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Example 1 with TransportTubeFactory

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class SDODatabindingTestBase method invmSetup.

protected WebServiceFeature[] invmSetup(final URL wsdlURL, final Class sei, final Class seb, final QName serviceName, final QName portName) {
    DatabindingModeFeature dbmf = new DatabindingModeFeature("eclipselink.sdo");
    Class implementorClass = seb;
    boolean handlersSetInDD = false;
    Container container = Container.NONE;
    Map<String, SDDocumentSource> docs = new HashMap<String, SDDocumentSource>();
    SDDocumentSource primaryWSDL = SDDocumentSource.create(wsdlURL);
    docs.put(wsdlURL.toString(), primaryWSDL);
    ExternalMetadataFeature exm = ExternalMetadataFeature.builder().setReader(new {

        public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(final Class<A> annType, final Class<?> cls) {
            if (WebService.class.equals(annType)) {
                final WebService ws = cls.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
                return (A) new jakarta.jws.WebService() {

                    public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
                        return WebService.class;

                    public String endpointInterface() {
                        return sei.getName();

                    public String name() {
                        return (ws != null) ? : null;

                    public String portName() {
                        return (ws != null) ? ws.portName() : null;

                    public String serviceName() {
                        return (ws != null) ? ws.serviceName() : null;

                    public String targetNamespace() {
                        return (ws != null) ? ws.targetNamespace() : null;

                    public String wsdlLocation() {
                        return (ws != null) ? ws.wsdlLocation() : null;
            return cls.getAnnotation(annType);
    BindingID bindingID = BindingID.parse(implementorClass);
    WSBinding binding = bindingID.createBinding(dbmf, exm);
    final WSEndpoint<?> endpoint = WSEndpoint.create(implementorClass, !handlersSetInDD, null, serviceName, portName, container, binding, primaryWSDL, docs.values(), XmlUtil.createEntityResolver(null), false);
    ComponentFeature cf = new ComponentFeature(new {

        public <S> S getSPI(Class<S> spiType) {
            if (TransportTubeFactory.class.equals(spiType))
                return (S) new TransportTubeFactory() {

                    public Tube doCreate(ClientTubeAssemblerContext context) {
                        return new InVmTransportTube(context.getCodec(), context.getBinding(), wsdlURL, endpoint);
            return null;
    WebServiceFeature[] f = { dbmf, cf };
    return f;
Also used : WSBinding( Tube( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) WebService(jakarta.jws.WebService) DatabindingModeFeature( BindingID( TransportTubeFactory( Container( SDDocumentSource( Annotation(java.lang.annotation.Annotation) ExternalMetadataFeature( WebService(jakarta.jws.WebService) WebServiceFeature( ComponentFeature( ClientTubeAssemblerContext(

Example 2 with TransportTubeFactory

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ClientProxyTest method testNullResponseFromTube.

public void testNullResponseFromTube() throws Exception {
    URL wsdlURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("etc/EchoService.wsdl");
    EchoService srv = new EchoService(wsdlURL, new ComponentFeature(new {

        public <S> S getSPI(Class<S> spiType) {
            if (TransportTubeFactory.class.equals(spiType))
                return (S) new TransportTubeFactory() {

                    public Tube doCreate(ClientTubeAssemblerContext context) {
                        return new EchoTube();
            if (TubelineAssemblerFactory.class.equals(spiType))
                return (S) new TubelineAssemblerFactory() {

                    public TubelineAssembler doCreate(BindingID bindingId) {
                        return new TubelineAssembler() {

                            public Tube createClient(ClientTubeAssemblerContext context) {
                                final Tube head = context.createTransportTube();
                                return new EchoTube() {

                                    public NextAction processRequest(Packet request) {
                                        NextAction na = new NextAction();
                                        na.invoke(head, request);
                                        return na;

                                    public NextAction processResponse(Packet response) {
                                        NextAction na = new NextAction();
                                        na.returnWith(new Packet());
                                        return na;

                            public Tube createServer(ServerTubeAssemblerContext context) {
                                return null;
            return null;
    Echo echo = srv.getEchoPort();
    try {
        int res = echo.add(new NumbersRequest());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertFalse(e instanceof NullPointerException);
        assertTrue(e instanceof WebServiceException);
    try {
        echo.echoString(new Holder(wsdlURL.toString()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertFalse(e instanceof NullPointerException);
        assertTrue(e instanceof WebServiceException);
Also used : Packet( ServerTubeAssemblerContext( NumbersRequest( Tube( WebServiceException( Echo( EchoService( Holder( TubelineAssembler( BindingID( URL( WebServiceException( TransportTubeFactory( TubelineAssemblerFactory( ComponentFeature( NextAction( ClientTubeAssemblerContext(

Example 3 with TransportTubeFactory

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ClientProxyTest method testNullResponseFromTransprt.

public void testNullResponseFromTransprt() throws Exception {
    URL wsdlURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("etc/EchoService.wsdl");
    EchoService srv = new EchoService(wsdlURL, new ComponentFeature(new {

        public <S> S getSPI(Class<S> spiType) {
            if (TransportTubeFactory.class.equals(spiType))
                return (S) new TransportTubeFactory() {

                    public Tube doCreate(ClientTubeAssemblerContext context) {
                        return new EchoTube() {

                            public NextAction processRequest(Packet request) {
                                NextAction na = new NextAction();
                                na.returnWith(new Packet());
                                return na;
            return null;
    Echo echo = srv.getEchoPort();
    try {
        int res = echo.add(new NumbersRequest());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertFalse(e instanceof NullPointerException);
        assertTrue(e instanceof WebServiceException);
    try {
        echo.echoString(new Holder<String>(wsdlURL.toString()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertFalse(e instanceof NullPointerException);
        assertTrue(e instanceof WebServiceException);
Also used : Packet( NumbersRequest( WebServiceException( Echo( EchoService( URL( WebServiceException( TransportTubeFactory( ComponentFeature( NextAction( ClientTubeAssemblerContext(


ComponentFeature ( ClientTubeAssemblerContext ( TransportTubeFactory ( BindingID ( Packet ( NextAction ( Tube ( Echo ( EchoService ( NumbersRequest ( WebServiceException ( URL ( DatabindingModeFeature ( ExternalMetadataFeature ( WSBinding ( ServerTubeAssemblerContext ( TubelineAssembler ( TubelineAssemblerFactory ( Container ( SDDocumentSource (