Search in sources :

Example 26 with Assertion

use of com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class DiscoveryBootstrap method getCredentials.

     * Gets the credential for discovery boot strap resource offering
     * @return Advice Credential advice
public Advice getCredentials() throws SAML2Exception {
    Advice advice = null;
    if ((assertions != null) && (assertions.size() != 0)) {
        List assertionStrs = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator iter = assertions.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            Assertion assertion = (Assertion);
            assertionStrs.add(assertion.toString(true, true));
        advice = AssertionFactory.getInstance().createAdvice();
    return advice;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Assertion(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Advice(com.sun.identity.saml2.assertion.Advice)

Example 27 with Assertion

use of com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class DefaultLibrarySPAccountMapper method getIdentity.

     * Returns the user's disntinguished name or the universal ID for the 
     * corresponding  <code>SAML</code> <code>Assertion</code>. This method
     * will be invoked by the <code>WS-Federation</code> framework while 
     * processing the <code>Assertion</code> and retrieves the identity  
     * information. The implementation of this method checks for
     * the user for the corresponding name identifier in the assertion.
     * @param rstr Request Security Token Response.
     * @param hostEntityID <code>EntityID</code> of the hosted provider.
     * @param realm realm or the organization name that may be used to find
     *        the user information.
     * @return user's disntinguished name or the universal ID.
     * @exception WSFederationException if any failure.
public String getIdentity(RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr, String hostEntityID, String realm) throws WSFederationException {
    if (rstr == null) {
        throw new WSFederationException(bundle.getString("nullRstr"));
    if (hostEntityID == null) {
        throw new WSFederationException(bundle.getString("nullHostEntityID"));
    if (realm == null) {
        throw new WSFederationException(bundle.getString("nullRealm"));
    SAML11RequestedSecurityToken rst = (SAML11RequestedSecurityToken) rstr.getRequestedSecurityToken();
    Subject subject = null;
    Assertion assertion = rst.getAssertion();
    Iterator iter = assertion.getStatement().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Statement statement = (Statement);
        if (statement.getStatementType() == Statement.AUTHENTICATION_STATEMENT) {
            subject = ((SubjectStatement) statement).getSubject();
    NameIdentifier nameID = subject.getNameIdentifier();
    String userID = null;
    String format = nameID.getFormat();
    String remoteEntityID = WSFederationUtils.getMetaManager().getEntityByTokenIssuerName(realm, assertion.getIssuer());
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message("DefaultLibrarySPAccountMapper.getIdentity(Assertion):" + " realm = " + realm + " hostEntityID = " + hostEntityID);
    try {
        userID = dsProvider.getUserID(realm, getSearchParameters(nameID, realm, hostEntityID, remoteEntityID));
    } catch (DataStoreProviderException dse) {
        debug.error("DefaultLibrarySPAccountMapper.getIdentity(Assertion): " + "DataStoreProviderException", dse);
        throw new WSFederationException(dse);
    return userID;
Also used : SAML11RequestedSecurityToken(com.sun.identity.wsfederation.profile.SAML11RequestedSecurityToken) DataStoreProviderException(com.sun.identity.plugin.datastore.DataStoreProviderException) WSFederationException(com.sun.identity.wsfederation.common.WSFederationException) NameIdentifier(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.NameIdentifier) AttributeStatement(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.AttributeStatement) SubjectStatement(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.SubjectStatement) Statement(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Statement) Assertion(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Subject(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Subject)

Example 28 with Assertion

use of com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class DefaultActionMapper method convertEvidence.

