use of in project atlas by alibaba.
the class SsaBasicBlock method newFromRop.
* Creates a new SSA basic block from a ROP form basic block.
* @param rmeth original method
* @param basicBlockIndex index this block will have
* @param parent method of this block predecessor set will be
* updated
* @return new instance
public static SsaBasicBlock newFromRop(RopMethod rmeth, int basicBlockIndex, final SsaMethod parent) {
BasicBlockList ropBlocks = rmeth.getBlocks();
BasicBlock bb = ropBlocks.get(basicBlockIndex);
SsaBasicBlock result = new SsaBasicBlock(basicBlockIndex, bb.getLabel(), parent);
InsnList ropInsns = bb.getInsns();
for (int i = 0, sz = ropInsns.size(); i < sz; i++) {
result.insns.add(new NormalSsaInsn(ropInsns.get(i), result));
result.predecessors = SsaMethod.bitSetFromLabelList(ropBlocks, rmeth.labelToPredecessors(bb.getLabel()));
result.successors = SsaMethod.bitSetFromLabelList(ropBlocks, bb.getSuccessors());
result.successorList = SsaMethod.indexListFromLabelList(ropBlocks, bb.getSuccessors());
if (result.successorList.size() != 0) {
int primarySuccessor = bb.getPrimarySuccessor();
result.primarySuccessor = (primarySuccessor < 0) ? -1 : ropBlocks.indexOfLabel(primarySuccessor);
return result;
use of in project atlas by alibaba.
the class Ropper method addReturnBlock.
* Constructs and adds the return block, if necessary. The return
* block merely contains an appropriate {@code return}
* instruction.
private void addReturnBlock() {
Rop returnOp = machine.getReturnOp();
if (returnOp == null) {
* The method being converted never returns normally, so there's
* no need for a return block.
SourcePosition returnPos = machine.getReturnPosition();
int label = getSpecialLabel(RETURN);
if (isSynchronized()) {
InsnList insns = new InsnList(1);
Insn insn = new ThrowingInsn(Rops.MONITOR_EXIT, returnPos, RegisterSpecList.make(getSynchReg()), StdTypeList.EMPTY);
insns.set(0, insn);
int nextLabel = getSpecialLabel(SYNCH_RETURN);
BasicBlock bb = new BasicBlock(label, insns, IntList.makeImmutable(nextLabel), nextLabel);
addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
label = nextLabel;
InsnList insns = new InsnList(1);
TypeList sourceTypes = returnOp.getSources();
RegisterSpecList sources;
if (sourceTypes.size() == 0) {
sources = RegisterSpecList.EMPTY;
} else {
RegisterSpec source = RegisterSpec.make(0, sourceTypes.getType(0));
sources = RegisterSpecList.make(source);
Insn insn = new PlainInsn(returnOp, returnPos, null, sources);
insns.set(0, insn);
BasicBlock bb = new BasicBlock(label, insns, IntList.EMPTY, -1);
addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
use of in project atlas by alibaba.
the class Ropper method addSetupBlocks.
* Constructs and adds the blocks that perform setup for the rest of
* the method. This includes a first block which merely contains
* assignments from parameters to the same-numbered registers and
* a possible second block which deals with synchronization.
