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Example 1 with CElementPropertyInfo

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class PackageOutlineImpl method calcDefaultValues.

 * Compute the most common namespace URI in this package
 * (to put into {@link XmlSchema#namespace()} and what value
 * we should put into {@link XmlSchema#elementFormDefault()}.
 * This method is called after {@link #classes} field is filled up.
public void calcDefaultValues() {
    if (!_model.isPackageLevelAnnotations()) {
        mostUsedNamespaceURI = "";
        elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.UNQUALIFIED;
    // used to visit properties
    CPropertyVisitor<Void> propVisitor = new CPropertyVisitor<>() {

        public Void onElement(CElementPropertyInfo p) {
            for (CTypeRef tr : p.getTypes()) {
                countURI(propUriCountMap, tr.getTagName());
            return null;

        public Void onReference(CReferencePropertyInfo p) {
            for (CElement e : p.getElements()) {
                countURI(propUriCountMap, e.getElementName());
            return null;

        public Void onAttribute(CAttributePropertyInfo p) {
            return null;

        public Void onValue(CValuePropertyInfo p) {
            return null;
    for (ClassOutlineImpl co : classes) {
        CClassInfo ci =;
        countURI(uriCountMap, ci.getTypeName());
        countURI(uriCountMap, ci.getElementName());
        for (CPropertyInfo p : ci.getProperties()) p.accept(propVisitor);
    mostUsedNamespaceURI = getMostUsedURI(uriCountMap);
    elementFormDefault = getFormDefault();
    attributeFormDefault = XmlNsForm.UNQUALIFIED;
    try {
        XmlNsForm modelValue = _model.getAttributeFormDefault(mostUsedNamespaceURI);
        attributeFormDefault = modelValue;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // ignore and accept default
    // we won't get this far if the user specified -npa
    if (!mostUsedNamespaceURI.equals("") || elementFormDefault == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED || (attributeFormDefault == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)) {
        XmlSchemaWriter w = _model.strategy.getPackage(_package, Aspect.IMPLEMENTATION).annotate2(XmlSchemaWriter.class);
        if (!mostUsedNamespaceURI.equals(""))
        if (elementFormDefault == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
        if (attributeFormDefault == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
Also used : XmlSchemaWriter( CPropertyVisitor( CAttributePropertyInfo( CPropertyInfo( CElementPropertyInfo( CClassInfo( CElement( CValuePropertyInfo( XmlNsForm(jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm) CTypeRef( CReferencePropertyInfo(

Example 2 with CElementPropertyInfo

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class AbstractField method writeXmlElementAnnotation.

 * Generate the simplest XmlElement annotation possible taking all semantic optimizations
 * into account.  This method is essentially equivalent to:
 *        .namespace(ctype.getTagName().getNamespaceURI())
 *        .type(jtype)
 *        .defaultValue(ctype.getDefaultValue());
 * @param checkWrapper true if the method might need to generate XmlElements
private void writeXmlElementAnnotation(JAnnotatable field, CTypeRef ctype, JType jtype, boolean checkWrapper) {
    // lazily create - we don't know if we need to generate anything yet
    XmlElementWriter xew = null;
    // these values are used to determine how to optimize the generated annotation
    XmlNsForm formDefault = parent()._package().getElementFormDefault();
    String propName = prop.getName(false);
    String enclosingTypeNS;
    if (parent().target.getTypeName() == null)
        enclosingTypeNS = parent()._package().getMostUsedNamespaceURI();
        enclosingTypeNS = parent().target.getTypeName().getNamespaceURI();
    // generate the name property?
    String generatedName = ctype.getTagName().getLocalPart();
    if (!generatedName.equals(propName)) {
        if (xew == null)
            xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);;
    // generate the namespace property?
    String generatedNS = ctype.getTagName().getNamespaceURI();
    if (((formDefault == XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED) && !generatedNS.equals(enclosingTypeNS)) || ((formDefault == XmlNsForm.UNQUALIFIED) && !generatedNS.equals(""))) {
        if (xew == null)
            xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
    // generate the required() property?
    CElementPropertyInfo ep = (CElementPropertyInfo) prop;
    if (ep.isRequired() && exposedType.isReference()) {
        if (xew == null)
            xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
    // if it's a collection, we can't use a primitive, however.
    if (ep.isRequired() && !prop.isCollection())
        jtype = jtype.unboxify();
    // generate @XmlElement(type=...)
    if (!jtype.equals(exposedType) || (getOptions().runtime14 && prop.isCollection())) {
        if (xew == null)
            xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
    // generate defaultValue property?
    final String defaultValue = ctype.getDefaultValue();
    if (defaultValue != null) {
        if (xew == null)
            xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
    // generate the nillable property?
    if (ctype.isNillable()) {
        if (xew == null)
            xew = getXew(checkWrapper, field);
Also used : CElementPropertyInfo( XmlNsForm(jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm) XmlElementWriter(

