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Example 1 with UnionClassType

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Attr method visitTypeUnion.

public void visitTypeUnion(JCTypeUnion tree) {
    ListBuffer<Type> multicatchTypes =;
    // lazy, only if needed
    ListBuffer<Type> all_multicatchTypes = null;
    for (JCExpression typeTree : tree.alternatives) {
        Type ctype = attribType(typeTree, env);
        ctype = chk.checkType(typeTree.pos(), chk.checkClassType(typeTree.pos(), ctype), syms.throwableType);
        if (!ctype.isErroneous()) {
            // unrelated w.r.t. subtyping
            if (chk.intersects(ctype, multicatchTypes.toList())) {
                for (Type t : multicatchTypes) {
                    boolean sub = types.isSubtype(ctype, t);
                    boolean sup = types.isSubtype(t, ctype);
                    if (sub || sup) {
                        // assume 'a' <: 'b'
                        Type a = sub ? ctype : t;
                        Type b = sub ? t : ctype;
                        log.error(typeTree.pos(), "", a, b);
            if (all_multicatchTypes != null)
        } else {
            if (all_multicatchTypes == null) {
                all_multicatchTypes =;
    Type t = check(tree, types.lub(multicatchTypes.toList()), TYP, pkind, pt);
    if (t.tag == CLASS) {
        List<Type> alternatives = ((all_multicatchTypes == null) ? multicatchTypes : all_multicatchTypes).toList();
        t = new UnionClassType((ClassType) t, alternatives);
    tree.type = result = t;
Also used : UnionClassType( ClassType( MethodType( WildcardType( Type( ArrayType( UnionClassType( JCExpression( ClassType( UnionClassType(

Example 2 with UnionClassType

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class CatchFail method deleteFix.

// Extract the argument to a call to assertWithMessage, e.g. in:
// assertWithMessage("message").fail();
Optional<Fix> deleteFix(TryTree tree, ImmutableList<CatchTree> catchBlocks, VisitorState state) {
    SuggestedFix.Builder fix = SuggestedFix.builder();
    if (tree.getFinallyBlock() != null || catchBlocks.size() < tree.getCatches().size()) {
        // If the try statement has a finally region, or other catch blocks, delete only the
        // unnecessary blocks.;
    } else {
        // The try statement has no finally region and all catch blocks are unnecessary. Replace it
        // with the try statements, deleting all catches.
        List<? extends StatementTree> tryStatements = tree.getBlock().getStatements();
        String source = state.getSourceCode().toString();
        // Replace the full region to work around a GJF partial formatting bug that prevents it from
        // re-indenting unchanged lines. This means that fixes may overlap, but that's (hopefully)
        // unlikely.
        // TODO(b/24140798): emit more precise replacements if GJF is fixed
        fix.replace(tree, source.substring(((JCTree) tryStatements.get(0)).getStartPosition(), state.getEndPosition(Iterables.getLast(tryStatements))));
    MethodTree enclosing = findEnclosing(state.getPath());
    if (enclosing == null) {
        // There isn't an enclosing method, possibly because we're in a lambda or initializer block.
        return Optional.empty();
    if (isExpectedExceptionTest(ASTHelpers.getSymbol(enclosing), state)) {
        // tests, so don't use that fix for methods annotated with @Test(expected=...).
        return Optional.empty();
    // Fix up the enclosing method's throws declaration to include the new thrown exception types.
    Collection<Type> thrownTypes = ASTHelpers.getSymbol(enclosing).getThrownTypes();
    Types types = state.getTypes();
    // Find all types in the deleted catch blocks that are not already in the throws declaration.
    ImmutableList<Type> toThrow = -> ASTHelpers.getType(c.getParameter())).flatMap(t -> t instanceof UnionClassType ? ImmutableList.copyOf(((UnionClassType) t).getAlternativeTypes()).stream() : Stream.of(t)).filter(t -> -> types.isAssignable(t, x))).collect(toImmutableList());
    if (!toThrow.isEmpty()) {
        if (!TEST_CASE.matches(enclosing, state)) {
            // not be a safe local refactoring.
            return Optional.empty();
        String throwsString = -> SuggestedFixes.qualifyType(state, fix, t)).distinct().collect(joining(", "));
        if (enclosing.getThrows().isEmpty()) {
            // Add a new throws declaration.
            fix.prefixWith(enclosing.getBody(), "throws " + throwsString);
        } else {
            // Append to an existing throws declaration.
            fix.postfixWith(Iterables.getLast(enclosing.getThrows()), ", " + throwsString);
    return Optional.of(;
Also used : SuggestedFixes( Iterables( Matchers.anyOf( MethodSymbol( MethodTree(com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree) VisitorState( MethodInvocationTree(com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree) Matchers.expressionStatement( ImmutableList( TryTreeMatcher( IdentifierTree(com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree) CatchTree(com.sun.source.tree.CatchTree) BugPattern( Matcher( Fix( Tree(com.sun.source.tree.Tree) MethodNameMatcher( VarSymbol( TreePath(com.sun.source.util.TreePath) UnionClassType( ImmutableList.toImmutableList( Matchers.hasAnnotation( Collection(java.util.Collection) Compound( Iterables.getOnlyElement( NO_MATCH( JCTree( JUNIT4_TEST_ANNOTATION( Collectors.joining( ExpressionStatementTree(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionStatementTree) JUnitMatchers.isJunit3TestCase( TreeScanner(com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner) Objects(java.util.Objects) List(java.util.List) MethodMatchers.staticMethod( Types( Stream( JUnitMatchers( Description( StatementTree(com.sun.source.tree.StatementTree) TryTree(com.sun.source.tree.TryTree) Optional(java.util.Optional) WARNING( ProvidesFix( SuggestedFix( ASTHelpers( Type( UnionClassType( Types( MethodTree(com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree) JCTree( UnionClassType( Type( SuggestedFix(

Example 3 with UnionClassType

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class JavacTrees method getLub.

public TypeMirror getLub(CatchTree tree) {
    JCCatch ct = (JCCatch) tree;
    JCVariableDecl v = ct.param;
    if (v.type != null && v.type.getKind() == TypeKind.UNION) {
        UnionClassType ut = (UnionClassType) v.type;
        return ut.getLub();
    } else {
        return v.type;
Also used : UnionClassType(


UnionClassType ( Type ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableList.toImmutableList ( Iterables ( Iterables.getOnlyElement ( BugPattern ( ProvidesFix ( WARNING ( VisitorState ( TryTreeMatcher ( Fix ( SuggestedFix ( SuggestedFixes ( Description ( NO_MATCH ( JUnitMatchers ( JUNIT4_TEST_ANNOTATION ( JUnitMatchers.isJunit3TestCase ( Matcher (