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Example 71 with JCExpression

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class ExpressionTransformer method transformMemberExpression.

private JCExpression transformMemberExpression(Tree.StaticMemberOrTypeExpression expr, JCExpression primaryExpr, TermTransformer transformer) {
    JCExpression result = null;
    // do not throw, an error will already have been reported
    Declaration decl = expr.getDeclaration();
    if (decl == null) {
        return makeErroneous(expr, "compiler bug: expression with no declaration");
    // creating a tmp variable (in which case we have a substitution for it)
    while (decl instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
        TypedDeclaration typedDecl = (TypedDeclaration) decl;
        if (!naming.isSubstituted(decl) && typedDecl.getOriginalDeclaration() != null) {
            decl = ((TypedDeclaration) decl).getOriginalDeclaration();
        } else {
    // (the header might look like a field while the implementation is a getter)
    if (decl.isNativeHeader()) {
        Declaration d = ModelUtil.getNativeDeclaration(decl, Backend.Java);
        if (d != null) {
            decl = d;
    // Explanation: primaryExpr and qualExpr both specify what is to come before the selector
    // but the important difference is that primaryExpr is used for those situations where
    // the result comes from the actual Ceylon code while qualExpr is used for those situations
    // where we need to refer to synthetic objects (like wrapper classes for toplevel methods)
    JCExpression qualExpr = null;
    String selector = null;
    // true for Java interop using fields, and for super constructor parameters, which must use
    // parameters rather than getter methods
    boolean mustUseField = false;
    // true for default parameter methods
    boolean mustUseParameter = false;
    if (decl instanceof Functional && (!(decl instanceof Class) || ((Class) decl).getParameterList() != null) && (!(decl instanceof Function) || !decl.isParameter() || functionalParameterRequiresCallable((Function) decl, expr)) && isFunctionalResult(expr.getTypeModel())) {
        result = transformFunctional(expr, (Functional) decl);
    } else if (Decl.isGetter(decl)) {
        // invoke the getter
        if (decl.isToplevel()) {
            primaryExpr = null;
            qualExpr = naming.makeName((Value) decl, Naming.NA_FQ | Naming.NA_WRAPPER | Naming.NA_MEMBER);
            selector = null;
        } else if (Decl.withinClassOrInterface(decl) && !Decl.isLocalToInitializer(decl)) {
            selector = naming.selector((Value) decl);
        } else {
            // method local attr
            if (!isRecursiveReference(expr)) {
                primaryExpr = naming.makeQualifiedName(primaryExpr, (Value) decl, Naming.NA_Q_LOCAL_INSTANCE);
            selector = naming.selector((Value) decl);
    } else if (Decl.isValueOrSharedOrCapturedParam(decl)) {
        if (decl.isToplevel()) {
            // ERASURE
            if (isNullValue(decl)) {
                result = makeNull();
            } else if (isBooleanTrue(decl)) {
                result = makeBoolean(true);
            } else if (isBooleanFalse(decl)) {
                result = makeBoolean(false);
            } else {
                // it's a toplevel attribute
                primaryExpr = naming.makeName((TypedDeclaration) decl, Naming.NA_FQ | Naming.NA_WRAPPER);
                selector = naming.selector((TypedDeclaration) decl);
        } else if (Decl.isClassAttribute(decl) || Decl.isClassParameter(decl)) {
            mustUseField = Decl.isJavaField(decl) || (isWithinSuperInvocation() && primaryExpr == null && withinSuperInvocation == decl.getContainer());
            mustUseParameter = (primaryExpr == null && isWithinDefaultParameterExpression(decl.getContainer()));
            if (mustUseField || mustUseParameter) {
                if (decl instanceof FieldValue) {
                    selector = ((FieldValue) decl).getRealName();
                } else if (isWithinSuperInvocation() && ((Value) decl).isVariable() && ((Value) decl).isCaptured()) {
                    selector = Naming.getAliasedParameterName(((Value) decl).getInitializerParameter());
                } else {
                    selector = decl.getName();
            } else {
                // invoke the getter, using the Java interop form of Util.getGetterName because this is the only case
                // (Value inside a Class) where we might refer to JavaBean properties
                selector = naming.selector((TypedDeclaration) decl);
        } else if (decl.isCaptured() || decl.isShared()) {
            TypedDeclaration typedDecl = ((TypedDeclaration) decl);
            TypeDeclaration typeDecl = typedDecl.getType().getDeclaration();
            mustUseField = Decl.isBoxedVariable((TypedDeclaration) decl);
            if (Decl.isLocalNotInitializer(typeDecl) && typeDecl.isAnonymous() && // we need the box if it's a captured object
            !typedDecl.isSelfCaptured()) {
            // accessing a local 'object' declaration, so don't need a getter 
            } else if (decl.isCaptured() && !((TypedDeclaration) decl).isVariable() && // captured objects are never variable but need the box
            !typedDecl.isSelfCaptured()) {
            // accessing a local that is not getter wrapped
            } else {
                primaryExpr = naming.makeQualifiedName(primaryExpr, (TypedDeclaration) decl, Naming.NA_Q_LOCAL_INSTANCE);
                selector = naming.selector((TypedDeclaration) decl);
    } else if (Decl.isMethodOrSharedOrCapturedParam(decl)) {
        mustUseParameter = (primaryExpr == null && decl.isParameter() && isWithinDefaultParameterExpression(decl.getContainer()));
        if (!decl.isParameter() && (Decl.isLocalNotInitializer(decl) || (Decl.isLocalToInitializer(decl) && ((Function) decl).isDeferred()))) {
            primaryExpr = null;
            int flags = Naming.NA_MEMBER;
            if (!isRecursiveReference(expr)) {
                // Only want to quote the method name 
                // e.g. enum.$enum()
                flags |= Naming.NA_WRAPPER_UNQUOTED;
            } else if (!isReferenceInSameScope(expr)) {
                // always qualify it with this
                flags |= Naming.NA_WRAPPER | Naming.NA_WRAPPER_WITH_THIS;
            qualExpr = naming.makeName((Function) decl, flags);
            selector = null;
