Search in sources :

Example 1 with COMException

use of com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException in project jna by java-native-access.

the class SAFEARRAYTest method testADODB.

     * Test assumption: The windows search provider is present and holds at least
     * five entries. If this assumption is not met, this test fails.
public void testADODB() {
    ObjectFactory fact = new ObjectFactory();
    // Open a record set with a sample search (basicly get the first five
    // entries from the search index
    Connection conn = fact.createObject(Connection.class);
    conn.Open("Provider=Search.CollatorDSO;Extended Properties='Application=Windows';", "", "", -1);
    Recordset recordset = fact.createObject(Recordset.class);
    recordset.Open("SELECT TOP 5 System.ItemPathDisplay, System.ItemName, System.ItemUrl, System.DateCreated FROM SYSTEMINDEX ORDER BY System.ItemUrl", conn, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenUnspecified, LockTypeEnum.adLockUnspecified, -1);
    // Save complete list for comparison with subscript list
    List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>(5);
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(5);
    while (!recordset.getEOF()) {
        WinNT.HRESULT hr;
        // Fetch (all) five rows and extract SAFEARRAY
        SAFEARRAY sa = recordset.GetRows(5);
        assertThat(sa.getDimensionCount(), is(2));
        // Test getting bounds via automation functions SafeArrayGetLBound
        // and SafeArrayGetUBound
        // 5 rows (dimension 1) and 4 (dimension 2) columns should be
        // returned, the indices are zero-based, the lower bounds are
        // always zero
        // Dimensions are inverted between SafeArray and java, so 
        // in this case row dimension 2 retrieves row count,
        // dimension 1 retrieves column count
        WinDef.LONGByReference res = new WinDef.LONGByReference();
        hr = OleAuto.INSTANCE.SafeArrayGetLBound(sa, new UINT(2), res);
        assert COMUtils.SUCCEEDED(hr);
        assertThat(res.getValue().intValue(), is(0));
        hr = OleAuto.INSTANCE.SafeArrayGetUBound(sa, new UINT(2), res);
        assert COMUtils.SUCCEEDED(hr);
        assertThat(res.getValue().intValue(), is(4));
        hr = OleAuto.INSTANCE.SafeArrayGetLBound(sa, new UINT(1), res);
        assert COMUtils.SUCCEEDED(hr);
        assertThat(res.getValue().intValue(), is(0));
        hr = OleAuto.INSTANCE.SafeArrayGetUBound(sa, new UINT(1), res);
        assert COMUtils.SUCCEEDED(hr);
        assertThat(res.getValue().intValue(), is(3));
        // Get dimensions directly from structure
        // lLbound contains lowerBound (first index)
        // cElements contains count of elements
        int row_lower = sa.rgsabound[0].lLbound.intValue();
        int row_count = sa.rgsabound[0].cElements.intValue();
        int column_lower = sa.rgsabound[1].lLbound.intValue();
        int column_count = sa.rgsabound[1].cElements.intValue();
        assertThat(row_lower, is(0));
        assertThat(row_count, is(5));
        assertThat(column_lower, is(0));
        assertThat(column_count, is(4));
        // Use Wrapper methods
        assertThat(sa.getLBound(0), is(0));
        assertThat(sa.getUBound(0), is(4));
        assertThat(sa.getLBound(1), is(0));
        assertThat(sa.getUBound(1), is(3));
        // Columns 1 - 3 return Strings, Column 4 returns a date
        for (int rowIdx = row_lower; rowIdx < row_lower + row_count; rowIdx++) {
            for (int colIdx = column_lower; colIdx < column_lower + column_count; colIdx++) {
                VARIANT result = (VARIANT) sa.getElement(rowIdx, colIdx);
                Pointer pv = sa.ptrOfIndex(rowIdx, colIdx);
                VARIANT result2 = new VARIANT(pv);
                if (colIdx == 3) {
                    assert (result.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_DATE) > 0;
                    assert (result2.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_DATE) > 0;
                } else {
                    assert (result.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_BSTR) > 0;
                    assert (result2.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_BSTR) > 0;
                // Only clear result, as SafeArrayGetElement creates a copy
                // result2 is a view into the SafeArray
        // Access SafeArray directly
        try {
            // Map the returned array to java
            VARIANT[] variantArray = (VARIANT[]) (new VARIANT(sa.pvData.getPointer()).toArray(row_count * column_count));
            for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < row_count; rowIdx++) {
                for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < column_count; colIdx++) {
                    int index = rowIdx * column_count + colIdx;
                    VARIANT result = variantArray[index];
                    if (colIdx == 3) {
                        assert (result.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_DATE) > 0;
                    } else {
                        assert (result.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_BSTR) > 0;
                    // see comment for urls
                    if (colIdx == 2) {
                    } else if (colIdx == 1) {
        } finally {
