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Example 16 with WXDomObject

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class StatementTest method createVForNode.

private WXCell createVForNode() throws Exception {
    WXCell cell = new WXCell(WXSDKInstanceTest.createInstance(), new WXCellDomObject(), null, false);
    final WXDiv div = new WXDiv(WXSDKInstanceTest.createInstance(), new WXDomObject(), cell);
    WXText text = new WXText(WXSDKInstanceTest.createInstance(), new WXTextDomObject(), div);
    WXStatement statement = new WXStatement();
    statement.put("[[repeat]]", ELUtils.vforBlock(JSON.parse("{\n" + "      '@expression': 'dataList',\n" + "      '@index': 'index',\n" + "      '@alias': 'item'\n" + "    }")));
    WXDomObject domObject = (WXDomObject) text.getDomObject();
    PowerMockito.mockStatic(WXComponentFactory.class, new Answer() {

        public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            WXText renderNode = new WXText(WXSDKInstanceTest.createInstance(), new WXTextDomObject(), div);
            return renderNode;
    return cell;
Also used : Answer(org.mockito.stubbing.Answer) WXDiv( WXDomObject( InvocationOnMock(org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock) WXTextDomObject( WXDomObject( TestDomObject( WXCellDomObject( WXTextDomObject( JSONObject( WXText( WXCellDomObject( WXCell( WXStatement(

Example 17 with WXDomObject

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class StatementTest method testVFor.

public void testVFor() throws Exception {
    WXCell cell = createVForNode();
    int count = 3;
    Statements.doRender(cell, createContext(count));
    Assert.assertTrue(cell.getChildCount() == 1);
    WXDiv div = (WXDiv) cell.getChild(0);
    Assert.assertEquals(div.getChildCount(), count);
    Assert.assertNotNull(((WXDomObject) div.getChild(0).getDomObject()).getAttrs().getStatement());
    Assert.assertNull(((WXDomObject) div.getChild(1).getDomObject()).getAttrs().getStatement());
    WXComponent childOne = div.getChild(0);
    WXComponent childTwo = div.getChild(1);
    WXComponent childThree = div.getChild(2);
    count = 4;
    Statements.doRender(cell, createContext(count));
    Assert.assertTrue(cell.getChildCount() == 1);
    div = (WXDiv) cell.getChild(0);
    Assert.assertTrue(div.getChildCount() == count);
    Assert.assertSame(childOne, div.getChild(0));
    Assert.assertSame(childTwo, div.getChild(1));
    Assert.assertSame(childThree, div.getChild(2));
    WXComponent childFour = div.getChild(3);
    count = 5;
    Statements.doRender(cell, createContext(count));
    Assert.assertTrue(cell.getChildCount() == 1);
    div = (WXDiv) cell.getChild(0);
    Assert.assertTrue(div.getChildCount() == count);
    Assert.assertSame(childOne, div.getChild(0));
    Assert.assertSame(childTwo, div.getChild(1));
    Assert.assertSame(childThree, div.getChild(2));
    Assert.assertSame(childFour, div.getChild(3));
    count = 3;
    Statements.doRender(cell, createContext(count));
    Assert.assertTrue(cell.getChildCount() == 1);
    div = (WXDiv) cell.getChild(0);
    Assert.assertTrue(div.getChildCount() == 5);
    Assert.assertSame(childOne, div.getChild(0));
    Assert.assertSame(childTwo, div.getChild(1));
    Assert.assertSame(childThree, div.getChild(2));
    for (int i = count; i < 5; i++) {
Also used : WXDiv( WXDomObject( WXComponent( WXCell( WXSDKInstanceTest( PrepareForTest(org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 18 with WXDomObject

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class WXListComponentTest method testParseTransforms.

public void testParseTransforms() throws Exception {
    WXDiv div = WXDivTest.create();
    WXDomObject dom = new WXListDomObject();
    dom.getAttrs().put(Constants.Name.TRANSFORM, "scale(0.9,0.8);translate(10,20);opacity(0.5);rotate(100)");
    component = create(div, dom);
Also used : WXDiv( WXListDomObject( WXDomObject( Test(org.junit.Test) ComponentTest( WXSDKInstanceTest( WXHeaderTest( WXDivTest(

Example 19 with WXDomObject

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class WXTextTest method setUp.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    WXEnvironment.sApplication = RuntimeEnvironment.application;
    WXSDKInstance instance = Mockito.mock(WXSDKInstance.class);
    Mockito.when(instance.getFlatUIContext()).thenReturn(new FlatGUIContext());
    mParentDomObj = Mockito.spy(new WXDomObject());
    Mockito.when(mParentDomObj.getPadding()).thenReturn(new Spacing());
    Mockito.when(mParentDomObj.getBorder()).thenReturn(new Spacing());
    TestDomObject.setRef(mParentDomObj, WXDomObject.ROOT);
    mDomObject = Mockito.spy(new WXTextDomObject());
    TestDomObject.setRef(mDomObject, "1");
    Mockito.when(mDomObject.getPadding()).thenReturn(new Spacing());
    Mockito.when(mDomObject.getBorder()).thenReturn(new Spacing());
    Mockito.when(mDomObject.getMargin()).thenReturn(new Spacing());
    mParent = new WXDiv(instance, mParentDomObj, null);
    mWXText = new WXText(instance, mDomObject, mParent);
    mWXText.bindHolder(new SimpleComponentHolder(WXText.class));
Also used : WXSDKInstance( FlatGUIContext( WXDomObject( WXTextDomObject( SimpleComponentHolder( Spacing( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 20 with WXDomObject

use of in project incubator-weex by apache.

the class Statements method doRenderComponent.

