use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class TokenTypesDocletTest method getRootDoc.
private static RootDoc getRootDoc(JavadocTool javadocTool, ListBuffer<String[]> options, ListBuffer<String> names) throws Exception {
final Method getRootDocImpl = getMethodGetRootDocImplByReflection();
final RootDoc rootDoc;
if (System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.7.")) {
rootDoc = (RootDoc) getRootDocImpl.invoke(javadocTool, "", "UTF-8", new ModifierFilter(ModifierFilter.ALL_ACCESS), names.toList(), options.toList(), false, new ListBuffer<String>().toList(), new ListBuffer<String>().toList(), false, false, false);
} else {
rootDoc = (RootDoc) getRootDocImpl.invoke(javadocTool, "", "UTF-8", new ModifierFilter(ModifierFilter.ALL_ACCESS), names.toList(), options.toList(), new ListBuffer<JavaFileObject>().toList(), false, new ListBuffer<String>().toList(), new ListBuffer<String>().toList(), false, false, false);
return rootDoc;
use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class TokenTypesDocletTest method testNotConstants.
public void testNotConstants() throws Exception {
// Token types must be public int constants, which means that they must have
// modifiers public, static, final and type int, because they are referenced statically in
// a lot of different places, must not be changed and an int value is used to encrypt
// a token type.
final ListBuffer<String[]> options = new ListBuffer<>();
options.add(new String[] { "-doclet", "TokenTypesDoclet" });
options.add(new String[] { "-destfile", "target/" });
final ListBuffer<String> names = new ListBuffer<>();
final Context context = new Context();
new TestMessager(context);
final JavadocTool javadocTool = JavadocTool.make0(context);
final RootDoc rootDoc = getRootDoc(javadocTool, options, names);
use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class TokenTypesDocletTest method testCorrect.
public void testCorrect() throws Exception {
final ListBuffer<String[]> options = new ListBuffer<>();
options.add(new String[] { "-destfile", "target/" });
final ListBuffer<String> names = new ListBuffer<>();
final Context context = new Context();
new TestMessager(context);
final JavadocTool javadocTool = JavadocTool.make0(context);
final RootDoc rootDoc = getRootDoc(javadocTool, options, names);
use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class HandleCleanup method handle.
public void handle(AnnotationValues<Cleanup> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.CLEANUP_FLAG_USAGE, "@Cleanup");
if (inNetbeansEditor(annotationNode))
deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(annotationNode, Cleanup.class);
String cleanupName = annotation.getInstance().value();
if (cleanupName.length() == 0) {
annotationNode.addError("cleanupName cannot be the empty string.");
if (annotationNode.up().getKind() != Kind.LOCAL) {
annotationNode.addError("@Cleanup is legal only on local variable declarations.");
JCVariableDecl decl = (JCVariableDecl) annotationNode.up().get();
if (decl.init == null) {
annotationNode.addError("@Cleanup variable declarations need to be initialized.");
JavacNode ancestor = annotationNode.up().directUp();
JCTree blockNode = ancestor.get();
final List<JCStatement> statements;
if (blockNode instanceof JCBlock) {
statements = ((JCBlock) blockNode).stats;
} else if (blockNode instanceof JCCase) {
statements = ((JCCase) blockNode).stats;
} else if (blockNode instanceof JCMethodDecl) {
statements = ((JCMethodDecl) blockNode).body.stats;
} else {
annotationNode.addError("@Cleanup is legal only on a local variable declaration inside a block.");
boolean seenDeclaration = false;
ListBuffer<JCStatement> newStatements = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
ListBuffer<JCStatement> tryBlock = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
for (JCStatement statement : statements) {
if (!seenDeclaration) {
if (statement == decl)
seenDeclaration = true;
} else {
if (!seenDeclaration) {
annotationNode.addError("LOMBOK BUG: Can't find this local variable declaration inside its parent.");
doAssignmentCheck(annotationNode, tryBlock.toList(),;
JavacTreeMaker maker = annotationNode.getTreeMaker();
JCFieldAccess cleanupMethod = maker.Select(maker.Ident(, annotationNode.toName(cleanupName));
List<JCStatement> cleanupCall = List.<JCStatement>of(maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), cleanupMethod, List.<JCExpression>nil())));
JCExpression preventNullAnalysis = preventNullAnalysis(maker, annotationNode, maker.Ident(;
JCBinary isNull = maker.Binary(CTC_NOT_EQUAL, preventNullAnalysis, maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null));
JCIf ifNotNullCleanup = maker.If(isNull, maker.Block(0, cleanupCall), null);
Context context = annotationNode.getContext();
JCBlock finalizer = recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(ifNotNullCleanup)), ast, context);
newStatements.append(setGeneratedBy(maker.Try(setGeneratedBy(maker.Block(0, tryBlock.toList()), ast, context), List.<JCCatch>nil(), finalizer), ast, context));
if (blockNode instanceof JCBlock) {
((JCBlock) blockNode).stats = newStatements.toList();
} else if (blockNode instanceof JCCase) {
((JCCase) blockNode).stats = newStatements.toList();
} else if (blockNode instanceof JCMethodDecl) {
((JCMethodDecl) blockNode).body.stats = newStatements.toList();
} else
throw new AssertionError("Should not get here");
use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.
the class HandleConstructor method createStaticConstructor.
public JCMethodDecl createStaticConstructor(String name, AccessLevel level, JavacNode typeNode, List<JavacNode> fields, JCTree source) {
JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker();
JCClassDecl type = (JCClassDecl) typeNode.get();
JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(Flags.STATIC | toJavacModifier(level));
JCExpression returnType, constructorType;
ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter> typeParams = new ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter>();
ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> params = new ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> typeArgs1 = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> typeArgs2 = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
if (!type.typarams.isEmpty()) {
for (JCTypeParameter param : type.typarams) {
typeParams.append(maker.TypeParameter(, param.bounds));
returnType = maker.TypeApply(maker.Ident(, typeArgs1.toList());
constructorType = maker.TypeApply(maker.Ident(, typeArgs2.toList());
} else {
returnType = maker.Ident(;
constructorType = maker.Ident(;
for (JavacNode fieldNode : fields) {
JCVariableDecl field = (JCVariableDecl) fieldNode.get();
Name fieldName = removePrefixFromField(fieldNode);
JCExpression pType = cloneType(maker, field.vartype, source, typeNode.getContext());
List<JCAnnotation> nonNulls = findAnnotations(fieldNode, NON_NULL_PATTERN);
List<JCAnnotation> nullables = findAnnotations(fieldNode, NULLABLE_PATTERN);
long flags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(Flags.PARAMETER, typeNode.getContext());
JCVariableDecl param = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(flags, nonNulls.appendList(nullables)), fieldName, pType, null);
JCReturn returnStatement = maker.Return(maker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), constructorType, args.toList(), null));
JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(returnStatement));
return recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.MethodDef(mods, typeNode.toName(name), returnType, typeParams.toList(), params.toList(), List.<JCExpression>nil(), body, null), source, typeNode.getContext());