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Example 11 with PersistenceFieldElement

use of com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement in project Payara by payara.

the class ModelValidator method createKeyClassComponent.

 * Create a validation component which can check whether the key class
 * of the persistence capable class is valid. This includes:
 * <ul>
 * <li> The key class must be public.
 * <li> The key class must implement Serializable.
 * <li> If the key class is an inner class, it must be static.
 * <li> The key class must have a public constructor, which might be
 * the default constructor or a no-arg constructor.
 * <li> The field types of all non-static fields in the key class must be
 * of valid types.
 * <li> All serializable non-static fields in the key class must be public.
 * <li> The names of the non-static fields in the key class must include the
 * names of the primary key fields in the JDO class, and the types of the
 * common fields must be identical
 * <li> The key class must redefine equals and hashCode.
 * </ul>
protected ValidationComponent createKeyClassComponent(final String className) {
    return new ValidationComponent() {

         * The class element of the key class
        private Object keyClass;

         * The fully qualified name of the key class
        private String keyClassName;

        public void validate() throws ModelValidationException {
            // checks the key class name
            keyClassName = validateKeyClassName(className);
            // initilialize keyClass field
            keyClass = getModel().getClass(keyClassName, getClassLoader());

         * Helper method validating the key class itself:
         * public, serializable, static.
        private void validateClass() throws ModelValidationException {
            Model model = getModel();
            int modifiers = model.getModifiersForClass(keyClassName);
            boolean hasKeyClassName = !StringHelper.isEmpty(keyClassName);
            boolean isInnerClass = (hasKeyClassName && (keyClassName.indexOf('$') != -1));
            String pcClassName = getClassName();
            // check for key class existence
            if (keyClass == null) {
                throw new ModelValidationException(ModelValidationException.WARNING, model.getClass(pcClassName), I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_missing", keyClassName, pcClassName));
            // check for public class modifier
            if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) {
                throw new ModelValidationException(keyClass, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_public", keyClassName, pcClassName));
            // if inner class it must be static
            if (isInnerClass && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) {
                throw new ModelValidationException(keyClass, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_static", keyClassName, pcClassName));

         * Helper method validating the fields of the key class.
        private void validateFields() throws ModelValidationException {
            String pcClassName = getClassName();
            Model model = getModel();
            // check for valid typed public non-static fields
            List keyClassFieldNames = model.getAllFields(keyClassName);
            Map keyFields = getKeyFields();
            for (Iterator i = keyClassFieldNames.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                String keyClassFieldName = (String);
                Object keyClassField = getKeyClassField(keyClassName, keyClassFieldName);
                int keyClassFieldModifiers = model.getModifiers(keyClassField);
                String keyClassFieldType = model.getType(keyClassField);
                Object keyField = keyFields.get(keyClassFieldName);
                if (Modifier.isStatic(keyClassFieldModifiers))
                    // we are not interested in static fields
                if (!model.isValidKeyType(keyClassName, keyClassFieldName)) {
                    throw new ModelValidationException(keyClassField, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                    "util.validation.key_field_type_invalid", keyClassFieldName, keyClassName));
                if (!Modifier.isPublic(keyClassFieldModifiers)) {
                    throw new ModelValidationException(keyClassField, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                    "util.validation.key_field_public", keyClassFieldName, keyClassName));
                if (keyField == null)
                if (!keyClassFieldType.equals(model.getType(keyField))) {
                    throw new ModelValidationException(keyClassField, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                    "util.validation.key_field_type_mismatch", keyClassFieldName, keyClassName, pcClassName));
                // remove handled keyField from the list of keyFields
            // check whether there are any unhandled key fields
            if (!keyFields.isEmpty()) {
                Object pcClass = model.getClass(pcClassName);
                String fieldNames = StringHelper.arrayToSeparatedList(new ArrayList(keyFields.keySet()));
                throw new ModelValidationException(pcClass, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_field_missing", pcClassName, keyClassName, fieldNames));

