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Example 11 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Fiber method dumpFiberContext.

private void dumpFiberContext(String desc) {
    if (isTraceEnabled()) {
        String action = null;
        String msgId = null;
        if (packet != null) {
            for (SOAPVersion sv : SOAPVersion.values()) {
                for (AddressingVersion av : AddressingVersion.values()) {
                    action = packet.getMessage() != null ? AddressingUtils.getAction(packet.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) : null;
                    msgId = packet.getMessage() != null ? AddressingUtils.getMessageID(packet.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) : null;
                    if (action != null || msgId != null) {
                if (action != null || msgId != null) {
        String actionAndMsgDesc;
        if (action == null && msgId == null) {
            actionAndMsgDesc = "NO ACTION or MSG ID";
        } else {
            actionAndMsgDesc = "'" + action + "' and msgId '" + msgId + "'";
        String tubeDesc;
        if (next != null) {
            tubeDesc = next + ".processRequest()";
        } else {
            tubeDesc = peekCont() + ".processResponse()";
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "{0} {1} with {2} and ''current'' tube {3} from thread {4} with Packet: {5}", new Object[] { getName(), desc, actionAndMsgDesc, tubeDesc, Thread.currentThread().getName(), packet != null ? packet.toShortString() : null });
Also used : AddressingVersion( SOAPVersion(

Example 12 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class AddressingUtils method fillRequestAddressingHeaders.

// private void fillRequestAddressingHeaders(Packet packet, AddressingVersion av, SOAPVersion sv, OneWayFeature oneWayFeature, boolean oneway, String action);
public static void fillRequestAddressingHeaders(MessageHeaders headers, WSDLPort wsdlPort, WSBinding binding, Packet packet) {
    if (binding == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(AddressingMessages.NULL_BINDING());
    if (binding.isFeatureEnabled(SuppressAutomaticWSARequestHeadersFeature.class)) {
    // See if WSA headers are already set by the user.
    MessageHeaders hl = packet.getMessage().getHeaders();
    String action = AddressingUtils.getAction(hl, binding.getAddressingVersion(), binding.getSOAPVersion());
    if (action != null) {
        // assume that all the WSA headers are set by the user
    AddressingVersion addressingVersion = binding.getAddressingVersion();
    // seiModel is passed as null as it is not needed.
    WsaTubeHelper wsaHelper = addressingVersion.getWsaHelper(wsdlPort, null, binding);
    // wsa:Action
    String effectiveInputAction = wsaHelper.getEffectiveInputAction(packet);
    if (effectiveInputAction == null || effectiveInputAction.equals("") && binding.getSOAPVersion() == SOAPVersion.SOAP_11) {
        throw new WebServiceException(ClientMessages.INVALID_SOAP_ACTION());
    boolean oneway = !packet.expectReply;
    if (wsdlPort != null) {
        // the SOAP message with non-anonymous ReplyTo/FaultTo.
        if (!oneway && packet.getMessage() != null && packet.getWSDLOperation() != null) {
            WSDLBoundOperation wbo = wsdlPort.getBinding().get(packet.getWSDLOperation());
            if (wbo != null && wbo.getAnonymous() == WSDLBoundOperation.ANONYMOUS.prohibited) {
                throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.WSAW_ANONYMOUS_PROHIBITED());
    OneWayFeature oneWayFeature = binding.getFeature(OneWayFeature.class);
    final AddressingPropertySet addressingPropertySet = packet.getSatellite(AddressingPropertySet.class);
    oneWayFeature = addressingPropertySet == null ? oneWayFeature : new OneWayFeature(addressingPropertySet, addressingVersion);
    if (oneWayFeature == null || !oneWayFeature.isEnabled()) {
        // standard oneway
        fillRequestAddressingHeaders(headers, packet, addressingVersion, binding.getSOAPVersion(), oneway, effectiveInputAction, AddressingVersion.isRequired(binding));
    } else {
        // custom oneway
        fillRequestAddressingHeaders(headers, packet, addressingVersion, binding.getSOAPVersion(), oneWayFeature, oneway, effectiveInputAction);
Also used : AddressingVersion( WsaTubeHelper( WebServiceException( WSDLBoundOperation( OneWayFeature( AddressingPropertySet(

