use of com.sun.jmx.remote.internal.ServerNotifForwarder in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class DeadListenerTest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final ObjectName delegateName = MBeanServerDelegate.DELEGATE_NAME;
MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
Noddy mbean = new Noddy();
ObjectName name = new ObjectName("d:k=v");
mbs.registerMBean(mbean, name);
JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///");
SnoopRMIServerImpl rmiServer = new SnoopRMIServerImpl();
RMIConnectorServer cs = new RMIConnectorServer(url, null, rmiServer, mbs);
JMXServiceURL addr = cs.getAddress();
assertTrue("No connections in new connector server", rmiServer.connections.isEmpty());
JMXConnector cc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
MBeanServerConnection mbsc = cc.getMBeanServerConnection();
assertTrue("One connection on server after client connect", rmiServer.connections.size() == 1);
RMIConnectionImpl connection = rmiServer.connections.get(0);
Method getServerNotifFwdM = RMIConnectionImpl.class.getDeclaredMethod("getServerNotifFwd");
ServerNotifForwarder serverNotifForwarder = (ServerNotifForwarder) getServerNotifFwdM.invoke(connection);
Field listenerMapF = ServerNotifForwarder.class.getDeclaredField("listenerMap");
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<ObjectName, Set<?>> listenerMap = (Map<ObjectName, Set<?>>) listenerMapF.get(serverNotifForwarder);
assertTrue("Server listenerMap initially empty", mapWithoutKey(listenerMap, delegateName).isEmpty());
final AtomicInteger count1Val = new AtomicInteger();
CountListener count1 = new CountListener(count1Val);
mbsc.addNotificationListener(name, count1, null, null);
WeakReference<CountListener> count1Ref = new WeakReference<>(count1);
count1 = null;
final AtomicInteger count2Val = new AtomicInteger();
CountListener count2 = new CountListener(count2Val);
NotificationFilterSupport dummyFilter = new NotificationFilterSupport();
mbsc.addNotificationListener(name, count2, dummyFilter, "noddy");
WeakReference<CountListener> count2Ref = new WeakReference<>(count2);
count2 = null;
assertTrue("One entry in listenerMap for two listeners on same MBean", mapWithoutKey(listenerMap, delegateName).size() == 1);
Set<?> set = listenerMap.get(name);
assertTrue("Set in listenerMap for MBean has two elements", set != null && set.size() == 2);
assertTrue("Initial value of count1 == 0", count1Val.get() == 0);
assertTrue("Initial value of count2 == 0", count2Val.get() == 0);
Notification notif = new Notification("type", name, 0);
// Make sure notifs are working normally.
long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000;
while ((count1Val.get() != 1 || count2Val.get() != 1) && System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) {
assertTrue("New value of count1 == 1", count1Val.get() == 1);
assertTrue("Initial value of count2 == 1", count2Val.get() == 1);
// Make sure that removing a nonexistent listener from an existent MBean produces ListenerNotFoundException
CountListener count3 = new CountListener();
try {
mbsc.removeNotificationListener(name, count3);
assertTrue("Remove of nonexistent listener succeeded but should not have", false);
} catch (ListenerNotFoundException e) {
// OK: expected
// Make sure that removing a nonexistent listener from a nonexistent MBean produces ListenerNotFoundException
ObjectName nonexistent = new ObjectName("foo:bar=baz");
assertTrue("Nonexistent is nonexistent", !mbs.isRegistered(nonexistent));
try {
mbsc.removeNotificationListener(nonexistent, count3);
assertTrue("Remove of listener from nonexistent MBean succeeded but should not have", false);
} catch (ListenerNotFoundException e) {
// OK: expected
// Now unregister our MBean, and check that notifs it sends no longer go anywhere.
assertTrue("New value of count1 == 1", count1Val.get() == 1);
assertTrue("Initial value of count2 == 1", count2Val.get() == 1);
// wait for the listener cleanup to take place upon processing notifications
// waiting max. 5 secs
int countdown = 50;
while (countdown-- > 0 && (count1Ref.get() != null || count2Ref.get() != null)) {
// listener has been removed or the wait has timed out
assertTrue("count1 notification listener has not been cleaned up", count1Ref.get() == null);
assertTrue("count2 notification listener has not been cleaned up", count2Ref.get() == null);
// Check that there is no trace of the listeners any more in ServerNotifForwarder.listenerMap.
// If the JMX implementation changes, the code here may have to change too.
Set<?> setForUnreg = listenerMap.get(name);
assertTrue("No trace of unregistered MBean: " + setForUnreg, setForUnreg == null);