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Example 6 with WXAttr

use of in project WeexErosFramework by bmfe.

the class HookWXText method updateFontSize.

private void updateFontSize() {
    if (getDomObject() != null && getDomObject().getStyles().get(Constants.Name.FONT_SIZE) == null) {
        WXStyle s = getDomObject().getStyles();
        s.put(Constants.Name.FONT_SIZE, 30);
    if (mChangeFontSize == null) {
    WXStyle styles = null;
    WXAttr attrs = null;
    if (getDomObject() != null) {
        styles = getDomObject().getStyles();
        attrs = getDomObject().getAttrs();
        if ((styles != null && "iconfont".equals(styles.get("fontFamily"))) || (attrs != null && attrs.get("changeFont") != null && !Boolean.valueOf((String) attrs.get("changeFont")))) {
    float scale = 0;
    // 获取fontScale字段
    if (attrs != null && attrs.get("fontScale") != null) {
        float fontScale = Float.valueOf((String) attrs.get("fontScale"));
        mCurrentScale = fontScale / mCurrentScale;
    if (mChangeFontSize.equals(mCurrentFontSize) && mCurrentScale == 1) {
    // 获取scale字段 在标准字体下不产生变化
    if (attrs != null && attrs.get("scale") != null && !(scale > 0)) {
        scale = Float.valueOf((String) attrs.get("scale"));
        float change = getFixedEnlarge(mChangeFontSize, scale);
        float current = getFixedEnlarge(mCurrentFontSize, scale);
        scale = change / current;
    // 根据全局字体配置设置字体大小
    if (!(scale > 0)) {
        float current = getEnlarge(mCurrentFontSize);
        float change = getEnlarge(mChangeFontSize);
        scale = change / current * mCurrentScale;
    if (getDomObject() != null && getDomObject().getStyles() != null) {
        WXStyle wxStyle = getDomObject().getStyles();
        Object object = wxStyle.get("fontSize");
        if (object instanceof Integer) {
            int fontSize = (int) object;
            int changeFontSize = Math.round(fontSize * (scale));
            wxStyle.put("fontSize", changeFontSize);
        // 设置lineHeight
        Object lineHeight = wxStyle.get("lineHeight");
        if (lineHeight instanceof Integer) {
            int target = (int) lineHeight;
            wxStyle.put("lineHeight", Math.round(target * scale));
    mCurrentFontSize = mChangeFontSize;
Also used : WXStyle( WXDomObject( JSONObject( WXAttr(

Example 7 with WXAttr

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class Statements method doRenderBindingAttrsAndEvent.

 * render dynamic binding attrs and bind them to component node.
private static void doRenderBindingAttrsAndEvent(WXComponent component, WXDomObject domObject, CellRenderContext context) {
    ArrayStack stack = context.stack;
    WXAttr attr = domObject.getAttrs();
    if (attr != null && attr.getBindingAttrs() != null && attr.getBindingAttrs().size() > 0) {
        ArrayMap<String, Object> bindAttrs = domObject.getAttrs().getBindingAttrs();
        Map<String, Object> dynamic = renderBindingAttrs(bindAttrs, stack);
        Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entries = dynamic.entrySet();
         * diff attrs, see attrs has update, remove none update attrs
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iterator = entries.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
            String key = entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();
            Object oldValue = attr.get(key);
            if (value == null) {
                if (oldValue == null) {
            } else {
                if (value.equals(oldValue)) {
        if (dynamic.size() > 0) {
            if (dynamic.size() == 1 && dynamic.get(Constants.Name.SRC) != null && component instanceof WXImage) {
                // for image avoid dirty layout, only update src attrs
                domObject.getAttrs().put(Constants.Name.SRC, dynamic.get(Constants.Name.SRC));
            } else {
                // dirty layout
            if (isMainThread()) {
    WXStyle style = domObject.getStyles();
    if (style != null && style.getBindingStyle() != null) {
        ArrayMap<String, Object> bindStyle = style.getBindingStyle();
        Map<String, Object> dynamic = renderBindingAttrs(bindStyle, stack);
        Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entries = dynamic.entrySet();
         * diff attrs, see attrs has update, remove none update attrs
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> iterator = entries.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
            String key = entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();
            Object oldValue = style.get(key);
            if (value == null) {
                if (oldValue == null) {
            } else {
                if (value.equals(oldValue)) {
        if (dynamic.size() > 0) {
            domObject.updateStyle(dynamic, false);
            if (isMainThread()) {
    WXEvent event = domObject.getEvents();
    if (event == null || event.getEventBindingArgs() == null) {
    Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> eventBindArgsEntrySet = event.getEventBindingArgs().entrySet();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> eventBindArgsEntry : eventBindArgsEntrySet) {
        List<Object> values = getBindingEventArgs(stack, eventBindArgsEntry.getValue());
        if (values != null) {
            event.putEventBindingArgsValue(eventBindArgsEntry.getKey(), values);
Also used : WXStyle( ArrayStack( WXEvent( WXDomObject( JSONObject( WXImage( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayMap( Map(java.util.Map) WXAttr(