         * Helper method validating the key class constructors.
        private void validateConstructor() throws ModelValidationException {
            // no constructor or no arg constructor
            Model model = getModel();
            boolean hasConstr = model.hasConstructor(keyClassName);
            Object noArgConstr = model.getConstructor(keyClassName, Model.NO_ARGS);
            int modifiers = model.getModifiers(noArgConstr);
            if (hasConstr && ((noArgConstr == null) || !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) {
                throw new ModelValidationException(keyClass, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_constructor", keyClassName, getClassName()));

         * Helper method validating the key class methods.
        private void validateMethods() throws ModelValidationException {
            Model model = getModel();
            Object equalsMethod = getNonObjectMethod(keyClassName, "equals", // NOI18N
            Object hashCodeMethod = getNonObjectMethod(keyClassName, "hashCode", // NOI18N
            // check equals method
            if (!matchesMethod(equalsMethod, Modifier.PUBLIC, 0, // NOI18N
            "boolean")) {
                throw new ModelValidationException(keyClass, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_equals", keyClassName, getClassName()));
            // check hashCode method
            if (!matchesMethod(hashCodeMethod, Modifier.PUBLIC, 0, // NOI18N
            "int")) {
                throw new ModelValidationException(keyClass, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_hashcode", keyClassName, getClassName()));

         * Helper method validating the name of the key class.
        private String validateKeyClassName(String keyClassName) throws ModelValidationException {
            String pcClassName = getClassName();
            Model model = getModel();
            boolean hasKeyClassName = !StringHelper.isEmpty(keyClassName);
            boolean hasPrefix;
            String nameSuffix;
            boolean isOIDNameSuffix;
            // check for existence of key class name
            if (!hasKeyClassName) {
                throw new ModelValidationException(ModelValidationException.WARNING, model.getClass(pcClassName), I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_unset", pcClassName));
            keyClassName = keyClassName.trim();
            hasPrefix = keyClassName.startsWith(pcClassName);
            nameSuffix = (hasPrefix ? keyClassName.substring(pcClassName.length()) : keyClassName);
            isOIDNameSuffix = (// NOI18N
            nameSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase(".OID") || // NOI18N
            if (!hasPrefix || (// NOI18N
            !nameSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("Key") && !isOIDNameSuffix)) {
                Object pcClass = getModel().getClass(pcClassName);
                throw new ModelValidationException(pcClass, I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                "util.validation.key_class_invalid", keyClassName, pcClassName));
            if (isOIDNameSuffix) {
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(keyClassName);
                buf.setCharAt(keyClassName.length() - 4, '$');
                return buf.toString();
            return keyClassName;

        // helper method which returns a field object from the
        // given class or one of its superclasses
        private Object getKeyClassField(String keyClassName, String keyClassFieldName) {
            Model model = getModel();
            Object keyClassField = model.getField(keyClassName, keyClassFieldName);
            if (// this is an inherited field
            keyClassField == null) {
                keyClassField = model.getInheritedField(keyClassName, keyClassFieldName);
            return keyClassField;

         * Helper method returning the key fields of the pc class as a map.
        private Map getKeyFields() {
            Model model = getModel();
            String pcClassName = getClassName();
            PersistenceClassElement pce = model.getPersistenceClass(pcClassName);
            PersistenceFieldElement[] fields = pce.getFields();
            Map keyFields = new HashMap();
            if (fields != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
                    PersistenceFieldElement pfe = fields[i];
                    if (pfe.isKey()) {
                        String name = pfe.getName();
                        keyFields.put(name, model.getField(pcClassName, name));
            return keyFields;

        // helper method which returns a method object from the
        // given class or one of its superclasses provided it
        // is not java.lang.Object
        private Object getNonObjectMethod(String className, String methodName, String[] argTypeNames) {
            Model model = getModel();
            Object method = model.getMethod(className, methodName, argTypeNames);
            if (// look for an inherited method
            method == null) {
                method = model.getInheritedMethod(className, methodName, argTypeNames);
                if ((method != null) && model.getDeclaringClass(method).equals(// NOI18N
                "java.lang.Object")) {
                    method = null;
            return method;
Also used : PersistenceFieldElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement) PersistenceClassElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceClassElement) Model(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.Model)

Example 12 with PersistenceFieldElement

use of com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement in project Payara by payara.

the class JDOConcreteBean20Generator method generateGetSetMethods.

