IDFFMetaManager idffmgr = new IDFFMetaManager(ssoToken);
for (Iterator it = rList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String thisRealm = (String);
Set cots = getCOTs(thisRealm, cotmgr);
Map s2Ents = null;
if (!skipSAML2Entities) {
s2Ents = getSAML2Entities(thisRealm, saml2Mgr);
Map wsEnts = getWSFedEntities(thisRealm);
Map idffentMap = getIDFFEntities(thisRealm, idffmgr);
* getCOTMembers(thisRealm, cot, cotmgr, cotsb)
* can get the members of the COT, but there isn't
* a (MIB) entry that right now.
Map membMap = getCOTMembers(thisRealm, cots, cotmgr);
SSOServerRealmFedInfo srfi = new SSOServerRealmFedInfo.SSOServerRealmFedInfoBuilder(thisRealm).cots(cots).samlv2Entities(s2Ents).wsEntities(wsEnts).idffEntities(idffentMap).membEntities(membMap).build();
} catch (SAML2MetaException e) {
debug.error(classMethod + "SAML2 ex: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (COTException e) {
debug.error(classMethod + "COT ex: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IDFFMetaException e) {
debug.error(classMethod + "IDFF ex: " + e.getMessage());