        // Access SafeArray directly - Variant 2
        Pointer data = sa.accessData();
        try {
            // Map the returned array to java
            VARIANT[] variantArray = (VARIANT[]) (new VARIANT(data).toArray(row_count * column_count));
            for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < row_count; rowIdx++) {
                for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < column_count; colIdx++) {
                    int index = rowIdx * column_count + colIdx;
                    VARIANT result = variantArray[index];
                    if (colIdx == 3) {
                        assert (result.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_DATE) > 0;
                    } else {
                        assert (result.getVarType().intValue() & Variant.VT_BSTR) > 0;
                    // see comment for urls
                    if (colIdx == 2) {
                    } else if (colIdx == 1) {
        } finally {
    // Requery and fetch only columns "System.ItemUrl", "System.ItemName" and "System.ItemUrl"
    recordset = fact.createObject(Recordset.class);
    recordset.Open("SELECT TOP 5 System.ItemPathDisplay, System.ItemName, System.ItemUrl FROM SYSTEMINDEX ORDER BY System.ItemUrl", conn, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenUnspecified, LockTypeEnum.adLockUnspecified, -1);
    // Create SAFEARRAY and wrap it into a VARIANT
    // Array is initialized to one element and then redimmed. This is done
    // to test SafeArrayRedim, in normal usage it is more efficient to 
    // intitialize directly to the correct size
    SAFEARRAY arr = SAFEARRAY.createSafeArray(1);
    arr.putElement(new VARIANT("System.ItemUrl"), 0);
    boolean exceptionCaught = false;
    try {
        arr.putElement(new VARIANT("System.ItemName"), 1);
    } catch (COMException ex) {
        exceptionCaught = true;
    assertTrue("Array is initialized to a size of one - it can't hold a second item.", exceptionCaught);
    arr.redim(2, 0);
    arr.putElement(new VARIANT("System.ItemName"), 1);
    assertThat(arr.getDimensionCount(), is(1));
    VARIANT columnList = new VARIANT();
    columnList.setValue(Variant.VT_ARRAY | Variant.VT_VARIANT, arr);
    assert !(recordset.getEOF());
    while (!recordset.getEOF()) {
        SAFEARRAY sa = recordset.GetRows(5, VARIANT.VARIANT_MISSING, columnList);
        assertThat(sa.getDimensionCount(), is(2));
        assertThat(sa.getVarType().intValue(), is(Variant.VT_VARIANT));
        LONGByReference longRef = new LONGByReference();
        OleAuto.INSTANCE.SafeArrayGetLBound(sa, new UINT(2), longRef);
        int lowerBound = longRef.getValue().intValue();
        assertThat(sa.getLBound(0), equalTo(lowerBound));
        OleAuto.INSTANCE.SafeArrayGetUBound(sa, new UINT(2), longRef);
        int upperBound = longRef.getValue().intValue();
        assertThat(sa.getUBound(0), equalTo(upperBound));
        // 5 rows are expected
        assertThat(upperBound - lowerBound + 1, is(5));
        for (int rowIdx = lowerBound; rowIdx <= upperBound; rowIdx++) {
            VARIANT variantItemUrl = (VARIANT) sa.getElement(rowIdx, 0);
            VARIANT variantItemName = (VARIANT) sa.getElement(rowIdx, 1);
            assertThat(variantItemUrl.stringValue(), is(urls.get(rowIdx)));
            assertThat(variantItemName.stringValue(), is(names.get(rowIdx)));
    // Requery and fetch only columns "System.ItemUrl", "System.ItemName" and "System.ItemUrl"
    recordset = fact.createObject(Recordset.class);
    recordset.Open("SELECT TOP 5 System.ItemPathDisplay, System.ItemName, System.ItemUrl FROM SYSTEMINDEX ORDER BY System.ItemUrl", conn, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenUnspecified, LockTypeEnum.adLockUnspecified, -1);
    assert !(recordset.getEOF());
    while (!recordset.getEOF()) {
        Object[][] data = (Object[][]) OaIdlUtil.toPrimitiveArray(recordset.GetRows(5, VARIANT.VARIANT_MISSING, columnList), true);
        assertThat(data.length, is(5));
        assertThat(data[0].length, is(2));
        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < data.length; rowIdx++) {
            assertThat((String) data[rowIdx][0], is(urls.get(rowIdx)));
            assertThat((String) data[rowIdx][1], is(names.get(rowIdx)));
Also used : COMException(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException) SAFEARRAY(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY) LONGByReference(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.LONGByReference) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Pointer(com.sun.jna.Pointer) VARIANT(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT) IConnectionPoint(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.IConnectionPoint) ObjectFactory(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ObjectFactory) ComObject(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation.ComObject) UINT(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.UINT) VT_UINT(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VT_UINT) LONGByReference(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.LONGByReference) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with COMException

use of com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException in project jna by java-native-access.