 * Adds getters and setters.
private void generateGetSetMethods(PersistenceFieldElement[] fields) throws IOException {
    int i, count = ((fields != null) ? fields.length : 0);
    // reset to null to clean it up.
    setPKField = null;
    cascadeDelete = new StringBuilder();
    // jdoCleanCollectionRef() body
    StringBuilder cmrcleanbodyBuf = new StringBuilder(CMP20TemplateFormatter.none_);
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        PersistenceFieldElement pfe = fields[i];
        if (PersistenceFieldElement.PERSISTENT == pfe.getPersistenceType()) {
            // Reset the strings.
            gbody = null;
            sbody = null;
            FieldInfo fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(model, nameMapper, pfe, beanName, pcname);
            if (fieldInfo.isGeneratedField) {
                // a 2 way managed relationship.
                if (fieldInfo.isKey) {
                    // This is an extra field for the unknown PK class.
                    // PK setter name is used to generate the line for ejbCreate
                    // to set the PK value in _JDOState.
                    setPKField = fieldInfo.setter;
            if (!(pfe instanceof RelationshipElement)) {
            } else {
                // CMR
                if (isUpdateable) {
                    generateCMRGetSetBodies(fieldInfo, cmrcleanbodyBuf);
                } else {
                    logger.log(Logger.WARNING, I18NHelper.getMessage(messages, "CMG.CMRAccessNotAllowed", beanName, // NOI18N
                    gbody = CMPROTemplateFormatter.accessNotAllowedTemplate;
                    sbody = CMPROTemplateFormatter.updateNotAllowedTemplate;
            // Now generate getter and setter:
            CMPTemplateFormatter.addGenericMethod(fieldInfo.getter, Modifier.PUBLIC, fieldInfo.type, CMP20TemplateFormatter.getBodyAsStrings(gbody), concreteImplWriter);
            oneParam[0] = fieldInfo.type;
            // name
            concreteImplWriter.addMethod(// name
            fieldInfo.setter, // modifiers
            Modifier.PUBLIC, // returnType
            CMP20TemplateFormatter.void_, // parameterNames
            param0, // parameterTypes
            oneParam, // exceptions
            null, // body
            CMP20TemplateFormatter.getBodyAsStrings(sbody), // comments
    // Now generate jdoCleanCollectionRef method
    CMPTemplateFormatter.addGenericMethod(CMP20TemplateFormatter.jdoCleanCollectionRef_, CMP20TemplateFormatter.getBodyAsStrings(cmrcleanbodyBuf.toString()), concreteImplWriter);
Also used : RelationshipElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.RelationshipElement) PersistenceFieldElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement)

Example 13 with PersistenceFieldElement

use of com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement in project Payara by payara.

the class ModelValidator method createFieldConsistencyComponent.

 * Create a validation component which can check whether the field is
 * consistent (if in mapping model but not jdo, it is a problem).
 * @param field the field whose consistency is being checked
 * @return the validation component
protected ValidationComponent createFieldConsistencyComponent(final MappingFieldElement field) {
    return new ValidationComponent() {

        public void validate() throws ModelValidationException {
            if (field != null) {
                String fieldName = field.getName();
                PersistenceClassElement persistenceClass = getPersistenceClass(getClassName());
                PersistenceFieldElement persistenceElement = ((persistenceClass != null) ? persistenceClass.getField(fieldName) : null);
                if (persistenceElement == null) {
                    throw constructFieldException(fieldName, // NOI18N
Also used : PersistenceFieldElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement) PersistenceClassElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceClassElement)

Example 14 with PersistenceFieldElement

use of com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement in project Payara by payara.

the class ModelValidator method getFullValidationList.

