use of com.sun.messaging.jms.IllegalStateException in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.
the class DirectSession method _createAndAddConsumer.
* Create a consumerId with the jmsservice and return a MessageConsumer object that can be returned by the JMS API
* method.
* <p>
* This method is used by the methods implementing jakarta.jms.Session, jakarta.jms.QueueSession, and
* jakarta.jms.TopicSession<br>
* A successfully created DirectConsumer is added to the table of Consumer objects maintained by this DirectSession.<br>
* A successfully created durable DirectConsumer is added to the table of durable Consumer objects maintained by the
* DirectConnection of this DirectSession.
* @param methodName The JMS API method that was called.
* @param destination The JMS Destination object identifying the destination on which the consumer is to be created.
* @param selector The JMS Message selector to be used.
* @param subscriptionName if dest is Topic and if either durable true or share true, the subscription name
* @param durable if dest is Topic, if true, this is a durable subscription
* @param share if dest is Topic, if true, this is a shared subscription
* @param jmsshare if dest is Topic, if true and share true, this is a JMS 2.0 Shared Subscription if false and share
* true, this is a MQ Shared Subscription
* MQ Shared Subscription: messages will be shared with other consumers in the same group that have the same
* clientId+DurableName for Shared Durable Subscriptions
* <p>
* OR
* <p>
* clientId+TopicName+Selector for Shared Non-Durable Sunscriptions
* @param noLocal If {@code true} then this consumer does not want to messages produced on it'sconnection to be
* delivered to it.
* @return The DirectConsumer object to be returned by the JMS API method.
* @throws JMSException if any JMS error occurred.
private DirectConsumer _createAndAddConsumer(String methodName, Destination destination, String selector, String subscriptionName, boolean durable, boolean share, boolean jmsshare, boolean noLocal) throws JMSException {
JMSServiceReply reply;
long consumerId = 0L;
com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.Destination jmsservice_dest;
if (_logFINE) {
_loggerJS.fine(_lgrMID_INF + "sessionId=" + this.sessionId + ":" + methodName + ":Destination=" + destination + ":Selector=" + selector + ":subscriptionName=" + subscriptionName + ":durable=" + durable + ":share=" + share + ":jmsshare=" + jmsshare + ":noLocal=" + noLocal);
jmsservice_dest = this._checkDestinationForConsumer(destination);
String duraname = (durable ? subscriptionName : null);
DirectConsumer consumer = new DirectConsumer(this, jmsservice, destination, jmsservice_dest, noLocal, selector, duraname);
try {
// adjusted for JMS 2.0
reply = jmsservice.addConsumer(connectionId, sessionId, jmsservice_dest, selector, subscriptionName, durable, share, jmsshare, this.getConnection()._getClientID(), noLocal);
* reply = jmsservice.addConsumer(connectionId, sessionId, jmsservice_dest, selector, durableName,
* this.getConnection()._getClientID(), noLocal, //XXX:tharakan:using false for shared temporarily false, false);
try {
// Set consumerId right away
consumerId = reply.getJMQConsumerID();
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
String exerrmsg = _lgrMID_EXC + "JMSServiceException:Missing JMQConsumerID";
JMSException jmse = new JMSException(exerrmsg);
throw jmse;
} catch (JMSServiceException jse) {
JMSServiceReply.Status status = jse.getJMSServiceReply().getStatus();
String failure_cause;
JMSException jmsse = null;
String exerrmsg = "createConsumer on JMSService:" + jmsservice.getJMSServiceID() + " failed for connectionId:" + connectionId + " and sessionId:" + sessionId + " due to ";
switch(status) {
failure_cause = "client forbidden to receive messages from this destination.";
exerrmsg = exerrmsg + failure_cause;
jmsse = new JMSSecurityException(exerrmsg, jse.getJMSServiceReply().getErrorCode());
failure_cause = "destination not found and cannot be auto-created.";
failure_cause = "destination limit for number of consumers exceeded.";
failure_cause = "invalid selector=" + selector;
exerrmsg = exerrmsg + failure_cause;
jmsse = new InvalidSelectorException(exerrmsg);
if (jse.getCause() != null && jse.getCause() instanceof BrokerException) {
failure_cause = jse.getCause().getMessage();
exerrmsg = exerrmsg + failure_cause;
jmsse = new IllegalStateException(exerrmsg, ((BrokerException) jse.getCause()).getErrorCode());
failure_cause = "unknown JMSService server error.";
if (jmsse == null) {
exerrmsg = exerrmsg + failure_cause;
jmsse = new JMSException(exerrmsg);
throw jmsse;
if (subscriptionName != null && durable) {
if (destination instanceof TemporaryDestination) {
this.dc._incrementTemporaryDestinationUsage((TemporaryDestination) destination);
return consumer;