use of com.tangykiwi.kiwiclient.modules.Module in project KiwiClient by TangyKiwi.
the class ModuleWindow method getHeight.
public int getHeight() {
int h = 1;
int count = 0;
for (Entry<Module, Boolean> e : mods.entrySet()) {
if (count >= start) {
h += 12;
if (count >= max) {
return h;
if (e.getValue()) {
for (Settings s : e.getKey().getSettings()) {
if (count >= start) {
h += s.getHeight(len);
try {
if (s.asToggle().isExpanded()) {
count += s.asToggle().getChildren().size();
} catch (ClassCastException error) {
if (count >= max) {
return h;
return h;
use of com.tangykiwi.kiwiclient.modules.Module in project KiwiClient by TangyKiwi.
the class ModuleClickGuiScreen method render.
public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) {
searchField.visible = true;
searchField.setSuggestion(searchField.getText().isEmpty() ? "Search here" : "");
Set<Module> searchMods = new HashSet<>();
if (!searchField.getText().isEmpty()) {
for (Module m : KiwiClient.moduleManager.moduleList) {
if (m.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(searchField.getText().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replace(" ", ""))) {
int len = 85;
for (Window w : getWindows()) {
if (w instanceof ModuleWindow) {
((ModuleWindow) w).setSearchedModule(searchMods);
((ModuleWindow) w).setLen(len);
super.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY, delta);
use of com.tangykiwi.kiwiclient.modules.Module in project KiwiClient by TangyKiwi.
the class ModuleArgumentType method parse.
public Module parse(StringReader reader) throws CommandSyntaxException {
String argument = reader.readString();
Module module = KiwiClient.moduleManager.getModuleByName(argument);
if (module == null)
throw NO_SUCH_MODULE.create(argument);
return module;
use of com.tangykiwi.kiwiclient.modules.Module in project KiwiClient by TangyKiwi.
the class ActiveMods method onDrawOverlay.
public void onDrawOverlay(DrawOverlayEvent e) {
if (!mc.options.debugEnabled) {
GlyphPageFontRenderer textRenderer = IFont.CONSOLAS;
// TextRenderer textRenderer = mc.textRenderer;
// DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), 0, 60, textRenderer.getWidth(enabledMods.get(0).getName()) + 5, 62, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
// for (Module m : enabledMods) {
// int offset = count * (textRenderer.fontHeight + 1);
// DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), textRenderer.getWidth(m.getName()) + 3, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getWidth(m.getName()) + 5, 63 + textRenderer.fontHeight + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
// DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), 0, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getWidth(m.getName()) + 3, 63 + textRenderer.fontHeight + offset, 0x90000000);
// textRenderer.draw(e.getMatrix(), m.getName(), 2, 63 + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
// count++;
// }
int count = 0;
ArrayList<Module> enabledMods = KiwiClient.moduleManager.getEnabledMods();
boolean changed = false;
if (!firstDraw && enabledMods.size() > currModules.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < currModules.size(); i++) {
Module curMod = currModules.get(i);
Module enaMod = enabledMods.get(i);
if (!curMod.equals(enaMod)) {
changed = true;
if (disablingMods.containsKey(enaMod)) {
enablingMods.put(enaMod, disablingMods.get(enaMod));
} else {
enablingMods.put(enaMod, -textRenderer.getStringWidth(enaMod.getName()));
if (!changed) {
Module lastMod = enabledMods.get(currModules.size());
if (disablingMods.containsKey(lastMod)) {
enablingMods.put(lastMod, disablingMods.get(lastMod));
} else {
enablingMods.put(enabledMods.get(currModules.size()), -textRenderer.getStringWidth(enabledMods.get(currModules.size()).getName()));
changed = false;
if (enabledMods.size() < currModules.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < enabledMods.size(); i++) {
Module curMod = currModules.get(i);
Module enaMod = enabledMods.get(i);
if (!curMod.equals(enaMod)) {
changed = true;
if (enablingMods.containsKey(curMod)) {
disablingMods.put(curMod, enablingMods.get(curMod));
} else {
disablingMods.put(curMod, 0);
if (!changed) {
Module lastMod = currModules.get(enabledMods.size());
if (enablingMods.containsKey(lastMod)) {
disablingMods.put(lastMod, enablingMods.get(lastMod));
} else {
disablingMods.put(currModules.get(enabledMods.size()), 0);
ArrayList<Module> display = KiwiClient.moduleManager.getEnabledMods();
for (Module m : disablingMods.keySet()) {
display.sort(new ModuleManager.ModuleComparator());
Module firstMod = display.get(0);
if (!firstDraw && enablingMods.containsKey(firstMod)) {
int displace = enablingMods.get(firstMod);
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), displace, 60, textRenderer.getStringWidth(firstMod.getName()) + 5 + displace, 62, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
} else if (disablingMods.containsKey(firstMod)) {
int displace = disablingMods.get(firstMod);
