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Example 1 with JDOObjectNotFoundException

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class JDOEJB11HelperImpl method convertPrimaryKeyToPC.

 * Converts PrimaryKey object to persistence-capable instance.
 * @param key the PrimaryKey object to be converted.
 * @param pm the associated instance of PersistenceManager.
 * @param validate true if the existence of the instance is to be validated.
 * @return persistence-capable instance.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if validate is true and instance does
 * not exist in the database or is deleted.
protected Object convertPrimaryKeyToPC(Object key, PersistenceManager pm, boolean validate) {
    Object pc = null;
    try {
        Object jdoObjectId = convertPrimaryKeyToObjectId(key);
        pc = pm.getObjectById(jdoObjectId, validate);
    } catch (JDOObjectNotFoundException ex) {
        // NOI18N
        logger.fine("---JDOEJB11HelperImpl.convertPrimaryKeyToPC: Object not found for: " + key);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages, "EXC_DeletedInstanceOtherTx", // NOI18N
    if (validate && JDOHelper.isDeleted(pc)) {
        // NOI18N
        logger.fine("---JDOEJB11HelperImpl.convertPrimaryKeyToPC: Object is deleted for: " + key);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18NHelper.getMessage(messages, "EXC_DeletedInstanceThisTx", // NOI18N
    return pc;
Also used : JDOObjectNotFoundException( EJBObject(javax.ejb.EJBObject)


JDOObjectNotFoundException ( EJBObject (javax.ejb.EJBObject)1