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Example 1 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class GenerateToElementTest method testCorrectToFromResMsg.

public void testCorrectToFromResMsg() throws Exception {
    String reqMsgStr = "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\" xmlns:a=\"\">" + "<s:Header>" + "<a:Action s:mustUnderstand=\"1\"></a:Action>" + "<a:ReplyTo s:actor=\"\"><a:Address></a:Address></a:ReplyTo>" + "<a:MessageID>urn:uuid:d715800d-67e2-4254-a86e-e31a1bfaecab</a:MessageID>" + "<a:ReplyTo><a:Address></a:Address></a:ReplyTo>" + "<a:To s:mustUnderstand=\"1\"></a:To>" + "</s:Header>" + "<s:Body>" + "<echoIn xmlns=\"\">test1151</echoIn>" + "</s:Body>" + "</s:Envelope>";
    String respMsgStr = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" + "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">" + "<S:Body>" + "<ns0:echoOut xmlns:ns0=\"\">test1151</ns0:echoOut>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>";
    String finalToFromResponseMsg = "";
    WSEndpointReference originalReplyToFromRequestMsg = null;
    AddressingVersion av = AddressingVersion.W3C;
    SOAPVersion sv = SOAPVersion.SOAP_11;
    String action = "";
    SAAJMessage reqMsg = new SAAJMessage(makeSOAPMessage(reqMsgStr));
    SAAJMessage respMsg = new SAAJMessage(makeSOAPMessage(respMsgStr));
    HeaderList requestHdrs = (HeaderList) reqMsg.getHeaders();
    originalReplyToFromRequestMsg = requestHdrs.getReplyTo(av, sv);
    Packet responsePacket = null;
    try {
        responsePacket = new Packet(reqMsg).createServerResponse(respMsg, av, sv, action);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // check toHeader
    finalToFromResponseMsg = AddressingUtils.getTo(responsePacket.getHeaderList(), av, sv);
    assertEquals(finalToFromResponseMsg, originalReplyToFromRequestMsg.getAddress());
Also used : AddressingVersion( SOAPVersion( SAAJMessage( WSEndpointReference(

Example 2 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Messages method createAddressingFaultMessage.

 * Creates a fault {@link Message} that captures the code/subcode/subsubcode
 * defined by WS-Addressing if one of the expected WS-Addressing headers is
 * missing in the message
 * @param binding WSBinding
 * @param p
 *      {@link Packet} that was missing a WS-Addressing header.
 * @param missingHeader The missing WS-Addressing Header
 * @return
 *      A message representing SOAPFault that contains the WS-Addressing code/subcode/subsubcode.
public static Message createAddressingFaultMessage(WSBinding binding, Packet p, QName missingHeader) {
    AddressingVersion av = binding.getAddressingVersion();
    if (av == null) {
        // Addressing is not enabled.
        throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.ADDRESSING_SHOULD_BE_ENABLED());
    WsaTubeHelper helper = av.getWsaHelper(null, null, binding);
    return create(helper.newMapRequiredFault(new MissingAddressingHeaderException(missingHeader, p)));
Also used : AddressingVersion( WebServiceException( WsaTubeHelper( MissingAddressingHeaderException(

Example 3 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Packet method populateAddressingHeaders.

private void populateAddressingHeaders(WSBinding binding, Packet responsePacket, WSDLPort wsdlPort, SEIModel seiModel) {
    AddressingVersion addressingVersion = binding.getAddressingVersion();
    if (addressingVersion == null) {
    WsaTubeHelper wsaHelper = addressingVersion.getWsaHelper(wsdlPort, seiModel, binding);
    String action = responsePacket.getMessage().isFault() ? wsaHelper.getFaultAction(this, responsePacket) : wsaHelper.getOutputAction(this);
    if (action == null) {"WSA headers are not added as value for wsa:Action cannot be resolved for this message");
    populateAddressingHeaders(responsePacket, addressingVersion, binding.getSOAPVersion(), action, AddressingVersion.isRequired(binding));
Also used : AddressingVersion( WsaTubeHelper(

Example 4 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Packet method relateServerResponse.

public Packet relateServerResponse(@Nullable Packet r, @Nullable WSDLPort wsdlPort, @Nullable SEIModel seiModel, @NotNull WSBinding binding) {
    relatePackets(r, false);
    AddressingVersion av = binding.getAddressingVersion();
    // populate WS-A headers only if WS-A is enabled
    if (av == null) {
        return r;
    if (getMessage() == null) {
        return r;
    // populate WS-A headers only if the request has addressing headers
    String inputAction = AddressingUtils.getAction(getMessage().getHeaders(), av, binding.getSOAPVersion());
    if (inputAction == null) {
        return r;
    // if one-way, then dont populate any WS-A headers
    if (r.getMessage() == null || (wsdlPort != null && getMessage().isOneWay(wsdlPort))) {
        return r;
    // otherwise populate WS-Addressing headers
    populateAddressingHeaders(binding, r, wsdlPort, seiModel);
    return r;
Also used : AddressingVersion(

Example 5 with AddressingVersion

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class Stub method getWSEndpointReference.

public final WSEndpointReference getWSEndpointReference() {
    if (binding.getBindingID().equals(HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING)) {
        throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(ClientMessages.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION("BindingProvider.getEndpointReference(Class<T> class)", "XML/HTTP Binding", "SOAP11 or SOAP12 Binding"));
    if (endpointReference != null) {
        return endpointReference;
    String eprAddress = requestContext.getEndpointAddress().toString();
    QName portTypeName = null;
    String wsdlAddress = null;
    List<WSEndpointReference.EPRExtension> wsdlEPRExtensions = new ArrayList<>();
    if (wsdlPort != null) {
        portTypeName = wsdlPort.getBinding().getPortTypeName();
        wsdlAddress = eprAddress + "?wsdl";
        // gather EPRExtensions specified in WSDL.
        try {
            WSEndpointReference wsdlEpr = wsdlPort.getEPR();
            if (wsdlEpr != null) {
                for (WSEndpointReference.EPRExtension extnEl : wsdlEpr.getEPRExtensions()) {
                    wsdlEPRExtensions.add(new WSEPRExtension(XMLStreamBuffer.createNewBufferFromXMLStreamReader(extnEl.readAsXMLStreamReader()), extnEl.getQName()));
        } catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
            throw new WebServiceException(ex);
    AddressingVersion av = AddressingVersion.W3C;
    this.endpointReference = new WSEndpointReference(av, eprAddress, getServiceName(), getPortName(), portTypeName, null, wsdlAddress, null, wsdlEPRExtensions, null);
    return this.endpointReference;
Also used : WebServiceException( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) XMLStreamException( AddressingVersion( WSEPRExtension( WSEndpointReference( WSEPRExtension(


AddressingVersion ( SOAPVersion ( WsaTubeHelper ( WSEndpointReference ( WebServiceException ( MemberSubmissionAddressingFeature ( SAAJMessage ( QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)2 WSEPRExtension ( MissingAddressingHeaderException ( AddressingPropertySet ( OneWayFeature ( Packet ( WSDLBoundOperation ( BindingImpl ( Dispatch ( WebServiceFeature ( AddressingFeature ( SOAPFaultException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1