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), displace, 60, textRenderer.getStringWidth(firstMod.getName()) + 5 + displace, 62, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
} else {
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), 0, 60, textRenderer.getStringWidth(firstMod.getName()) + 5, 62, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
for (Module m : display) {
int offset = count * 8;
if (!firstDraw && enablingMods.containsKey(m)) {
int displace = enablingMods.get(m);
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 3 + displace, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 5 + displace, 62 + 8 + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), displace, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 3 + displace, 62 + 8 + offset, 0x90000000);
textRenderer.drawString(e.getMatrix(), m.getName(), 0.2 + displace, 62.2 + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
if (displace + 1 >= 0) {
} else {
enablingMods.replace(m, enablingMods.get(m) + 1);
} else if (disablingMods.containsKey(m)) {
int displace = disablingMods.get(m);
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 3 + displace, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 5 + displace, 62 + 8 + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), displace, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 3 + displace, 62 + 8 + offset, 0x90000000);
textRenderer.drawString(e.getMatrix(), m.getName(), 0.2 + displace, 62.2 + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
if (displace - 2 <= -textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName())) {
} else {
disablingMods.replace(m, disablingMods.get(m) - 2);
} else {
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 3, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 5, 62 + 8 + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
DrawableHelper.fill(e.getMatrix(), 0, 62 + offset, textRenderer.getStringWidth(m.getName()) + 3, 62 + 8 + offset, 0x90000000);
textRenderer.drawString(e.getMatrix(), m.getName(), 0.2, 62.2 + offset, ColorUtil.getRainbow(4, 0.8f, 1, count * 150));
currModules = enabledMods;
firstDraw = false;
use of com.tangykiwi.kiwiclient.modules.Module in project KiwiClient by TangyKiwi.
the class ModuleWindow method render.
// numMods lines max
public void render(MatrixStack matrices, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
int lines = getLines();
boolean scrollable = lines > numMods;
tooltip = null;
int x = x1 + 1;
int y = y1 + 13;
x2 = x + len + 1;
y2 = hiding ? y1 + 13 : y1 + 13 + getHeight();
if (mwScroll != 0 && mouseOver(x, y, x2, y2) && !InputUtil.isKeyPressed(, GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)) {
start = MathHelper.clamp(start - mwScroll, 0, lines - numMods);
max = start + numMods;
super.render(matrices, mouseX, mouseY);
if (hiding)
GlyphPageFontRenderer textRend = IFont.CONSOLAS;
// TextRenderer textRend = mc.textRenderer;
int curY = 0;
int index = 0;
boolean stopRender = false;
for (Entry<Module, Boolean> m : mods.entrySet()) {
if (index >= start) {
if (mouseOver(x, y + curY, x + len, y + 12 + curY)) {
DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x, y + curY, x + len, y + 12 + curY, 0x70303070);
// If they match: Module gets marked red
if (searchedModules != null && searchedModules.contains(m.getKey())) {
DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x, y + curY, x + len, y + 12 + curY, 0x50ff0000);
textRend.drawStringWithShadow(matrices, textRend.trimStringToWidth(m.getKey().getName(), len), x + 2, y + 2 + curY, m.getKey().isEnabled() ? 0x70efe0 : 0xc0c0c0);
String color2 = m.getValue() ? "\u00a7a" : "\u00a7c";
if (!m.getKey().getSettings().isEmpty()) {
if (m.getValue()) {
IFont.CONSOLAS.drawString(matrices, color2 + "v", x + len - 8, y + 2 + curY, -1);
} else if (m.getKey().getSettings().size() > 1) {
IFont.CONSOLAS.drawStringWithShadow(matrices, color2 + "\u00a7l>", x + len - 8, y + 2 + curY, -1);
// Set which module settings show on
if (mouseOver(x, y + curY, x + len, y + 12 + curY)) {
tooltip = Triple.of(x + len + 2, y + curY, m.getKey().getDescription());
if (lmDown)
if (rmDown)
mods.replace(m.getKey(), !m.getValue());
if (lmDown || rmDown)
mc.getSoundManager().play(PositionedSoundInstance.master(SoundEvents.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 1.0F));
curY += 12;
if (index == max) {
stopRender = true;
// draw settings
if (m.getValue()) {
for (Settings s : m.getKey().getSettings()) {
if (index >= start) {
index = s.render(this, matrices, x + 1, y + curY, len - 1, index, max);
if (!s.getDesc().isEmpty() && mouseOver(x + 2, y + curY, x + len, y + s.getHeight(len) + curY)) {
tooltip = s.getGuiDesc(this, x + 1, y + curY, len - 1);
DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x + 1, y + curY, x + 2, y + curY + s.getHeight(len), 0xff8070b0);
curY += s.getHeight(len);
if (index >= max) {
stopRender = true;
if (stopRender) {
if (scrollable) {
int scrollbarTop = y + (y2 - y - 2) * start / lines;
int scrollbarBottom = y + (y2 - y - 2) * max / lines;
DrawableHelper.fill(matrices, x2 - 2, scrollbarTop, x2 - 1, scrollbarBottom, Color.WHITE.getRGB());