private Map convertEvidence(Evidence evidence, Subject subject, String sourceID) {
    Map envParams = new HashMap();
    if (evidence == null) {
        return envParams;
    Iterator iterator = null;
    Assertion assertion = null;
    String siteName = (String) SAMLServiceManager.getAttribute(SAMLConstants.ISSUER_NAME);
    String issuer = null;
    Set idRefs = evidence.getAssertionIDReference();
    if (idRefs != null) {
        iterator = idRefs.iterator();
        try {
            AssertionManager am = AssertionManager.getInstance();
            AssertionIDReference idRef = null;
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                idRef = (AssertionIDReference);
                try {
                    // get the assertion from server id
                    String remoteUrl = SAMLUtils.getServerURL(idRef.getAssertionIDReference());
                    if (remoteUrl != null) {
                        // call AssertionManagerClient.getAssertion
                        if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                            SAMLUtils.debug.message("DefaultActionMapper:" + "calling another server in lb site:" + remoteUrl);
                        AssertionManagerClient amc = new AssertionManagerClient(SAMLUtils.getFullServiceURL(remoteUrl));
                        assertion = amc.getAssertion(idRef, sourceID);
                    } else {
                        assertion = am.getAssertion(idRef, sourceID);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        SAMLUtils.debug.message("DefaultActionMapper: " + "couldn't retrieve assertion from idRef:" + e);
                // no need to check signature or time validation
                SAMLUtils.addEnvParamsFromAssertion(envParams, assertion, subject);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (SAMLUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                SAMLUtils.debug.message("DefaultActionMapper: Couldn't " + "obtain AssertionManager instance:" + e);
    Set assertions = evidence.getAssertion();
    if (assertions != null) {
        iterator = assertions.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            assertion = (Assertion);
            if ((!assertion.isSignatureValid()) || (!assertion.isTimeValid())) {
            issuer = assertion.getIssuer();
            if ((siteName != null) && (siteName.equals(issuer))) {
            // this server is the issuer
            } else {
                // is issuer trusted
                SAMLServiceManager.SOAPEntry sourceSite = SAMLUtils.getSourceSite(issuer);
                if (sourceSite == null) {
            SAMLUtils.addEnvParamsFromAssertion(envParams, assertion, subject);
    return envParams;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) AssertionManager(com.sun.identity.saml.AssertionManager) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Assertion(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion) SAMLServiceManager(com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLServiceManager) AssertionIDReference(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.AssertionIDReference) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) AssertionManagerClient(com.sun.identity.saml.AssertionManagerClient) SAMLException(com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException) MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException)

Example 29 with Assertion

use of com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class FSAssertionManager method getAssertion.

     * Retrieves the assertion associated with an artifact.
     * @param artifact assertion artifact
     * @param destID destination ID of the site who sent the request
     * @return assertion associated with the artifact
     * @exception FSException if the assertion could not be retrieved
public Assertion getAssertion(AssertionArtifact artifact, String destID) throws FSException {
    if ((artifact == null) || (destID == null || destID.length() == 0)) {
        FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager: input is null.");
        throw new FSException("nullInput", null);
    String artString = artifact.getAssertionArtifact();
    // get server id.
    String remoteUrl = SAMLUtils.getServerURL(artifact.getAssertionHandle());
    if (remoteUrl != null) {
        // call AssertionManagerClient.getAssertion
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("AssertionManager.getAssertion(art, " + "destid: calling another server in lb site:" + remoteUrl);
        FSAssertionManagerClient amc = new FSAssertionManagerClient(metaAlias, getFullServiceURL(remoteUrl));
        return amc.getAssertion(artifact, destID);
    // else 
    String aIDString = null;
    try {
        aIDString = (String) artIdMap.get(artString);
        if (aIDString == null) {
            throw new FSException("nullInput", null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.getAssertion(art, de" + "stid): no AssertionID found corresponding to artifact.");
        throw new FSException("noMatchingAssertion", null);
    Entry entry = null;
    try {
        entry = (Entry) idEntryMap.get(aIDString);
        if (entry == null) {
            throw new FSException("nullEntry", null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.getAssertion(art, de" + "stid): no Entry found corresponding to artifact.");
        throw new FSException("noMatchingAssertion", null);
    // check the destination id
    String dest = entry.getDestID();
    if (dest == null) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.getAssertion(art, de" + "stid): no destID found corresponding to artifact.");
        throw new FSException("noDestIDMatchingArtifact", null);
    if (!dest.equals(destID)) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.getAssertion(art, de" + "stid): destinationID doesn't match.");
        throw new FSException("destIDNotMatch", null);
    synchronized (artIdMap) {
    if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) {
        idffSvc.setArtifacts((long) artIdMap.size());
    synchronized (idEntryMap) {
    if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) {
        idffSvc.setAssertions((long) idEntryMap.size());
    Assertion assertion = entry.getAssertion();
    if (assertion == null) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager.getAssertion(art, de" + "stid): no Assertion found corresponding to aID.");
        throw new FSException("noMatchingAssertion", null);
    if (!assertion.isTimeValid()) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManager: assertion " + aIDString + " is expired.");
        throw new FSException("assertionTimeNotValid", null);
    return assertion;
Also used : FSException(com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException) Assertion(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion) FSAssertion(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSAssertion) SessionException(com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException) IDFFMetaException(com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) SAMLException(com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException) FSException(com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException) UnknownHostException(

Example 30 with Assertion

use of com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler method createSAMLResponse.

