use of com.sun.identity.sae.api.SecureAttrs in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class SAE method process.
* Validates the authentication credentials.
* @return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED on login success
* @exception AuthLoginException on failure.
public int process(Callback[] callbacks, int state) throws AuthLoginException {
debug.message("SAE AuthModule.process...");
HttpServletRequest req = getHttpServletRequest();
if (req == null) {
debug.error("SAE AuthModule.process: httprequest is null.");
throw new AuthLoginException("HttpServletRequest is null");
String encodedString = req.getParameter(SecureAttrs.SAE_PARAM_DATA);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("SAE AuthModule.process+encodedStr=" + encodedString);
String realm = req.getParameter(SAML2Constants.SAE_REALM);
String idpEntityId = req.getParameter(SAML2Constants.SAE_IDP_ENTITYID);
String idpAppUrl = req.getParameter(SAML2Constants.SAE_IDPAPP_URL);
debug.message("SAE AuthModule.SAML2Utils.getSAEAttrs");
Map saeattrs = SAML2Utils.getSAEAttrs(realm, idpEntityId, SAML2Constants.IDP_ROLE, idpAppUrl);
if (saeattrs == null) {
debug.error("SAE AuthModule.process:get SAE Attrs failed:null.");
throw new AuthLoginException("SAE config Attributes are null");
String cryptoType = (String) saeattrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_CRYPTO_TYPE);
String encryptAlg = (String) saeattrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_DATA_ENCRYPTION_ALG);
String encryptStrength = (String) saeattrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STRENGTH);
String saekey = null;
String saeprivatekey = null;
if ("symmetric".equals(cryptoType)) {
saekey = (String) saeattrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_SHARED_SECRET);
saeprivatekey = saekey;
} else if ("asymmetric".equals(cryptoType)) {
saekey = (String) saeattrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_PUBLIC_KEY_ALIAS);
saeprivatekey = (String) saeattrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("SAE AuthModule: realm=" + realm + ", idpEntityID=" + idpEntityId + ", idpAppUrl=" + idpAppUrl + ", cryptoType=" + cryptoType + ", key=" + saekey);
Map attrs = null;
try {
String saInstanceName = cryptoType + "_" + encryptAlg + "_" + encryptStrength;
SecureAttrs sa = SecureAttrs.getInstance(saInstanceName);
if (sa == null) {
// Initialize SecureAttrs here.
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.setProperty(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_CERT_CLASS, "com.sun.identity.sae.api.FMCerts");
if (encryptAlg != null) {
prop.setProperty(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_DATA_ENCRYPTION_ALG, encryptAlg);
if (encryptStrength != null) {
prop.setProperty(SecureAttrs.SAE_CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STRENGTH, encryptStrength);
SecureAttrs.init(saInstanceName, cryptoType, prop);
sa = SecureAttrs.getInstance(saInstanceName);
attrs = sa.verifyEncodedString(encodedString, saekey, saeprivatekey);
if (debug.messageEnabled())
debug.message("SAE AuthModule.: SAE attrs:" + attrs);
} catch (Exception ex) {
debug.error("SAE AuthModule.process: verification failed.", ex);
throw new AuthLoginException("verify failed");
if (attrs == null) {
debug.error("SAE AuthModule.process:verification failed:attrs null.");
throw new AuthLoginException("Attributes are null");
userTokenId = (String) attrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_PARAM_USERID);
Iterator iter = attrs.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
String value = (String) entry.getValue();
if (key.equals(SecureAttrs.SAE_PARAM_USERID)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("Session Property set: " + key + "= " + value);
setUserSessionProperty(key, value);
String authLevel = (String) attrs.get(SecureAttrs.SAE_PARAM_AUTHLEVEL);
int authLevelInt = DEFAULT_AUTH_LEVEL;
if (authLevel != null && authLevel.length() != 0) {
try {
authLevelInt = Integer.parseInt(authLevel);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("Unable to parse auth level " + authLevel + ". Using default.", e);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("SAE AuthModule: auth level = " + authLevelInt);
debug.message("SAE AuthModule:return SUCCESS");
return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;