use of com.sun.imageio.plugins.common.LZWCompressor in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class GIFImageWriteParam method writeRasterData.
private void writeRasterData(RenderedImage image, Rectangle sourceBounds, Dimension destSize, ImageWriteParam param, boolean interlaceFlag) throws IOException {
int sourceXOffset = sourceBounds.x;
int sourceYOffset = sourceBounds.y;
int sourceWidth = sourceBounds.width;
int sourceHeight = sourceBounds.height;
int destWidth = destSize.width;
int destHeight = destSize.height;
int periodX;
int periodY;
if (param == null) {
periodX = 1;
periodY = 1;
} else {
periodX = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
periodY = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
SampleModel sampleModel = image.getSampleModel();
int bitsPerPixel = sampleModel.getSampleSize()[0];
int initCodeSize = bitsPerPixel;
if (initCodeSize == 1) {
LZWCompressor compressor = new LZWCompressor(stream, initCodeSize, false);
/* At this moment we know that input image is indexed image.
* We can directly copy data iff:
* - no subsampling required (periodX = 1, periodY = 0)
* - we can access data directly (image is non-tiled,
* i.e. image data are in single block)
* - we can calculate offset in data buffer (next 3 lines)
boolean isOptimizedCase = periodX == 1 && periodY == 1 && image.getNumXTiles() == 1 && image.getNumYTiles() == 1 && sampleModel instanceof ComponentSampleModel && image.getTile(0, 0) instanceof ByteComponentRaster && image.getTile(0, 0).getDataBuffer() instanceof DataBufferByte;
int numRowsWritten = 0;
int progressReportRowPeriod = Math.max(destHeight / 20, 1);
if (interlaceFlag) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Writing interlaced");
if (isOptimizedCase) {
ByteComponentRaster tile = (ByteComponentRaster) image.getTile(0, 0);
byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) tile.getDataBuffer()).getData();
ComponentSampleModel csm = (ComponentSampleModel) tile.getSampleModel();
int offset = csm.getOffset(sourceXOffset, sourceYOffset, 0);
// take into account the raster data offset
offset += tile.getDataOffset(0);
int lineStride = csm.getScanlineStride();
writeRowsOpt(data, offset, lineStride, compressor, 0, 8, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
if (abortRequested()) {
numRowsWritten += destHeight / 8;
writeRowsOpt(data, offset, lineStride, compressor, 4, 8, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
if (abortRequested()) {
numRowsWritten += (destHeight - 4) / 8;
writeRowsOpt(data, offset, lineStride, compressor, 2, 4, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
if (abortRequested()) {
numRowsWritten += (destHeight - 2) / 4;
writeRowsOpt(data, offset, lineStride, compressor, 1, 2, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
} else {
writeRows(image, compressor, sourceXOffset, periodX, sourceYOffset, 8 * periodY, sourceWidth, 0, 8, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
if (abortRequested()) {
numRowsWritten += destHeight / 8;
writeRows(image, compressor, sourceXOffset, periodX, sourceYOffset + 4 * periodY, 8 * periodY, sourceWidth, 4, 8, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
if (abortRequested()) {
numRowsWritten += (destHeight - 4) / 8;
writeRows(image, compressor, sourceXOffset, periodX, sourceYOffset + 2 * periodY, 4 * periodY, sourceWidth, 2, 4, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
if (abortRequested()) {
numRowsWritten += (destHeight - 2) / 4;
writeRows(image, compressor, sourceXOffset, periodX, sourceYOffset + periodY, 2 * periodY, sourceWidth, 1, 2, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
} else {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Writing non-interlaced");
if (isOptimizedCase) {
Raster tile = image.getTile(0, 0);
byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) tile.getDataBuffer()).getData();
ComponentSampleModel csm = (ComponentSampleModel) tile.getSampleModel();
int offset = csm.getOffset(sourceXOffset, sourceYOffset, 0);
int lineStride = csm.getScanlineStride();
writeRowsOpt(data, offset, lineStride, compressor, 0, 1, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
} else {
writeRows(image, compressor, sourceXOffset, periodX, sourceYOffset, periodY, sourceWidth, 0, 1, destWidth, destHeight, numRowsWritten, progressReportRowPeriod);
if (abortRequested()) {