use of in project Payara by payara.
the class JDOConcreteBeanGenerator method generate.
* Generate all required classes for this CMP bean.
* @param methodHelper the AbstractMethodHelper instance that contains
* all categorized methods and some other convenience methods for this bean.
* @param beanName the ejb-name of this bean.
* @param appName the name of the application that contains this bean.
* @param srcout that path to the generated source files.
* @param classout that path to the compiled class files.
* @return a Collection of generated source files.
Collection<File> generate(AbstractMethodHelper methodHelper, String beanName, String appName, File srcout, File classout) throws IOException {
Collection<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
this.beanName = beanName;
this.appName = appName;
this.abstractBean = nameMapper.getAbstractBeanClassForEjbName(beanName);
String pkgName = CMPTemplateFormatter.getPackageName(abstractBean);
concreteImplName = nameMapper.getConcreteBeanClassForEjbName(beanName);
String shortCmpName = CMPTemplateFormatter.getShortClassName(concreteImplName);
pcname = nameMapper.getPersistenceClassForEjbName(beanName);
pcnameParam[0] = pcname;
PersistenceClassElement pcClassElement = model.getPersistenceClass(pcname);
pkClass = nameMapper.getKeyClassForEjbName(beanName).replace('$', '.');
pkClassParam[0] = pkClass;
PersistenceFieldElement[] allFields = pcClassElement.getFields();
String prefix = srcout.getPath() + File.separator + concreteImplName.replace('.', File.separatorChar);
String cmp_file_name = prefix + CMPTemplateFormatter.javaExtension_;
String hlp_file_name = prefix + CMPTemplateFormatter.Helper_ + CMPTemplateFormatter.javaExtension_;
hasLocalInterface = (nameMapper.getLocalInterfaceForEjbName(beanName) != null);
hasRemoteInterface = (nameMapper.getRemoteInterfaceForEjbName(beanName) != null);
if (logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
logger.fine(// NOI18N
"allFields: " + ((allFields != null) ? allFields.length : 0));
// NOI18N
logger.fine("cmp_file_name: " + cmp_file_name);
// NOI18N
logger.fine("hlp_file_name: " + hlp_file_name);
// NOI18N
logger.fine("cmp_name: " + concreteImplName);
// NOI18N
logger.fine("pkClass: " + pkClass);
// NOI18N
logger.fine("PCname: " + pcname);
File cmp_file = new File(cmp_file_name);
JavaFileWriter concreteImplFileWriter = new IOJavaFileWriter(cmp_file);
concreteImplWriter = new IOJavaClassWriter();
File hlp_file = new File(hlp_file_name);
JavaFileWriter helperFileWriter = new IOJavaFileWriter(hlp_file);
jdoHelperWriter = new IOJavaClassWriter();
// Add package statement to both classes.
if (pkgName != null && pkgName.length() > 0) {
concreteImplFileWriter.setPackage(pkgName, null);
helperFileWriter.setPackage(pkgName, null);
// Add imports statements to both classes.
addImportStatements(concreteImplFileWriter, helperFileWriter);
// Generate class name for the concrete impl.
oneParam[0] = CMPTemplateFormatter.cmpImplCommentsTemplate;
concreteImplWriter.setClassDeclaration(Modifier.PUBLIC, shortCmpName, oneParam);
// Add interfaces to the class declarations.
// Add no-arg constructor.
concreteImplWriter.addConstructor(shortCmpName, Modifier.PUBLIC, null, null, null, CMPTemplateFormatter.super_, null);
// Add helper class.
helperName = shortCmpName + CMPTemplateFormatter.Helper_;
oneParam[0] = shortCmpName;
jdoHelperWriter.setClassDeclaration(Modifier.PUBLIC, helperName, CMPTemplateFormatter.getBodyAsStrings(CMPTemplateFormatter.hcomformatter.format(oneParam)));
// Print internal variables.
// Generate type specific methods.
generateTypeSpecificMethods(allFields, methodHelper);
// Add finders for all types and selectors for CMP2.0 only.
// Add ejbCreate<XXX> methods.
// Add other required methods.
// Add helper methods for the helper class.
// Add conversion methods to the helper class.
// Add ObjectId/PrimaryKey conversion methods.
// Print end of classes.
return files;
use of in project Payara by payara.
the class Main method writeOidClass.
private void writeOidClass(final String className, final String oidClassName, final boolean enclosedOid) throws IOException {
final String[] comments = new String[] { dotLine, "Key Class:", dotLine };
final String superOidClassName = ImplHelper.normalizeClassName(meta.getSuperKeyClass(className));
JavaClassWriter oidWriter = new IOJavaClassWriter();
oidWriter.setClassDeclaration((enclosedOid ? Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC : 0), oidClassName, ImplHelper.COMMENT_NOT_ENHANCER_ADDED);
final boolean isPCRoot = meta.isPersistenceCapableRootClass(className);
final String[] pknames = meta.getKeyFields(className);
final String[] pktypes = meta.getFieldType(className, pknames);
// write the PK-fields
for (int i = 0; i < pknames.length; i++) {
oidWriter.addField(pknames[i], Modifier.PUBLIC, ImplHelper.normalizeClassName(pktypes[i]), null, null);
// write default constructor
oidWriter.addConstructor(oidClassName, Modifier.PUBLIC, null, null, null, ImplHelper.getDefaultConstructorImpl(), ImplHelper.COMMENT_NOT_ENHANCER_ADDED);
// hashCode
oidWriter.addMethod("hashCode", Modifier.PUBLIC, "int", null, null, null, ImplHelper.getOidHashCodeImpl(pknames, pktypes, isPCRoot), ImplHelper.COMMENT_NOT_ENHANCER_ADDED);
// equals
oidWriter.addMethod("equals", Modifier.PUBLIC, JavaClassWriterHelper.boolean_, new String[] { "pk" }, new String[] { Object.class.getName() }, null, ImplHelper.getOidEqualsImpl(oidClassName, pknames, pktypes, "pk", isPCRoot), ImplHelper.COMMENT_NOT_ENHANCER_ADDED);
if (enclosedOid) {
} else {
use of in project Payara by payara.
the class Main method generate.
// entry point for EJB TP class generation
// The argument is a fully qualified class name expected in the
// JVM format, that is, with '/' for '.' as separator. See comment
// at the beginning of this class.
public File generate(final String className) throws IOException {
affirm(className != null);
printMessage("generating '" + className + "'...");
// @olsen, 4653156: fixed file name
final String filePath = className.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
final String classFileName = filePath + JavaClassWriterHelper.javaExtension_;
final File file = new File(destinationDir, classFileName);
// @olsen: not needed: IOJavaFileWriter takes care of creating file
// create the destination directory
// final File dir = file.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
// if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) {
// throw new IOException("unable to create destination directory: "
// + "'" + destinationDir + "'");
// }
fWriter = new IOJavaFileWriter(file);
writer = new IOJavaClassWriter();
printMessage("DONE generating '" + className + "'...");
// @olsen: moved from finally{} to main block
// by JavaFileWriter, no stale resources remain allocated ever;
return file;