Example 13 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ReplaceAddressingHeaderTest method testReplaceBehavior.

public void testReplaceBehavior() throws Exception {
    String reqMsgStr = "<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">" + "<env:Header>" + "<r:AckRequested xmlns:s=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\" xmlns:a=\"\">" + "<r:Identifier>uuid:WLS2:store:WseeJaxwsFileStore:dece97a1d44772e7:-3fbed9f:13b4b7da0a6:-7fb6</r:Identifier>" + "</r:AckRequested>" + "<a:Action xmlns:s=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\" " + "xmlns:a=\"\" s:mustUnderstand=\"1\"></a:Action>" + "<a:To xmlns:s=\"\" " + "xmlns:r=\"\" xmlns:a=\"\" " + "s:mustUnderstand=\"1\"></a:To>" + "</env:Header>" + "<env:Body/>" + "</env:Envelope>";
    String respMsgStr = "<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">" + "<env:Header>" + "<Action xmlns=\"\"></Action>" + "<wsrm11:SequenceAcknowledgement xmlns:wsrm11=\"\">" + "<wsrm11:Identifier>uuid:WLS2:store:WseeJaxwsFileStore:dece97a1d44772e7:-3fbed9f:13b4b7da0a6:-7fb6</wsrm11:Identifier>" + "<wsrm11:AcknowledgementRange Lower=\"1\" Upper=\"3\"/>" + "</wsrm11:SequenceAcknowledgement>" + "<To xmlns=\"\">" + "</To>" + "<ns0:ReplyTo xmlns:ns0=\"\">" + "<ns0:Address>" + "" + "</ns0:Address>" + "<ns0:Metadata xmlns:ns1=\"\" " + "ns1:wsdlLocation=\"\">" + "<wsam:InterfaceName xmlns:wsam=\"\" xmlns:wsns=\"\">" + "wsns:IPing</wsam:InterfaceName>" + "<wsam:ServiceName xmlns:wsam=\"\" xmlns:wsns=\"\" EndpointName=\"CustomBinding_IPing10\">" + "wsns:PingService</wsam:ServiceName>" + "</ns0:Metadata>" + "</ns0:ReplyTo>" + "</env:Header>" + "<env:Body/></env:Envelope>";
    AddressingVersion av = AddressingVersion.W3C;
    SOAPVersion sv = SOAPVersion.SOAP_12;
    String action = "";
    SAAJMessage reqMsg = new SAAJMessage(makeSOAPMessage(reqMsgStr));
    SAAJMessage respMsg = new SAAJMessage(makeSOAPMessage(respMsgStr));
    HeaderList hdrs = (HeaderList) respMsg.getHeaders();
    String originToHeader = hdrs.getTo(av, sv);
    Packet responsePacket = null;
    try {
        responsePacket = new Packet(reqMsg).createServerResponse(respMsg, av, sv, action);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // check toHeader
    String toHeaderAfterProcessed = AddressingUtils.getTo(responsePacket.getHeaderList(), av, sv);
Also used : AddressingVersion( SOAPVersion( SAAJMessage(


AddressingVersion ( SOAPVersion ( WsaTubeHelper ( WSEndpointReference ( WebServiceException ( MemberSubmissionAddressingFeature ( SAAJMessage ( QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)2 WSEPRExtension ( MissingAddressingHeaderException ( AddressingPropertySet ( OneWayFeature ( Packet ( WSDLBoundOperation ( BindingImpl ( Dispatch ( WebServiceFeature ( AddressingFeature ( SOAPFaultException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1