        } else if (decl.isToplevel()) {
            primaryExpr = null;
            qualExpr = naming.makeName((Function) decl, Naming.NA_FQ | Naming.NA_WRAPPER | Naming.NA_MEMBER);
            selector = null;
        } else if (!isWithinInvocation()) {
            selector = null;
        } else {
            // not toplevel, not within method, must be a class member
            selector = naming.selector((Function) decl);
    boolean isCtor = decl instanceof Function && ((Function) decl).getTypeDeclaration() instanceof Constructor;
    if (result == null) {
        boolean useGetter = !(decl instanceof Function || isCtor) && !mustUseField && !mustUseParameter;
        if (qualExpr == null && selector == null && !(isCtor)) {
            useGetter = Decl.isClassAttribute(decl) && CodegenUtil.isErasedAttribute(decl.getName());
            if (useGetter) {
                selector = naming.selector((TypedDeclaration) decl);
            } else {
                selector = naming.substitute(decl);
        if (qualExpr == null) {
            qualExpr = primaryExpr;
        // cases
        if (!mustUseParameter) {
            qualExpr = addQualifierForObjectMembersOfInterface(expr, decl, qualExpr);
            qualExpr = addInterfaceImplAccessorIfRequired(qualExpr, expr, decl);
            qualExpr = addThisOrObjectQualifierIfRequired(qualExpr, expr, decl);
            if (qualExpr == null && needDollarThis(expr)) {
                qualExpr = makeQualifiedDollarThis((Tree.BaseMemberExpression) expr);
        if (qualExpr == null && (decl.isStaticallyImportable() || (decl instanceof Value && Decl.isEnumeratedConstructor((Value) decl))) && // and not classes
        decl.getContainer() instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
            qualExpr = naming.makeTypeDeclarationExpression(null, (TypeDeclaration) decl.getContainer(), DeclNameFlag.QUALIFIED);
        if (Decl.isPrivateAccessRequiringUpcast(expr)) {
            qualExpr = makePrivateAccessUpcast(expr, qualExpr);
        if (transformer != null) {
            if (decl instanceof TypedDeclaration && ((TypedDeclaration) decl).getType().isTypeConstructor()) {
                // This is a bit of a hack, but we're "invoking a type constructor" 
                // so recurse to get the applied expression. 
                qualExpr = transformMemberExpression(expr, qualExpr, null);
                selector = null;
            result = transformer.transform(qualExpr, selector);
        } else {
            Tree.Primary qmePrimary = null;
            if (expr instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) {
                qmePrimary = ((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) expr).getPrimary();
            boolean safeMemberJavaArray = expr instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression && ((Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression) expr).getMemberOperator() instanceof Tree.SafeMemberOp && isJavaArray(qmePrimary.getTypeModel());
            if ((safeMemberJavaArray || Decl.isValueTypeDecl(qmePrimary)) && // Safe operators always work on boxed things, so don't use value types
            (safeMemberJavaArray || (expr instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression == false) || ((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) expr).getMemberOperator() instanceof Tree.MemberOp) && // We never want to use value types on boxed things, unless they are java arrays
            (CodegenUtil.isUnBoxed(qmePrimary) || isJavaArray(qmePrimary.getTypeModel())) && // Java arrays length property does not go via value types
            (!isJavaArray(qmePrimary.getTypeModel()) || (!"length".equals(selector) && !"hashCode".equals(selector)))) {
                JCExpression primTypeExpr = makeJavaType(qmePrimary.getTypeModel(), JT_NO_PRIMITIVES | JT_VALUE_TYPE);
                result = makeQualIdent(primTypeExpr, selector);
                result = make().Apply(List.<JCTree.JCExpression>nil(), result, List.<JCTree.JCExpression>of(qualExpr));
            } else if (expr instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression && isThrowableMessage((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) expr)) {
                result = utilInvocation().throwableMessage(qualExpr);
            } else if (expr instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression && isThrowableSuppressed((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) expr)) {
                result = utilInvocation().suppressedExceptions(qualExpr);
            } else {
                result = makeQualIdent(qualExpr, selector);
                if (useGetter) {
                    result = make().Apply(List.<JCTree.JCExpression>nil(), result, List.<JCTree.JCExpression>nil());
    if (transformer == null && decl instanceof TypedDeclaration && ((TypedDeclaration) decl).getType().isTypeConstructor() && !expr.getTypeArguments().getTypeModels().isEmpty()) {
        // applying a type constructor
        ListBuffer<JCExpression> tds =;
        for (Type t : expr.getTypeArguments().getTypeModels()) {
        result = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(result, Naming.Unfix.apply.toString()), List.<JCExpression>of(make().NewArray(make().Type(syms().ceylonTypeDescriptorType), List.<JCExpression>nil(), tds.toList())));
    return result;
Also used : TypedDeclaration(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration) Constructor(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Constructor) Functional(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Functional) Function(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Function) Type(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) JCExpression( FunctionOrValue(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.FunctionOrValue) FieldValue(com.redhat.ceylon.model.loader.model.FieldValue) Value(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Value) JCTree( Tree(com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree) Class(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Class) JCNewClass( TypedDeclaration(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration) Declaration(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration) TypeDeclaration(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration) FieldValue(com.redhat.ceylon.model.loader.model.FieldValue) TypeDeclaration(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration)

