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Example 1 with CEnumConstant

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class BeanGenerator method generateEnumBody.

private void generateEnumBody(EnumOutline eo) {
    JDefinedClass type = eo.clazz;
    CEnumLeafInfo e =;
    XmlTypeWriter xtw = type.annotate2(XmlTypeWriter.class);
    writeTypeName(e.getTypeName(), xtw, eo._package().getMostUsedNamespaceURI());
    JCodeModel cModel = model.codeModel;
    // since constant values are never null, no point in using the boxed types.
    JType baseExposedType = e.base.toType(this, EXPOSED).unboxify();
    JType baseImplType = e.base.toType(this, Aspect.IMPLEMENTATION).unboxify();
    XmlEnumWriter xew = type.annotate2(XmlEnumWriter.class);
    boolean needsValue = e.needsValueField();
    // for each member <m>,
    // [RESULT]
    // <EnumName>(<deserializer of m>(<value>));
    // record generated field names to detect collision
    Set<String> enumFieldNames = new HashSet<>();
    for (CEnumConstant mem : e.members) {
        String constName = mem.getName();
        if (!JJavaName.isJavaIdentifier(constName)) {
            // didn't produce a name.
            getErrorReceiver().error(e.getLocator(), Messages.ERR_UNUSABLE_NAME.format(mem.getLexicalValue(), constName));
        if (!enumFieldNames.add(constName)) {
            getErrorReceiver().error(e.getLocator(), Messages.ERR_NAME_COLLISION.format(constName));
        // [RESULT]
        // <Const>(...)
        // ASSUMPTION: datatype is outline-independent
        JEnumConstant constRef = type.enumConstant(constName);
        if (needsValue) {
            constRef.arg(e.base.createConstant(this, new XmlString(mem.getLexicalValue())));
        if (!mem.getLexicalValue().equals(constName)) {
        // set javadoc
        if (mem.javadoc != null) {
        eo.constants.add(new EnumConstantOutline(mem, constRef) {
    if (needsValue) {
        // [RESULT]
        // final <valueType> value;
        JFieldVar $value = type.field(JMod.PRIVATE | JMod.FINAL, baseExposedType, "value");
        // [RESULT]
        // public <valuetype> value() { return value; }
        type.method(JMod.PUBLIC, baseExposedType, "value").body()._return($value);
        // [RESULT]
        // <constructor>(<valueType> v) {
        // this.value=v;
        // }
            JMethod m = type.constructor(0);
            m.body().assign($value, m.param(baseImplType, "v"));
        // [RESULT]
        // public static <Const> fromValue(<valueType> v) {
        // for( <Const> c : <Const>.values() ) {
        // if(c.value == v)   // or equals
        // return c;
        // }
        // throw new IllegalArgumentException(...);
        // }
            JMethod m = type.method(JMod.PUBLIC | JMod.STATIC, type, "fromValue");
            JVar $v = m.param(baseExposedType, "v");
            JForEach fe = m.body().forEach(type, "c", type.staticInvoke("values"));
            JExpression eq;
            if (baseExposedType.isPrimitive()) {
                eq = fe.var().ref($value).eq($v);
            } else {
                eq = fe.var().ref($value).invoke("equals").arg($v);
            JInvocation ex = JExpr._new(cModel.ref(IllegalArgumentException.class));
            JExpression strForm;
            if (baseExposedType.isPrimitive()) {
                strForm = cModel.ref(String.class).staticInvoke("valueOf").arg($v);
            } else if (baseExposedType == cModel.ref(String.class)) {
                strForm = $v;
            } else {
                strForm = $v.invoke("toString");
    } else {
        // [RESULT]
        // public String value() { return name(); }
        type.method(JMod.PUBLIC, String.class, "value").body()._return(JExpr.invoke("name"));
        // [RESULT]
        // public <Const> fromValue(String v) { return valueOf(v); }
        JMethod m = type.method(JMod.PUBLIC | JMod.STATIC, type, "fromValue");
        m.body()._return(JExpr.invoke("valueOf").arg(m.param(String.class, "v")));
Also used : JDefinedClass(com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass) XmlTypeWriter( EnumConstantOutline( XmlEnumValueWriter( XmlString(com.sun.xml.xsom.XmlString) CEnumLeafInfo( JInvocation(com.sun.codemodel.JInvocation) XmlString(com.sun.xml.xsom.XmlString) JExpression(com.sun.codemodel.JExpression) JCodeModel(com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel) CEnumConstant( XmlEnumWriter( JEnumConstant(com.sun.codemodel.JEnumConstant) JFieldVar(com.sun.codemodel.JFieldVar) JMethod(com.sun.codemodel.JMethod) JForEach(com.sun.codemodel.JForEach) JType(com.sun.codemodel.JType) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) JVar(com.sun.codemodel.JVar)