 * Computes and returns a collection of ValidationComponents
 * representing the tests to be performed during validation.  These
 * include all those in the basic list plus those which check
 * cardinality and the related classes in more detail.
 * @return a collection of ValidationComponents representing the
 * tests to be performed during validation.
 * @see #getRelatedClassValidationList
 * @see #getBasicValidationList
public Collection getFullValidationList() {
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList(getBasicValidationList());
    String className = getClassName();
    PersistenceClassElement persistenceClass = getPersistenceClass(className);
    if (persistenceClass != null) {
        PersistenceFieldElement[] fields = persistenceClass.getFields();
        int i, count = ((fields != null) ? fields.length : 0);
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            PersistenceFieldElement field = fields[i];
    return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(list);
Also used : PersistenceFieldElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement) PersistenceClassElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceClassElement)

Example 15 with PersistenceFieldElement

use of com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement in project Payara by payara.

the class ModelValidator method createKeyColumnMappingComponent.

 * Create a validation component which can check whether the class
 * contains field mappings for all primary key columns.
 * @param persistenceClass the class whose mapping is being checked
 * @return the validation component
protected ValidationComponent createKeyColumnMappingComponent(final PersistenceClassElement persistenceClass) {
    return new ValidationComponent() {

        public void validate() throws ModelValidationException {
            String className = getClassName();
            MappingClassElement mappingClass = getMappingClass(className);
            if (mappingClass != null) {
                List tables = mappingClass.getTables();
                if (tables.size() > 0) {
                    String tableName = ((MappingTableElement) tables.get(0)).getName();
                    TableElement table = getTable(tableName, getSchemaForClass(className));
                    List columns = getUnmappedColumnNames(((table != null) ? table.getPrimaryKey() : null), mappingClass);
                    if ((columns != null) && (columns.size() > 0)) {
                        throw new ModelValidationException(ModelValidationException.WARNING, getOffendingObject(null), I18NHelper.getMessage(getMessages(), // NOI18N
                        "util.validation.class_key_column_missing", className, tableName, StringHelper.arrayToSeparatedList(columns)));

        private List getUnmappedColumnNames(KeyElement primaryKey, MappingClassElement mappingClass) {
            List unmappedColumns = null;
            if (// check if primary table has a pk
            primaryKey != null) {
                ColumnElement[] columns = primaryKey.getColumns();
                int count = ((columns != null) ? columns.length : 0);
                // all columns in the pk should be mapped to key fields
                if (count > 0) {
                    List mappingFields = mappingClass.getFields();
                    Iterator iterator = mappingFields.iterator();
                    unmappedColumns = getRelativeColumnNames(columns);
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        MappingFieldElement field = (MappingFieldElement);
                        if (isKeyField(field))
            return unmappedColumns;

        private List getRelativeColumnNames(ColumnElement[] columns) {
            int i, count = ((columns != null) ? columns.length : 0);
            List columnNames = new ArrayList(count);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            return columnNames;

        private boolean isKeyField(MappingFieldElement field) {
            PersistenceFieldElement persistenceField = persistenceClass.getField(field.getName());
            return ((persistenceField != null) && persistenceField.isKey());
Also used : PersistenceFieldElement(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement)


PersistenceFieldElement (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceFieldElement)20 PersistenceClassElement (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.PersistenceClassElement)9 RelationshipElement (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.jdo.RelationshipElement)6 Model (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.Model)2 MappingClassElement (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.mapping.MappingClassElement)2 MappingFieldElement (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.mapping.MappingFieldElement)2 MappingRelationshipElement (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.mapping.MappingRelationshipElement)2 NameMapper ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 MappingTableElement (com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.mapping.MappingTableElement)1 DatabaseGenerator (com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.generator.database.DatabaseGenerator)1 JavaFileWriter (com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.generator.JavaFileWriter)1 IOJavaClassWriter ( IOJavaFileWriter ( File ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 EjbCMPEntityDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbCMPEntityDescriptor)1 FieldDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.FieldDescriptor)1 SchemaElementImpl (org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.jdbcimpl.SchemaElementImpl)1