private void addSetupBlocks() {
LocalVariableList localVariables = method.getLocalVariables();
SourcePosition pos = method.makeSourcePosistion(0);
Prototype desc = method.getEffectiveDescriptor();
StdTypeList params = desc.getParameterTypes();
int sz = params.size();
InsnList insns = new InsnList(sz + 1);
int at = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
Type one = params.get(i);
LocalVariableList.Item local = localVariables.pcAndIndexToLocal(0, at);
RegisterSpec result = (local == null) ? RegisterSpec.make(at, one) : RegisterSpec.makeLocalOptional(at, one, local.getLocalItem());
Insn insn = new PlainCstInsn(Rops.opMoveParam(one), pos, result, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, CstInteger.make(at));
insns.set(i, insn);
at += one.getCategory();
insns.set(sz, new PlainInsn(Rops.GOTO, pos, null, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
boolean synch = isSynchronized();
int label = synch ? getSpecialLabel(SYNCH_SETUP_1) : 0;
BasicBlock bb = new BasicBlock(getSpecialLabel(PARAM_ASSIGNMENT), insns, IntList.makeImmutable(label), label);
addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
if (synch) {
RegisterSpec synchReg = getSynchReg();
Insn insn;
if (isStatic()) {
insn = new ThrowingCstInsn(Rops.CONST_OBJECT, pos, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, StdTypeList.EMPTY, method.getDefiningClass());
insns = new InsnList(1);
insns.set(0, insn);
} else {
insns = new InsnList(2);
insn = new PlainCstInsn(Rops.MOVE_PARAM_OBJECT, pos, synchReg, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, CstInteger.VALUE_0);
insns.set(0, insn);
insns.set(1, new PlainInsn(Rops.GOTO, pos, null, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
int label2 = getSpecialLabel(SYNCH_SETUP_2);
bb = new BasicBlock(label, insns, IntList.makeImmutable(label2), label2);
addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
insns = new InsnList(isStatic() ? 2 : 1);
if (isStatic()) {
insns.set(0, new PlainInsn(Rops.opMoveResultPseudo(synchReg), pos, synchReg, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
insn = new ThrowingInsn(Rops.MONITOR_ENTER, pos, RegisterSpecList.make(synchReg), StdTypeList.EMPTY);
insns.set(isStatic() ? 1 : 0, insn);
bb = new BasicBlock(label2, insns, IntList.makeImmutable(0), 0);
addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
use of in project atlas by alibaba.
the class Ropper method processBlock.
* Processes the given block.
* @param block {@code non-null;} block to process
* @param frame {@code non-null;} start frame for the block
* @param workSet {@code non-null;} bits representing work to do,
* which this method may add to
private void processBlock(ByteBlock block, Frame frame, int[] workSet) {
// Prepare the list of caught exceptions for this block.
ByteCatchList catches = block.getCatches();
* Using a copy of the given frame, simulate each instruction,
* calling into machine for each.
frame = frame.copy();
sim.simulate(block, frame);
int extraBlockCount = machine.getExtraBlockCount();
ArrayList<Insn> insns = machine.getInsns();
int insnSz = insns.size();
* Merge the frame into each possible non-exceptional
* successor.
int catchSz = catches.size();
IntList successors = block.getSuccessors();
int startSuccessorIndex;
Subroutine calledSubroutine = null;
if (machine.hasJsr()) {
* If this frame ends in a JSR, only merge our frame with
* the subroutine start, not the subroutine's return target.
startSuccessorIndex = 1;
int subroutineLabel = successors.get(1);
if (subroutines[subroutineLabel] == null) {
subroutines[subroutineLabel] = new Subroutine(subroutineLabel);
calledSubroutine = subroutines[subroutineLabel];
} else if (machine.hasRet()) {
* This block ends in a ret, which means it's the final block
* in some subroutine. Ultimately, this block will be copied
* and inlined for each call and then disposed of.
ReturnAddress ra = machine.getReturnAddress();
int subroutineLabel = ra.getSubroutineAddress();
if (subroutines[subroutineLabel] == null) {
subroutines[subroutineLabel] = new Subroutine(subroutineLabel, block.getLabel());
} else {
successors = subroutines[subroutineLabel].getSuccessors();
subroutines[subroutineLabel].mergeToSuccessors(frame, workSet);
// Skip processing below since we just did it.
startSuccessorIndex = successors.size();
} else if (machine.wereCatchesUsed()) {
* If there are catches, then the first successors
* (which will either be all of them or all but the last one)
* are catch targets.
startSuccessorIndex = catchSz;
} else {
startSuccessorIndex = 0;
int succSz = successors.size();
for (int i = startSuccessorIndex; i < succSz; i++) {
int succ = successors.get(i);
try {
mergeAndWorkAsNecessary(succ, block.getLabel(), calledSubroutine, frame, workSet);
} catch (SimException ex) {
ex.addContext("...while merging to block " + Hex.u2(succ));
throw ex;
if ((succSz == 0) && machine.returns()) {
* The block originally contained a return, but it has
* been made to instead end with a goto, and we need to
* tell it at this point that its sole successor is the
* return block. This has to happen after the merge loop
* above, since, at this point, the return block doesn't
* actually exist; it gets synthesized at the end of
* processing the original blocks.
successors = IntList.makeImmutable(getSpecialLabel(RETURN));
succSz = 1;
int primarySucc;
if (succSz == 0) {
primarySucc = -1;
} else {
primarySucc = machine.getPrimarySuccessorIndex();
if (primarySucc >= 0) {
primarySucc = successors.get(primarySucc);
* This variable is true only when the method is synchronized and
* the block being processed can possibly throw an exception.