Example 3 with CElementPropertyInfo

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ElementMappingImpl method calcDrilldown.

public List<Property> calcDrilldown() {
    CElementPropertyInfo p = clazz.getProperty();
    if (p.getAdapter() != null)
        // if adapted, avoid drill down
        return null;
    if (p.isCollection())
        // things like <xs:element name="foo" type="xs:NMTOKENS" /> is not eligible.
        return null;
    CTypeInfo typeClass = p.ref().get(0);
    if (!(typeClass instanceof CClassInfo))
        // things like <xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" /> is not eligible.
        return null;
    CClassInfo ci = (CClassInfo) typeClass;
    // if the type is abstract we can't use it.
    if (ci.isAbstract())
        return null;
    // the 'all' compositor doesn't qualify
    if (!ci.isOrdered())
        return null;
    return buildDrilldown(ci);
Also used : CElementPropertyInfo( CClassInfo( CTypeInfo(

Example 4 with CElementPropertyInfo

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class BIProperty method createElementProperty.

 * @param defaultName
 *      If the name is not customized, this name will be used
 *      as the default. Note that the name conversion <b>MUST</b>
 *      be applied before this method is called if necessary.
 * @param source
 *      Source schema component from which a field is built.
public CElementPropertyInfo createElementProperty(String defaultName, boolean forConstant, XSParticle source, RawTypeSet types) {
    if (!types.refs.isEmpty())
        // if this property is empty, don't acknowleedge the customization
        // this allows pointless property customization to be reported as an error
    String name = getPropertyName(forConstant);
    if (name == null)
        name = defaultName;
    CElementPropertyInfo prop = wrapUp(new CElementPropertyInfo(name, types.getCollectionMode(),, types.getExpectedMimeType(), source, getCustomizations(source), source.getLocator(), types.isRequired()), source);
    BIInlineBinaryData.handle(source.getTerm(), prop);
    return prop;
Also used : CElementPropertyInfo(

Example 5 with CElementPropertyInfo

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ContentModelBinder method onRepeated.

private Void onRepeated(DPattern p, boolean optional) {
    RawTypeSet rts =, p, optional ? Multiplicity.STAR : Multiplicity.PLUS);
    if (rts.canBeTypeRefs == RawTypeSet.Mode.SHOULD_BE_TYPEREF) {
        CElementPropertyInfo prop = new CElementPropertyInfo(calcName(p), REPEATED_ELEMENT, ID.NONE, null, null, null, p.getLocation(), !optional);
    } else {
        CReferencePropertyInfo prop = new CReferencePropertyInfo(calcName(p), true, !optional, false, /*TODO*/
        null, null, p.getLocation(), false, false, false);
    return null;
Also used : CElementPropertyInfo( CReferencePropertyInfo( RawTypeSet(


CElementPropertyInfo ( CReferencePropertyInfo ( CClassInfo ( CPropertyInfo ( CTypeRef ( CValuePropertyInfo ( CAttributePropertyInfo ( CElement ( XmlNsForm (jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm)2 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)2 Property ( XmlElementWriter ( XmlSchemaTypeWriter ( XmlSchemaWriter ( CElementInfo ( CPropertyVisitor ( CTypeInfo ( TypeUse ( RawTypeSet ( BIElement (