Example 8 with WXAttr

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class Statements method doBindingAttrsEventAndRenderChildNode.

 * bind attrs and doRender component child
private static void doBindingAttrsEventAndRenderChildNode(WXComponent component, WXDomObject domObject, CellRenderContext context, List<WXComponent> updates) {
    WXAttr attr = component.getDomObject().getAttrs();
     * sub component supported, sub component new stack
    ArrayStack stack = context.stack;
    if (attr.get(ELUtils.IS_COMPONENT_ROOT) != null && WXUtils.getBoolean(attr.get(ELUtils.IS_COMPONENT_ROOT), false)) {
        if (attr.get(ELUtils.COMPONENT_PROPS) != null && attr.get(ELUtils.COMPONENT_PROPS) instanceof JSONObject) {
            String compoentId = (String) attr.get(CellDataManager.SUB_COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_ID);
            Object compoentData = null;
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(compoentId)) {
                String virtualComponentId = context.getRenderState().getVirtualComponentIds().get(component.getViewTreeKey());
                if (virtualComponentId == null) {
                    // none virtualComponentId, create and do attach
                    virtualComponentId = CellDataManager.createVirtualComponentId(context.templateList.getRef(), component.getViewTreeKey(), context.templateList.getItemId(context.position));
                    Map<String, Object> props = renderProps((JSONObject) attr.get(ELUtils.COMPONENT_PROPS), context.stack);
                    EventResult result = WXBridgeManager.getInstance().syncCallJSEventWithResult(WXBridgeManager.METHD_COMPONENT_HOOK_SYNC, component.getInstanceId(), null, compoentId, VirtualComponentLifecycle.LIFECYCLE, VirtualComponentLifecycle.CREATE, new Object[] { virtualComponentId, props }, null);
                    if (result != null && result.getResult() != null && result.getResult() instanceof Map) {
                        props.putAll((Map<? extends String, ?>) result.getResult());
                    compoentData = props;
                    context.getRenderState().getVirtualComponentIds().put(component.getViewTreeKey(), virtualComponentId);
                    context.templateList.getCellDataManager().createVirtualComponentData(context.position, virtualComponentId, compoentData);
                    // create virtual componentId
                    WXBridgeManager.getInstance().asyncCallJSEventVoidResult(WXBridgeManager.METHD_COMPONENT_HOOK_SYNC, component.getInstanceId(), null, virtualComponentId, VirtualComponentLifecycle.LIFECYCLE, VirtualComponentLifecycle.ATTACH, null);
                } else {
                    // get virtual component data check has dirty's update
                    compoentData = context.getRenderState().getVirtualComponentDatas().get(virtualComponentId);
                    if (context.getRenderState().isHasDataUpdate()) {
                        Map<String, Object> props = renderProps((JSONObject) attr.get(ELUtils.COMPONENT_PROPS), context.stack);
                        EventResult result = WXBridgeManager.getInstance().syncCallJSEventWithResult(WXBridgeManager.METHD_COMPONENT_HOOK_SYNC, component.getInstanceId(), null, virtualComponentId, VirtualComponentLifecycle.LIFECYCLE, VirtualComponentLifecycle.SYNSTATE, new Object[] { virtualComponentId, props }, null);
                        if (result != null && result.getResult() != null && result.getResult() instanceof Map) {
                            props.putAll((Map<? extends String, ?>) result.getResult());
                            context.templateList.getCellDataManager().updateVirtualComponentData(virtualComponentId, props);
                            compoentData = props;
                component.getDomObject().getAttrs().put(CellDataManager.VIRTUAL_COMPONENT_ID, virtualComponentId);
            } else {
                // stateless component
                Map<String, Object> props = renderProps((JSONObject) attr.get(ELUtils.COMPONENT_PROPS), context.stack);
                compoentData = props;
            // virtual component is new context
            context.stack = new ArrayStack();
            if (compoentData != null) {
     * check node is render only once, if render once, and has rendered, just return
    Object vonce = null;
    if (attr.getStatement() != null) {
        vonce = attr.getStatement().get(WXStatement.WX_ONCE);
    if (vonce != null) {
        ArrayStack onceStack = context.getRenderState().getOnceComponentStates().get(component.getViewTreeKey());
        if (onceStack == null) {
            onceStack = context.templateList.copyStack(context, stack);
            context.getRenderState().getOnceComponentStates().put(component.getViewTreeKey(), onceStack);
        context.stack = onceStack;
    doRenderBindingAttrsAndEvent(component, domObject, context);
    if (component instanceof WXVContainer) {
        if (!domObject.isShow()) {
            if (!(component instanceof WXCell)) {
        WXVContainer container = (WXVContainer) component;
        for (int k = 0; k < container.getChildCount(); ) {
            WXComponent next = container.getChild(k);
            k += doRenderComponent(next, context, updates);
    if (stack != context.stack) {
        context.stack = stack;
Also used : WXVContainer( EventResult( JSONObject( WXComponent( WXDomObject( JSONObject( ArrayStack( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayMap( Map(java.util.Map) WXCell( WXAttr(