Example 2 with CEnumConstant

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class BIEnumeration method buildMemberList.

private static List<CEnumConstant> buildMemberList(Model model, Element dom) {
    List<CEnumConstant> r = new ArrayList<>();
    String members = DOMUtil.getAttribute(dom, "members");
    // TODO: error handling
    if (members == null)
        members = "";
    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(members);
    while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String token = tokens.nextToken();
        r.add(new CEnumConstant(model.getNameConverter().toConstantName(token), null, token, null, /*TODO*/
        null, null));
    return r;
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CEnumConstant(

Example 3 with CEnumConstant

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class SimpleTypeBuilder method bindToTypeSafeEnum.

 * Builds a type-safe enum conversion from a simple type
 * with enumeration facets.
 * @param className
 *      The class name of the type-safe enum. Or null to
 *      create a default name.
 * @param javadoc
 *      Additional javadoc that will be added at the beginning of the
 *      class, or null if none is necessary.
 * @param members
 *      A map from enumeration values (as String) to BIEnumMember objects.
 *      if some of the value names need to be overrided.
 *      Cannot be null, but the map may not contain entries
 *      for all enumeration values.
 * @param loc
 *      The source location where the above customizations are
 *      specified, or null if none is available.
private TypeUse bindToTypeSafeEnum(XSRestrictionSimpleType type, String className, String javadoc, Map<String, BIEnumMember> members, EnumMemberMode mode, Locator loc) {
    if (// use the location of the simple type as the default
    loc == null)
        loc = type.getLocator();
    if (className == null) {
        // the simple type must be a global one.
        if (!type.isGlobal()) {
            getErrorReporter().error(loc, Messages.ERR_NO_ENUM_NAME_AVAILABLE);
            // recover by returning a meaningless conversion
            return CBuiltinLeafInfo.STRING;
        className = type.getName();
    // we apply name conversion in any case
    className = builder.deriveName(className, type);
        // compute Javadoc
        StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
        SchemaWriter sw = new SchemaWriter(new JavadocEscapeWriter(out));
        type.visit((XSVisitor) sw);
        if (javadoc != null)
            javadoc += "\n\n";
            javadoc = "";
        javadoc += Messages.format(Messages.JAVADOC_HEADING, type.getName()) + "\n<pre>\n" + out.getBuffer() + "</pre>";
    // build base type
    TypeUse use = build(type.getSimpleBaseType());
    if (use.isCollection())
        // can't bind a list to enum constant
        return null;
    // for now just ignore that case
    CNonElement baseDt = use.getInfo();
    if (baseDt instanceof CClassInfo)
        // can't bind to an enum if the base is a class, since we don't have the value constrctor
        return null;
    // if the member names collide, re-generate numbered constant names.
    XSFacet[] errorRef = new XSFacet[1];
    List<CEnumConstant> memberList = buildCEnumConstants(type, false, members, errorRef);
    if (memberList == null || checkMemberNameCollision(memberList) != null) {
        switch(mode) {
            case SKIP:
                // abort
                return null;
            case ERROR:
                // error
                if (memberList == null) {
                    getErrorReporter().error(errorRef[0].getLocator(), Messages.ERR_CANNOT_GENERATE_ENUM_NAME, errorRef[0].getValue());
                } else {
                    CEnumConstant[] collision = checkMemberNameCollision(memberList);
                    getErrorReporter().error(collision[0].getLocator(), Messages.ERR_ENUM_MEMBER_NAME_COLLISION, collision[0].getName());
                    getErrorReporter().error(collision[1].getLocator(), Messages.ERR_ENUM_MEMBER_NAME_COLLISION_RELATED);
                // recover from error
                return null;
            case GENERATE:
                // generate
                memberList = buildCEnumConstants(type, true, members, null);
    if (memberList.isEmpty()) {
        getErrorReporter().error(loc, Messages.ERR_NO_ENUM_FACET);
        return null;
    // use the name of the simple type as the name of the class.
    CClassInfoParent scope;
    if (type.isGlobal())
        scope = new CClassInfoParent.Package(getClassSelector().getPackage(type.getTargetNamespace()));
        scope = getClassSelector().getClassScope();
    CEnumLeafInfo xducer = new CEnumLeafInfo(model, BGMBuilder.getName(type), scope, className, baseDt, memberList, type, builder.getBindInfo(type).toCustomizationList(), loc);
    xducer.javadoc = javadoc;
    BIConversion conv = new BIConversion.Static(type.getLocator(), xducer);
    // attach this new conversion object to this simple type
    // so that successive look up will use the same object.
    return conv.getTypeUse(type);
Also used : XSVisitor(com.sun.xml.xsom.visitor.XSVisitor) CClassInfoParent( BIConversion( CEnumLeafInfo( CEnumConstant( TypeUse( CClassInfo( XSFacet(com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet) StringWriter( CNonElement( JavadocEscapeWriter(com.sun.codemodel.util.JavadocEscapeWriter) SchemaWriter(com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.util.SchemaWriter)