Example 72 with JCExpression

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class ExpressionTransformer method transformQualifiedMemberPrimary.

JCExpression transformQualifiedMemberPrimary(Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression expr) {
    if (expr.getTarget() == null)
        return makeErroneous(expr, "compiler bug: " + // make sure we don't die of a missing declaration too
        (expr.getDeclaration() != null ? expr.getDeclaration().getName() : expr) + " has a null target");
    // do not consider the primary to be an invocation since in foo.x() we're invoking x, not foo.
    boolean previousWithinInvocation = withinInvocation(false);
    try {
        // consider package qualifiers as non-prefixed, we always qualify them anyways, this is
        // only useful for the typechecker resolving
        Tree.Primary primary = expr.getPrimary();
        if (Decl.isConstructor(expr.getDeclaration())) {
            Constructor ctor = Decl.getConstructor(expr.getDeclaration());
            if (primary instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) {
                // foo.Class.Ctor => foo
                primary = ((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) primary).getPrimary();
            } else if (primary instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression) {
            // foo.member.Ctor => foo
            } else if (primary instanceof Tree.BaseTypeExpression) {
                // Class.Ctor => null
                return null;
        if (isPackage(primary))
            return null;
        Type type = expr.getTarget().getQualifyingType();
        if (expr.getMemberOperator() instanceof Tree.SafeMemberOp && !isOptional(type)) {
            Type optionalType = typeFact().getOptionalType(type);
            type = optionalType;
        BoxingStrategy boxing = expr.getMemberOperator() instanceof Tree.SafeMemberOp == false && Decl.isValueTypeDecl(primary) && CodegenUtil.isUnBoxed(primary) ? BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED : BoxingStrategy.BOXED;
        JCExpression result;
        if (isSuper(primary)) {
            result = transformSuper(expr);
        } else if (isSuperOf(primary)) {
            result = transformSuperOf(expr, expr.getPrimary(), expr.getDeclaration().getName());
        } else if (isThis(primary) && !expr.getDeclaration().isCaptured() && !expr.getDeclaration().isShared() && Decl.getDeclarationScope(expr.getScope()) instanceof Constructor) {
            result = null;
        } else if (Decl.isJavaStaticOrInterfacePrimary(primary)) {
            // Java static field or method access
            result = transformJavaStaticOrInterfaceMember((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) primary, expr.getTypeModel());
        } else {
            result = transformExpression(primary, boxing, type);
        return result;
    } finally {
Also used : Type(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) JCExpression( Constructor(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Constructor) JCTree( Tree(com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree)