Example 9 with WXAttr

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class Statements method getComponentId.

public static String getComponentId(WXComponent component) {
    if (component instanceof WXCell || component == null) {
        return null;
    WXDomObject domObject = (WXDomObject) component.getDomObject();
    WXAttr attr = domObject.getAttrs();
    if (attr.get(ELUtils.IS_COMPONENT_ROOT) != null && WXUtils.getBoolean(attr.get(ELUtils.IS_COMPONENT_ROOT), false)) {
        if (attr.get(ELUtils.COMPONENT_PROPS) != null && attr.get(ELUtils.COMPONENT_PROPS) instanceof JSONObject) {
            Object componentId = attr.get(CellDataManager.VIRTUAL_COMPONENT_ID);
            if (componentId == null) {
                return null;
            return componentId.toString();
    return getComponentId(component.getParent());
Also used : WXDomObject( JSONObject( WXDomObject( JSONObject( WXCell( WXAttr(

Example 10 with WXAttr

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class FlatGUIContext method checkComponent.

private boolean checkComponent(@NonNull WXComponent component) {
    boolean ret = false;
    ImmutableDomObject domObject = component.getDomObject();
    if (domObject != null) {
        WXStyle style = domObject.getStyles();
        WXAttr attr = domObject.getAttrs();
        if (style.containsKey(Name.OPACITY) || style.containsKey(Name.TRANSFORM) || style.containsKey(Name.VISIBILITY) || attr.containsKey(Name.ELEVATION) || attr.containsKey(Name.ARIA_HIDDEN) || attr.containsKey(Name.ARIA_LABEL) || attr.containsKey(WXComponent.PROP_FIXED_SIZE) || attr.containsKey(Name.DISABLED) || style.isFixed() || style.isSticky() || !style.getPesudoStyles().isEmpty() || domObject.getEvents().size() > 0) {
            ret = true;
    return ret;
Also used : WXStyle( ImmutableDomObject( WXAttr(


WXAttr ( WXDomObject ( JSONObject ( WXStyle ( ArrayMap ( WXComponent ( WXCell ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 Point ( RecyclerView ( View (android.view.View)2 ImmutableDomObject ( ArrayStack ( WXVContainer ( WXRecyclerView ( BounceRecyclerView ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 TargetApi (android.annotation.TargetApi)1