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Example 1 with SOAPBindingImpl

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class SAAJMessageHeaders method getNotUnderstoodHeaders.

public Set<QName> getNotUnderstoodHeaders(Set<String> roles, Set<QName> knownHeaders, WSBinding binding) {
    Set<QName> notUnderstoodHeaderNames = new HashSet<>();
    if (notUnderstoodCount == null) {
        return notUnderstoodHeaderNames;
    for (Map.Entry<QName, Integer> header : notUnderstoodCount.entrySet()) {
        QName headerName = header.getKey();
        int count = header.getValue();
        if (count <= 0) {
        SOAPHeaderElement hdrElem = find(headerName);
        if (!hdrElem.getMustUnderstand()) {
        SAAJHeader hdr = new SAAJHeader(hdrElem);
        // mustUnderstand attribute is true - but there may be
        // additional criteria
        boolean understood = false;
        if (roles != null) {
            understood = !roles.contains(hdr.getRole(soapVersion));
        if (understood) {
        // or is in knownheaders
        if (binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl) {
            understood = ((SOAPBindingImpl) binding).understandsHeader(headerName);
            if (!understood) {
                if (knownHeaders != null && knownHeaders.contains(headerName)) {
                    understood = true;
        if (!understood) {
    return notUnderstoodHeaderNames;
Also used : SOAPHeaderElement(jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPHeaderElement) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) SAAJHeader( SOAPBindingImpl( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 2 with SOAPBindingImpl

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class EndpointFactory method create.

public <T> WSEndpoint<T> create(Class<T> implType, boolean processHandlerAnnotation, @Nullable Invoker invoker, @Nullable QName serviceName, @Nullable QName portName, @Nullable Container container, @Nullable WSBinding binding, @Nullable SDDocumentSource primaryWsdl, @Nullable Collection<? extends SDDocumentSource> metadata, EntityResolver resolver, boolean isTransportSynchronous, boolean isStandard) {
    if (implType == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    MetadataReader metadataReader = getExternalMetadatReader(implType, binding);
    if (isStandard) {
        verifyImplementorClass(implType, metadataReader);
    if (invoker == null) {
        invoker = InstanceResolver.createDefault(implType).createInvoker();
    // Performance analysis indicates that reading and parsing imported schemas is
    // a major component of Endpoint creation time.  Therefore, modify SDDocumentSource
    // handling to delay iterating collection as long as possible.
    Collection<SDDocumentSource> md = new CollectionCollection<>();
    if (primaryWsdl != null) {
        if (metadata != null) {
            Iterator<? extends SDDocumentSource> it = metadata.iterator();
            if (it.hasNext() && primaryWsdl.equals(
            else {
        } else
    } else if (metadata != null)
    if (container == null)
        container = ContainerResolver.getInstance().getContainer();
    if (serviceName == null)
        serviceName = getDefaultServiceName(implType, metadataReader);
    if (portName == null)
        portName = getDefaultPortName(serviceName, implType, metadataReader);
        // error check
        String serviceNS = serviceName.getNamespaceURI();
        String portNS = portName.getNamespaceURI();
        if (!serviceNS.equals(portNS)) {
            throw new ServerRtException("wrong.tns.for.port", portNS, serviceNS);
    // setting a default binding
    if (binding == null)
        binding = BindingImpl.create(BindingID.parse(implType));
    if (isStandard && primaryWsdl != null) {
        verifyPrimaryWSDL(primaryWsdl, serviceName);
    QName portTypeName = null;
    if (isStandard && implType.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class) == null) {
        portTypeName = RuntimeModeler.getPortTypeName(implType, metadataReader);
    // Categorises the documents as WSDL, Schema etc
    Collection<SDDocumentImpl> docList = categoriseMetadata(md.iterator(), serviceName, portTypeName);
    // Finds the primary WSDL and makes sure that metadata doesn't have
    // two concrete or abstract WSDLs
    SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = primaryWsdl != null ? SDDocumentImpl.create(primaryWsdl, serviceName, portTypeName) : findPrimary(docList);
    EndpointAwareTube terminal;
    WSDLPort wsdlPort = null;
    AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel = null;
    // create WSDL model
    if (primaryDoc != null) {
        wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);
    WebServiceFeatureList features = ((BindingImpl) binding).getFeatures();
    if (isStandard) {
    PolicyMap policyMap = null;
    // create terminal pipe that invokes the application
    if (isUseProviderTube(implType, isStandard)) {
        // TODO incase of Provider, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
        // ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
        // Even in case of Provider, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
        Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFtrs;
        if (wsdlPort != null) {
            policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
            // Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
            configFtrs = wsdlPort.getFeatures();
        } else {
            // No WSDL, so try to merge features from Policy configuration
            policyMap = PolicyResolverFactory.create().resolve(new PolicyResolver.ServerContext(null, container, implType, false));
            configFtrs = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, serviceName, portName);
        features.mergeFeatures(configFtrs, true);
        terminal = createProviderInvokerTube(implType, binding, invoker, container);
    } else {
        // Create runtime model for non Provider endpoints
        seiModel = createSEIModel(wsdlPort, implType, serviceName, portName, binding, primaryDoc);
        if (binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl) {
            // set portKnownHeaders on Binding, so that they can be used for MU processing
            ((SOAPBindingImpl) binding).setPortKnownHeaders(((SOAPSEIModel) seiModel).getKnownHeaders());
        // Generate WSDL for SEI endpoints(not for Provider endpoints)
        if (primaryDoc == null) {
            primaryDoc = generateWSDL(binding, seiModel, docList, container, implType);
            // create WSDL model
            wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);
        policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
        // New Features might have been added in WSDL through Policy.
        // Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
        // This sets only the wsdl features that are not already set(enabled/disabled)
        features.mergeFeatures(wsdlPort.getFeatures(), true);
        terminal = createSEIInvokerTube(seiModel, invoker, binding);
    // Process @HandlerChain, if handler-chain is not set via Deployment Descriptor
    if (processHandlerAnnotation) {
        processHandlerAnnotation(binding, implType, serviceName, portName);
    // Selects only required metadata for this endpoint from the passed-in metadata
    if (primaryDoc != null) {
        docList = findMetadataClosure(primaryDoc, docList, resolver);
    ServiceDefinitionImpl serviceDefiniton = (primaryDoc != null) ? new ServiceDefinitionImpl(docList, primaryDoc) : null;
    return create(serviceName, portName, binding, container, seiModel, wsdlPort, implType, serviceDefiniton, terminal, isTransportSynchronous, policyMap);
Also used : BindingImpl( SOAPBindingImpl( AbstractSEIModelImpl( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) MetadataReader( WebServiceFeatureList( WSDLPort( SDDocumentSource( PolicyMap( WebServiceFeature( SOAPBindingImpl(