private FSResponse createSAMLResponse(FSSAMLRequest samlRequest) throws FSException {
    FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler.createSAMLResponse: Called");
    FSResponse retResponse = null;
    String respID = FSUtils.generateID();
    String inResponseTo = samlRequest.getRequestID();
    List contents = new ArrayList();
    String message = null;
    int length;
    Status status;
    String remoteAddr = ClientUtils.getClientIPAddress(request);
    String respPrefix = FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseLogMessage") + " " + remoteAddr;
    int reqType = samlRequest.getContentType();
    if (reqType == Request.NOT_SUPPORTED) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "Found element in the request which are not supported");
        message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("unsupportedElement");
        try {
            status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Responder"), message, null);
            retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
        } catch (SAMLException se) {
            FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "Fatal error, cannot create status or response: ", se);
        if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
            String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
            LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
        } else {
            String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
            LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
        return retResponse;
    FSAssertionManager am = null;
    try {
        am = FSAssertionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
    } catch (FSException se) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Cannot instantiate " + "FSAssertionManager");
        message = se.getMessage();
        try {
            status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Responder"), message, null);
            retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
        } catch (SAMLException sse) {
            FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "Fatal error, cannot create status or response: ", sse);
        if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
            String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
            LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
        } else {
            String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
            LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
        return retResponse;
    List artifacts = null;
    List assertions = new ArrayList();
    if (reqType == Request.ASSERTION_ARTIFACT) {
        artifacts = samlRequest.getAssertionArtifact();
        length = artifacts.size();
        // ensure that all the artifacts have the same sourceID
        String sourceID = null;
        String providerID = null;
        AssertionArtifact art = null;
        for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
            art = (AssertionArtifact) artifacts.get(j);
            if (sourceID != null) {
                if (!sourceID.equals(art.getSourceID())) {
                    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Artifacts not from " + "the same source");
                    message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("mismatchSourceID");
                    try {
                            * Need a second level status for the federation
                            * does not exist. 
                        status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester", new StatusCode(IFSConstants.FEDERATION_NOT_EXISTS_STATUS, null)), message, null);
                        retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
                    } catch (SAMLException ex) {
                        FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", ex);
                    if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
                        String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
                        LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
                    } else {
                        String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
                        LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
                    return retResponse;
                } else {
                    //sourceids are equal
            } else {
                // sourceID == null
                sourceID = art.getSourceID();
        // while loop to go through artifacts to check for sourceID
        if (art != null) {
            try {
                providerID = am.getDestIdForArtifact(art);
            } catch (FSException ex) {
                FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: FSException Occured while " + "retrieving sp's providerID for the artifact: ", ex);
                providerID = null;
            if (providerID == null) {
                FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "artifact received does not correspond to any SP");
                message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("invalidSource");
                try {
                         * Need a second level status for the federation
                         * does not exist. 
                         * First, let's check we haven't recorded a status
                         * beforehand (by another call) related to this
                         * artifact. If so, use it.
                    Status sorig = am.getErrorStatus(art);
                    if (sorig != null) {
                        status = sorig;
                    } else {
                        status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester", new StatusCode(IFSConstants.FEDERATION_NOT_EXISTS_STATUS, null)), message, null);
                    retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
                    return retResponse;
                } catch (SAMLException sse) {
                    FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
                    return null;
            //return error response
            } else {
                try {
                    if (!metaManager.isTrustedProvider(realm, hostedEntityId, providerID)) {
                        FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processAuthnRequest: " + "RemoteProvider is not trusted");
                        message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("AuthnRequestProcessingFailed");
                        status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
                        retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
                        return retResponse;
                    spDescriptor = metaManager.getSPDescriptor(realm, providerID);
                    spEntityId = providerID;
                    remoteAddr = providerID;
                } catch (Exception ae) {
                    FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "FSAllianceManagementException " + "Occured while getting", ae);
                    message = ae.getMessage();
                    try {
                        status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
                        retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
                        return retResponse;
                    } catch (SAMLException sse) {
                        FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
                        return null;
            //Verify signature
            if (FSServiceUtils.isSigningOn()) {
                if (!verifySAMLRequestSignature(samlRequestElement, soapMsg)) {
                    FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: " + "SAMLRequest signature verification failed");
                    message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("signatureVerificationFailed");
                    try {
                        status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
                        retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
                        return retResponse;
                    } catch (SAMLException sse) {
                        FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: " + sse.getMessage());
                } else {
                    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtProfileHandler.createSAMLResp:" + " SAMLRequest signature verified");
        //end signature verification
        } else {
            FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: No artifact found in samlRequest");
            message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("missingArtifact");
            try {
                status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Requester"), message, null);
                retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
                return retResponse;
            } catch (SAMLException sse) {
                FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
                return null;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            AssertionArtifact artifact = (AssertionArtifact) artifacts.get(i);
            Assertion assertion = null;
            try {
                assertion = am.getAssertion(artifact, spEntityId);
            } catch (FSException e) {
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler.createSAML" + "Response:could not find matching assertion:", e);
                message = e.getMessage();
                try {
                    status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
                    retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
                } catch (SAMLException sse) {
                    FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse:Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response: ", sse);
                if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
                    String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
                    LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
                } else {
                    String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
                    LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
                return retResponse;
            if (assertion != null) {
                assertions.add(i, assertion);
    int assertionSize = assertions.size();
    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
        FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: found " + assertionSize + "assertions.");
    // inside the assertion has the calling host's address in it.
    for (int i = 0; i < assertionSize; i++) {
        Assertion assn = (Assertion) assertions.get(i);
        Conditions conds = assn.getConditions();
        Set trcs = conds.getAudienceRestrictionCondition();
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: checking to see if assertions" + " are for host:" + remoteAddr);
        if (trcs != null && !trcs.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator trcsIterator = trcs.iterator();
            while (trcsIterator.hasNext()) {
                if (!((AudienceRestrictionCondition) {
                    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: removing TRC not" + "meant for this host");
    assertionSize = assertions.size();
    if (assertionSize == 0) {
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Matching Assertions(s) not " + "created for this host");
        message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("mismatchDest");
        try {
            status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
            retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, contents);
        } catch (SAMLException se) {
            FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
        if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
            String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
            LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
        } else {
            String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
            LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
        return retResponse;
    if (reqType == Request.ASSERTION_ARTIFACT) {
        if (assertions.size() == artifacts.size()) {
            message = null;
            if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Matching Assertion found");
            try {
                status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
                retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, assertions);
            } catch (SAMLException se) {
                FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
                return null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", e);
                return null;
            if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
                String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
                LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
            } else {
                String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
                LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
            return retResponse;
        } else {
            message = FSUtils.bundle.getString("unequalMatch");
            try {
                status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
                retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, assertions);
            } catch (SAMLException se) {
                FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
            if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
                String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
                LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
            } else {
                String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
                LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
            return retResponse;
    } else {
        // build response for all the other type of request
        try {
            message = null;
            status = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Success"), message, null);
            retResponse = new FSResponse(respID, inResponseTo, status, assertions);
        } catch (SAMLException se) {
            FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOBrowserArtifactProfileHandler." + "createSAMLResponse: Fatal error, " + "cannot create status or response:", se);
    if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
        String[] data = { respPrefix, retResponse.toString() };
        LogUtil.access(Level.FINER, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
    } else {
        String[] data = { respPrefix, FSUtils.bundle.getString("responseID") + "=" + retResponse.getResponseID() + "," + FSUtils.bundle.getString("inResponseTo") + "=" + retResponse.getInResponseTo() };
        LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CREATE_SAML_RESPONSE, data);
    return retResponse;
Also used : Status(com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.Status) Set(java.util.Set) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Assertion(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion) StatusCode(com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.StatusCode) SAMLException(com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException) AssertionArtifact(com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.AssertionArtifact) FSAssertionArtifact(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSAssertionArtifact) SAMLResponderException(com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLResponderException) SessionException(com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException) SAMLException(com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException) FSException(com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException) Conditions(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Conditions) FSAssertionManager( FSResponse(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSResponse) FSException(com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)


Assertion (com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Assertion)32 SAMLException (com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException)18 SessionException (com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException)16 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)9 SessionProvider (com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionProvider)7 AssertionIDReference (com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.AssertionIDReference)6 AssertionArtifact (com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.AssertionArtifact)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 List (java.util.List)6 Set (java.util.Set)6 FSException (com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException)4 FSAssertion (com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSAssertion)4 AssertionManager (com.sun.identity.saml.AssertionManager)4 Statement (com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Statement)4 Subject (com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Subject)4 SubjectConfirmation (com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.SubjectConfirmation)4 SubjectStatement (com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.SubjectStatement)4 Status (com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.Status)4 AttributeStatement (com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.AttributeStatement)3 StatusCode (com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.StatusCode)3