Example 73 with JCExpression

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class ExpressionTransformer method transform.

public JCExpression transform(Tree.EntryOp op) {
    // no erasure cast needed for both terms
    JCExpression key = transformExpression(op.getLeftTerm());
    JCExpression elem = transformExpression(op.getRightTerm());
    Type leftType = op.getLeftTerm().getTypeModel();
    Type rightType = op.getRightTerm().getTypeModel();
    Type entryType = typeFact().getEntryType(leftType, rightType);
    JCExpression typeExpr = makeJavaType(entryType, CeylonTransformer.JT_CLASS_NEW);
    return at(op).NewClass(null, null, typeExpr, List.<JCExpression>of(makeReifiedTypeArgument(leftType), makeReifiedTypeArgument(rightType), key, elem), null);
Also used : Type(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) JCExpression(

Example 74 with JCExpression

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class ExpressionTransformer method transformSafeMemberOperator.

private JCExpression transformSafeMemberOperator(Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression expr, TermTransformer transformer) {
    Naming.SyntheticName tmpVarName = naming.alias("safe");
    JCExpression typeExpr = makeJavaType(expr.getTarget().getQualifyingType(), JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
    JCExpression transExpr = transformMemberExpression(expr, tmpVarName.makeIdent(), transformer);
    if (isFunctionalResult(expr.getTypeModel())) {
        return transExpr;
    // the marker we get for boxing on a QME with a SafeMemberOp is always unboxed
    // since it returns an optional type, but that doesn't tell us if the underlying
    // expr is or not boxed
    boolean isBoxed = expr.getDeclaration() instanceof TypeDeclaration || !CodegenUtil.isUnBoxed((TypedDeclaration) expr.getDeclaration());
    transExpr = boxUnboxIfNecessary(transExpr, isBoxed, expr.getTarget().getType(), BoxingStrategy.BOXED);
    JCExpression testExpr = make().Binary(JCTree.NE, tmpVarName.makeIdent(), makeNull());
    JCExpression condExpr = make().Conditional(testExpr, transExpr, makeNull());
    JCExpression primaryExpr = transformQualifiedMemberPrimary(expr);
    return makeLetExpr(tmpVarName, null, typeExpr, primaryExpr, condExpr);
Also used : JCExpression( SyntheticName( TypeDeclaration(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration)

Example 75 with JCExpression

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class ExpressionTransformer method transformVariadicArgument.

private ExpressionAndType transformVariadicArgument(SimpleInvocation invocation, int numArguments, int argIndex, Type parameterType) {
    ExpressionAndType exprAndType;
    final Type iteratedType = typeFact().getIteratedType(parameterType);
    final JCExpression expr;
    final JCExpression type;
    // invoking f(a, b, c), where declared f(A a, B* b)
    // collect each remaining argument and box with an ArraySequence<T>
    List<JCExpression> x = List.<JCExpression>nil();
    for (int ii = argIndex; ii < numArguments; ii++) {
        x = x.append(invocation.getTransformedArgumentExpression(ii));
    expr = makeSequence(x, iteratedType, JT_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    type = makeJavaType(typeFact().getSequenceType(iteratedType).getType());
    exprAndType = new ExpressionAndType(expr, type);
    return exprAndType;
Also used : Type(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) JCExpression(


JCExpression ( JCTree ( Type (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type)85 JCStatement ( Tree (com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree)67 JCVariableDecl ( ListBuffer ( JCTypeParameter ( Name ( SyntheticName ( TypeDeclaration (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration)35 TypedDeclaration (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration)34 JCBlock ( JavacTreeMaker (lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker)33 JCAnnotation ( TypeParameter (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeParameter)29 Declaration (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration)27 Function (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Function)26 Parameter (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Parameter)26 JCNewClass (