the class MSExcel method insertValue.

public void insertValue(String range, String value) throws COMException {
    Range pRange = new Range(this.getAutomationProperty("Range", this.getActiveSheet(), new VARIANT(range)));
    this.setProperty("Value", pRange, new VARIANT(value));
Also used : VARIANT(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT)

Example 3 with COMException

use of com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException in project jna by java-native-access.

the class MSOfficeDemo method testMSWord.

public void testMSWord() throws IOException {
    File demoDocument = null;
    MSWord msWord = null;
    // PDF format.
    LONG wdFormatPDF = new LONG(17);
    // Rich text format (RTF).
    LONG wdFormatRTF = new LONG(6);
    // Standard HTML format.
    LONG wdFormatHTML = new LONG(8);
    // Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 binary file format.
    LONG wdFormatDocument = new LONG(0);
    // Word default document file format. For Word 2010, this is the DOCX format.
    LONG wdFormatDocumentDefault = new LONG(16);
    // Original document format.
    LONG wdOriginalDocumentFormat = new LONG(1);
    // Prompt user to select a document format.
    LONG wdPromptUser = new LONG(2);
    // Microsoft Word document format.        
    LONG wdWordDocument = new LONG(0);
    try {
        msWord = new MSWord();
        System.out.println("MSWord version: " + msWord.getVersion());
        demoDocument = Helper.createNotExistingFile("jnatest", ".doc");
        Helper.extractClasspathFileToReal("/com/sun/jna/platform/win32/COM/util/office/resources/jnatest.doc", demoDocument);
        msWord.insertText("Hello from JNA! \n\n");
        // wait 10sec. before closing
        // save in different formats
        // pdf format is only supported in MSWord 2007 and above
        System.out.println("Wrinting files to: " + Helper.tempDir);
        msWord.SaveAs(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestSaveAs.doc").getAbsolutePath(), wdFormatDocument);
        msWord.SaveAs(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestSaveAs.pdf").getAbsolutePath(), wdFormatPDF);
        msWord.SaveAs(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestSaveAs.rtf").getAbsolutePath(), wdFormatRTF);
        msWord.SaveAs(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestSaveAs.html").getAbsolutePath(), wdFormatHTML);
        // close and save the document
        // msWord.openDocument(currentWorkingDir + "jnatest.doc", true);
        msWord.insertText("Hello from JNA! \n Please notice that JNA can control MS Word via the new COM interface! \nHere we are creating a new word document and we save it to the 'TEMP' directory!");
        // save with no user prompt
        msWord.SaveAs(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestNewDoc1.docx").getAbsolutePath(), wdFormatDocumentDefault);
        msWord.SaveAs(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestNewDoc2.docx").getAbsolutePath(), wdFormatDocumentDefault);
        msWord.SaveAs(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestNewDoc3.docx").getAbsolutePath(), wdFormatDocumentDefault);
        // close and save the document
        // open 3 documents
        msWord.openDocument(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestNewDoc1.docx").getAbsolutePath());
        msWord.insertText("Hello some changes from JNA!\n");
        msWord.openDocument(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestNewDoc2.docx").getAbsolutePath());
        msWord.insertText("Hello some changes from JNA!\n");
        msWord.openDocument(new File(Helper.tempDir, "jnatestNewDoc3.docx").getAbsolutePath());
        msWord.insertText("Hello some changes from JNA!\n");
        // save the document and prompt the user
        msWord.Save(false, wdPromptUser);
    } catch (COMException e) {
        if (e.getExcepInfo() != null) {
            System.out.println("bstrSource: " + e.getExcepInfo().bstrSource);
            System.out.println("bstrDescription: " + e.getExcepInfo().bstrDescription);
    } finally {
        if (msWord != null) {
        if (demoDocument != null && demoDocument.exists()) {
Also used : COMException(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException) File( LONG(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.LONG)

Example 4 with COMException

use of com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException in project jna by java-native-access.

the class COMBindingBaseObject method init.