 *  @param component component with v-for statement, v-if statement and bind attrs
 *  @param context   execute context
 *  render component in context, the function do the following  work.
 *  execute component's v-for statement, v-if statement in context,
 *  and rebuild component's tree with the statement, v-for reuse component execute by pre render.
 *  if executed, component will be removed, don't remove, just mark it waste;
 *  may be next render it can be used.
 *  after statement has executed, render component's binding attrs in context and bind it to component.
private static final int doRenderComponent(WXComponent component, CellRenderContext context, List<WXComponent> updates) {
    WXVContainer parent = component.getParent();
    WXDomObject domObject = (WXDomObject) component.getDomObject();
    WXAttr attrs = domObject.getAttrs();
    WXStatement statement = attrs.getStatement();
    if (statement != null) {
        WXDomObject parentDomObject = (WXDomObject) parent.getDomObject();
        Token vif = null;
        JSONObject vfor = null;
        if (statement.get(WXStatement.WX_IF) instanceof Token) {
            vif = (Token) statement.get(WXStatement.WX_IF);
        if (statement.get(WXStatement.WX_FOR) instanceof JSONObject) {
            vfor = (JSONObject) statement.get(WXStatement.WX_FOR);
        // execute v-for content
        if (vfor != null) {
            int renderIndex = parent.indexOf(component);
            if (vfor.get(WXStatement.WX_FOR_LIST) instanceof Token) {
                Token listBlock = (Token) vfor.get(WXStatement.WX_FOR_LIST);
                String indexKey = vfor.getString(WXStatement.WX_FOR_INDEX);
                String itemKey = vfor.getString(WXStatement.WX_FOR_ITEM);
                Object data = null;
                if (listBlock != null) {
                    data = listBlock.execute(context.stack);
                if ((data instanceof List || data instanceof Map)) {
                    Collection collection = null;
                    Map map = null;
                    if (data instanceof List) {
                        collection = (List) data;
                    } else {
                        map = (Map) data;
                        collection = map.keySet();
                    Map<String, Object> loop = new HashMap<>();
                    int index = 0;
                    for (Object item : collection) {
                        Object key = null;
                        Object value = item;
                        if (map == null) {
                            key = index;
                            value = item;
                        } else {
                            key = item;
                            value = map.get(item);
                        if (indexKey != null) {
                            loop.put(indexKey, key);
                        if (itemKey != null) {
                            loop.put(itemKey, value);
                        } else {
                        if (loop.size() > 0) {
                        if (vif != null) {
                            if (!Operators.isTrue(vif.execute(context.stack))) {
                        // find resuable renderNode
                        WXComponent renderNode = null;
                        if (renderIndex < parent.getChildCount()) {
                            renderNode = parent.getChild(renderIndex);
                            // check is same statment, if true, it is usabled.
                            if (!isCreateFromNodeStatement(renderNode, component)) {
                                renderNode = null;
                            if (renderNode != null) {
                                if (renderNode.isWaste()) {
                        // none resuable render node, create node, add to parent, but clear node's statement
                        if (renderNode == null) {
                            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                            renderNode = copyComponentTree(component, parent);
                            WXDomObject renderNodeDomObject = (WXDomObject) renderNode.getDomObject();
                            if (renderNodeDomObject.getAttrs().getStatement() != null) {
                                // clear node's statement
                            parentDomObject.add(renderNodeDomObject, renderIndex);
                            parent.addChild(renderNode, renderIndex);
                            if (WXEnvironment.isApkDebugable()) {
                                WXLogUtils.d(WXRecyclerTemplateList.TAG, Thread.currentThread().getName() + renderNode.getRef() + renderNode.getDomObject().getType() + "statements copy component tree used " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                        doBindingAttrsEventAndRenderChildNode(renderNode, (WXDomObject) renderNode.getDomObject(), context, updates);
                        if (loop.size() > 0) {
                        if (itemKey == null) {
            } else {
                WXLogUtils.e(WXRecyclerTemplateList.TAG, vfor.toJSONString() + " not call vfor block, for pre compile");
            // after v-for execute, remove component created pre v-for.
            for (; renderIndex < parent.getChildCount(); renderIndex++) {
                WXComponent wasteNode = parent.getChild(renderIndex);
                if (!isCreateFromNodeStatement(wasteNode, component)) {
            return renderIndex - parent.indexOf(component);
        // execute v-if context
        if (vif != null) {
            if (!Operators.isTrue(vif.execute(context.stack))) {
                return 1;
            } else {
    doBindingAttrsEventAndRenderChildNode(component, domObject, context, updates);
    return 1;
Also used : WXComponent( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Token( WXStatement( WXVContainer( WXDomObject( JSONObject( Collection(java.util.Collection) WXDomObject( JSONObject( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WXRecyclerTemplateList( List(java.util.List) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayMap( Map(java.util.Map) WXAttr(


WXDomObject ( WXSDKInstance ( WXComponent ( JSONObject ( WXVContainer ( Spacing ( WXEvent ( WXTextDomObject ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 WXSDKInstanceTest ( Before (org.junit.Before)5 ArrayMap ( WXAttr ( WXDiv ( WXCell ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 WXStyle ( FlatGUIContext ( Map (java.util.Map)3 SpannableString (android.text.SpannableString)2