Example 4 with CEnumConstant

use of in project jaxb-ri by eclipse-ee4j.

the class SimpleTypeBuilder method buildCEnumConstants.

 * @param errorRef
 *      if constant names couldn't be generated, return a reference to that enum facet.
 * @return
 *      null if unable to generate names for some of the constants.
private List<CEnumConstant> buildCEnumConstants(XSRestrictionSimpleType type, boolean needsToGenerateMemberName, Map<String, BIEnumMember> members, XSFacet[] errorRef) {
    List<CEnumConstant> memberList = new ArrayList<>();
    int idx = 1;
    // to avoid duplicates. See issue #366
    Set<String> enums = new HashSet<>();
    for (XSFacet facet : type.getDeclaredFacets(XSFacet.FACET_ENUMERATION)) {
        String name = null;
        String mdoc = builder.getBindInfo(facet).getDocumentation();
        if (!enums.add(facet.getValue().value))
            // ignore the 2nd occasion
        if (needsToGenerateMemberName) {
            // generate names for all member names.
            // this will even override names specified by the user. that's crazy.
            name = "VALUE_" + (idx++);
        } else {
            String facetValue = facet.getValue().value;
            BIEnumMember mem = members.get(facetValue);
            if (mem == null)
                // look at the one attached to the facet object
                mem = builder.getBindInfo(facet).get(BIEnumMember.class);
            if (mem != null) {
                name =;
                if (mdoc == null) {
                    mdoc = mem.javadoc;
            if (name == null) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < facetValue.length(); i++) {
                    char ch = facetValue.charAt(i);
                    if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ch))
                name = model.getNameConverter().toConstantName(sb.toString());
        if (!JJavaName.isJavaIdentifier(name)) {
            if (errorRef != null)
                errorRef[0] = facet;
            // unable to generate a name
            return null;
        memberList.add(new CEnumConstant(name, mdoc, facet.getValue().value, facet, builder.getBindInfo(facet).toCustomizationList(), facet.getLocator()));
    return memberList;
Also used : XSFacet(com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BIEnumMember( CEnumConstant( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


CEnumConstant ( CEnumLeafInfo ( XSFacet (com.sun.xml.xsom.XSFacet)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 JCodeModel (com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel)1 JDefinedClass (com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass)1 JEnumConstant (com.sun.codemodel.JEnumConstant)1 JExpression (com.sun.codemodel.JExpression)1 JFieldVar (com.sun.codemodel.JFieldVar)1 JForEach (com.sun.codemodel.JForEach)1 JInvocation (com.sun.codemodel.JInvocation)1 JMethod (com.sun.codemodel.JMethod)1 JType (com.sun.codemodel.JType)1 JVar (com.sun.codemodel.JVar)1 JavadocEscapeWriter (com.sun.codemodel.util.JavadocEscapeWriter)1 XmlEnumValueWriter ( XmlEnumWriter ( XmlTypeWriter ( CClassInfo (