use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Trajectory in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class Drive method driveTrajectory.
public void driveTrajectory(double leftDistance, double rightDistance, long timeout) {
int lastLeft = getLeftCurrentPosition();
int lastRight = getRightCurrentPosition();
Trajectory left;
Trajectory right;
left = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(defaultTrajectoryConfig, strategy, 0, 0, Math.abs(leftDistance), 0, 0);
right = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(defaultTrajectoryConfig, strategy, 0, 0, Math.abs(rightDistance), 0, 0);
if (leftDistance < 0) {
if (rightDistance < 0) {
new FollowPath(linearOpMode, this, new Path("", new Trajectory.Pair(left, right)), timeout, 1, 1);
this.setLeftRightTarget((int) ((leftDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH) + lastLeft), (int) ((rightDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH) + lastRight));
setLeftRightPower(0.2, 0.2);
while (linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() && (leftMotor.isBusy() || rightMotor.isBusy())) Thread.yield();
setLeftRightPower(0, 0);
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Trajectory in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class Drive method leftMotorTurn.
public void leftMotorTurn(double degrees) {
double leftDistance = (WHEEL_BASE * 2 * PI * degrees) / -360;
leftDistance += this.getLeftDistanceInches();
double sign = Math.abs(leftDistance) / leftDistance;
Trajectory left;
left = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(defaultTrajectoryConfig, strategy, 0, 0, Math.abs(leftDistance), 0, 0);
TrajectoryFollower leftFollower = new TrajectoryFollower("");
leftFollower.configure(Constants.singleMotorP / 2, 0, 0, Constants.singleMotorV / 2, Constants.singleMotorA / 2);
ElapsedTime dtTimer = new ElapsedTime();
while (linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() && !linearOpMode.isStopRequested() && !leftFollower.isFinishedTrajectory()) {
if (dtTimer.seconds() > defaultTrajectoryConfig.dt) {
// Update our controller
setLeftRightPower(sign * leftFollower.calculate(sign * getLeftDistanceInches()), 0);
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Trajectory in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class TestSplines method main.
public static void main(String... args) {
// Distance of an arc that we want to travel.
double distance = 10;
// Angle that we want to be at, at the end of the circle.
// Has to be non-zero because we, for now, assume that we are traveling in a arc.
// Based on unit circle
double angle = -0.00001;
// What kind of trajectory profile do we want?
TrajectoryGenerator.Strategy strategy = TrajectoryGenerator.SCurvesStrategy;
TrajectoryGenerator.Config config = new TrajectoryGenerator.Config();
// In/s
config.max_vel = 2.5 * 12;
// In/s^2
config.max_acc = 7.57 * 12;
// In/s^3
config.max_jerk = 10 * 12;
// seconds, change of time in each update
config.dt = 0.01;
// Generate trajectory based to the inputs
Trajectory reference = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(config, strategy, // start velocity
0.0, // start heading
0.0, // goal position
Math.abs(distance), // goal velocity
5, // goal angle
// Copy the trajectories to left and right
// Right now the robot would go straight, if we purely used this traject.
Trajectory leftProfile = reference;
// Copy
Trajectory rightProfile = reference.copy();
// Calculate the radius of the arc
double radius = Math.abs(Math.abs(distance) / (angle * Math.PI / 180.0));
double width = 12.625;
// Find the difference between the left and right motors
double faster = (radius + (width / 2.0)) / radius;
double slower = (radius - (width / 2.0)) / radius;
// Determine which way to curve
if (angle > 0) {
} else {
// Used to make sure that all the outputs are in the range of [-1,1]
// This is not scientific but rather a guess based to testing
double scaleFactor = 1.0 / 30.0;
distance = 15;
angle = -90;
// Generate trajectory based to the inputs
reference = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(config, strategy, // start velocity
config.max_vel + 2, // start heading
-0.00001, // goal position
Math.abs(distance), // goal velocity
0.0, // goal angle
// Copy the trajectories to left and right
// Right now the robot would go straight, if we purely used this traject.
Trajectory leftProfile2 = reference;
// Copy
Trajectory rightProfile2 = reference.copy();
// Calculate the radius of the arc
radius = Math.abs(Math.abs(distance) / (angle * Math.PI / 180.0));
width = 12.;
// Find the difference between the left and right motors
faster = (radius + (width / 2.0)) / radius;
slower = (radius - (width / 2.0)) / radius;
// Determine which way to curve
if (angle > 0) {
} else {
// Used to make sure that all the outputs are in the range of [-1,1]
// This is not scientific but rather a guess based to testing
scaleFactor = 1.0 / 30.0;
// leftProfile.append(leftProfile2);
// rightProfile.append(rightProfile2);
System.out.println(leftProfile.getNumSegments() * config.dt);
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Trajectory in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class TextFileSerializer method serializeTrajectory.
private String serializeTrajectory(Trajectory trajectory) {
String content = "";
for (int i = 0; i < trajectory.getNumSegments(); ++i) {
Segment segment = trajectory.getSegment(i);
content += String.format("%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", segment.pos, segment.vel, segment.acc, segment.jerk, segment.heading, segment.dt, segment.x, segment.y);
return content;
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Trajectory in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class TestTrajectoryGeneration method main.
public static void main(String... args) {
TrajectoryGenerator.Config config = new TrajectoryGenerator.Config();
// In/s
config.max_vel = 23.832;
// In/s^2
config.max_acc = 11.9;
// In/s^3
config.max_jerk = 10;
config.dt = 0.01;
Trajectory test = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(config, TrajectoryGenerator.SCurvesStrategy, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0);
TrajectoryFollower follower = new TrajectoryFollower("");
follower.configure(0.1, 0.0, 0, 0.1, 0.1);
// System.out.println(test.getNumSegments()*config.dt);
for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
System.out.println(i / 10.0 + "\t" + follower.calculate(i / 10));