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Example 1 with Enter

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class Template method infer.

 * Returns the inferred method type of the template based on the given actual argument types.
 * @throws InferException if no instances of the specified type variables would allow the {@code
 *     actualArgTypes} to match the {@code expectedArgTypes}
private Type infer(Warner warner, Inliner inliner, List<Type> freeTypeVariables, List<Type> expectedArgTypes, Type returnType, List<Type> actualArgTypes) throws InferException {
    Symtab symtab = inliner.symtab();
    Type methodType = new MethodType(expectedArgTypes, returnType, List.<Type>nil(), symtab.methodClass);
    if (!freeTypeVariables.isEmpty()) {
        methodType = new ForAll(freeTypeVariables, methodType);
    Enter enter = inliner.enter();
    MethodSymbol methodSymbol = new MethodSymbol(0, inliner.asName("__m__"), methodType, symtab.unknownSymbol);
    Type site = symtab.methodClass.type;
    Env<AttrContext> env = enter.getTopLevelEnv(TreeMaker.instance(inliner.getContext()).TopLevel(List.<JCTree>nil()));
    // Set up the resolution phase:
    try {
        Field field = AttrContext.class.getDeclaredField("pendingResolutionPhase");
        field.set(, newMethodResolutionPhase(autoboxing()));
    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
        throw new LinkageError(e.getMessage(), e);
    Object resultInfo;
    try {
        Class<?> resultInfoClass = Class.forName("$ResultInfo");
        Constructor<?> resultInfoCtor = resultInfoClass.getDeclaredConstructor(Attr.class, KindSelector.class, Type.class);
        resultInfo = resultInfoCtor.newInstance(Attr.instance(inliner.getContext()), KindSelector.PCK, Type.noType);
    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
        throw new LinkageError(e.getMessage(), e);
    // Type inference sometimes produces diagnostics, so we need to catch them to avoid interfering
    // with the enclosing compilation.
    Log.DeferredDiagnosticHandler handler = new Log.DeferredDiagnosticHandler(Log.instance(inliner.getContext()));
    try {
        MethodType result = callCheckMethod(warner, inliner, resultInfo, actualArgTypes, methodSymbol, site, env);
        if (!handler.getDiagnostics().isEmpty()) {
            throw new InferException(handler.getDiagnostics());
        return result;
    } finally {
Also used : MethodType( Log( JCTree( AttrContext( Symtab( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) MethodType( Type( MethodSymbol( Enter( ForAll(

Example 2 with Enter

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class LiteralClassName method matchMethodInvocation.

public Description matchMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    if (!CLASS_NAME.matches(tree, state)) {
        return NO_MATCH;
    String className = constValue(getOnlyElement(tree.getArguments()), String.class);
    if (className == null) {
        return NO_MATCH;
    if (className.startsWith("[")) {
        // TODO(cushon): consider handling arrays
        return NO_MATCH;
    Type type = state.getTypeFromString(className);
    if (type == null) {
        return NO_MATCH;
    ClassSymbol owner = getSymbol(state.findEnclosing(ClassTree.class));
    Enter enter = Enter.instance(state.context);
    if (!Resolve.instance(state.context).isAccessible(enter.getEnv(owner), type.tsym)) {
        return NO_MATCH;
    SuggestedFix.Builder fix = SuggestedFix.builder();
    String replaceWith = String.format("%s.class", qualifyType(state, fix, state.getTypes().erasure(type)));
    if (state.getPath().getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT) {
        replaceWith = String.format("requireNonNull(%s)", replaceWith);
    fix.replace(tree, replaceWith);
    return describeMatch(tree,;
Also used : SuggestedFixes.qualifyType( Type( SuggestedFix( ClassSymbol( ClassTree(com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree) Enter(

Example 3 with Enter

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class ASTHelpers method resolveExistingMethod.

 * Given a Type ({@code base}), find the method named {@code name}, with the appropriate {@code
 * argTypes} and {@code tyargTypes} and return its MethodSymbol.
 * <p>Ex:
 * <pre>{@code
 * .....
 * class A {}
 * class B {
 *   public int hashCode() { return 42; }
 * }
 * .....
 * MethodSymbol meth =  ASTHelpers.resolveExistingMethod(
 *    state,
 *    symbol,
 *    state.getName("hashCode"),
 *    ImmutableList.<Type>of(),
 *    ImmutableList.<Type>of());
 * }</pre>
 * {@code meth} could be different MethodSymbol's depending on whether {@code symbol} represented
 * {@code B} or {@code A}. (B's hashCode method or Object#hashCode).
 * <p>Do NOT call this method unless the method you're looking for is guaranteed to exist. A fatal
 * error will result otherwise. Note: a method can fail to exist if it was added in a newer
 * version of a library (you may be depending on version N of a library which added a method to a
 * class, but someone else could depend on version N-1 which didn't have that method).
 * @return a MethodSymbol representing the method symbol resolved from the context of this type
public static MethodSymbol resolveExistingMethod(VisitorState state, TypeSymbol base, Name name, Iterable<Type> argTypes, Iterable<Type> tyargTypes) {
    Resolve resolve = Resolve.instance(state.context);
    Enter enter = Enter.instance(state.context);
    Log log = Log.instance(state.context);
    DeferredDiagnosticHandler handler = new DeferredDiagnosticHandler(log);
    try {
        return resolve.resolveInternalMethod(/*pos*/
        null, enter.getEnv(base), base.type, name,,;
    } finally {
Also used : Log( Enter( DeferredDiagnosticHandler( Resolve(


Enter ( Type ( Log ( SuggestedFix ( SuggestedFixes.qualifyType ( ClassTree (com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree)1 ClassSymbol ( MethodSymbol ( Symtab ( ForAll ( MethodType ( AttrContext ( Resolve ( JCTree ( DeferredDiagnosticHandler ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)1