private void init(boolean useActiveInstance, GUID clsid, int dwClsContext) throws COMException {
    HRESULT hr;
    if (useActiveInstance) {
        hr = OleAuto.INSTANCE.GetActiveObject(clsid, null, this.pUnknown);
        if (COMUtils.SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
            this.iUnknown = new Unknown(this.pUnknown.getValue());
            hr = iUnknown.QueryInterface(new REFIID(IDispatch.IID_IDISPATCH), this.pDispatch);
        } else {
            hr = Ole32.INSTANCE.CoCreateInstance(clsid, null, dwClsContext, IDispatch.IID_IDISPATCH, this.pDispatch);
    } else {
        hr = Ole32.INSTANCE.CoCreateInstance(clsid, null, dwClsContext, IDispatch.IID_IDISPATCH, this.pDispatch);
    this.iDispatch = new Dispatch(this.pDispatch.getValue());
Also used : HRESULT(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HRESULT) REFIID(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.REFIID)

Example 5 with COMException

use of com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException in project jna by java-native-access.

the class COMBindingBaseObject method oleMethod.

protected HRESULT oleMethod(int nType, VARIANT.ByReference pvResult, IDispatch pDisp, DISPID dispId, VARIANT[] pArgs) throws COMException {
    if (pDisp == null)
        throw new COMException("pDisp (IDispatch) parameter is null!");
    // variable declaration
    int _argsLen = 0;
    VARIANT[] _args = null;
    DISPPARAMS.ByReference dp = new DISPPARAMS.ByReference();
    EXCEPINFO.ByReference pExcepInfo = new EXCEPINFO.ByReference();
    IntByReference puArgErr = new IntByReference();
    // make parameter reverse ordering as expected by COM runtime
    if ((pArgs != null) && (pArgs.length > 0)) {
        _argsLen = pArgs.length;
        _args = new VARIANT[_argsLen];
        int revCount = _argsLen;
        for (int i = 0; i < _argsLen; i++) {
            _args[i] = pArgs[--revCount];
    // Handle special-case for property-puts!
    if (nType == OleAuto.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) {
        dp.setRgdispidNamedArgs(new DISPID[] { OaIdl.DISPID_PROPERTYPUT });
    // Build DISPPARAMS
    if (_argsLen > 0) {
        // write 'DISPPARAMS' structure to memory
    // Apply "fix" according to
    // Summary: there are methods in the word typelibrary that require both
    // PROPERTYGET _and_ METHOD to be set. With only one of these set the call
    // fails.
    // The article from delphitools argues, that automation compatible libraries
    // need to be compatible with VisualBasic which does not distingish methods
    // and property getters and will set both flags always.
    // The MSDN article advises this behaviour: "[...] Some languages cannot 
    // distinguish between retrieving a property and calling a method. In this 
    //case, you should set the flags DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET and DISPATCH_METHOD.
    // [...]"))
    // This was found when trying to bind InchesToPoints from the _Application 
    // dispatch interface of the MS Word 15 type library
    // The signature according the ITypeLib Viewer (OLE/COM Object Viewer):
    // [id(0x00000172), helpcontext(0x09700172)]
    // single InchesToPoints([in] single Inches);
    final int finalNType;
    if (nType == OleAuto.DISPATCH_METHOD || nType == OleAuto.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET) {
    } else {
        finalNType = nType;
    // Make the call!
    HRESULT hr = pDisp.Invoke(dispId, new REFIID(Guid.IID_NULL), LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, new WinDef.WORD(finalNType), dp, pvResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
    COMUtils.checkRC(hr, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
    return hr;
Also used : IntByReference(com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference) HRESULT(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HRESULT) EXCEPINFO(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.EXCEPINFO) REFIID(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.REFIID) VARIANT(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT) PointerByReference(com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference) DISPIDByReference(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DISPIDByReference) IntByReference(com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference) WinDef(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef) DISPPARAMS(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto.DISPPARAMS)


COMException (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException)13 HRESULT (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HRESULT)13 REFIID (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.REFIID)10 VARIANT (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT)8 PointerByReference (com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference)7 WString (com.sun.jna.WString)5 ConnectionPoint (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ConnectionPoint)5 IID (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.IID)5 WinNT (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT)5 Dispatch (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Dispatch)4 IDispatch (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IDispatch)4 ComInterface (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation.ComInterface)4 DISPIDByReference (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DISPIDByReference)4 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)4 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)4 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)4 ComObject (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation.ComObject)3 GUID (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID)2 EXCEPINFO (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.EXCEPINFO)2 DISPPARAMS (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto.DISPPARAMS)2