Example 3 with SOAPBindingImpl

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class HeaderList method getNotUnderstoodHeaders.

public Set<QName> getNotUnderstoodHeaders(Set<String> roles, Set<QName> knownHeaders, WSBinding binding) {
    Set<QName> notUnderstoodHeaders = null;
    if (roles == null) {
        roles = new HashSet<>();
    SOAPVersion effectiveSoapVersion = getEffectiveSOAPVersion(binding);
    for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
        if (!isUnderstood(i)) {
            Header header = get(i);
            if (!header.isIgnorable(effectiveSoapVersion, roles)) {
                QName qName = new QName(header.getNamespaceURI(), header.getLocalPart());
                if (binding == null) {
                    // check above
                    if (notUnderstoodHeaders == null) {
                        notUnderstoodHeaders = new HashSet<>();
                } else {
                    // if the binding is not null, see if the binding can understand it
                    if (binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl && !((SOAPBindingImpl) binding).understandsHeader(qName)) {
                        if (!knownHeaders.contains(qName)) {
                            //"Element not understood=" + qName);
                            if (notUnderstoodHeaders == null) {
                                notUnderstoodHeaders = new HashSet<>();
    return notUnderstoodHeaders;
Also used : QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) SOAPVersion( SOAPBindingImpl(

Example 4 with SOAPBindingImpl

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class SEIPortInfoTest method testCreateBindingWSFList.

public void testCreateBindingWSFList() throws MalformedURLException {
    SEIPortInfo seiPortInfo = createSEIPortInfo();
    BindingImpl b = seiPortInfo.createBinding(new WebServiceFeatureList(), PORT_INTERFACE);
    boolean understands = ((SOAPBindingImpl) b).understandsHeader(EXTRA_HEADER);
    assertTrue("header " + EXTRA_HEADER + " must be understood", understands);
Also used : BindingImpl( SOAPBindingImpl( SOAPBindingImpl( WebServiceFeatureList(

Example 5 with SOAPBindingImpl

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class SEIPortInfoTest method testCreateBindingWSFArray.

public void testCreateBindingWSFArray() throws MalformedURLException {
    SEIPortInfo seiPortInfo = createSEIPortInfo();
    BindingImpl b = seiPortInfo.createBinding(new WebServiceFeature[] {}, PORT_INTERFACE);
    boolean understands = ((SOAPBindingImpl) b).understandsHeader(EXTRA_HEADER);
    assertTrue("header " + EXTRA_HEADER + " must be understood", understands);
Also used : BindingImpl( SOAPBindingImpl( SOAPBindingImpl(


SOAPBindingImpl ( BindingImpl ( QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)3 WebServiceFeatureList ( SOAPVersion ( MetadataReader ( WSDLPort ( SDDocumentSource ( SAAJHeader ( AbstractSEIModelImpl ( PolicyMap ( SOAPHeaderElement (jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPHeaderElement)1 WebServiceFeature ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1