boolean synch = isSynchronized() && machine.canThrow();
if (synch || (catchSz != 0)) {
* Deal with exception handlers: Merge an exception-catch
* frame into each possible exception handler, and
* construct a new set of successors to point at the
* exception handler setup blocks (which get synthesized
* at the very end of processing).
boolean catchesAny = false;
IntList newSucc = new IntList(succSz);
for (int i = 0; i < catchSz; i++) {
ByteCatchList.Item one = catches.get(i);
CstType exceptionClass = one.getExceptionClass();
int targ = one.getHandlerPc();
catchesAny |= (exceptionClass == CstType.OBJECT);
Frame f = frame.makeExceptionHandlerStartFrame(exceptionClass);
try {
mergeAndWorkAsNecessary(targ, block.getLabel(), null, f, workSet);
} catch (SimException ex) {
ex.addContext("...while merging exception to block " + Hex.u2(targ));
throw ex;
* Set up the exception handler type.
CatchInfo handlers = catchInfos[targ];
if (handlers == null) {
handlers = new CatchInfo();
catchInfos[targ] = handlers;
ExceptionHandlerSetup handler = handlers.getSetup(exceptionClass.getClassType());
* The synthesized exception setup block will have the label given by handler.
if (synch && !catchesAny) {
* The method is synchronized and this block doesn't
* already have a catch-all handler, so add one to the
* end, both in the successors and in the throwing
* instruction(s) at the end of the block (which is where
* the caught classes live).
synchNeedsExceptionHandler = true;
for (int i = insnSz - extraBlockCount - 1; i < insnSz; i++) {
Insn insn = insns.get(i);
if (insn.canThrow()) {
insn = insn.withAddedCatch(Type.OBJECT);
insns.set(i, insn);
if (primarySucc >= 0) {
successors = newSucc;
// Construct the final resulting block(s), and store it (them).
int primarySuccListIndex = successors.indexOf(primarySucc);
* If there are any extra blocks, work backwards through the
* list of instructions, adding single-instruction blocks, and
* resetting the successors variables as appropriate.
for (; /*extraBlockCount*/
extraBlockCount > 0; extraBlockCount--) {
* Some of the blocks that the RopperMachine wants added
* are for move-result insns, and these need goto insns as well.
Insn extraInsn = insns.get(--insnSz);
boolean needsGoto = extraInsn.getOpcode().getBranchingness() == Rop.BRANCH_NONE;
InsnList il = new InsnList(needsGoto ? 2 : 1);
IntList extraBlockSuccessors = successors;
il.set(0, extraInsn);
if (needsGoto) {
il.set(1, new PlainInsn(Rops.GOTO, extraInsn.getPosition(), null, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
* Obviously, this block won't be throwing an exception
* so it should only have one successor.
extraBlockSuccessors = IntList.makeImmutable(primarySucc);
int label = getAvailableLabel();
BasicBlock bb = new BasicBlock(label, il, extraBlockSuccessors, primarySucc);
// All of these extra blocks will be in the same subroutine
addBlock(bb, frame.getSubroutines());
successors = successors.mutableCopy();
successors.set(primarySuccListIndex, label);
primarySucc = label;
Insn lastInsn = (insnSz == 0) ? null : insns.get(insnSz - 1);
* Add a goto to the end of the block if it doesn't already
* end with a branch, to maintain the invariant that all
* blocks end with a branch of some sort or other. Note that
* it is possible for there to be blocks for which no
* instructions were ever output (e.g., only consist of pop*
* in the original Java bytecode).
if ((lastInsn == null) || (lastInsn.getOpcode().getBranchingness() == Rop.BRANCH_NONE)) {
SourcePosition pos = (lastInsn == null) ? SourcePosition.NO_INFO : lastInsn.getPosition();
insns.add(new PlainInsn(Rops.GOTO, pos, null, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
* Construct a block for the remaining instructions (which in
* the usual case is all of them).
InsnList il = new InsnList(insnSz);
for (int i = 0; i < insnSz; i++) {
il.set(i, insns.get(i));
BasicBlock bb = new BasicBlock(block.getLabel(), il, successors, primarySucc);
addOrReplaceBlock(bb, frame.getSubroutines());